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  • Alright, I bit the bullet for a Mario Party-esque creaton thread so....let's party here!
    If PBS Kids: Brawltime! were to have a RTC thread or for any PBS Kids platform fighter, what are you placing your 100 nominations on? I’ll share my answers later.
    Was gonna reply to you on the post about JumpStart but by now it wouldn't really be seen by that many people and I figured a few more would want to see this, but I threw together a roster for the JumpStart X PBS Kids crossover idea. I went with the idea there being duos, with both sides having an ally. I tried to find fitting counterparts to the JumpStart cast, so in terms of PBS Kids I did have to make some tough cuts (sorry, WordGirl, maybe we can try to shoehorn you in to DLC later). The PBS side is also more "modern-aligned," realistically they'd want to go newer I guess, but there are still some surprising choices, I hope. Here is what I came up with in the end:

    Botley (3rd Grade)
    CJ & Edison (2nd Grade, both are separately selectable but share the same slot)
    Frankie (1st Grade)
    Hopsalot (Kindergarten)
    Eleanor (Preschool)
    Flap (4th Grade)
    Jo Hammet (5th Grade)
    Zach & Jess (6th Grade, both are separately selectable but share the same slot)
    Dee Dee (Updated Toddlers, unlockable)
    Teddy (Baby, unlockable)
    Kisha (Preschool, unlockable)
    Dr. X (5th Grade, unlockable)
    Max, AKA The Blasternaut (Math Blaster, unlockable)
    Uncle Eli (6th Grade, unlockable)
    Polly Sparks (3rd Grade, unlockable)

    PBS Kids:
    Digit (Cyberchase)
    Martin Kratt & Chris Kratt (Wild Kratts, both are separately selectable but share the same slot)
    Xavier Riddle (Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum)
    Elinor (Elinor Wonders Why)
    Buddy (Dinosaur Train)
    Keyshawn Keys (Keyshawn Solves It)
    Agent Olive & Agent Otto (Odd Squad, both are separately selectable but share the same slot)
    Daniel Tiger (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, unlockable)
    Donkey Hodie (unlockable)
    Pinkalicious (Pinkalicious & Peterrific, unlockable)
    Zach Varmitech (Wild Kratts, unlockable)
    Jet Propulsion (Ready Jet Go!, unlockable)
    Mister Rogers (unlockable)
    Hacker (Cyberchase, unlockable)
    Nice choices but in my vision, I was going to go for a bit more of a legacy, retro roster around 2000s PBS characters including Ms. Frizzle and Lionel and even some of the Sesame Street cast.

    Now, I wonder what some of the games would be like because one of my ideas was to have Ms. Frizzle and Jo Hammet in a science-themed mini game involving uncovering science facts.

    Been a while since I promoted this here but...character submission time and job prompt submissions for future sponsors for the PBS Kids: Brawltime! Championship Circuit! Come and check it out!
    I know, it's still probably way to early to be thinking about this, but it's always great to have a plan, right?

    I really want to head a creation thread for the sequel/followup to Brawltime!, or at least be a much more major part of it from the start, but I'd need a way to really differentiate it from the first, especially if I decide on the "bring everyone back" route... then it hit me like a tank engine. Or a trolley, if you prefer. So basically, one name I had floating around was "Beyond the Brawl," just a funny neat little alliteration that sticks with the word "brawl," and inspired by the "Infinite Beyond" thread.

    But then I also realized, the main setting would have to be that Neon Gaming City if this is a direct story sequel, right? But it's a "Gaming" city... so why limit it to just the platform fighter genre? It's still the main mode of course, but instead of smaller multiplayer modes, there would be fewer yet more substantial modes that span genres (which would be proposed and voted for in jobs, of course). So think stuff like a kart racer, or a board game à la Mario Party, or whatever! That's what would make it "Beyond the Brawl"; it's now a substantial, multi-genre party game that feels much more in line with the network and its values, as opposed to just fighting. It's something that's probably impossible in real life (the closest to this is maybe the 3D Era MK games in a way), but hey, it's all in good fun right?

