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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
It's armadas new tactic, fyi. I've seen several europeans everywhere post about it. Apparently its game changing (I've been seeing it for years...) and will make the matchup hopeless.
meh we'll see.

if its Armada's "new" tactic meaning he hasnt brought it to america yet, so it hasnt caught on to the metagame, and its just him being a beast (as usual), then im not not really inclined to say peach > falco.

About PP's theories on why people thnk falco is so good, i mean i understand that people often crack under "LOL COMBOS AND PRESSURE", and we all know his holes (cuz we play him), but exploiting his weaknesses arent as easy as "LOL JUST DO X FTW"


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
I understand mango is an outlier and all, but mango can play largely without lasering at all.

Yes, powershielding stuffs falco's main tool etc; I would have to say that most falco players have learned to RELY on these tools because they've never had them taken away. How many falco players can honestly say they know how to play almost entirely without lasering? It's too much of a crutch for most falco players, so when someone pulls away that crutch, the falco player just falls over. Lasering is a tool, not something to rely on, and I honestly don't think most falco players use it that way.

That's the main reason I don't view powershielding as such a big deal. Addtionally, you can DI the lasers that get hit back at you, or you can just be spaced well enough in the first place to avoid any grab follow up. Falco can pretty much consistently shine/jab BEFORE someone grabs that out of a powershield. The only exception is when someone does a running powershield at you and their momentum carries them to you. Powershield--> grab is highly overrated, as falco has MULTIPLE options to prevent it from working.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Winning a big tournament is definitely overwhelmingly about the player as opposed to the character, but not being overly boned by any matchups or stages doesn't hurt. Just sayin.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2010
Roma, Italy
Everyone should learn how to powershield most of the lazorZ, so Falcos can stop relying on shooting so much.

Just like NTSC Shieks should stop relying on dthrow that much. There's more than just dthrowing, ask Amsah.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I understand mango is an outlier and all, but mango can play largely without lasering at all.

Yes, powershielding stuffs falco's main tool etc; I would have to say that most falco players have learned to RELY on these tools because they've never had them taken away. How many falco players can honestly say they know how to play almost entirely without lasering? It's too much of a crutch for most falco players, so when someone pulls away that crutch, the falco player just falls over. Lasering is a tool, not something to rely on, and I honestly don't think most falco players use it that way.

That's the main reason I don't view powershielding as such a big deal. Addtionally, you can DI the lasers that get hit back at you, or you can just be spaced well enough in the first place to avoid any grab follow up. Falco can pretty much consistently shine/jab BEFORE someone grabs that out of a powershield. The only exception is when someone does a running powershield at you and their momentum carries them to you. Powershield--> grab is highly overrated, as falco has MULTIPLE options to prevent it from working.
We're not talking about most Falco players here, we're talking about top Falcos, or Falco as he "should" be played. Obviously good Falcos know how to get by without lasering, but that doesn't change the fact that they'd rather not lose it if they could. Losing the ability to laser as much weakens Falco overall, and he's left with his slower speed, which is what I said before. It just gets easier to take advantage of Falco when you're cutting of his main tool like that.

Wouldn't you have to see the laser coming(predict it) to DI back? If you're expecting lasers to be powershielded, then you don't need to be shooting them at that time anyway, eh.

Jabbing is risky after a powershield because his arm can get grabbed when he does this(happened to me SEVERAL times), and shining works sometimes so aight. Kinda one-frame and not hugely-ranged though.

Could you educate me on Falco's numerous ways to beat out powershield grab?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
*****s are crazy, Falco doesn't lose a single matchup and it has nothing to do with meta-gaming or w/e, he's just beast as ****.
real talk

Winning a big tournament is definitely overwhelmingly about the player as opposed to the character, but not being overly boned by any matchups or stages doesn't hurt. Just sayin.
real talk


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
M2k: iono why you think FoD is in marths favor v falco. Srsly

I understand high ceiling and big blast zones but its platforms are PERFECT for pillar combos, the ledges are sexy for techs and its a small, close range stage. Falco eats that **** for brkfst, lunch and dinner.
you're always at the edge. SHL is harder. I'm always close. Up tilt *****

also the F smash thing does not work :/ very easy for falco to just do an aerial right after the laser and hit before F smash comes out (or wait for the f smash or block the F smash, which also has no follow ups even if Marth hits with it) trust me I have experimented with it it SUCKS


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007

The number one way around powershield grab is spacing, imo. If you're carefully spacing your lasers, you'll always have enough time to buffer a spotdodge, shine, jab, or something. I count those all as solid ways around powershield grab, and the only time they don't work for me is when the opponent is actually moving towards me with the powershield.

