this solo queue hell is out of control. I know it's just luck for a while, but seriously. I was unranked when the season started. I'm at (i'm not kidding) 1000 elo right now. Just like 12 games played, but I've only won 3 or 4. holy **** how does that happen? It's literally game after game after game of just awful kids. Blows my mind. This last one was the first time that I didn't have a great game, but it wouldn't have mattered. we were like 6-25 when we surrendered, and I had 3 of those kills, as singed.
How can I play with 1900s regularly and do fine, and outjungle guys in the 1600s but then in solo queue just completely fail?
Seriously, all complaining aside, I want someone to coach me. Is it possible to be good enough to just completely carry through this nonsense? Does it make sense at all for a decently good player to lose this many games?
I'm losing with vayne on bot, even when I get fed. My team will just suicide 2v5 regardless of how well I communicate, how little I rage, etc.
I'm losing with xerath in mid, even when I'm winning my lane in CS, get first blood, ward well, never get ganked once, never die, gank both lanes successfully, etc.