That one frame of mind thing is the same kind of problem I am having testing new techchasing methods.
I am going to keep trying things in the next couple of months so....I dunno. If you guys find anything to make stuff like this easier don't hold out on me, cause I won't hold out on you guys.
yeah ill let you know
i mean all i do really is go for tech in place all the time, and now people know that i only chase that and tech forward so i'm starting to mix up stomp in place, raptor boost forward, and fade back dair to cover the 3 teching options, and throw in a few reaction regrabs here and there
its working really well
my whole thing is that with regrabs yeah it upsets people and like htey feel trapped and **** but you can't really abuse it bc it doesn't end stocks quite like a nice raptor boost or dair will
the key is a balance between frustrating people and getting reliable knee setups, and i think the best knee setup there is is a raptor boost
It'd be better to dash then crouch where they hit the ground so you can CC JC grab getup attacks, and having near equal distance between rolls away/towards you.
yeah i do this now too, it's hard to get it when they roll behind you, the turnaround timing before the dash is weird
i try to wd back turn around grab, is that unnecessary?
also i've had SOME success with fsmash after CCing fox's getup attack, which is ****
Tech in place shine is countered by not being slow.
thx sheik main
tech in place shine is gay, but it's still completely possible to react to them and grab them out of their tech.
thx edit, it's significantly more difficult than anything else CF has to do on reaction, but yes it's very possible.