I understand that your arm can be grabbed, and that the shine doesn't have much range, but can't you time them differently? If your arm is getting grabbed, that means you're jabbing too late/early or perhaps that you weren't at a good spacing for jab to be the right move choice?

Also, about DI'ing the lasers: it's just a precaution that I'll be holding back. If they don't powershield the laser, that means they're in their shield, and I can easily react to the fact that nothing hit me. On the other hand, if they do powershield it, yay I'm already DI'ing it correctly. Even if someone knows how to powershield well, its not a reason to quit shooting lasers; no one is 100% consistent, and there are many ways to make it harder. For example, both high and low lasers are significantly more difficult to powershield, as you know. You've even said yourself to shoot low lasers then just short hop over them...

I guess my main issue with this is: why would falco be lasering close enough to his opponent that powershield --> grab would actually work? It's awareness of spacing, and positioning. Just as there are times you don't want to laser because let's say fox has enough time to run forward upsmash or something, there are times you do'nt laser because if they powershield it, it wouldn't be safe. Powershield grab is really no different in my opinion than any other situation: you have to know which positions its safe to laser in, and which positions you can actually get punished for lasering in.

This post was more a rant on different ideas than actually addressing anything specific... but its all there somewhere =P


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
PP, you said that falco has alot of holes in his shield pressure? could you explain to me what options marth has vs falco when he's being shield pressured?

marth has counter out of shield, (only works if used during the very small window when falco decides to do late aerials, and would require ridiculous reaction speeds)

theres like aerial out of shield, which gets you NOWHERE if you're getting shield pressured.

upb out of shield works i guess if the falco sucks at tech skill.

then theres roll... it gets you *****, wavedash out of shield doesnt work at all vs flawless shield pressure.

falco can always do things like shine-> grab, or double shine.

what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind the marth?

It is confirmed, falco sucks.

Nah, marth powershielding up close ****s up falco. And if the falco decides not to laser in close range because of that, then marths superior sword wins.

I can't wait until we get to the stage where falco mains will be powershielding powershielded lasers, awesome.
do you really expect falcos to really stop lasering because marth can powershield? theres not a single marth that can powershield consistently enough and get a grab off it, except for mew2king who i'm pretty sure doesn't powershield 100% of the time when he wants to. if the falco expect powershielding, then he can just run to the other side of the stage and spam more lasers. marth can't punish off a powershielded laser once the falco is a certain distance away.

Just because marth can powershield, that all of a sudden makes his shield good?

power shielding isnt anywhere as easy as spamming lasers or flawless shield pressure. Alot of the time even if you powershield one of falco's aerials the falco, the shine will still come out before you can grab. then the marth gets shine --> combowtf'd into oblivion.

people talk about powershielding like its easy. the falco can laser high, medium, or low, which makes power shielding alot different on the timings.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
you're always at the edge. SHL is harder. I'm always close. Up tilt *****

also the F smash thing does not work :/ very easy for falco to just do an aerial right after the laser and hit before F smash comes out (or wait for the f smash or block the F smash, which also has no follow ups even if Marth hits with it) trust me I have experimented with it it SUCKS
Even if Falco is slightly farther away? You can tech chase/combo on a platform/edgeguard if you hit with it, which is a good follow up to me.

I mean yeah it can be blocked(but that doesn't mean it can't also hit too...it's not like people expect the Fsmash if you don't do it too much...) and all but I'd still say it could have its uses, even if only at a slightly farther spacing(and Fair/WD OOS for closer spacing so it works out).

