I'd like to mention that having it Victoria vs NSW for brawl only is Victoria's only chance.
A certain person who would be on the all stars for brawl suddenly became very viable for the Victorian team due to this situation.
Many of the people of our State, which yes, does include ACT, are patriotic enough to not need the help of other states, we want to win, and we know we can.
Luke, what's with the sudden change of tune?
We have 8 out of our 10 power ranked players attending (9 if toby decides to come along); all but no3 and no10. QLD also has a power ranking, but has only three players on it officially attending (no.1, 5 and 7; with Accelerate telling me that he hasnt been to a brawl tournament since February or something, the accuracy of their PR becomes shakey just by this fact). QLD's apathy in regards to this prior to now hasn't helped either, with their being considerable and constant hype about NSW v VIC the entire time.
Time restrictions made this a bummer, as it was only 2-3 days ago CAO told me it was to be Vic v NSW only for brawl; I had thought Vic v RestofOoSers would have been official too (well it seems it is, but it isnt the Victorian main team, correct?).
<3 Victoria vs NSW/ACT rivalry.