Yeah but, it's like suddenly coming down from this 'cloud'. I want to be great but do I really have the skills to do it? And most of all, do I even have the chance? We're in Australia, for goodness sake... and how do we prove to anyone else that we can do stuff?
I'm sorry, i know you're right. I just get really down about stuff like this. It's so darn unfair, you know what i mean?
it's mind-based , if you don't believe in yourself , nobody will do either , so , you'll be bad in argue against older people especially when you're young (just like me) , you'll also learn very slow , maybe being stucked at a certain point at playing ssbb / lucas
if you're stucked , record some matches of yourself , and look them , after that , look some matches of very good lucas-players and look what's missing
just try to get some things in your gameplay , at first , you'll play worse than before , when you're chainging your gameplay (depends on how much , so how static you played before) , but you'll become better than ever , if you trust in yourself at that point and try to develop your gameplay in that way , if you don't , you'll say "i play worse than before , this must be bad , i should stay at the old things" ... and try some mixup , but don't get stucked at the new things ... i can understand you