Smashboards Username: Little England
Region: SoCal/MidWest
Primary Character(s):

Secondary Character(s):
1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Spring 2006 I started playing competitive melee and entered about 2 or 3 tournaments a year. I started entering at least one to two tournaments a month from Fall 2008 until now.
2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. In SoCal I'll travel to/enter about three tournaments every two months. I go to Purdue University in the Midwest and CunningKitsune hosts biweeklies at the school that have anywhere from 7-21 entrants. On weekends where there aren't tournaments at the school, I'll travel with Purdue smashers to another MidWest tournament.
Purdue SSBO thread:
I'm very familiar with the local scene at Purdue and my local scene at SoCal. I'm familiar with most of the West Coast, but I have never traveled to a NorCal tournament. Though I've only been in the Midwest since August 2010, I feel I am very familiar with the region. I have not traveled to a national tournament.
I watch A LOT of melee videos on youtube. I know of a lot of players even if they are lesser known
3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. I'd consider players such as Lovage and Smoke2Jointz high level. I think I’d place in the tier below them between average and high level; leaning closer to high level. I was told I'd rank between #10-15th in September 27 2010 update of the SoCal PR (I moved to Purdue before the update) and I'm currently ranked #7th in the Chicago-Land Power Rankings.
4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. I believe people in SoCal would support me being a member of the MBR. I believe they have seen my drive of improvement as well as my drive to help other smashers improve. I believe several players in the area would support my inclusion.
I believe the majority of smashers in the MidWest would support me being in the MBR. Most people who have talked with me (especially in person) like me as a person, smasher, and sometimes a mentor. However some might be opposed to it. I'm very bold when I post and I'm not afraid to share my opinion. (ie. this thread generated several good responses and several opposing responses:
5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. In general no, but if I have an idea I care to share I'll definitely share it to listen to the thoughts of others. Like most people, I'll be able to discuss ideas that interest me more than those that don't.
6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. No.
I've done a lot of traveling around my local scene in SoCal. I've traveled to several players houses over the years and have given a lot of advice to newcomers.
I've offered a lot of advice to players of all skill levels in the Midwest. At Purdue in particular I try to teach players about several of the game's fundamentals (especially for beginner/average level players). I've seen much improvement in these players over the year that I've been here. All in all, I just like helping people improve and seeing improvement.
7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. I feel recent tier lists
seem to have been based off of tournament results, which I disagree with. I think it should be based solely off of matchups and realistic human potential to play each character. (ie. concept: until proven, Yoshi players cannot perfect shield every attack/grab so he shouldn't be top tier) I also think different characters should be weighted differently based on tiers. (ie. A mid tier character that has a 40-60 disadvantage matchup with Fox counts for more than a different mid tier character having a 70-30 match up with Bowser). Like most I believe Jigglypuff is too high. IMO the tiers for the top characters are:
I'd need help with the ties. Having said ALL of this, I like this tier list a lot more than most of the tier lists made in the past. lol
8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. I think it is fair, yes. Pokemon Stadium shouldn't have stayed a neutral stage for as long as it did so I'm glad that got changed to a CP (even though I play Falco lol). Though most players complain about stage striking I feel it creates a good middle ground for the first match. The CPs themselves favor floaties, semi-floaties and fast fallers equally. Even though stages like Brinstar and Rainbow Cruise can strongly skew some MUs, I think they keep the game "fresh" which is the end goal.
9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Yes, I think the rule set is fair. The only thing I would change about it is the time which I think could be changed from 8 minutes to 7. I also think pause should be turned off at all times, especially in teams! I can't count the number of times my opponents mash the start button too early and pause the game to disrupt the match.
10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. They are equally important. You can not follow through with a strategy if you don't have the tech skill to pull it off. In addition, tech skill will give you more strategic options/ideas. On the other hand, having mindless tech skill will get you no where. A player who can do multi turnaround shines with Fox, but doesn't know that he should grab the ledge against a recovering Sheik will not perform in tournament.
11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. My opinion on this might be based off of my current improvement goal. I've recelty been trying to find ways to initiate punishments and not get hit. From recent observation it seems to me that a player than can get a lot of hits in with moderate punishments is more effective than a player who can hardly get in, but punishes hard. If I had to pick one, I'd say initiating punishments.
12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Melee has stayed strong for about a decade. Most players thought Brawl would kill it, but the community managed to hold several (inter)national tournaments and has generated the hype it has had in the past. Age does kill good games. Street Fighter Super Turbo saw the light of about 20 years of tournament play. I expect more than that from Melee especially since Nintendo won't make another Melee remake.
