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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain

fox ditto


0:20 uair again, or something, or u-tilt again, or turn around and u-smash. or grab. but grab isn't as good as the others in that position. in that position you wanna either combo really hard or play with their di in such a way that you combo really hard or push them offstage. u-tilt/uair will accomplish extending the combo safely and easily. turn around u-smash either extends the combo (and does a ton of damage) or forces them to di hard offstage to avoid the follows and then you **** them.

if you were feeling sort of fancy you also had the option of platform dropping bair after the u-tilt RIGHT before he lands on the platform and then you'd land almost right after hitting him and be in an okay position to possibly follow him. and if not you're more equipped to gimp him or get an edgeguard immediately there.

anyway that's just combo stuff.

you always jump above him and come down with uair. rising uairs can work for combos too (just go up through the platform with uair). a lot of times he's near the edge of the platform too, and the edge of the stage. bair could be pretty good in that situation. going above him and falling down on him has some risks associated with him doing wakeup attacks through your move with the invincibility. granted, he's not doing that, so it's understandable that the thought wouldn't cross your mind, but it's something to consider.

if you land u-throw in the middle of dreamland tbh i think it's better to chain grab him than it is to u-throw u-smash because you have a lil' room for free damage with regrabs and if they di to the edge (towards a plat) you can then u-throw u-smash them onto the plat and maybe get a follow (following on plat is ezmode because plats eat tech rolls), or keep cging until they hit a plat and then you can tech chase with an uair or something, but that's really gay so i understand if you don't wanna. either way i don't recommend guessing with tech chases. he was even nice and made it easy by not DIing hard away.

stop killing yourself. land onstage with that nair and control yourself. also b-throw sucks i don't know why you did it. i think it was a mistake? unless you really wanted to put him at the edge immediately. but i don't see why you'd need to. u-throw nair/bair or something if you want to do that. does more damage and better follow.

don't just throw SHFFLs or FJs out when they're on the edge. fox will **** you for that. if he ledgehopped uair you'd have died. back the **** up and wait.

yeah you need to back up when you're dealing with them at the edge. you keep landing right in front of him and when you're that close you can get ****ed up.

onstage edgeguard with d-smash or something if going for the edge horizontally. you're shining but you're too far from the edge for it to work. there's nothing wrong with shine but you're too far. either get closer or do something that works from further away. or grab the edge --> back air. it's pretty good.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
don't worry about telling me things are gay, i could care less if things are considered gay by whoever, that's just people WHINAXING.

if it's effective, fvck it!


you obviously have plenty of overall knowledge of the game babe, help one mo? =D

i'd post this in the falco threads, but falco forums don't have a thread this legit unfortunately :(


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2009
Why would you even compare a character like Mewtwo who only has maybe 5 players who even count, to fox?

I would be utterly ashamed if the Mewtwo boards were on the same level as this one. 5 players will probably struggle to hold any conversation at all.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Still no Rubyiris love.

Am I really on that many peoples ignore lists?
alright, I'm on it.

Actually, I should've actually read the post. I didn't know you actually wanted advice. Oops. I made a write up on your falco yesterday, then the power went out and I got lazy to type it all again.

Edit: I watched the matches now, and you're playing fairly solid. I can't give much advice, because you are clearly better than him, and I feel that you should be ****** him badly in these matches, but a combination of small mistakes, running into moves, and him being peach makes it close. There are a lot of things that you could be punished for, but you get away with it, because you are better than him, so i dunno what to say.

lol trahhSTEEZY is an awesome name

also guys check out my Fox

i started playing it like a week ago


i'm the white one

any critique is appreciated
david, you're such an *******.

Also, sucks that I didn't get anything recorded that day.

Also, that was some good advice to trah.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Edit: I watched the matches now, and you're playing fairly solid. I can't give much advice, because you are clearly better than him, and I feel that you should be ****** him badly in these matches, but a combination of small mistakes, running into moves, and him being peach makes it close. There are a lot of things that you could be punished for, but you get away with it, because you are better than him, so i dunno what to say.

david, you're such an *******.

Also, sucks that I didn't get anything recorded that day.

Also, that was some good advice to trah.
I wanted to tell him more but I had to go to work D:


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2010
Just imagining Melee physics, I would assume it has less stun time. Someone else can verify it, though. P: But I think knockback has a lot to do with stun? Or was it percentages have to do with stun....? Hmmm


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Reduced hitstun, reduced knockback. If your opponent is at 80% for example, the knockback difference is overtly noticeable. There is a discrepancy with the bairs and their hitstun, but its NOT as noticeable.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
Im having a tournament on october 15th. I need some advice on edge guarding peach and marth please.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
alright, I'm on it.

Actually, I should've actually read the post. I didn't know you actually wanted advice. Oops. I made a write up on your falco yesterday, then the power went out and I got lazy to type it all again.

Edit: I watched the matches now, and you're playing fairly solid. I can't give much advice, because you are clearly better than him, and I feel that you should be ****** him badly in these matches, but a combination of small mistakes, running into moves, and him being peach makes it close. There are a lot of things that you could be punished for, but you get away with it, because you are better than him, so i dunno what to say.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Too bad Xander didn't upload some of the other videos where I demolished him.

