yeah, against spacie upB, i just use reverse up air. trying to figure out when the wizard foot actually takes priority over the burning animals is a pain, so the up air takes care of that problem.
and yeah, thats what i mean. i don't really run that much anymore, if i have platforms i just waveland the first, and either double jump to waveland the top platform or fastfall to waveland the floor and then proceed across the stage as such. makes chasing people after an aerial a lot more fun.
hmm a wavelanding mario eh? that could be interesting. oh and if you want mario tips, dr peepee mained mario before falco, i'm sure he'd be willing to help you, and his mario is serious.
I will ganon vs *insert your character here* as much as you want. getting a mario ditto, however, may be a challenge for you. i don't want my mario potentially embarassed.
We weren't as good as we could have been general. our play got a little bit better just by knowing each other. it was basically a mental battle, and we didn't really push our tech skill up any the more we played. essentially, we should have ventured up and down floors more often. but now we're actually getting better.
we'll make it happen. the power team of ganon-DK will happen.