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Event - MLG Anaheim 2014 So now that we know MLG hosts ridiculous smash tournaments...

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Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
That's just it, being seen as a minority region blows so of course we're going to be outspoken. There's a similar reaction to being stepped on in real life...it's called standing your ground.

Disrespect or no disrespect...can you really blame us?
the only way you can prove your region doesn't blow is to go to OOS tournies and wreck.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
the only way you can prove your region doesn't blow is to go to OOS tournies and wreck.
I understand, but I'm not M2K or Ally who both win cash to cover their trips. I have a job and I have bills to pay. I go OoS every once in a while (will step it up after MLG) but the reality is life comes first.

And why can't you guys travel here sometime? Does it have to be us?


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I understand, but I'm not M2K or Ally who both win cash to cover their trips. I have a job and I have bills to pay. I go OoS every once in a while (will step it up after MLG) but the reality is life comes first.

And why can't you guys travel here sometime? Does it have to be us?
If the problem people have with your tournies is the stage list why would anyone go there? Besides who da hell would want to travel to Ohio ? Anyways I haven't heard of the MW being a huge scene for brawl anyways. I'm not really sure why MLG went to Ohio TBH. But like I was saying Ohio isn't known for it's smash scene or it's smashers. I'm not trying to look down on Ohio but it's the truth.

I also agree that life comes first and I wouldn't ask you to put risk your job or school (if you go) for smash.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
^ - This. 1000 this. Also, no one is calling people scrubs for not playing on the stages because unless you're being taken there, you won't, lol. But, uh... if you're going somewhere that should, you should **** well be ready to be taken there. If you're running into an event that has them, you **** well be ready for it.

That's like walking into someone else's house expecting the same stuff you get at your own. Which is really dumb. Also, inb4 this is a video game not a house. If you even want to make that argument, you're bad and should feel bad.

[Edit @ Legendary:] Ignorant comment, b/c I mad: To be fair, less people actually care about New Jersey (Isn't it just the red-headded stepbrother to New York?).

More reasonable comment: I dunno, the Midwest is a pretty huge market in... anything in general, if one really pays attention, which also covers quite a large amount of the US. A lot of places have roots in Ohio, especially Columbus which is a fast growing, appealing and relatively safe city which is pretty centralized in general.

Is it flashy stuff you want on coasts? No, it's not. Then again, the Midwest isn't really known to be flashy or extravagant. Tourists have an excuse not to know about other regions in the states, but man, Americans don't.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
The question is, why is a national circuit using one state's rules?

Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
NJ go hard mangz.

@flayl that's because of the MW influence in the BBR. I mean they looked at BBR's thread OS has an obnoxious amount of post and I believe AZ had some input also. Both players from the MW. But I know I wasn't supposed to respond but oh well.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
But like I was saying Ohio isn't known for it's smash scene or it's smashers.
M2K has lived in Ohio for almost a year now.

The question is, why is a national circuit using one state's rules?
Better question: is there an agreed upon national stage list used at every tournament in the country? No. Is the EC stage list commonly used in, say, Texas? No. California? No.

Conclusion: no matter what stagelist you use, you are more or less choosing "one state's rules".


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
robots have no nationality and belong to no one

also what flayl said. whatever you want to do in ohio is FINE, but why is a national circuit using stages that only one region allows, you can say "YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED" all you want but it's absurd to think that it's just going to happen when none of our tournaments have these stages legal


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
M2K has lived in Ohio for almost a year now.

Better question: is there an agreed upon national stage list used at every tournament in the country? No. Is the EC stage list commonly used in, say, Texas? No. California? No.
m2k has lived in Ohio for a year and your scene still isn't considered a good scene. When it comes to MW MI has the best scene but shrugs Ohio hype for the win i guess =/


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
You really don't follow other regions do you? The best in Michigan are routinely losing to people in Ohio now (heck, I 2-0'd Anther the last time we played).Several Ohio players placed as good as or better then Lain/Anther at Columbus. Judge was the only player from MI to place above every other player in the MW, and that is if you exclude M2K (from Ohio).

Also the stagelist at MLG is not the one used from Ohio (No Jungle Japes, for example, plus the addition of Green Greens).