If it's really that worthless then okay, but I just wish I could see it attempted in person/in a match before writing it off like that.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
PP, you said that falco has alot of holes in his shield pressure? could you explain to me what options marth has vs falco when he's being shield pressured?

marth has counter out of shield, (only works if used during the very small window when falco decides to do late aerials, and would require ridiculous reaction speeds)

theres like aerial out of shield, which gets you NOWHERE if you're getting shield pressured.

upb out of shield works i guess if the falco sucks at tech skill.

then theres roll... it gets you *****, wavedash out of shield doesnt work at all vs flawless shield pressure.

falco can always do things like shine-> grab, or double shine.

what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind the marth?
i dont really know how much you play or know about falco, but even his "flawless sheild pressure" has something like a 15 frame hole AT LEAST where the the opponent can do whatever the **** they want.

marth vs shield pressure:
WD oos works a ton vs shield pressure and atleast gets you the **** out of there
Fair OoS comes out in like 7/8/9 frames, which as long as you can read the falco on when he is aerialing, you can do it in his frame hole
UpB OoS comes out in 6 frames. i dont really know what "sucks at tech skill" means. But UpB oos really only applies when the falco is right on top of you, so i guess you meant spacing?

Rolling doesnt automatically get you ***** unless you do it ALL the time. IDK, buffer roll OoS is one of the most garunteed ways to escape falo shiled pressure as long as he doesn't READ you. the most he can get is a reactionary laser or maybe a dash attack.

counter OoS is garbage.

falco's mixups and ability to read the opponents reaction are the only things which defend against this multitude of escape pathways, it has nothing to do with being "flawless". Even flawless pressure has like a million ways out.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
PP, you said that falco has alot of holes in his shield pressure? could you explain to me what options marth has vs falco when he's being shield pressured?

marth has counter out of shield, (only works if used during the very small window when falco decides to do late aerials, and would require ridiculous reaction speeds)

theres like aerial out of shield, which gets you NOWHERE if you're getting shield pressured.

upb out of shield works i guess if the falco sucks at tech skill.

then theres roll... it gets you *****, wavedash out of shield doesnt work at all vs flawless shield pressure.

falco can always do things like shine-> grab, or double shine.

what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind the marth?
i dont really know how much you play or know about falco, but even his "flawless sheild pressure" has something like a 10-12 frame hole AT LEAST where the the opponent can do whatever the **** they want.

marth vs shield pressure:
WD oos works a ton vs shield pressure and atleast gets you the **** out of there
Fair OoS comes out in like 7 frames, which as long as you can read the falco on when he is aerialing, you can do it in his frame hole
UpB OoS comes out in 6 frames. i dont really know what "sucks at tech skill" means. But UpB oos really only applies when the falco is right on top of you, so i guess you meant spacing?

Rolling doesnt automatically get you ***** unless you do it ALL the time. IDK, buffer roll OoS is one of the most garunteed ways to escape falo shiled pressure as long as he doesn't READ you or space for it. the most he can get is a reactionary laser or maybe a dash attack if he's reacting. If he's spacing for a roll, it means he probably is autocancel bairing or nairing from a ways away, in which case, WD backwards OoS gets you away for free.

counter OoS is garbage.

falco's mixups and ability to read the opponents reaction are the only things which defend against this multitude of escape pathways, it has nothing to do with being "flawless". Even flawless pressure has like a million ways out.


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
ok, so marth can escape the shield pressure. he rolls, gets lasered again, bam he's stuck in his shield and again stuck in the same situation as before.

falco can position himself so he can't get grabbed. you can shield pressure marth, and while you're shield pressuring you can fade away out of shield grab range, or you can "move behind marth" while pressuring him and then all of a sudden all of marths out of shield things are useless. and the more you stay in the shield, the more likely you are to get shield poked, since marth's shield sucks.

yes fair out of shield comes out in like 7 frames, but you also have to take into account the shield stun that the marth gets from his shield being hit, and also the fact that fair hitbox comes out from the top first, then goes down to the bottom, which requires more frames for it to actually hit the falco.

and let's say that the up-b or fair out of shield DOES hit the falco.

are there any followups to fair out of shield or upb out of shield? marths fair can be crouch canceled into shine or forward smash, or anything really. here are some of the things that falco can do off a crouch cancel .. off the top of my head (i'm in class right now, so i might not cover them all) crouch cancel --> running dair, crouch cancel --> running nair, crouch cancel --> shine, crouch cancel---> fsmash

all of falco's options are very safe, will lead into huge combo's, or a few crucial hits that leave marth in a very vulnerable state.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
i did take into account the frames it takes for shield stun, hence the "10-12 frame hole" that includes all affects of shield stun being ended.