Not only am I above Xander on the AZ Power Rankings, I'm currently 2-0 against Xander in tournament this season, and I win about 70:30 in friendlies. The main problem I have with Xander is his camping/running away (cuz Peach is slow and I suxx0rz at powershielding) and his tech skill is superior to mine. Thankfully I'm a smarter player. <3

:peach: > :fox:/:falco:


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Im having a tournament on october 15th. I need some advice on edge guarding peach and marth please.
against a good peach you cant usually edgeguard unless she's coming low. she has enough recovery mixups to make it hard to get a good edgeguard. you can just laser her or maybe land an aerial now and then and get more percent, but most kills on peach come straight up.

against marth:

uh. if he's recovering low, grab the ledge. if you dont have time, light shield edgeghog. if he has his jump, and you can time this, jump to grab the ledge at the last possible second so that if he stalls and you roll on ledge to get away from his aerial or whatever, he still acnt grab it. if he's coming from above but will have to drop down to sweet spot (i.e., can't just grab the ledge without an up-b), grab ledge and try to make him make a mistake (e.g. if he forward-b's at the wrong height, you can shine spike him easily, and if he's not careful you can ledgehop bair him to death). if you can force him to recover on stage, ledgehop bair him back off stage. thsi should kill him although with good DI it might take you a few tries.

you can get fancy and do things like light shield -> shine, too.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
my favorite thing about edge guarding marth is that once fox grabs edge, marth shouldnt ever recover. invincible shine->bair can cover sweetspots and the early upb, and allows time to dsmash if somehow you miss with the shine and bair. if you can get good at shine to wd backward edgehog on marth, you can rinse&repeat shine bair to kill him at just about any percent.

Also, CCing his moves and then shining him after gets you a lot of freebees. If you are at 0% and he grabs edge, you can simply walk up to the edge and crouch. If he does anything offensive from the edge you can CC shine it and you should be able to cover every other edge option from that position, too.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Too bad Xander didn't upload some of the other videos where I demolished him.

Not only am I above Xander on the AZ Power Rankings, I'm currently 2-0 against Xander in tournament this season, and I win about 70:30 in friendlies. The main problem I have with Xander is his camping/running away (cuz Peach is slow and I suxx0rz at powershielding) and his tech skill is superior to mine. Thankfully I'm a smarter player. <3

:peach: > :fox:/:falco:
Claiming your smarter than someone is kind of whack. Intellect is hard to measure in smash.

But thanks for sharing.

edit: Good posts Foxlisk/Sveet.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
@Unknown: I'm not really sure what to say about your post, since Kyle usually beats me in tournament. x.x;
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Too bad Xander didn't upload some of the other videos where I demolished him.

Not only am I above Xander on the AZ Power Rankings, I'm currently 2-0 against Xander in tournament this season, and I win about 70:30 in friendlies. The main problem I have with Xander is his camping/running away (cuz Peach is slow and I suxx0rz at powershielding) and his tech skill is superior to mine. Thankfully I'm a smarter player. <3

:peach: > :fox:/:falco:
I guess I shouldn't have assumed off of those 4 matches.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
Claiming your smarter than someone is kind of whack. Intellect is hard to measure in smash.

But thanks for sharing.

edit: Good posts Foxlisk/Sveet.
Well he only claimed to be smarter at playing the game, not smarter as a person.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
I am smarter as a person too, but that's a different matter entirely lol

And you know what they say about assuming...


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
The matches you demolished me I obviously was playing horribly, so they aren't relevant. The games that we're both playing respectively well will always be close.

Everyone knows that I'm the most inconsistent player ever.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
this thread becomes crappy so fast it's amazing

I quit fox to main falcon again
is this win? y/n

fox for teams all the way though


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
Also, CCing his moves and then shining him after gets you a lot of freebees. If you are at 0% and he grabs edge, you can simply walk up to the edge and crouch. If he does anything offensive from the edge you can CC shine it and you should be able to cover every other edge option from that position, too.
Not quite; Marth's dair is un-CC-able and M2K did that to me once. Ledgehop dair (to break my CC), grab (, dthrow, gimp).


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
Yeah, pretty late. He still had invincibility from the ledge though so I don't think I could've punished him for trying it on reaction. I'm sure I could've like dashdance grabbed him or something, but you know how fighting M2K by the ledge goes: As much as you theorize what you COULD do, it's typically a lot harder and scarier to pull it off in application.


Ok, so I finally got some videos recorded of one of my trouble matchups: Marth on FD. This is me fighting the current best -active- Marth main in Japan (Tani, who is much better, is currently inactive). I know I could win with platforms, but I still have a lot of trouble with the matchup on FD against Marths that usually chaingrab perfectly.

I'm looking for both general and specific advice. Specific advice because, in a matchup where one tiny mistake can lead to a stock loss, little details like "you should've done THIS here" or "you could've comboed him better here" help a lot; and general advice is always good because that's how you improve over time.

Matches where I lose (although I probably lost like 70-80% in this matchup):


Matches where I win:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AThM4Oo034 <- LOL. I think he just started getting frustrated after missing his edgeguards or something

Watching these matches, I feel like I kind of got "stuck" playing "too fast" and I wasn't paying enough attention to approaching safely. Anyway, any critique is appreciated.
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