    ...Oh, and the story mode might be SF6 World Tour inspired with a custom avatar character, because I just think that would be neat, lol. Maybe try to go for a more lighthearted tone compared to all that Anomaly stuff from the first game too, but we'll cross that bridge if we get there.
    More Easter Egg Analysis lol. A couple I really wanted to write for, plus his second mirror match conversation against "Christmas Cat."

    NC: Uh oh, I think we need to call a timeout. This lone donkey seems to have wandered into the arena!

    D: Actually, Natch... I checked, and this donkey's actually on the fight card.

    NC: I'm sorry, wha-

    D: Yeah, says right here... his name is just "Donkey."

    S: Heh, this party's usually full of wacky cartoon characters like us. A straight-up, honest, real animal like this was not something I expected, man.

    H: You know, I did once hear from my cousin's best friend's sister's next door neighbor, who happened to be my cousin, that those Kratt guys had a show before even Zoboomafoo! Think this guy might be repping it?

    D: Wait, you mean Kratts' Creatures? That's not a bad theory, Hal, but sadly no. Says here he's from something called "Tots TV."

    S: Does it even matter where he's from? I mean he's literally just a donkey, man. The least they could've done was invite a zanier one from someplace else...

    D: Yeah, I suppose you're right. Well, then I guess the only advice I can give is to watch out for his bites and kicks. They're the main form of defense for all donkeys. He can probably also hear you coming with those large ears of his, so sneaking up on him will prove difficult.

    NC: Uh, I'll keep all that in mind, Daisy. And once this match is over, I will make sure this poor donkey is returned to his natural habitat!

    NC: Oh. My. GOSH! Who are these little adorable balls of fluff?!

    D: I've heard of these guys! They're the main characters of a much more recent series, "Work It Out Wombats!", a show all about computational thinking.

    H: Compu... comptation... uh, hey, what's that they're teaching?

    Super: If you folks don't mind me stepping in... "Computational thinking" can simply be described as the process of working out solutions to problems in a step-by-step manner.

    D: Hey, thanks! Wait, you're a wombat yourself, right?

    Super: You're right on target. I'm Super, the Wombats' grandmother, and the superintendent of the Treeborhood.

    NC: Ah... the whaterhood? Is it like a "neighborhood," perchance?

    Super: (giggles) Yup! Unlike most neighborhoods though, ours is inside a massive tree!

    S: Woah, man. Now this we NEED to see!

    Super: We'd be happy to have you after the match! Back to the Wombats, they've faced many a tough challenge in their day-to-day lives, but they always manage to work it out in the end! I'm so proud of how far they've come. I feel like nothing's too big a problem for them to handle.

    NC: Ah, and it seems they've "worked out" a way to fight as a team here!

    Super: Right you are, and they've gotten so far in this party already. But I wonder, who here will work out a way to victory first?

    D: Well, I guess if we want to win, we'll need a step-by-step plan! Step one, we could throw them off guard by copying one of their moves. Natch, got an idea?

    Steve: He's already got one! I may not be a wombat, but a vole like me should be good enough. He can throw me just like they throw each other around!

    Super: Then may the best contestant win!

    D: What the... Natch, is that a clone of you?!

    H: And why is he wearing a sweater in the middle of the hot day? Did he read the wrong weather forecast? I did that once... it wasn't pretty.

    NC: Hrm... no, it can't be...

    D: What? Who is it?

    NC: This is the very cat I was afraid I'd become on that certain fateful Christmas season...

    S: Wait, you mean that time you were so obsessed with Christmas that you were ruining nature with your decorating?

    H: Guys, is that purple glowing guy in the hood me?

    S: Wait, I see a green glowing me dressed as an elf too...

    NC: NO!!! I WILL NEVER AGAIN COME EVEN CLOSE TO BECOMING YOU, CHRISTMAS CAT!!! I was so close to losing my friends once to greed, and I won't allow myself to be jerks to them again!!!

    S: Woah, Natch, what's gotten into you?!

    Daisy Spirit: I think I can answer that. I'm the Spirit of Nature Past, and together with the other Spirits of Nature, we helped Nature Cat realize the true spirit of Christmas by taking him to the past, present, and his dark future.