Assuming both players are being perfect (unreasonable) falco at different points depending on when he chooses to aerial (high/low) has gaps that can be exploited. A super perfect marth (unreasonable) has moves that come out in way less than 10-12 frames.

so to be more realistic, the amount of time you have to do stuff will be more/less depending on how more/less perfect you/the falco is.

and i dont like discussing things like "nair and fade away out of sheild grab range" because those things are TRICKS. they effectively end shield pressure as long as the marth DOESN'T grab. If he WD backwards OoS, or Fairs OoS, he gets away for free.

but i do agree that the longer you stay in shield and do nothing, the worst the situation gets for marth.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
getting behind marth is pretty good
I'll say!

@ guy who was saying 15 frames etcetcetc: 15 frames is stupid, don't talk frames unless you know them. Even Dair shield pressure with the correct timing leaves a 10 frame gap as it's largest gap. Nair I believe drops this to 9, and then when you mix in shine grab and double shine you give them even less.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Falco's shield pressure with Dairs and Shines leaves a total of 19 frames unaccounted for where they are free to act. That seems like a lot, but it's not so bad when you figure you split that number up into two smaller numbers.

Only real rules of splits are that 2 has to be at the end, and there needs to be something like 4 or whatever at the start because of the time to get the Dair out. Nair comes out a frame faster so it's 3 or so at the start (whatever Dair is, it's one less), and there's 2 less frames of L-cancel.

You can wind up with stuff like 12-7 splits, or 10-9 splits, which can be really annoying to shield grab. Though it is possible.

edit: I feel much of this should be obsoleted because of Multishines and getting behind him anyway but




Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
k so 15 was the wrong number, its more like 10-12

the bigger point still stands that its not as hopeless as kfc originally made it seem

imma edit all mah posts so ppl dont get the wrong numbers


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
i'm pretty sure falco can also like "jump inside" marth's grab range while doing aerials, which further makes marths shield grab useless. alot of the time the falco can wavedash inside marths grab range too. and if marth grabs, he gets shined into combo'd

k so 15 was the wrong number, its more like 10-12

the bigger point still stands that its not as hopeless as kfc originally made it seem

imma edit all mah posts so ppl dont get the wrong numbers
it is pretty hopeless. don't falco's WANT to shield pressure marth? i haven't seen many situations where a marth is being shield pressured and ends up in a favorable situation, unless the falco misses an l cancel or something and gets shield grabbed. did you not see what i said earlier? you still haven't answered this: what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind marth?

MARTH DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN HIS SHIELD VS FALCO... nobody wants to be in their shield vs falco, except maybe fox or falco who can shine oos, but we're not talking about them right now


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
I have to say I agree with those saying powershield is overrated. Simply because powershielding involves shielding, and therefore relying on oos options to fight. It's nice situationally, but I think a lot of Marths make a mistake in trying to base their entire falco approach around it. It's a pretty big handicap to fight out of shield the entire game, especially since you don't have to do that at all. To a lesser extent this is why I don't understand why PP thinks fair OOS is so good for Marth. It's nice to have it when you're in shield already, but like M2K said its kind of a 50/50, where you're forced to anticipate an approach or concede stage position, setting yourself up to be more vulnerable to an approach later on. It's not a bad option in a pinch, but I wouldn't be basing my whole strategy around it.

Letting lasers hit you and walking around establishing good spacing seems much more effective imo. Running up PS grab is nice but you're making a pretty serious read in getting that already and you could have done something like dash attack anyway which won't require you to nail a PS. There's more to this but in general I think even consistent powershielding has its counters and doesn't play as huge a role in the matchup as some might suggest.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
i'm pretty sure falco can also like "jump inside" marth's grab range while doing aerials, which further makes marths shield grab useless. alot of the time the falco can wavedash inside marths grab range too. and if marth grabs, he gets shined into combo'd

it is pretty hopeless. don't falco's WANT to shield pressure marth? i haven't seen many situations where a marth is being shield pressured and ends up in a favorable situation, unless the falco misses an l cancel or something and gets shield grabbed. did you not see what i said earlier? you still haven't answered this: what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind marth?

MARTH DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN HIS SHIELD VS FALCO... nobody wants to be in their shield vs falco, except maybe fox or falco who can shine oos, but we're not talking about them right now
iirc even Fox frame-perfect shine OoS is at a 2 frame disadvantage vs. Falco double shine so in super-theory brothers melee I don't think anyone really wants to be in shield vs. Falco.


