The Prime series is simply the best. It got me into so many fun things, having practically slept with its data. Prime 1 and Echoes are about tied for being the better of the 3, while Corruption felt as though it lacked something. However in the grand scheme of things, it still performs admirably. Super is the best of the 2D games, followed by Fusion then Zero Mission. NES Metroid, on the other hand, sucks. Yeah.
Speaking of cold weather, Fort McMurray gets pretty horrid cold spells, as well as an insane amount of snow constantly dumped. Seriously, the snow drifts in the front of my house are much taller than me.
Speaking of cold weather, Fort McMurray gets pretty horrid cold spells, as well as an insane amount of snow constantly dumped. Seriously, the snow drifts in the front of my house are much taller than me.