    S: Woah, this is freaky, man! You look just like Daisy!!! ...But if I might add, was that really the most original thing you could do for him...?

    D: Man oh man, seeing another me here is pretty strange but... this fight must be really personal for Natch, isn't it?

    Daisy Spirit: Oh yes. This is Christmas Cat, your friend from a future where Fred became so obsessed with Christmas that he literally renamed himself! And, to make room for more Christmas presents, he destroyed the nature around him and lost all his friends...

    S: Wow... you never really know what someone's capable of, huh? Well, for the sake of our greater friendship, we promise to put a stop to this inner demon of his once and for all!

    D: Don't worry Fred... you've stopped yourself from letting an obsession ruin you before. With us around, you'll never have to worry about losing yourself ever again...
    So, I decided to write some examples of the Nature Analysis Easter Egg in Brawltime. These were fun to write, might make more in the future. For now though, here are the starting four and one for the mirror match. I used initials to give myself an easier time writing them, lol, but you should know what characters they stand for (Nature Cat, Daisy, Squeeks, Hal).

    NC: Woah! That's surely a big bird! Maybe the biggest I've ever seen.

    D: Yup, and that's his name alright: Big Bird! One of Sesame Street's most beloved residents, he teaches kids that it's okay to not know everything, because hey, he doesn't know everything himself. But he also encourages a healthy dose of curiosity!

    S: He may not know everything, man, but he can still do a lot from what I hear.

    D: That's right, Squeeks. This guy can skate, dance, sing, even ride a unicycle! Pretty impressive for a 6-year old.

    NC: This big guy's only 6 years old?!

    H: Oh yeah, I did a lot when I was 6 too. I dug that big hole, hid some bones, dug even more holes...

    S: Uh, anyway, point is this guy's not to be underestimated, he could probably crush all of us like mice if he wanted to... so to speak. Good thing he's not the type to actually want to do that.

    D: Yeah, he's one of the most popular Sesame Street residents for a reason. He can make friends fast!

    NC: Well that's good. No matter how big a creature may be, I, Nature Cat, will make sure not to seriously harm any of Mother Nature's creations!

    H: Maybe he'll show us the way to Sesame Street, too. Always wanted to go there, but I could never find it...

    NC: Why, if it isn't the world-famous Elmo of Sesame Street!

    D: Good eye, Natch! Of course, who wouldn't recognize him? He's only Sesame Street's cutest, cuddliest little muppet!

    S: Eh, I don't know, man. I preferred it when Big Bird was the main character, this guy's voice and the way he talks just... irks me.

    D: Well, uh... okay, I do see what you mean, that high-pitched voice of his might get a bit grating after a while. Plus, I know a lot of people aren't the biggest fans of where Elmo's taken the show, but I think it's still alright...

    H: Hey, can we get moving on how to win this match? I think this guy's starting to bug me too a tiny bit...

    D: Oh, sorry about that. He's a small guy, so he should be easier to launch, and his attacks are playful but simple. I recommend using that crayon I just sent you, Natch, it's an experimental device that can replicate the imaginative properties of "Elmo's World."

    NC: Wow, this guy has access to a land of make-believe!? Hrm, why does that sound so familiar...

    D: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, those "Elmo's World" segments became a huge staple of Sesame Street, teaching kids about all kinds of subjects. It all takes place in an adorable crayon world! I especially love the Noodle family, they're so goofy!

    S: He has an entire segment... because everyone totally needed to hear even more of that squeaky voice. Let's just get this match over with, huh?

    NC: For you, Squeeks, anything. Onward and yonward!

    NC: Daisy, what the heck's going on?!

    D: Nature Cat, what are you talking about?

    NC: That man in the sweater... it... it can't be, can it?

    D: Wait... gimme a big WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!

    S: No way, man. That's gotta be Tom Hanks or something.

    H: What? What's wrong with him? He just looks like a kind old man to me. Hi, neighborly looking man, it's me Hal!

    NC: Hal, that's Fred Rogers! THE Mister Rogers!!!

    H: Oh yeah, right, Mister Rogers, of course, him, how could I forget! Just one tiny quick question though... who's Mister Rogers?

