Alright, seeing as I'm really into Brawl+ right now, and especially Ganon+, I think I better mention some stuff I found that is awesome...extremely awesome. This is all the 4.2 nightly by the way, because they can't tech.
First off, most testing is done by myself with two controllers >>, but most of this seems to be pretty solid.
Both of the things I found were with murder choke, which seems to have gotten some interesting new properties. The first is, if you catch someone who is in the air with a ground choke, a interesting effect happens. Instead of your opponent dropping right to the ground, he'll do this weird twitching animation first. It kinda looks like the animation that happens when the character is sliding, from something like Jiggz' d-smash. The cool thing about this animation is that they're stuck in the air for a bit, while you continue through with your animation. This gives you a good bit of extra advantage. What can you do with this extra advantage? You can land any smash you please. You can land a free f-smash for the kill, an u-smash to chase them into the air for extra damage, or a d-smash feel like d-smashing.
I thought this would be pretty situational, because you have to catch them with the choke right above the ground for it to work. But, I seem to be doing it on accident a lot, and I've found pretty reliable ways to set it up. We all know stomp has a lot of stun, but for quite a few characters, at certain percents you can stomp them and they can't do anything but tech. They can't even DI, all they can do is input an initial DI and then they fall straight down. U-smash seems to do this too, as well as the second hitbox of the air wizkick. I'm currently testing to see if d-throw can set this up too. The stomp stun is the craziest on seems like he can't do anything but tech until around 58%.
The second thing I found with choke is much more situational. But it means an instant death if you can land it. A lot of people are already using the huge momentum boost of choke to take people to their dooms. But, I found something weird around the edge. If you get them at a certain point with the air choke (usually right near the ledge if they are on the ground, and farther into the stage the higher you both are) you'll take them right to the edge and, if you do it right, you'll slam them right off the edge. Only, unlike vBrawl, they end up going right into a freefall state where, they can't do anything whatsoever. They can't double jump, they can't use their upb, they can't attack or even airdodge. They are completely screwed. Oh and the animation doesn't look like it's wall-techable either.
Thought some of you guys might want to see this, I thought it was pretty **** cool. If this stuff has been mentioned though, bad >>