Hey dudes! As you might know by now, i'm heading up the Karma Relaunch from the design side, and i bring good news - we are changing her kit. While i don't want to go too in-depth just yet, i wanted to drop in to this thread and answer this question, as it's one i've heard a lot and am sure will continue to be a concern.
Karma was re-imagined in our eyes as a support-mage. Think Lux, Morgana, Orianna - the kinds of characters that scale just as well with ability power as they do cooldown reduction and provide a lot to the team in the way of supporting their efforts. As a support-mage, she won't necessarily have the exact same specialized strengths as say Nami or Thresh (who were primarily designed as duo-lane support champions), but brings a mixed bag of damage and utility that we hope will leave you able to affect the outcome of teamfights and skirmishes alike no matter what lane you want to take her.
I'll be back with specifics on her abilities and mechanics as we get closer to her PBE release.