1. Sometimes you can still laser and land on the platform if it's lower. What to do from here depends on matchup, but attacking from the platform or even while on it can be interesting. If you'd rather avoid that, then you'd want to back up to the edge of the stage to laser or move more toward the middle which can include the top platform I suppose. For slightly higher platforms, if you start your laser earlier you won't land on it when you normally would.
2. This is a neat question. I find them to of course be better at closer range, when you're more certain you can hit, and/or if you want to space in case they shield while still covering their possible early attacks(Nair and Dair can be quite good at this). I find Nair in particular is great at covering jumps oos when closer for example, and Dair can help catch WD back oos while closer. You may find that your Nairs especially can be safer if you get the earliest FF and shine, but unstaled Dair into shine can be safe vs shieldgrab even if you hit it high up if you do all of this correctly.
3. Meditation, exercise, good sleep schedule, I find reading physical books to also help me, eating decently and drinking water, and playing before you get onto any screens helped me a lot too. You may also find other things helpful and it can be good to take notes on what was going on that day/in your life when this happened to optimize yourself.
2. This is a neat question. I find them to of course be better at closer range, when you're more certain you can hit, and/or if you want to space in case they shield while still covering their possible early attacks(Nair and Dair can be quite good at this). I find Nair in particular is great at covering jumps oos when closer for example, and Dair can help catch WD back oos while closer. You may find that your Nairs especially can be safer if you get the earliest FF and shine, but unstaled Dair into shine can be safe vs shieldgrab even if you hit it high up if you do all of this correctly.
3. Meditation, exercise, good sleep schedule, I find reading physical books to also help me, eating decently and drinking water, and playing before you get onto any screens helped me a lot too. You may also find other things helpful and it can be good to take notes on what was going on that day/in your life when this happened to optimize yourself.