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Q&A Doc General Discussion: Ask and ye shall receive ft. otg and Shroomed!


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
I saw somebody, I'm guessing shroomed, beat some peach. That was pretty comical.

I also laughed cause I went to watch a random stream, and apparently P plays like me now. That's hilarious. Dunno who'd make that random comparison. Actually, yeah I do. XD

That stream was pretty hilarious, though.



Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
Today was the first time I thought about switching mains to a better character

i lost to two foxes that know how to space that amazing backair of theirs

after lucky 4 stocked me, I talked to HMW and we came to the conclusion that his playstyle would work better on lucky

so the following matches I slowed down and thought **** out

fox is a stupid character


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
Today was the first time I thought about switching mains to a better character

i lost to two foxes that know how to space that amazing backair of theirs

after lucky 4 stocked me, I talked to HMW and we came to the conclusion that his playstyle would work better on lucky

so the following matches I slowed down and thought **** out

fox is a stupid character
What?! Hold up man, you just got Scar for $30, saying Doc is a great character. Now your "thinking about cheating on Doc for a new character because of Fox's b-air! And what happened to being a hardcore Doc player and just "going Doc all the way through tournaments".

Alright, in all seriousness I didn't see the match. Did the match get recorded?! Did you try to cape the "spaced" b-air. I know using the cape on spaced aerials should deal 12% damage on the first hit and all the cape hits could throw off your opponents' L-canceling (since they fall slower because of all the hit lag from the cape) and should force them to use a different approach. You might even be able to throw a f-tilt or something after hitting them with the cape right as they land to the ground.

Wait if you have problems with Fox spacing... how do you deal with Marth and company?
Marth is hella annoying!.. and GAY. :mad:


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
I like how you're trying to fault shroomed for doing what he thinks he needs to do to win. -rolls eyes-

[insert fighting game lesson plug]
You better realize that, as long as you live in America or any area that is ruled by the double elimination format, people are going to have counterpick (characters) and secondaries. That's what the format implies.

It's not the same as japan where they get one shot in they're done, so they're more inclined, sometimes forced, to learn horrid matchups instead of using previous info and switching to a more favorable, or even advantagous matchup.
[/fighting game lesson plug]

So yeah, you can try to fault people for not sticking to one character all you want. I hope you realize you're playing a specific game in a specific format that screams "You need to know more than one character."


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2006
Milwaukee WI
its not double elims fsult. its more the 2/3 games to win fault, and how you can switch to any character after a game.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
Although, without that format, it would encourage players to dedicate themselves to and explore their character much more than learning secondaries and tertiaries.

I'm fine either way.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
I lost to lucky and eggz and I think they both got recorded

after I slowed down and played like HMW I did a crapton better

and I'm not gonna switch to fox, I was jus venting lol

eggz double shined after every aerial so I couldn't USMASH outta shield and for some reason I never thought to wait for the second shine and then usmash

I'm stupid and upset that I got completely ***** by eggz lol

EDIT: Does WD bak cape work on the bair? (The WD to ensure you won't get hit)

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
^^would have to see vids, but if they are spacing correctly, you shouldn't need to. Also, try sdi ing out of the aerial (you can do that in shieldstun as well as hitstun), so the wouldn't even connect.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
the match i got 4 stocked, i was trying to challenge everything he did lol

thats y brandon told me to stop challenging him in the next matches

cuz his spacing is too good


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
I like how you're trying to fault shroomed for doing what he thinks he needs to do to win. -rolls eyes-

[insert fighting game lesson plug]
You better realize that, as long as you live in America or any area that is ruled by the double elimination format, people are going to have counterpick (characters) and secondaries. That's what the format implies.

