This match up is extremely in Fox's favor. Not as much as Sheik, but it's definitely up among Falcon's worst match ups.
It's only hard if:
A. You're bad at the match up.
B. The Falcon is simply good at the match up.
Take the top Falcon mains for example. They make the match up seem even, or maybe in their favor for two reasons:
More often than not, the falcon main is actually the better player as a whole.
They've practiced the hell out of arguably their second hardest match up.
Nair, shine, and Utilt when used correctly completely shut down falcon. Late nair to shine shuts down Falcons crouch cancel options, and late nairs on Falcon's shield forces him to roll, else get his options stuffed by utilt/shine.
Falcon also has one of the easiest exploitable recoveries for Fox.
Sure it sounds like I'm just reciting the character match up guide, but it really is the truth behind things.
Good information, but this post is missing a few things. First off, Falcon has no CC options to speak of anyways, because his smashes are too slow and his grab lacks decent range. You almost never have to late nair vs. Falcon, or worry about his CC "options". The last thing we need is players thinking Falcon can do something on defense.
Which brings me to my next point.
People on the Fox boards, myself included, have recommended performing late nairs on shield during shield pressure. Due to Falcon's failure out of shield options, this isn't even remotely necessary. Even with an early nair, your shine still beats his grab (his fastest option), and the only thing he can do with roll.
When pressuring a Falcon, you almost never have to worry about solid retaliation. As a Fox player, its your job to make sure he doesn't slip out with WDs oos or forward rolls. But yeah, by no means should he be able to consistently CC or grab you out of shield unless you **** up pressure.
Another thing to add:
Fox's best tool in the entire match-up in terms of application is bair. You can do it 50 times to edge-guard, or SH and do it 50 times to cut out all of his approaches. A timed bair cleanly beats all of Falcon's aerials.
Unown, Raynex, Lovage, etc:
I have a question about Foxes throw options against characters that land on the top platforms from uthrow:
Most competent players will tech the uthrow if they're going to land on the platform, making an effective follow-up impossible. I've been trying to figure out what the most effective throw is in this situation. It seems like every throw around the low~mid percentages resets the game to a neutral position. I've been experimenting with bthrowing in this situation. Thoughts?
If I throw my opponent up, and the percent they are at alludes to the possibility of them teching on a higher platform, I wait. Whenever you aren't sure about a tech or not during uthrow uair patterns, always wait. If he techs, you can react to where he rolls and still get the uair. If he doesn't tech, you can react to where he rolls and still get the uair. See how that works?
If you're talking about big stages like dreamland, then you should be able to WD onto the platform after such uthrows, and give chase.
My question is about Fox dittos (kinds related to my previous complaining lol). Does anyone still chaingrab or do you always go for usmash? Also, it seems like approaching is a losing proposition and you should just DD around and go for grabs, is this basically right?
And what kind of common things can you shine oos? What to do vs shine-nair shield pressure? Basically I'm a scrub and want to learn this match lol
CG is good but most people don't use it ALL THE TIME out of respect (or some bull**** like that). CGing in a tournament match is always okay though, never let anyone tell you otherwise. But if you lose friends because all you do is CG in friendlies, I'm not sure what to tell you. lol
My advice is to usmash and learn to chase afterwards for the grab. Granted, CGing is easier and literally inescapable in certain situations, but understanding how to chase with Fox really helps your game. It would be more of a variety call than a "which option is better call". Imo, mix it up with both usmash and re-grabs mid combo for best results.
What should I do with grabs on Ganon RaynEx? Bread and Butter doesn't work for me here.
Uthrow uair doesn't combo on Ganon ever. His double jump provides him almost no horizontal distance whatsoever, and he is really fat - so when he tries to jump you just clip him. After an uthrow on Ganon:
1: Wait for the double jump. This is the most crucial part of landing the next hit. It isn't always required if you're fishing for an uair, but it definitely makes it easier to hit. There is no harm in waiting for him to DJ in this match-up. His aerials are slow and one of his laggiest is the only one that covers him from below, so you have more than enough time to see the DJ and counter it accordingly.
2. Uair
3. Call the direction of his DJ and bair. If you hit him, then fastfall autocancel that ****, because now he has no DJ and you might get a free juggle combo if you catch him before he lands.
4. Uthrow and walk below him and predict his landing spot. Trapping them like this forces Ganon to make really risky decisions to get out of your way. When he DJs, you can literally walk and follow him from below because of how bad his aerial maneuverability is. If he does anything, you can spot-dodge it, shield it, or DD it and grab or usmash or utilt or whatever. His moves are so slow, it should never be a problem to simply watch him as he is falling and react. Watch out for airdodges.
best way to jc multi-shine, quick.
i.e. what button combination is best used to be pressed for consistency/speed?
Y+B is probably the easiest way to multishine. It is the closest jump button to B, which makes it alot easier to slide from.