    D: You really don't- (ahem) well, Fred McFeely Rogers was one of the kindest men to ever live. His show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," inspired and comforted many, young and old, for decades! Heck, without him, the entire PBS network - and therefore, us - would never even exist!

    S: Yeah man, you at least need to see that video where he testified before the Communications Subcommittee to get PBS the funding they needed. That was so heartwarming and awesome!!!

    D: I'll text you a link later, Hal. But still, how could he be here right now?! He would sadly pass away a couple years after he ended his show... this isn't a mean prank, is it?

    NC: I don't think even Ronald is cruel enough to pull a stunt like this. We must get to the bottom of this mystery!

    D: Just don't hurt him too bad, okay? If this really is the real Rogers, then I doubt he even wants to be in a fight party like this right now.

    NC: Never fear, my friends. For our sake - nay, the whole world's sake - I will go as easy as possible!

    D: I think everyone thanks you, Nature Cat. I'll start looking into the party's database in the meantime to figure out just who this guy really is... we might've just stumbled onto something big here.

    NC: Well isn't this is quite the honor! Daisy, we're facing off against the world-famous Arthur Read!

    D: Hey, you're right! One of the longest running cartoons ever made, his show was all about relatable situations that every kid faces, as well as encouraging good social skills. Its humor and relatability really helped it stand the test of time!

    S: And even after the show ended, he's still going strong with podcasts and stuff.

    D.W.: I don't see HOW he got so popular. He's gotta be the worst big brother in the whole world!

    NC: WHA- where did you come from?!

    H: Oh hi random intruder, it's me Hal!

    D: Oh yeah... you and Arthur do get into squabbles a lot, don't you?

    D.W.: Yeah, I'll say! He's always unfair and mean to me! Like the time he hit me, all because he wasn't able to make that stupid plane work right!

    S: (whispering) You know, Arthur was totally in the right in that episode...

    D.W.: What was that?!

    D: UHHHH, anyhow, it's true that you don't wanna make Arthur angry. It's not a pretty sight... he packs much more of a punch when he's enraged, so be careful, you guys.

    D.W.: And send him packing! Make sure he's never invited to this stupid party ever again!

    NC: Uh, okay... whatever you say little girl, onward and... yonward.

    NC: Daisy, are you there?! I'm fighting MYSELF!!!

    D: Nature Cat, what's going on out there??? Could it be...? Is PBS engineering some kind of reboot? Or are they creating a completely new show to replace ours, using you as a template?!

    S: Woah woah woah, slow down, man. Maybe it's just a really dedicated cosplay- HOLY COW THERE'S ALSO A CLONE OF ME!!!

    H: Hey, I see me there too! Hi, other me, it's me, the original Hal!

    NC: They're using our exact same attacks. Hal's digging, Squeeks' karate moves... even the way I study nature and influence the enviornment!!! Even our voices are replicated perfectly... this is really creeping me out.

    D: I can't wrap my head around what this could mean... I have so many theories right now, I can't keep them straight... and ALL of them spell bad news for us.

    NC: Wait, I've noticed something... they have different fur & outfit colors than us, and their attack patterns are a bit different too...

    D: That's an amazing observation... so even if your power is evenly matched, your fashion and fighting styles can determine the outcome of the battle. We've all faced greater odds in the past, gang, let's not let these copycats beat us!!!

    NC: That's right! We'll show PBS that we truly are one of a kind!!!

    S: And we can only do this together, man! Count the mouse in!

    H: Yeah, what she said, and he said, and she said!!!

    Apologies for the late response but I love them and I can't wait to see more. The Arthur one was probably my favorite. I think I may have an idea for a Lionel Nature Analysis Easter Egg where Leona makes a guest appearance. Potentially, I have one too for Bob the Builder with Spud cameoing maybe.
    So even though the second Learner's Pass is only just starting, I've been thinking about where exactly to go after Brawltime's complete. A sequel bringing back all the playable characters is obvious, but I'm wondering if it should be just another platform fighter... perhaps a game that's still an action game, but is more about characters teaming up? Basically a PBS Kids Ultimate Alliance, lol.

