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Match-Up Chart (Outdated); please refer to the new chart.

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Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
well "theoretically" > and < are not equivalent....^^jus depnds on the names you put before/after them which make them equivalent.. but the symbols themselves arent.. OMG

I just learned something I think.... > <----- is facing to the left so since it's facing to the left... LEFT = LESS THAN... Left and Less BOTH start with L.......OMG SO EASY TO REMEMBER..

as for the other one IDK...


<3 Kaos <3 LOL

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
Hello everyone, I know most of most likely don't care on this MU, i'm about to ask on, but can someone give me details about the Yoshi/Mario(s) Matchups please... I've come to a hypothesis on Yoshi's side in this Mu being a Yoshi player, but I wanted some insight on anyone that holds any knowledge about the Mario(s) Much thanks appreciated ^^

Purpose: I'm unsure if the MU chart has changed or not but last time I noticed it was the Mario(s) >> Yoshi, I'm proposing that it's only Mario > Yoshi... if this already has been changed than awesome ^^ but if it's still >> I guess i'm attempting to defense for Yoshi...

Again thanks everyone <33
Mario can chain grab and combo him to death. His fireballs can stop his ground movement a bit and force Yoshi to jump sometimes since Yoshi has good wave dashing and moonwalking to approach from the ground. Mario's dair has real good priority and is a safe way of approaching Yoshi from the air and it can also lead to a chain grab or combo. Mario's f-smash has good range to hit Yoshi when he's approaching from the ground or even from the air with a jump canceled attack.

Dr. Mario is just about the same except worse in certain ways. Since he's more powerful, he can perform a jab to d-smash easier than Mario as Doc's jab will lift Yoshi up higher. Of course Doc's d-smash also has more knockback. So it could be a primary tactic against Yoshi to get some damage or even kill him. Doc's dash attack is useful for this matchup since Yoshi can't do anything outta shield if Doc hits Yoshi's shield. It can pop him up for an attack, chain grab or combo. Doc's pills are even gayer against Yoshi than Mario's fireballs because he can perform something I call, "The Akuma Approach" or just Akuma lol. Doc can release two pills while he walks right behind them at basically the same speed while they bounce forward. So not only is it a safe way of approaching Yoshi, but it can also hinder Yoshi's ground movement and even air sometimes since the pills bounce high, unlike Mario's fireballs. Doc can also chain grab. Doc can d-throw to fair or d-throw to combo to fair for a finisher.

Both Mario and Dr. Mario can cape Yoshi's eggs and even get some quick damage if their capes hit Yoshi, especially Doc's, which starts at 12%. Both Marios can d-throw to f-smash for a finisher. Both Marios can approach with a short hop nair but Doc's nair is way stronger if held out with a full hop. Both Marios can give Yoshi the PRESSHHAA since Yoshi

Yoshi doesn't get completely obliterated. Of course he has combos and jump cancel tricks and stuff. If Yoshi hits Mario or Doc with a d-smash and they have a considerable amount of damage and they're nearby the ledge, they can not make it if the Yoshi grabs ledge since their recoveries are not amazing, especially since Doc's is a bit worse than Mario's. Yoshi can also hit their up-B with a d-tilt and kill them if timed correctly.

But yeah, I believe the matchup is Mario/Doc >> Yoshi.

I hope this helps :)


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Mario can chain grab and combo him to death. His fireballs can stop his ground movement a bit and force Yoshi to jump sometimes since Yoshi has good wave dashing and moonwalking to approach from the ground. Mario's dair has real good priority and is a safe way of approaching Yoshi from the air and it can also lead to a chain grab or combo. Mario's f-smash has good range to hit Yoshi when he's approaching from the ground or even from the air with a jump canceled attack.

Dr. Mario is just about the same except worse in certain ways. Since he's more powerful, he can perform a jab to d-smash easier than Mario as Doc's jab will lift Yoshi up higher. Of course Doc's d-smash also has more knockback. So it could be a primary tactic against Yoshi to get some damage or even kill him. Doc's dash attack is useful for this matchup since Yoshi can't do anything outta shield if Doc hits Yoshi's shield. It can pop him up for an attack, chain grab or combo. Doc's pills are even gayer against Yoshi than Mario's fireballs because he can perform something I call, "The Akuma Approach" or just Akuma lol. Doc can release two pills while he walks right behind them at basically the same speed while they bounce forward. So not only is it a safe way of approaching Yoshi, but it can also hinder Yoshi's ground movement and even air sometimes since the pills bounce high, unlike Mario's fireballs. Doc can also chain grab. Doc can d-throw to fair or d-throw to combo to fair for a finisher.

Both Mario and Dr. Mario can cape Yoshi's eggs and even get some quick damage if their capes hit Yoshi, especially Doc's, which starts at 12%. Both Marios can d-throw to f-smash for a finisher. Both Marios can approach with a short hop nair but Doc's nair is way stronger if held out with a full hop. Both Marios can give Yoshi the PRESSHHAA since Yoshi

Yoshi doesn't get completely obliterated. Of course he has combos and jump cancel tricks and stuff. If Yoshi hits Mario or Doc with a d-smash and they have a considerable amount of damage and they're nearby the ledge, they can not make it if the Yoshi grabs ledge since their recoveries are not amazing, especially since Doc's is a bit worse than Mario's. Yoshi can also hit their up-B with a d-tilt and kill them if timed correctly.

But yeah, I believe the matchup is Mario/Doc >> Yoshi.