13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. I think several things can be done to expand the community. I feel Melee has some problems that keep it from being accessible to newcomers. Honestly, the human ego is too strong. Several casual players would rather stay at home and beat their friends and be "the best" instead of being challenged in a tournament setting. We should reinforce the truth that tournaments are much less about winning, losing, making money, etc. Tournaments are about having fun! Youtube is a huge source. I feel more promo videos should be made for large scale tournaments to show just how much of a fun time we have!
Montages are a great way to do this. I've met random strangers who've seen the
wombo combo. I think thats amazing. Any way we can put the community out there and show people what we do is a big step in expanding our community. I think most people got their start after watching a melee video.
Something I try to do to at tournaments is embrace new players at tournaments. Oftentimes new players will look at a player like me (who is not even pro) and be amazed at what I'm doing. At the same time it can be off-putting for them. They may seem intimidated or they don't want to expose themselves as a "bad" player. I feel these are the people we should talk to the most because they aren't pot-fillers; they are the future of this game. I try my best to talk to new faces and give them a few simple words of advice that they can implement and see improvement. I feel this is very rewarding for the community.
Lastly, I feel national tournament should be advertised. Something as simple as tagging a link to smashboards in the details section of a video or at the end of a video can be very effective. (see: VGBootcamp) Publically posting flyers of tournaments and smashboards is also something very simple that could be done to expand the community.
14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Melee thrived a lot when MLG was running the smash circuit. I feel the nature of having a circuit of large scale smash tournaments is very effective, whether they are run by MLG or not. Every major region has TO’s that are capable of hosting such a tournament in their respective regions. This would be a great way to give Melee that national competitive vibe it had during the MLG era. Furthermore, HomeMadeWaffles’ Good Player Fund was one of the best ideas to come around the community in a while. I feel more regions should follow his footsteps and set up Good Player Funds. Everybody wants to see their favorite players match up against a different region and I feel it’s a great way to keep things fresh!
15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. As you can see I have a lot to say. I feel my ideas are worth sharing and I can give at least something to the betterment of the community whether I’m accepted into the MBR or not. To me, being accepted would mean that I have another way I can help the community I am so passionate about.
1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link:
i. Description: 10,000 Words of Power is a general improvement guide. I cover a large range of topics, but I feel I do so rather well. The guide includes video examples (accurate to the second so you don’t have to look for it

) of several topics I write about. I write about a range of topics between Playing on Reaction and Minimizing Losses. It generated plenty of good reviews in and out of the thread. Roman, a Chicago smasher I’ve never met before, told me “I finished reading your guide, it was really helpful!” after a pools set. It was a good feeling knowing I was helping a new player and one of the highlights of that tournament for me.
2. Link:
i. Description: SoCal has several social threads for their area codes. Even though my area code has one of the least amounts of smashers I created a thread for it and have since used it as a way to advertise upcoming tournaments and carpools to those tournaments, smashfests, etc. It has attracted several new players as well who might have thought they’d have to travel farther than they would have to meet up and play somebody.
3. Link:
i. Description: Chicago-Land Power Rankings. Though I don’t know if I was the first to recommend a PR for the region, soon after my recommendation Sveet (a local TO) made a PR for the Chicago-Land area. I was an active member of the panel.
2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: CKit
i. Reason: Amazing smasher. He’s a very well-spoken guy and is also incredibly good at the game! He’s taught me a lot about the Melee both through play-time and advice and hosts the very successful SSBO biweeklies at Purdue University. He’s a good friend of mine and I hold much respect for him.
2. Player: Fly Amanita
i. Reason: This guy is an amazing asset to the community. Every post he makes is like drinking a canteen of awesome lol. Very smart, knowledgeable about Melee, and mature both online and in person.
3. Player: Lovage
i. Reason: For sheer familiarity with the scene on both regional and national levels of the game, there is probably no better person. He’s a really sociable guy and knows everybody! I feel he has one of the best perspectives on the overall community and would be an amazing reference for advice on such topics. In addition he is also very knowledgeable about Melee especially when it comes to anything technical.
3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: Yes I’ve read it. I do agree with him. I feel too many people think “playing to win” and “playing for fun” are exclusive when they really aren’t. I’ve seen several accounts of this over the years when playing friendlies against other people. The tantrums, quitting, and demoralization of losing matches are what will not only keep new players from improving, but it will also drive them away from the game all-together. Playing to win is completely fine. I support it. If somebody has a strategy to win they have all the right in the world to use it. In the end though, we should remember why we play this game. It’s fun!
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/FINAL WORDS: I think I’ve said enough lol. I think I’ll just close by saying that I support this new direction the MBR is going. I’m very impressed by this open application process which shows elimination the elite image some members saw in the MBR. I’m very excited for the near future.