    Before I came across the thread, I had my own idea in my head for a team-based party game, as that was both more unique gameplay-wise and felt more in-character for all these franchises, but I might turn that into my own thing if/when I have the motivation. But as for a continuation to Brawltime, the Action-RPG route could be a fun alternative (of course this is also my own love and bias of Marvel Ultimate Alliance speaking lol). The simpler gameplay style could open the door to the playable roster being much bigger (Brawltime has tons of good representation already beyond playables, but PBS Kids is just one of those things that's begging for an absurdly huge playable roster due to how many franchises it has lmao)
    I'm still considering some sort of PBS Kids crossover in the future. I'm considering either a Mario Party-esque game or a kart racer. The ARPG route feels pretty fun though too. But, I hope you still make contributions to the PBS Kids: Brawltime! thread till we finish it!
    Cyborg Sun
    Cyborg Sun
    Thanks, and yeah, I'll still contribute when I have good ideas for the prompts. If I'm not really active (like now lol), that just means that I'm fine with the ideas you already have and have nothing else to offer. 😅
    That's alright. But...good news for you, we will be starting content for the JumpStart Super Sponsor pack very soon!

    Transformers has joined DriDim! I have a fun side job planned in mind later for this franchise...
    Alright...I'm planning on reviving DriDim but I would like a pit crew of people to help me revive the idea. Who's in it to do it with me?

    Going to leave this job open till the weekend. Get those theme park theme submissions in!

    I need more submissions for the first job before we continue.

    Another fun creation thread for another idea I have had on the backburner for a while...a more relaxed one if you will. I give credit to cashregister9 cashregister9 and his idea for a video game theme park, but I expanded it a little.
    Random idea but if Transformers were to be the next franchise in Drifting Dimensions, wouldn't it be cool if we did a side job where we made some iconic cars and the Generix Prix Kart Autobots as in toy-exclusive Autobots as a collaboration with Hasbro like how Transformers did some toy exclusive crossovers already?

    Been a while since I posted about this game here but...we are doing cateogry submissions for our first guest character for PBS Kids: Brawltime! Please submit if you want to! We are in need of submissions!
    Planning on doing my Most Wanted franchises for DriDim Round 2. This time, there will be 4 categories for franchises: Most Wanted Main Franchises, Most Wanted Minor Franchises, Most Wanted Crossover Seasons, Most Wanted Expansions

    I consider crossover seasons their own thing as they have different rules/some IPs work better in a crossover season.
    AlRex AlRex

    For your Smash concepts, how about… a Smash game but Smash is developed by SEGA and started as an arcade game franchise?
    Do you want it to be SEGA characters or Nintendo characters?
    Nintendo characters with one SEGA character as the guest
    Here we go…
    Nintendo All-Stars Dairanto Megamix
    Released for: Arcade/Saturn (1996)

    Alternate universe has SEGA ending up collaborating with Nintendo somehow, taking on the PlayStation as a rival together. The Nintendo Saturn is the next console, as well as more robust arcade support. SEGA helps with, among other things, StarFox 64, another F-Zero, a different Killer Instinct 2 that is more like a hybrid of it and Virtua Fighter/Fighting Vipers, and a few of the SEGA arcade titles that would be more expected.

    This game is loosely based on our timelines Fighters Megamix and Sonic the Fighters, which might also be replaced with a Mario VS Sonic equivalent. As such, it’d be a wackier, looser tone 3D fighting game akin to those. This game reuses some characters that this development team was already working with for the first round, some models that were from games in the works, as well as adding a slight few brand new characters.

