I know what you mean, I'm not saying the circumstances were perfect, but he straight up called those upsets flukes. All I can say to that is...really?
This is also coming from someone who is absolutely no stranger to wifi play and still has the nerve to complain about the 1-2 frames of lag like it actually bothers him. Other people I can understand, but him not so much.
i agree, cuz like i came from wifi too you know? And untill showdown i rly didnt fully appreciate and understand the severity these little things can cause. Mind you 1-2 isnt a big huge deal compared to wifi, but the fact that we have
control over such things is what people nit pick about. Wifi lag, yea, random understandable. However TVs we have control over these variables. The matter itself is a very gray'ed subject. Standard TVs are not as readly available anymore.
Flukes? Hard to say really without first seeing the matches in question, and the respective players in said match. I do believe however the wifi player has a better leg up on laggy TV situations due to being trained to adjust on the fly for different situations. While playing at MLG cbus, i was playing with these problems in mind. I think the most important thing to sort of take away from it is, dont let it bother you. The second one starts troubling his mind in a tournament set, over something minuscule is when he starts losing
It rly is very difficult to call something a fluke in the matter of HDTV vs Standard TV. The delay is minuscule enough, the players would be forced to adjust and quit *****ing about it. Cuz this is MLG we're discussing not community run tournaments. If MLG continues to use HDTVs, it is the players job to make sure he plays on a HDTV and knows how to adjust on the fly. If not, its his fault for not being able to take out players who can.
Others may call it dumb, unfair. Thats just tough luck, this is MLGs tournament. When people register for their tournies, we are
expected to play by THEIR stage list, their TVs, and their rules. If one doesnt like it they are more than welcome to not enter. I'm not opposed to people being out spoken about changes. I have already posted my own opinions on changes that could be done.