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
Houston, Texas
you're always at the edge. SHL is harder. I'm always close. Up tilt *****
depends on where the platforms are at, falco loves close, up tilt *****. as for the SHL iono... i guess learn when you can do it under what platforms? at that close range there are better options anyway


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
when can we talk about a cool and dynamic matchup like falco ic's :) :) :) :) :)

ill show you foolz the truth in tournament

(jk the matchup is less dynamic, cuz every ic's matchup is about HARD, HARD, PUNISHMENT. think you're winning? get hit by a random move to wd dsmash.)

but yah hopefully when there's more vids up of the matchup we can talk about it... cuz pp i know you're pretty decent at it

but lemme put it out there that sh blizzard through laser *****.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
i'm pretty sure falco can also like "jump inside" marth's grab range while doing aerials, which further makes marths shield grab useless. alot of the time the falco can wavedash inside marths grab range too. and if marth grabs, he gets shined into combo'd
true, m2k also mentioned this, falco can do it with dash attack as well
it is pretty hopeless. don't falco's WANT to shield pressure marth? i haven't seen many situations where a marth is being shield pressured and ends up in a favorable situation, unless the falco misses an l cancel or something and gets shield grabbed. did you not see what i said earlier? you still haven't answered this: what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind marth?
no one is talking about what falco's do and don't want. Yeah falco sheild pressure is pry good, but Marth pulling off successful shield grabs isnt dependent solely on the falco simply "missing l-cancels". It has a lot to do with prediction of when the falco is going to aerial, and reaction. again, shield grab beats falco's pillar framewise, its just hard to get the timing down, and also dependent on falco mixups cuz you could get boned. BUT it is NOT dependent on the falco messing up, that is irrelevent. thats all i was saying.

The reason i didnt respond to falco pressuring behind marth is because, that ish is broken. marth doesn't have an answer for it except WD forward OoS, tbh
MARTH DOES NOT WANT TO BE IN HIS SHIELD VS FALCO... nobody wants to be in their shield vs falco, except maybe fox or falco who can shine oos, but we're not talking about them right now
again, we were never talking about what anyone "wants" to do. I only quoted you originally because you made it seem like marth is completely boned if he is in his shield vs falco, and he isnt really.

its just that shield pressure turns into a game of rock-paper-scissors. Falco has lots of things going for him, and marth has lots of answers. its not a perfect system from either perspective tbh.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
My favorite thing to do to Marth's shield is aerial>shine>dair (such that your dair hits behind his shield)

That's fun stuff.

Buuuut KFC, a well timed wd oos is pretty good. It's pretty fast, and you get the chance of getting a CC tech.

edit/ Also, multi shining takes away the guesswork. :)


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
PP and I discussed the Sheik matchup at depth

This what we came up with

[00:05] kirbykaze3038: you're a doctor
[00:05] kirbykaze3038: after all
[00:05] DrpeepeeF: XD
[00:06] DrpeepeeF: funny little secret
[00:06] DrpeepeeF: im just pretending to be a doctor
[00:06] kirbykaze3038: :O
[00:06] kirbykaze3038: then how did you conduct such elegant surgery on my sheik's stocks?
[00:06] kirbykaze3038: YOU MUST BE A PRODIGY
[00:06] DrpeepeeF: HAHAHAHAHA
[00:07] DrpeepeeF: nah i botched the job and nearly got sued out of the top spots using your sheik's needles =p
[00:07] kirbykaze3038: fortunately you kicked the lawyer off a boat
[00:07] kirbykaze3038: so your practice was saved
[00:07] DrpeepeeF: bahahahaha
[00:07] DrpeepeeF: yeah but that was an underhanded move
[00:08] DrpeepeeF: and ill likely be outcast from the firm for it
[00:08] DrpeepeeF: even if it is playing by the rules
[00:08] kirbykaze3038: nah the firm will understand
[00:08] kirbykaze3038: play to win
[00:08] kirbykaze3038: if lawyers need to be kicked off boats
[00:08] kirbykaze3038: so be it
[00:08] DrpeepeeF: lmao


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
an example of marth escaping pressure lot by simple WD OoS

i don't even know why im talking about marth so much, maybe its good if they think shield pressure is infallible.

edit: k im done now, sorry for hijackign your thread pp
Lol there's a part in that video where mew2king tries to wavedash away while being shield pressured, and gets aerial'd by mango. Wavedash outta shield only works if the falco hits the edge of marths shield, that gives Marth enough time to wavedash away. Its pretty easy to just end a debate with a link from ytube.

