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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will be continuing to allow music submissions from Tales of Symphonia and the Tales series but, in the Spirit up the upcoming Holiday, we will be having an....

Egg/Rabbit/Baby Birdy/etc Spirit Event

Running concurrently with our music submissions plus an upcoming job in the next few hours is an Easter-inspired Spirit Event called Eggselent Spirits. These Spirits should reflect the symbols of Easter which includes rabbits, eggs, baby chicks, and anything else that isn't overtly religious (Sorry, we are submiting a Jesus Spirit o an Holy Spirit Spirit. We will be pulling from the list of Spirits that were in launch and won't be adding any new ones. You may submit up to 3 of them.

Here is the list of available launch Spirits. Please keep in mind DLC content cannot be included. Please include the name of the Spirit and what series they are from for better categorizing on the front page.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So we will be doing three jobs in on.e These jobs are:

Submitting Tales of Symphonia music
  1. Fighting of the Spirits
  2. Full Force
  3. Like a Glint of Light
  4. Fatalize
  5. Final Destination
  6. Fury Sparks (Vesperia)
  7. Lloyd
  8. Unsatisfied Desire
  9. Last Battle - Decision
  10. A Formidable Foe Stands in the Way (Vesperia)
  11. Uphold your will with Sword in Hand (Zestiria)
  12. Shout your soul (Berseria)
  13. Revival
  14. Deepest Woods
  15. Shining Dew

Submitting Easter-related Spirits
and our next one which is...

Submit a Color Swap for Lloyd

We will be submitting color swaps for Lloyd which will largely be based on his fellow teammates. That being said, three of them share similar color patterns which is purple. Sheena, Kratos, and Presea all are clad in some shade of purple. Furthermore, Genis and Regal tend to be in the blue shade while Zelos and Raine tends to be more of the red shade. We are going to be a bit more experimental and, instead of just going with our typical "red, blue, Green" standard color swaps, we are going to assign these swaps a bit more diverse names. For example, Kratos is a more duller version of purple compared to Sheena so finding the correct color name to match that is important to set the two purple characters apart. I will try my best when doing our alt colors to pay attention to diversifying our color swaps.

Here is the ToS teammates:

  1. Genis
  2. Raine
  3. Colette
  4. Kratos
  5. Sheena
  6. Zelos
  7. Regal
  8. Presea

Along with Lloyd, that is 9 swaps. We need three more swaps which can easily be from the sequel, Dawn of a New World with Emily, Marta, and Tenebrae being eleigible. That being said, this is an issue that I struggled with when presenting this but Lloyd technically does have three costumes that he has during the game: The Regal Outfit, The Swimming Outfit, and the Pirate Outfit.


That being said, we already have a lot of DLC characters with costumes. These includes Phoenix, Sakura, and Ratchet and Klank. That doesn't take into account of potential future characters who may have alts later on.

So, the question is, should we allow Lloyd to have one or even three of these alts at the expense of possibly blocking another character from getting alt costumes in order to keep them balanced. This will be our second character with alts in our season 2 so we should try to keep a balance between those who have alts and those who don't. I am personally down for them but I am a bit biased so thats why I wanted to bring this up to the thread. Should we include these alts with the possibility that their inclusion my block future alt costumes?
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will be keeping alternate costumes open a bit longer as we haven’t gotten any submissions for them.

Easter-related spirits are also acceptable.

Music submissions are closed

Judging from the poll, we will including an Assist Trophy and Smash Dungeon plus enemies. We will kick this off in a few hours.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Sheena Fujibayashi (Lavender)
A party member of Lloyd's and chief of Mizuho. In Tales of Symphonia, she's effectively the Monk of the group, using magic-infused seals to fight alongside her melee. In Smash, Lloyd's hair will turn gray and his outfit will change color to match Sheena's: his red jacket and boots will become lavender, the buttons and ribbons on his top will become pink, and his pants will become a darker gray to replicate his party member.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
As mentioned earlier, we will continue to allow submissions of both the Alternate Costumes and Easter-related Spirits. These will all close in about 12 hours or so.