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
m2k has lived in Ohio for a year and your scene still isn't considered a good scene. When it comes to MW MI has the best scene but shrugs Ohio hype for the win i guess =/
I'm better than 95% of the people on smashboards, if not more, so this makes me :D

Our best players are pretty good. Judge is probably the best in the midwest, although Shugo might give him a run for his money soon if Shugo keeps stepping it up. Others aren't too far behind.

also what flayl said. whatever you want to do in ohio is FINE, but why is a national circuit using stages that only one region allows, you can say "YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED" all you want but it's absurd to think that it's just going to happen when none of our tournaments have these stages legal
Er... these don't use "Ohio stages" at all. If they did, there'd be more stages and green greens wouldn't have been added (Though I love it). Hell, I use custom stages in the circuit events (most recent ones anyway) and friggin' have a variable stage list that TOs choose stages from. o_O


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
-many stages removed
-specific starters designed to be bad for MK
-no IDC
-no infinite glide (haha, you guys don't even know about that one!)
-no MK infnite (that's right, MK has an infinite on EVERYONE IN THE GAME, hahahahahahahaha)
If those two exist, why not show them off so that MK becomes even more ban-worthy? Eventually someone will figure them out, and use them in tournament [maybe even at MLG] and win matches because of it. I guess it's akin to wondering what would have happened with MK if the creator of the IDC didn't spill how to do it before FAST, and kept it to himself.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
You really don't follow other regions do you? The best in Michigan are routinely losing to people in Ohio now (heck, I 2-0'd Anther the last time we played).Several Ohio players placed as good as or better then Lain/Anther at Columbus. Judge was the only player from MI to place above every other player in the MW, and that is if you exclude M2K (from Ohio).

Also the stagelist at MLG is not the one used from Ohio (No Jungle Japes, for example, plus the addition of Green Greens).
I do follow other regions quite well actually. I don't see how you winning one set is any indication of them routinely losing nor is you out placing them in one tourney any indication. Now if this routinely happens then sorry however, I find it hard to believe that lain judge and anther wouldn't just out place the majority of you guys at any tourney held in the MW or just beat yall.

Also when I talk about your scene I mean tournies and hype and the amount of people that attend. I could be bias however, I don't think Ohio really does anyone for anybody. Still think MI > ohio. Having m2k in your region doesn't auto make your region good. The reason why NJ/NY was considered so good back when m2k lived there was because of the level of comp.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I'm better than 95% of the people on smashboards, if not more, so this makes me :D

Our best players are pretty good. Judge is probably the best in the midwest, although Shugo might give him a run for his money soon if Shugo keeps stepping it up. Others aren't too far behind.

Er... these don't use "Ohio stages" at all. If they did, there'd be more stages and green greens wouldn't have been added (Though I love it). Hell, I use custom stages in the circuit events (most recent ones anyway) and friggin' have a variable stage list that TOs choose stages from. o_O
I don't get it is Ohio not MW or does m2k just not count? Or is it because we already know m2k is the best it's redundant to consider him the best again? You can be better than 95% of the people on SWF as long as you're not better than that other 5% that just makes you a lil better than average =/.

@OS i think the level of comp and skill is better in MI than Ohio. Their tournies aren't always the biggest however, the comp is there. I don't know if I could say the same for Ohio.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@OS i think the level of comp and skill is better in MI than Ohio. Their tournies aren't always the biggest however, the comp is there. I don't know if I could say the same for Ohio.

Wait. I was going up there and beating them in 2008. I guess 2009?

Now they have three good players: Lain, Judge, and Anther.

The only one that hasn't lost to multiple OH players is Judge... that's it. Judge has lost to a few I think, but the number is small.

Hell, go look at our discussion on crew battles. We wanted a MI vs. OH crew battle and there is no MI crew because they only have three players. OH is like "I guess we can narrow it down to 10". OH is stacked.

You can say this when comparing OH to pretty much every MW state:

We have more players. We have more above average players. We have bigger events. We have more common events. We have better payout systems. We have more fun events (Springfield and OUGA just wreck every other event ever). We have a better stage list (eat it).

OH is freaking baller.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Inui posts phoenix wright gifs and isn't funny. I'm ****ing hilarious. Get with the times.

The Truth!

Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2009
The worthwhile players are the three from Michigan + Shugo (of course m2k). Good players are known to drop sets, yeesh :dizzy:.

LOL at Ohio being stacked though. Socal is stacked. Florida is stacked. Ohio is not.

M2K has lived in Ohio for almost a year now.

Better question: is there an agreed upon national stage list used at every tournament in the country? No. Is the EC stage list commonly used in, say, Texas? No. California? No.

Conclusion: no matter what stagelist you use, you are more or less choosing "one state's rules".
Uh, that doesnt change the fact that EC, Texas, and California's stagelists are all remarkably similar. Almost everyone's stagelists are remarkably similar except for the two to four TO's in Ohio, and yet MLG's resembles theirs the most. Its incredibly biased, and disrespectful that it isnt even acknowledged.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Inui posts phoenix wright gifs and isn't funny. I'm ****ing hilarious. Get with the times.
inui tries to defend things like "snake is better than MK", you make vague points about MK being able to do something broken that no one has seen before and then ignore requests to elaborate/reveal it, I think you're both pretty funny

(OS does have better pic use though)


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Oh boy, it's this guy not knowing what he's talking about again. You're remarkably of the same cloth as ESPN anchors on... any sports related at all, lol. (OMG, Sox/Yankeeeeees, USC is sooooo good, LeBron). Guess popular thought's the best, isn't it?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
bair footstool falling nair d-tilt lock reverse it at the end


infinite glide

gliding against any solid surface allows you to slide along it going down, the gonig back up slightly higher than you started, repeat. Pretty specific input.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
she does? the last time I heard something like that it turned out you could SDI out of it relatively quickly IIRC?