Try wavedashing out of shield against a falco who pressures ON your shield, not around it (like mango does in that link u posted)


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
nah i wasnt trying to end the debate or "prove" anything, i was just giving a visual example.

and sure the wd oos failed a few times (as you noted), it also worked a whole bunch. and as far as i can tell, the reason it seemed to be working was because m2k was doing it immediately after the shine, which has relatively small shield stun. just another example of maximizing frame and junk. and mango was trying to drift away with his nairs.

but if a falco was on your shield closer, it opens up opportunities for shield grabs, which would miss if you went for them while he was spacing around your shield the way mango was in that vid.

like i said, its a r-p-s game, and the beat goes on ba da dom da dom.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
if a falco has the gall to dair shine your shield, especially if you're playing marth, and stay inside shield grab range, you need to grab him and punish him. that sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

The number one way around powershield grab is spacing, imo. If you're carefully spacing your lasers, you'll always have enough time to buffer a spotdodge, shine, jab, or something. I count those all as solid ways around powershield grab, and the only time they don't work for me is when the opponent is actually moving towards me with the powershield.

I understand that your arm can be grabbed, and that the shine doesn't have much range, but can't you time them differently? If your arm is getting grabbed, that means you're jabbing too late/early or perhaps that you weren't at a good spacing for jab to be the right move choice?

Also, about DI'ing the lasers: it's just a precaution that I'll be holding back. If they don't powershield the laser, that means they're in their shield, and I can easily react to the fact that nothing hit me. On the other hand, if they do powershield it, yay I'm already DI'ing it correctly. Even if someone knows how to powershield well, its not a reason to quit shooting lasers; no one is 100% consistent, and there are many ways to make it harder. For example, both high and low lasers are significantly more difficult to powershield, as you know. You've even said yourself to shoot low lasers then just short hop over them...

I guess my main issue with this is: why would falco be lasering close enough to his opponent that powershield --> grab would actually work? It's awareness of spacing, and positioning. Just as there are times you don't want to laser because let's say fox has enough time to run forward upsmash or something, there are times you do'nt laser because if they powershield it, it wouldn't be safe. Powershield grab is really no different in my opinion than any other situation: you have to know which positions its safe to laser in, and which positions you can actually get punished for lasering in.

This post was more a rant on different ideas than actually addressing anything specific... but its all there somewhere =P
Careful spacing? That limits you to not going in with lasers already, so Marth already has some control. Add in the human surprise element of having a laser reflected you didn't expect/Marth dashing into powershield and it becomes very effective.
Besides, it's not like Marth can't bait allll of that stuff since he's put Falco on the defensive anyway. Heck, he could even powershield to charge Fsmash and beat pretty much all of those options.

You're jabbing instinctively because they're too far to shine, and you think you have the time/reaction time to set up a well-spaced/timed jab? No way. Maybe you can vary the timing after you've been punished some, but Marth leads and Falco follows in that mixup scenario.

Then holding back detracts from your actual approach/movement after lasering! If the fact that Marth MIGHT powershield is already affecting your movement and approaches, then it's a powerful technique in my opinion.
Also, you're locked into one approach when you approach over a reflected laser like that, and I don't believe you can FF whatever you do well then either, or at least that's the way it works out sometimes. I mean if Marth rushes in after a powershield every time then lol **** for that technique, but if he just chills or walks forward after one then it's easy to see that coming again. All of that at that point is hard to say either way though because no Marth ever gets this deep into a match with Falco from what I've seen. I'd love to see/experience such a challenge though to determine the human potential in that situation though....

People just dash in unexpectedly sometimes? It's not like lasers just STOP Marth from moving period, despite popular belief. But I mean, why grab anyway? You could do WHATEVER you wanted to really. If Dtilt is better, then dtilt. If Fsmash is better, then by all means cut up some turkey. Marth has massive range he can abuse and start combos with/kill with(who's expecting a powershield laser to Fsmash? no one.), but yeah grab is probably the best option, so it'll be the one that's scariest and is totally accessible from a powershield. Of the Falcos that don't lock up when they happens, the rest could probably have their knee-jerk defensive actions baited and grabbed I bet.
WD to powershield, dash into powershield, fallthrough platform to powershield? Who's to say that Falco can accurately prepare for all of these things every second of every match? Not to mention that FALCO HAS TO SHORT HOP TO LASER. It takes a while for him to jump, for the gun to come out, and then for the bullet to finally fire. People who know what to look for CAN and WILL look for these things and have an idea of when they can get away with their movement and still get the powershield off at a closer spacing than what Falco would be comfortable with.