    From previous games
    1. Mario
    2. Luigi (Mario)
    3. Peach (Mario)
    4. Bowser (Mario)
    5. Donkey Kong
    6. Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong)
    7. Yoshi
    8. Wario
    9. Fox McCloud (StarFox)
    10. Captain Falcon (F-Zero)
    11. Little Mac (Punch-Out) [this development team does a Punch-Out 64/3D for arcades as well]
    12. King Hippo (Punch-Out)
    13. Black Orchid (Killer Instinct)
    14. Fulgore (Killer Instinct)
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog [SPECIAL GUEST]

    New characters
    1. Link (Legend of Zelda)
    2. Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
    3. Ganon (Legend of Zelda)
    4. Samus Aran (Metroid)
    5. Pit (Kid Icarus)
    6. King Dedede (Kirby) [chosen for fitting this playstyle the best rather the two orbs that are Kirby and Meta Knight]
    7. Marth (Fire Emblem)
    8. Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight)
    9. Akari Hayami (Wave Race)
    10. Robin (PilotWings)
    It’s kind of strange to me now that I used to wake up every morning contributing to the Drifting Dimensions thread. I miss Drifting Dimensions since we’re still on the hiatus. Can’t wait for when the game resumes development!
    Out of curiosity, is anyone still interested in the idea of a free to play party game crossover similar to DriDim?
    I know DriDim is on an indefinite but hopefully short hiatus right now....but I thought of a cool main franchise job. I know this is very unlikely to happen but...

    Imagine if we did a job for a crossover franchise but licensing baggage did not matter? Think of it as a crossover franchise job but similar to the 3 racers with similarities/connections job.

    You can submit a company or even concept.

    For example, you could do a PBS Kids season and have Barney, Bob the Builder, Arthur, etc. in it or even a Food Mascots season. Just a fun thought. Basically, this would be kind of perfect for a 100th season job or a special season.
    The original franchise job is probably the greatest job in the DriDim thread. I was considering doing an idea inspired by AlRex AlRex called Public vs Domain, a Marvel vs. Capcom-esque platform fighter game with tag team fighting game mechanics involving public domain characters. Three teams based around the fighters in the game.
    Come to think of it, if you were to go with a KOF-style team mechanic (where they're like the default teams but you can still pick different ones), there could potentially be quite a few interesting groups you could come up with.

    One that springs to mind could potentially be The Diogenes Club (named after the club seen in the Holmes novellas and generally themed after "eccentrics of Victorian London"), which could consist of Sherlock Holmes (A Study in Scarlet), Dr. Jekyll (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), and Griffin (The Invisible Man) - though, truthfully, you could probably fill an entire roster with Victorian-era novel characters. (Hell, Dorian Grey as a boss could be fun.)
    I know it’s probably planned for a future mini franchise job for DriDim vehicles but I would love if one of our future jobs was similar to what we did for racers a while back.

    You have to submit 3 vehicles from three different franchises with a connection of some form. It’s trickier but it can be done with research. I have a few ideas.

    Also, as for DriDim merch, it would be cool if we did a job for 4-pack DriDim diecast cars where the racer/kart combos all had a theme based around the vehicles or racers.
    For the AU Kingdom Hearts, I was considering pitching the idea of a Hasbro/General Toy Brand ARPG crossover but I wanted to go kooey kablooey with the PBS Kids idea as that would be funnier.
    I know my history with creation threads has not been the greatest but...how would you all feel about an AU Kingdom Hearts? A Kingdom Hearts universe where Disney wasn't the main company who made the game and someone else made it based around their companies universe? AKA "A Kingdom Hearts Universe without Disney" creation thread.
    Another DriDim headcanon idea:

    Mickey Mouse and Friends is a super popular request for DriDim. But five other Disney franchises got in before it did being Finding Nemo as a mini season and The Muppets, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Simpsons and Cars as main seasons. This is due to Disney being stingy with Mickey Mouse in a crossover racer like they are with him in all crossovers outside of Disney bar Smash with Kingdom Hearts.
    In an alternate universe, I imagine that there is another forum site dedicated to Drifting Dimensions called DriftBoards. I wonder how many support threads there would be for every franchise given Firepetal Entertainment has the ability to get any IP into the game.

    Given this in mind, there would be THOUSANDS of support threads. Which support threads would you make for Drifting Dimensions?
    I really kind of wish I saved the Hasbro Board Games season for the newest DriDim main season job. I also kind of considered doing Disney Parks when darkvortex retracted his submission.

    But, a USA season is just TOO creative and funny. So much potential for tracks given it’s a super track heavy season. Ohio track come forth.
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