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
good sir there is two very important key items lacking in this image




*opens window and plucks off an ear of corn*

sides, how else do u think i feed myself in da mornin??


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Overswarm said:
What is it you want to know? Tip of the iceberg.
I don't usually have a problem with the falling blocks. The only problem there is with them, imo, is that they can save you from dying.

Here's a possible situation. Say it's MK vs Snake on Green Greens. Last stock. The Snake is at around 30-40%, and the MK is at 110%. The Snake utilts the MK, so the MK should die, right? But then the MK hits a falling block at the top of the screen and lives, SOLELY due to a lucky drop. And then since he's still alive, he can get a gimp and win, due to the random block.

And before you say "that's incredibly unlikely", it isn't. I've seen it happen, where someone would've lost their last stock from an utilt, and instead got randomly saved by a block, and then got a gimp 10 seconds later.

Oh and that infinite sounds incredibly escapable...

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
m2k has lived in Ohio for a year and your scene still isn't considered a good scene. When it comes to MW MI has the best scene but shrugs Ohio hype for the win i guess =/
Wait...what? Lain, Judge, and Anther have to travel to our tournaments because their scene is pretty much dead. Do you really cling to your region so much that you sacrifice incredibly common knowledge about other scenes?

I do follow other regions quite well actually.
No, no you don't. :laugh:

I don't see how you winning one set is any indication of them routinely losing nor is you out placing them in one tourney any indication. Now if this routinely happens then sorry however, I find it hard to believe that lain judge and anther wouldn't just out place the majority of you guys at any tourney held in the MW or just beat yall.
Meatride MI more? Our top 5 can easily contend with those three and our #5-10 can definitely take games off of them/pose a legitimate threat. I speak from personal experience against Anther and Lain; something you lack on the matter.

Also when I talk about your scene I mean tournies and hype and the amount of people that attend.
Um...Ohio has some of the largest and most frequent tournaments in all of the Midwest, if not the most frequent.

I could be bias however.
You are, as well as completely uninformed and/or mislead.

Still think MI > ohio.
^ Read above. Sheer meatriding of MI's scene compared to ours in the past. Theirs is borderline finished, ours is thriving. Until you've played some of our competition for yourself, I advise you to cease claims.

Having m2k in your region doesn't auto make your region good.
No one said it did. M2K is a total outlier. He'll go to any region, **** everyone, and take all of our lunch money. I believe this is already common knowledge to those who have basic knowledge of the Smash community.

The reason why NJ/NY was considered so good back when m2k lived there was because of the level of comp.
So you can say this about the M2K/NJ association and still make uneducated claims about Ohio's scene not being good without M2K in the mix? Hypocrisy at its finest.

I don't get it is Ohio not MW or does m2k just not count?
Ohio is Midwest, more specifically MW:E (< should be easy to understand if you're as informed about other regions as you claim). And I've already explained that M2K is a total outlier from any regional comparison. He's the neutral assassin of all of our wallets, so to say.

i think the level of comp and skill is better in MI than Ohio. Their tournies aren't always the biggest however, the comp is there. I don't know if I could say the same for Ohio.
That's just it: you think, but you certainly don't know anything about the Midwest and I'd wager you're also ill-informed about other regions as well. Pretty self-indulgent there, buddy. :laugh:

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I don't usually have a problem with the falling blocks. The only problem there is with them, imo, is that they can save you from dying.

Here's a possible situation. Say it's MK vs Snake on Green Greens. Last stock. The Snake is at around 30-40%, and the MK is at 110%. The Snake utilts the MK, so the MK should die, right? But then the MK hits a falling block at the top of the screen and lives, SOLELY due to a lucky drop. And then since he's still alive, he can get a gimp and win, due to the random block.

And before you say "that's incredibly unlikely", it isn't. I've seen it happen, where someone would've lost their last stock from an utilt, and instead got randomly saved by a block, and then got a gimp 10 seconds later.
So in a game that we've carved into somewhat of a competitive mold, a game with randomized tripping, randomized character based item pulls, and other luck based factors galore...you honestly expect what you brought up to be a legitimate argument?

Edit: apologies for the double post.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Yeah, I do.

How many stages have we banned due to random effects that effect the outcome of the match far too much?