PP, you said that falco has alot of holes in his shield pressure? could you explain to me what options marth has vs falco when he's being shield pressured?

marth has counter out of shield, (only works if used during the very small window when falco decides to do late aerials, and would require ridiculous reaction speeds)

theres like aerial out of shield, which gets you NOWHERE if you're getting shield pressured.

upb out of shield works i guess if the falco sucks at tech skill.

then theres roll... it gets you *****, wavedash out of shield doesnt work at all vs flawless shield pressure.

falco can always do things like shine-> grab, or double shine.

what is a marth supposed to do when a falco shield pressures behind the marth?

do you really expect falcos to really stop lasering because marth can powershield? theres not a single marth that can powershield consistently enough and get a grab off it, except for mew2king who i'm pretty sure doesn't powershield 100% of the time when he wants to. if the falco expect powershielding, then he can just run to the other side of the stage and spam more lasers. marth can't punish off a powershielded laser once the falco is a certain distance away.

Just because marth can powershield, that all of a sudden makes his shield good?

power shielding isnt anywhere as easy as spamming lasers or flawless shield pressure. Alot of the time even if you powershield one of falco's aerials the falco, the shine will still come out before you can grab. then the marth gets shine --> combowtf'd into oblivion.

people talk about powershielding like its easy. the falco can laser high, medium, or low, which makes power shielding alot different on the timings.
I guess you mean when you get stuck in your shield because you got hit by a laser? Alright then.

-Fair OOS:
used for countering lasers that come in closer/attacks or grabs that come in after a farther laser. Typically used to stuff approaches, but maybe if tippered could start something hot. Keeps Falco overthinking/complicating his approaches, which works out for Marth in that he can choose when to go up and just whup/scare Falco anytime he feels like it.

Not the best these days, but still can do a number on Falco's who get confident in their approaches. Beats lasers and attacks, and doesn't have a bad cooldown time. Can be done OOS too, so it gives you added psychological advantages while shielding.

THE BEST OPTION. Can be used defensively out of Falco's shield pressure(to Fsmash or grab or to simply reset the situation if you so choose). And then, can be used aggressively to hit Falco while he's trying to set up an approach. Grab/jab/Dtilt/Fsmash/Ftilt/Utilt, I bet all of those moves would be useful out of a WD either way, but it depends on the situation/conditioning/preference. Obviously you could just do nothing but it's so **** that you can react with whatever and I dunno just ranting. People need to use this better.

up-B OOS:
used when Falco tries to aerial-shine a shield for too long. falco tends to DI badly and die from this so it *****.

Take the laser: people need to do this more. You can do this to counter if someone comes in, or shield when they think they get a free hit and maybe mess em up, or you could Utilt/Ftilt/Fsmash to combo/kill them because they won't be DI'ing well if they're trying to SHFFL/laser, or you could even move back if you had to I guess. Plus, if they don't come in right away(which I'd be VERY surprised by since it's a Falco and laser hit=let's start a combo video to half of them....so yeah psychological advantage there too), then you get to move around/hit them/bait, which nullifies the point of the laser because YOU STILL HAVE YOUR MOBILITY.

Lightshield: good but kinda underused vs Falco. Keeps pressure from lasting too long vs Marth, and also helps avoid those pesky shield pokes that happen sometimes.

Platforms: Falco can't really do a lot about Marth on a platform. He can shoot him and maybe jump up and shine, but any type of attack usually loses to Fair, and then Marth can get under Falco and ****, or just **** right there. Marth making Falco come over avoids the problems laser present in the first place, and so even if you can't bait Falco you can still **** him for coming over/gimp him/whatever.

finally, you can Ftilt/Utilt/Fsmash as the laser comes at you and trade with the laser:
This is most common with the Fsmash, but the others could work too. Fsmash starts higher up, and Falco has to jump when he SHs, so it just make sense that trading an Fsmash for a laser is pretty good. And if it doesn't work on a particular approach, then you get your shield game to back it up since the laser won't stun you longer enough to be directly comboed by anything.

okay so those last ones weren't shield things but they're mad good.