We will commence our next job in Tales of Symphonia/Tales submissions

Submit a Tales Assist Trophy

Since we have our Tales of Symphonia party all represented as cameos, it wouldn't make much sense to allow the Assist Trophy to appear alongside of the cameos. With that in mind, we are opening the gates to the franchise as a whole to include Assist Trophies based on character's from any of Tales games. Obviously, protags and important characters are preferable as they represent the franchise. As per usual, please indicate what the Assist Trophy does.

Submit a Tales of Symphonia Smash Dungeon + Enemies

This time, instead of a general dungeon submission like we have done in the pass, we are actually basing our dungeon submissions after an actual location in the Tales of Symphonia game. The only catch is that it can't be the Tower of Salvation. Renegeade's Base, Derris-Kharlan, Human Ranch, Ymir Forest, etc would make for good locations but I will leave up the submissions. You can also include which enemies from ToS that will appear here.

Here is a list of potential enemies


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
As mentioned earlier, we will continue to allow submissions of both the Alternate Costumes and Easter-related Spirits. These will all close in about 12 hours or so.

We will commence our next job in Tales of Symphonia/Tales submissions

Submit a Tales Assist Trophy

Since we have our Tales of Symphonia party all represented as cameos, it wouldn't make much sense to allow the Assist Trophy to appear alongside of the cameos. With that in mind, we are opening the gates to the franchise as a whole to include Assist Trophies based on character's from any of Tales games. Obviously, protags and important characters are preferable as they represent the franchise. As per usual, please indicate what the Assist Trophy does.

Submit a Tales of Symphonia Smash Dungeon + Enemies

This time, instead of a general dungeon submission like we have done in the pass, we are actually basing our dungeon submissions after an actual location in the Tales of Symphonia game. The only catch is that it can't be the Tower of Salvation. Renegeade's Base, Derris-Kharlan, Human Ranch, Ymir Forest, etc would make for good locations but I will leave up the submissions. You can also include which enemies from ToS that will appear here.

Here is a list of potential enemies
Did the notif system mess up again? Maybe try tagging everybody again.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Assist Trophy: Colette Brunel
A party member and a plot-important character. When summoned, Colette will use one of the following Techs:
  • Angel Feathers: Throws three chakrams in front of her, each dealing 7% damage and low knockback.
  • Holy Song: Buffs the summoner's attack and makes them heal 1% damage per second for 12 seconds.
  • Judgement: Colette rains a storm of light pillars down across the entire stage. Each one deals 14% damage and high knockback.
  • Sacrifice: Only used when the summoner is at critical damage (100%/33HP). Colette will end her summon duration early by creating a magic burst-style blast around her that deals a total of 50% damage to all foes and heals her summoner for that same amount.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Yuri Lowell
Tales of Vesperia

When summoned, Yuri will dash around the stage while using a combination of sword strikes, axe attacks, and even attacking with his fists and kicks. He’s known for his stylish attacks which reflects in his movements. He will often perform four Artes during his time:
  • Azure Edge: An attack like Demon Fang but travels in the air.
  • Fang Strike: Performs a downward slash that stuns opponents and then proceeds to perform a powerful uppercut.
  • Destruction Blast: Performs a bit like Bowser Bomb but Yuri will jump into the air and then land with an axe strike which causes an eruption to happen.
  • Ghost Wolf: Yuri slashes into a trapping combo and then teleports behind the opponent and performs a powerful slash attack.

Like Spring Man, before leaving, Yuri will perform Savage Wolf Fury which consists of a stage-wide quick dash attack akin to Super Sonic but at a smaller, more condensed scale. After several moments of this, he will then dash across the main stage platform in a sword thrusting strike.

