Yes argent. I told you yes. We live so damn close together I could bloody well walk to your house. Hell, I've asked you n fei once or twice if we can get together. We're the only 3, to my knowledge, that are all within 20 minutes of each other.
Back to NCIS....PAULEY PERRETTE IS 41 WTF OH MY GOD IN THE WORDS OF MY TWITTER SHE DOESNT LOOK OLDER THAN LATE 20S AND SHE ACTS LIKE IT TOO OH MY GODA SDGASG ASDG This woman ages beautifully. If only all women could age like that christ we'd have no need for plastic surgery...
EDIT: And I say that because plastic surgery is terrible. What I meant is that a lot of women, thanks to society, seem to think they need plastic surgery past like 34 or w/e to 'be beautiful' but jesus...that stupid **** would've never started if more women aged like her holy crap....Christ, I hope I look that young at 41....
EDIT: Also I found a messenger bag with a inward spiral of all known Gibbs rules for only $30...MUST HAVE OH MY GOD