I hope this helps :)
this helps very much actually DJN, awesome post, I'm glad I got your insights on this as it helped me with alot of things the Mario players arond my area have yet to devour me on yet... I'll keep practicing my insights/and new ways to develop things that will hopefully make this matchup less hopeless, since I believe i can make it happen.. Only time will tell though...

^^ Once again thanks DJN ^^


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
the way i was taught it in grade 2 or whatever was...we all made little paper fish, with a mouth like >

and whatever it was eating was the bigger number. so for less than, it's 1 < 2. the fish is hungry so it always wants to eat the bigger number. and 3 > 1.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I like them because they're so not-three-like.

It's fascinating. Three is such a boring number anyway. Even if it does look like boobs when you're high. Not that I'd know from experience, of course. Drugs are bad. I can only relay what people tell me.



Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
i just read the past 10-15 pages or so... khaos is the biggest **** rider of all time. KK is the best poster of all time (mostly cuz of his MS paint abilities).

edit: woah. i just re-read what i wrote. it's late. idk what i'm talking about. i'm sorry.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Because both players can't have the same skills even at the top level, i think this chart should be based around the difficulty a lower ranked player could upset a higher one.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
If we remove Mango, Mew2king, Hungrboyx, Amsah and Armada from the equation. I think most of the top players generally have an equal amount of skill, the difference in their skill wouldn't be significant enough for it to affect this chart imo. I think what Sveet proposed is really silly.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
If we remove Mango, Mew2king, Hungrboyx, Amsah and Armada from the equation. I think most of the top players generally have an equal amount of skill, the difference in their skill wouldn't be significant enough for it to affect this chart imo. I think what Sveet proposed is really silly.
This. All 5 of them are really on a whole level ahead of everyone else.

Also uhh...

Agreed: (at least since the last time I brought these up)
Mewtwo > Zelda
Mr.G&W >> Kirby
Peach > Kirby

Somewhat agreed:
Falcon > Roy
Ganon >> DK
Jigglypuff > Luigi
Link > Kirby
Link = Pikachu
Mario > Young Link
Marth >>> Roy
Peach >> Yoshi
Pikachu > Ness
Pikachu > Roy
Pikachu > Zelda
Samus > Mr.G&W
Samus >> Yoshi
Yoshi > Pichu
Zelda = Mr.G&W

Opinions thrown out there:
Falcon >> Kirby
Falcon > Samus
DK > Ness
DK > Roy
Kirby > Ness
Luigi > Roy
Marth > Luigi
Pikachu > Kirby
Pikachu > Roy
Pikachu = Young Link
Young Link >> Kirby
Young Link > Roy
Zelda >> Kirby


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Zelda has an advantage over Kirby, but it's not gigantic. Kirby can duck 90% of Zelda's moves on reaction and KO her reasonably well due to her floatiness.

Zelda > Kirby.

Deleted member

zelda ***** GAW and kirby horribly brutally. those characters can't ever win that match.

Deleted member

they just horribly outplay their opponents, and we already knew that. having to outplay your opponent to win is what makes a bad matchup in the first place.

trust me, GAW and kirby want nothing to do with zelda if they can help it.
May 3, 2009
Falcon definitely has the advantage on Samus.

He just runs around throwing around unpunishable/difficult to avoid **** while the Samus struggles to keep up and when Samus gets hit off the ground, she takes a stock's worth of damage from getting uaird/kneed across the stage

Deleted member

Shouldn't outplaying your opponent be impossible in an impossible matchup?
yes. want to take bets on jman's fox vs taj's mewtwo? they're equal caliber players, taj should be able to win a few matches despite the match-up right?

I can't think of any GAW or kirby players that can beat my zelda right now and I haven't played in like a month.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Falcon is > Samus

Falcon is terrible, but hes more than > Roy. I wont say how much because i've never played a good one. but it has to be >> atleast


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
If we remove Mango, Mew2king, Hungrboyx, Amsah and Armada from the equation. I think most of the top players generally have an equal amount of skill, the difference in their skill wouldn't be significant enough for it to affect this chart imo. I think what Sveet proposed is really silly.
Really? Zhu beat M2K, and Jman came close to beating Amsah. They probably are the top 5 right now, but there's nothing special about them that makes them untouchable. And you can't say that all the top players have an equal amount of skill, that's just not true as shown by tourney results.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Really? Zhu beat M2K, and Jman came close to beating Amsah. They probably are the top 5 right now, but there's nothing special about them that makes them untouchable. And you can't say that all the top players have an equal amount of skill, that's just not true as shown by tourney results.
They are not untouchable sure, but no doubt they are top 5 in the world and the most consistent out of any players.. that's the key right here.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Really? Zhu beat M2K, and Jman came close to beating Amsah. They probably are the top 5 right now, but there's nothing special about them that makes them untouchable. And you can't say that all the top players have an equal amount of skill, that's just not true as shown by tourney results.
Sure those happened, but despite that, look at results. For Europe, Armada and Amsah consistently place 1st or second no matter what. For USA, look at the consistency of mango hbox and m2k all placing in the money. Sure, flukes happen, people play badly sometimes, and these people are still human. Doesn't change the fact that there's still often a visible difference in level of play.

Also roy isn't that much worse than falcon? Eh... considering roy's not even on the viable character list, i'd say there's a pretty big gap.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I personally don't think Pika v Young Link is even. But from just a character standard I suppose it's correct. I just haven't seen a Young Link player lose to a Pikachu player. :/


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Untrue statement.

I've seen this matchup and played the matchup. I haven't seen anyone lose. And I've never lost it. Some matches are 2 stocks while some matches ARE pretty close. But over all the YLink wins.
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