Smash Dungeon

This Smash Dungeon differs from what you would expect from a fantasy series as it takes place on a comet! Set amongst the stars and spiraling ethereal, this branching Smash Dungeon is unique for many routes through transcending archways, bridges, and platforms with a total of three potential ending bosses depending on which route you eventually end up with. The routes don’t have any differences with the three potential bosses being the same in power and difficulty. I will be adding enemies later.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We are closing the Easter submissions, Assist Trophy submissions, and Smash Dungeon submissions. Voting for the Assist Trophy can be done at the thread poll.

We normally do Spirit submissions after we wrap up our content but I need to get what we submitted including moves, music, and alternate costumes situated first. That being said, we will be moving into Mii costumes! I feel this should get people motivated…

Submit a Takes series Protag Mii Costume

We will be submitting a Mii Costume based on a protag from the Takes series. This extends to the series as a whole and not only confined to Symphonia. As per usual, when making a submission, please provide the name, franchise, what class it is, and how the Mii costume is affected.
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Deleted member


Cress Albane

The protagnist of the the first ever Tales game, Tales of Phantasia. This would be a swordfighter costume and would give the mii his outfit.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Alphen (Tales of Arise)

Alphen is a protagonist of Tales of Arise game, which it was released in 2021. He is a Dahnan whose face is partially covered by an Iron Mask and he suffers from Amnesia.
He struggles against the rage that he feels towards the Renans for everything he endured as slave.

As mii costume, he would be swordfighter Mii costume and the costume would consist of:
  • Headgear: His wig and iron mask.
  • Outfit: His armor .
  • Sword: His sword.

I nominate Alphen as Mii costume, because he would represent the recent title: Tales or Arise.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Living Armor (Brawler/Swordfighter)

Tales characters have a LOT of one-shot important characters, so the way I see it, the best way to handle this is to put in a recurring character that isn't super important but would be really cool to have as a Mii Costume and is fairly recognizable among fans of the series. The Living Armor costume, based on a secret boss who's appeared in Eternia and Sympohnia, would be limbless.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Living Armor (Brawler/Swordfighter)

Tales characters have a LOT of one-shot important characters, so the way I see it, the best way to handle this is to put in a recurring character that isn't super important but would be really cool to have as a Mii Costume and is fairly recognizable among fans of the series. The Living Armor costume, based on a secret boss who's appeared in Eternia and Sympohnia, would be limbless.
Isn't the point of this submission to be a protagonist


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Velvet Crowe (Brawler)
A breakout protagonist from the beloved Tales of Berseria, Velvet Crowe used to be a standard Tales protagonist, wanting to help others, being very kind and protective of her family. But a vicious betrayal and the death of her family seems to have hardened her nerves, becoming more of an angry, vengeance-fueled woman who will stop at nothing to see vengeance done. In Smash, the costume for the Mii Brawler will consist of a wig in the shape of her hair, and a costume based on her tattered clothes, with one arm using the bladed gauntlet and the other being the monstrous Daemon Arm, which only shows itself when using attacks involving her right arm.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Luke fon Sabre
Tales of the Abyss

A popular character from a well-recieved entry in the franchise, Luke is both stylish and has a fun name. He would obviously be a Mii Swordfighter and would great with his long red hair. He wields the Nebilim sword.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Mii Costume Submission: Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)


Yuri is the main protagonist of the game Tales of Vesperia, which recently was released on Nintendo Switch, meaning he'll be familiar to a Nintendo audience. He also has the bonus of being the most popular protagonist of the series, to a point of being banned from future popularity polls due to winning constantly.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
To everybody askin' what's going on:

A few days ago, I've expressed some...concerns about there being a lack of activity, and considering I myself have suffered from notification issues, I thought maybe that's been a problem for a few people here. Now I realize that it was probably the lack of knowledge about Tales that's the reason.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I am working on building up a notification copy-and-paste

i'm hurt... why didn't you tag me?

(for what it's worth, i haven't been having notification issues. it's probably only an issue with certain users)
PeridotGX PeridotGX
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Can’t speak for other people here, but yeah I haven’t been as active here because I don’t know that much on the tales of series and I’m assuming that’s probably why most people aren’t as active recently.
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