It's not the same as japan where they get one shot in they're done, so they're more inclined, sometimes forced, to learn horrid matchups instead of using previous info and switching to a more favorable, or even advantagous matchup.
[/fighting game lesson plug]

So yeah, you can try to fault people for not sticking to one character all you want. I hope you realize you're playing a specific game in a specific format that screams "You need to know more than one character."
Naw, no fault intended bro. I was just being jokey about that whole "Go Doc all the way through tournament" conversation from before. Don't y'all remember when I said I'm picking Ganondorf vs. Sheik or Fox and stupid stages? Some people were like "Y'all suck for not goin' Doc all the way thru tournaments... blah, blah, blah". lol


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
usmash outta shield is so easy and good

i never thought about someone doubleshining me tho

till eggz ***** me with it

wait till the second shine then usmash that shiznit!


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
WD back OoS if they try to pressure your shield
Or roll towards/away from them. Careful vs mango, tho. That guy'll pew pew behind him and then run behind you and then you're like omg what do i do and then you sidestep and he rests you and ur liek wtf falco can rest?

and then you buy him a drink and he loses.



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
DJ standed no chances vs. m2k regardless of the matchup. He probably would've done better going bowser. Watch someone come in here and be like "OMGZ THE BEST SHEIK ***** THAT GUY WHO MAIINS BOWSER BUT WENT DOC, THAT MATCHUP MUST BE LIKE 100-0"

And they're right.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2007
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Man the Sheik matchup is sooo hard. I find myself running away from grabs more than doing any real damaga at all and then I get frustrated and annoyed and I start playing offensively and then sheik doe something stupid and I die...
Makes me sad cause Holland has like the best sheiks in the world


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
im a spartan, and we never retreat, and never surrender!


i dont WD back from shield pressure anymore

i should mix that in with my usmash OOS thingy
word. You can WD inward as well and avoid attacks on the shield sometimes. You'll usually see good marth and sheik players do it.

Or roll towards/away from them. Careful vs mango, tho. That guy'll pew pew behind him and then run behind you and then you're like omg what do i do and then you sidestep and he rests you and ur liek wtf falco can rest?

and then you buy him a drink and he loses.

the one game I played doc vs mango's falco at ROM2, I had him at last stock. I had the lead the whole match, then got gimped at the end. I got him with a lot of mid damage kills (u-throw -> u-air -> d-smash around 50% before the grab).

Falco d-air is gay.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Man I just flew in from work and boy are my arms tired.

-rolls eyes-
how is double elim at fault?
in fact it seems almost the other way around in my head.
its not double elims fsult. its more the 2/3 games to win fault, and how you can switch to any character after a game.
Doesn't seem like a fault; more like an advantage you should certainly take.
*points down to next comment*
Although, without that format, it would encourage players to dedicate themselves to and explore their character much more than learning secondaries and tertiaries.

I'm fine either way.
There's a reason why, when you look at japan or any country that runs their games single elim, you find outstanding players with lesser characters. If you want to play that character, you are forced to learn your bad matchups or else your logic reverts to "Well, I'm going to have to win 2 sets straight with my secondary everytime I plan to use them."

If it takes you a game to feel a person out, it'll take you the second game to feel them out with your second character. You dont have time for that if dropping game 2 means your *** is sittin on the bench for the rest of the time.
EDIT: Does WD bak cape work on the bair? (The WD to ensure you won't get hit)
Read: Hey, I dont like readin Dogy's ****. ^_^

It works, but it's gimmicky. The gimmick is, for it to work, they have to "space well", seeing as cape doesnt flip momentum in this game. So like, if fox were to jump clean past you with a n.air, WDing back and caping isnt going to do anything because all you'll do is flip him around while you still get hit in the face with a n.air. However, if they want to space correctly (or short), and you can WD out of range, then yeah, it'll work.

im a spartan, and we never retreat, and never surrender!


i dont WD back from shield pressure anymore

i should mix that in with my usmash OOS thingy
That sounds like a good reason to get 4 stocked by a fox right there; Refusal to respect his pressure game.