Also, all of Falco's shield pressure has holes! Shine grab beats just shielding, double shine beats defensive stuff after shine, and shine nair beats defensive stuff after shine sometimes but also puts Falco safely away from Marth. Shine grab won't do much if you smash DI the Uthrow lasers up, double shine is okay if you just shield it and then WD OOS to beat whatever Falco does afterward more than likely, and nair shine nair......just hold shield then WD OOS away when he'd done lol and it's just that you lost some shield and you're fine.

Shield pressuring behind Marth? Easy, just WD OOS away. If that's not working, then shield DI away first so you'll be pushed far enough away to pull it off.

Powershield is nice, but I think Marth could do without it, though that may not be in his best interest. Marth's shield ***** because he can do so much out of it vs Falco's stuff and turn it into a nice counterattacking/offensive tool.

ive experimented with it a lot years ago
We should sit down and test it sometime. =) I'd love to see the results myself.

ok, so marth can escape the shield pressure. he rolls, gets lasered again, bam he's stuck in his shield and again stuck in the same situation as before.

falco can position himself so he can't get grabbed. you can shield pressure marth, and while you're shield pressuring you can fade away out of shield grab range, or you can "move behind marth" while pressuring him and then all of a sudden all of marths out of shield things are useless. and the more you stay in the shield, the more likely you are to get shield poked, since marth's shield sucks.

yes fair out of shield comes out in like 7 frames, but you also have to take into account the shield stun that the marth gets from his shield being hit, and also the fact that fair hitbox comes out from the top first, then goes down to the bottom, which requires more frames for it to actually hit the falco.

and let's say that the up-b or fair out of shield DOES hit the falco.

are there any followups to fair out of shield or upb out of shield? marths fair can be crouch canceled into shine or forward smash, or anything really. here are some of the things that falco can do off a crouch cancel .. off the top of my head (i'm in class right now, so i might not cover them all) crouch cancel --> running dair, crouch cancel --> running nair, crouch cancel --> shine, crouch cancel---> fsmash

all of falco's options are very safe, will lead into huge combo's, or a few crucial hits that leave marth in a very vulnerable state.
Marth gets lasered out of his roll WHILE HE'S FARTHER FROM FALCO. He gets to WD OOS away if he wants! He's soo much safer if he gets lasered out of his roll, it's ridiculous. That even ends some of his roll lag so he can put up his shield faster! That's not a bad thing at all. Much better to be lasered than Dair'd/shine'd in my opinion.

Fair could combo, and up-B could kill/set up for an edgeguard, but why does there have to be a follow up? Isn't it good enough that you can put that psychological pressure on Falco? That he's now scared to try what he did before on you, and that you can now take advantage of that better by approaching him for a change while he's deciding how to bait you into doing that defensive thing again? You get rewarded LATER, when you hit those big combos/gimps that you couldn't get initially because your opponent was too confident in his decisions to let that happen. That's how you beat Falco, you scare him/make him slow down on his move choices and take advantage with your great range.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
when can we talk about a cool and dynamic matchup like falco ic's :) :) :) :) :)

ill show you foolz the truth in tournament

(jk the matchup is less dynamic, cuz every ic's matchup is about HARD, HARD, PUNISHMENT. think you're winning? get hit by a random move to wd dsmash.)

but yah hopefully when there's more vids up of the matchup we can talk about it... cuz pp i know you're pretty decent at it

but lemme put it out there that sh blizzard through laser *****.
Uhhh whenever you want to. I actually have never discussed the matchup, and have never seen it discussed, so it'd be pretty fun. =)

I'm okay vs ICs but I have a lot to work on vs them(like anyone else lmao). I wish more of them played like Chu though, he had that intelligent style that I could understand better than some of the shenanigans people pull on me these days. =(

Blizzard does **** lasering which confused me to death when I first saw it lmao.

Lol there's a part in that video where mew2king tries to wavedash away while being shield pressured, and gets aerial'd by mango. Wavedash outta shield only works if the falco hits the edge of marths shield, that gives Marth enough time to wavedash away. Its pretty easy to just end a debate with a link from ytube.

Try wavedashing out of shield against a falco who pressures ON your shield, not around it (like mango does in that link u posted)
Marth can WD OOS after the shine even if Falco is on him. You just need to learn the timing I think.

yeah, ground tech is a problem for sheik hahaha
I wish I knew percents and moves and stuff for ground teching Sheik stuff. =(
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