Don't get me wrong, I like liberal stagelists. I think the MLG stagelist is great, I just think that it should maybe include Japes, and absolutely NOT include Green Greens (it has walls, rewards camping HEAVILY (wasn't that one of the reasons Corneria was banned; because it led to everyone camping the right side?), randomly drops blocks, randomly drops apples that will sometimes randomly explode instead of just hitting the opponent, randomly drops bombs that can kill you, so your only choice is to predictably air dodge past the area in which bombs drop, or not air dodge and hope that you don't get ***** by a bomb that hits you, and the stage can ****ING RANDOMLY SAVE YOU FROM DYING?! Seriously, this stage itself (not the opponent abusing the stage, just the things the stage does by itself, out of player control) effects the outcome of the match WAAAAAAAAAY too much).

Green Greens is bull****. I'm not close minded, either. I was one of the only people I can think of in SoCal when the MLG stagelist came out telling people to test the ruleset and the stages before dismissing it. And after seeing this stage played on, and seeing matches won due to people being randomly saved by falling blocks, I'd say that this stage randomly effects the outcome of the match far too much.

Just because there are other, unremovable without hacks, random effects does not mean a stage that can, and does, randomly save you should be legal.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
you can break those walls though with a most projectiles / disjoints o.O i played on GG twice in tournament and was CP to norfair as well

If you know the stage really well, you'll be fine


Smash Cadet
May 24, 2010
Maysville/Morehead, KY
Yeah, I do.

How many stages have we banned due to random effects that effect the outcome of the match far too much?

Don't get me wrong, I like liberal stagelists. I think the MLG stagelist is great, I just think that it should maybe include Japes, and absolutely NOT include Green Greens (it has walls, rewards camping HEAVILY (wasn't that one of the reasons Corneria was banned; because it led to everyone camping the right side?), randomly drops blocks, randomly drops apples that will sometimes randomly explode instead of just hitting the opponent, randomly drops bombs that can kill you, so your only choice is to predictably air dodge past the area in which bombs drop, or not air dodge and hope that you don't get ***** by a bomb that hits you, and the stage can ****ING RANDOMLY SAVE YOU FROM DYING?! Seriously, this stage itself (not the opponent abusing the stage, just the things the stage does by itself, out of player control) effects the outcome of the match WAAAAAAAAAY too much).

Green Greens is bull****. I'm not close minded, either. I was one of the only people I can think of in SoCal when the MLG stagelist came out telling people to test the ruleset and the stages before dismissing it. And after seeing this stage played on, and seeing matches won due to people being randomly saved by falling blocks, I'd say that this stage randomly effects the outcome of the match far too much.

Just because there are other, unremovable without hacks, random effects does not mean a stage that can, and does, randomly save you should be legal.
Being saved by the blocks on GG's is just like being saved after a gimp/spike/whatever by the ghost platforms on YI's. It's something people can use to save themselves by DIing where the blocks would fall, and being saved by being hit, or teching off the side of one, which I have seen done. I personally don't like GG's but I'm fine with it being played on.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I'd say that Japes encourages the same amount of camping as Green Greens. It's mostly due to the nature of the stages. With three platforms on the stage, if you're on the far right with the lead, your opponent is going to have to approach you via the air. This gives you a limited amount of options as to what you can do as the aggressor if you lack a projectile that can viably pressure your opponent:
Jump and aerial.
Jump and air dodge.
Jump and do nothing.

Now certain characters, such as MK can cope with this fine since his aerial approach of rising Dairs and tornado can allow him to get inside, but most characters lack a viable method of breaking into a platform that is being properly defended. No other stage that is legal has this set up as a constant. Delfino has one such instance, but most will just camp the ledges until it's over. Every other stage that has an outer platform has a method of poking from the bottom without much effort, such as Rainbow Cruise.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
^Fair enough.

Being saved by the blocks on GG's is just like being saved after a gimp/spike/whatever by the ghost platforms on YI's. It's something people can use to save themselves by DIing where the blocks would fall, and being saved by being hit, or teching off the side of one, which I have seen done. I personally don't like GG's but I'm fine with it being played on.
True, but being randomly saved + having items that will sometimes randomly explode + bombs that can kill you if you don't air dodge past the area with the bombs, but the air dodge can be punished, thus forcing you to either take a chance and maybe get blown up, or air dodge past it and get punished if your opponent is competent + incredibly small blast zones + has walls that cause standing infinites + encourages camping about as badly as Corneria does, with the added risk of "if you try and approach me, you either have to predictably air dodge at me, or risk getting randomly blown up by a bomb".

With all of that combined, I'd say that the stage deserves a ban.


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
i beat tear bear with snake on green greens

i downthrew him as the apples were dropping, then tech chased him with an exploding apple.



Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
I've all but given up on the stage front because people are morons in that regard, but HDTVs give blatant advantages to a few characters and really detract from the precise game other characters use.

Get on them CRTs, MLG.
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