Especially a character dumb enough to have a 1 frame attack. XD

DJ standed no chances vs. m2k regardless of the matchup. He probably would've done better going bowser. Watch someone come in here and be like "OMGZ THE BEST SHEIK ***** THAT GUY WHO MAIINS BOWSER BUT WENT DOC, THAT MATCHUP MUST BE LIKE 100-0"

And they're right.
I laughed so hard when people were stupid enough to say that to and about me when I played M2k at TO5. It shows how people DON'T keep up with regions at all, seeing as there aren't really any sheiks in the south. NEVERMIND I BEAT A SHEIK WHO DID THE EXACT SAME THING TO ME THE ROUND BEFORE.

That gets taken away because this sheik is named after a bottom tiered king. -rolls eyes-.

But hey, that's how things roll around here. The top of midtier has "impossible matchups". -laughs hysterically-


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I laughed so hard when people were stupid enough to say that to and about me when I played M2k at TO5. It shows how people DON'T keep up with regions at all, seeing as there aren't really any sheiks in the south. NEVERMIND I BEAT A SHEIK WHO DID THE EXACT SAME THING TO ME THE ROUND BEFORE.

That gets taken away because this sheik is named after a bottom tiered king. -rolls eyes-.

But hey, that's how things roll around here. The top of midtier has "impossible matchups". -laughs hysterically-
All I was saying that M2k is way better than DJ and it didn't matter what matchup they played. ****, m2k could've doc dittoed him and I bet he would've *****. I have faith in you Dogy, you can keep up with dem sheiks :)

But yeah, my sarcasm is pointed at those who see things like Shroomed getting 4 stocked by a player WAAAAY better than him (and apparently as he was being blindly aggressive... go figure, no hate tho shroomed you're legit) and DJ getting ***** by a player WAAAAAY better than him and its like "there you go, Doc for bottom tier"

It's ********.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
All I was saying that M2k is way better than DJ and it didn't matter what matchup they played. ****, m2k could've doc dittoed him and I bet he would've *****. I have faith in you Dogy, you can keep up with dem sheiks :)

But yeah, my sarcasm is pointed at those who see things like Shroomed getting 4 stocked by a player WAAAAY better than him (and apparently as he was being blindly aggressive... go figure, no hate tho shroomed you're legit) and DJ getting ***** by a player WAAAAAY better than him and its like "there you go, Doc for bottom tier"

It's ********.
That's the point I was making.

That's how this community is.

When the TO5 vids dropped and I got destroyed by m2k, everybody's all like "omg doc cant do anything vs m2k. Doc is trash, blah blah." And I'm thinking "Wow, I literally beat a sheik who did THE EXACT SAME THING M2K DID the game before. The only difference was that the sheik I lost to has frame-seeing glasses. (Not really, I looked for stuff m2k never does)", but try to tell that to anybody else and it's like "NO THIS CHARACTER LOST, DOESNT MATTER IF THE OTHER GUY COULDA PICKED DK AND DID THE SAME THING"



Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I laughed so hard when people were stupid enough to say that to and about me when I played M2k at TO5. It shows how people DON'T keep up with regions at all, seeing as there aren't really any sheiks in the south. NEVERMIND I BEAT A SHEIK WHO DID THE EXACT SAME THING TO ME THE ROUND BEFORE.

That gets taken away because this sheik is named after a bottom tiered king. -rolls eyes-.

But hey, that's how things roll around here. The top of midtier has "impossible matchups". -laughs hysterically-
this here is a good post. I've been saying this for years, which is also why I don't like when spacie mains from the south say that fox/falco vs falcon is even. A lot of them lose to good falcon players, because there are no (at least known ones) in their reigon, so they lack experience in the matchup.

Same with marths in the south (other than QDVS that I know of), or in the west (other than DJ combo I guess). When falco mains say that marth v falco is 65-35 for marth, and the rest of the world is like "what?". Or that marth is the best character in the game, and peach.

There are more examples that. I just need to think. I would say falco v fox, but that's a different story.
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