After thinking about it some, I don't like these changes...
Nerf to mana regen runes and buff to champ mana regen base and growth is still a nerf to mana regen runes. They keep saying it'll be the same... That's not entirely true. You'll have similar mana regen to the old runes+base stats, but your opponents not running mana regen runes are buffed because of this, and in a way contrary to what Riot said they wanted. If you're not running mana regen runes now because of the buff now, you'll have rune slots available for dodge, armor, MR... more survivability...
One of the assumptions they're making when they nerf the doran's items is that carries are going to start with blue crystals, meki pendants, etc, when in reality probably the best thing to buy now is cloth armor or magic mantle & health pots... more defense stats and regeneration = more survivability... not what Riot wants, apparently.
There's that plus doran's items being worse means everyone is going to HAVE to use flat HP quints if you weren't using them before... again, not what Riot said they wanted when they announced they were nerfing flat HP quints.
Also, lmao@ the timing of Vandal Vladimir and his indirect buffs.