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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Gates = Some random troll... QUITTER
Yeah, I've definitely been a troll the whole time. It's not like I ever, you know, wrote the matchup thread and organized matchup discussions and wasted nearly a year of my life in the process or anything. No, I was never a Dedede main, I probably don't even play Brawl or if i do then I can't play it because the disc is broken.

When have I ever trolled the Dedede boards? I troll Beef for not being able to understand sarcasm (and so does everyone else on these boards), and I troll Seibrik whenever he goes back to MK, and I tell people "u gay" because y'all *****s is gay, but other than that, name ONE instance where I have trolled the Dedede boards. Obviously I troll the MK boards, everyone does at some point. In the dedede boards though I have never trolled them. In fact, when I was running my matchup thread I was usually the first to tell off trolls. I have never, ever trolled the Dedede boards.

Serin, I only gave you the matchup thread because you were the only one who wanted it. I would've rather have given it to any number of people - Seibrik, Beef, Alby, Zip, CO18, Atomsk, MAH BOI A to the Z, Jupz, etc. pretty much anyone on the boards besides Celebi, Crashic, TUSM, lain since he's not a Dedede main, possibly CPU since he likes taunting us with having secrets for matchups more than actually talking about them, and these randoms who just showed up to troll. If I had known you wouldn't have actually done anything with it I wouldn't have given it to you at all. Frankly, I thought that you would actually put time in it to update the matchups and exports and keep everything up to date. Instead you're just bumping them and not really doing anything. It's pathetic and I clearly overestimated how much you wanted it.

**** you Serin. You're an embarassment to these boards (and that's saying a lot).

Beef, do you wanna run the matchup thread? You're definitely someone who could keep it up to date. If you think you'll still be too busy with the Q&A thread then that's fine. Or maybe we could merge the two?


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009

EDIT:[sarcasm]Oh yeah yeah you right dawg, you right :) [/sarcasm]

EDIT2: Oh man, I'm so sorry when I have nobody to cooperate with to help make everything more organized and get things a clean start. I WAS going to start with the Diddy matchup, but since nobody wants to give a **** about it, I said **** it.

It's true, I wasn't going to start everything ALL AT ONCE, but once Karina came back from w/e class or when she gets decent internet, I was going to get back to redo'ing old outdated matchups.

EDIT3: Also, how the **** could I change **** when ownership wasn't even mine.

EDIT4: Gates, if it's soooooooo much easier to come up with some godgiven reason to get on your period and waste these long write ups striking me, why the **** would you even say "Sure, I'll give em to you..."

Get the **** out with that ****.

EDIT5: I never said you trolled the D3 boards specifically, I say you are a troll in general. Stop ****ing *****ing about **** that isn't even made out in a serious god**** point. You're like a CRASHiC that wants to let out some rage because he's constantly being ****ed in the *** by his abusive dad and uncle.

EDIT6: Are you seriously saying that I just post here instead of actually trying to IMPROVE D3? Cuz I just wanna play around and play with my ****? Hell **** no.

tl;dr version: Shut the **** up and stop *****ing about everything I say. If it makes you OH SO ANGRY to hand something over to me in the first place, keep the ****. I'm obviously not trying to help the D3 boards at all...

EDIT7: Oops I forgot AtotheZ. My bad.


Smash Champion
Dec 11, 2008
Redondo Beach, California
This board has gone to the ****s with all these new members lol. It was so good when it was just me, beefy, gates, alby, and a few others. Celebi was just the start lol.
Yep I miss those days, back from early 2009 on to summer of 2009. :)
Beefy = A cow that's well done D3 main
I laughed hard. :)
possibly CPU since he likes taunting us with having secrets for matchups more than actually talking about them
Beef, do you wanna run the matchup thread? You're definitely someone who could keep it up to date. If you think you'll still be too busy with the Q&A thread then that's fine. Or maybe we could merge the two?
Thanks but, no I can't possibly do that, and yes I do spend quite some quality time doing write-ups of what I think about people's King Dededes also. :(
Ah I didn't think about merging the two.... but eh. Not a biggy. Sorry lol. Oh by the way, CPU quit, from what he told me about money problems.

Crap Serin and Gates! I don't want it to be this way!


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
I think you guys are being a little harsh on new comers. Some people just don't join the boards right away and start posting, but understand the dynamics of how to do so. For example, I've been coming here for almost a year, but just recently made an account because I felt I was ready to start contributing to discussion. Some people DO genuinely want to main D3. :)


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Lol, well I like the nice new members like Tmacc, Beaver, and other people that come to learn DDD. I feel really happy coming in here and seeing that new people join the community. I feel kinda bad for posting that now, sorry newcomers :(

What I don't like to see, is coming into this thread and seeing a ****load of spam from people that never contribute to anything else on the board.



Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008
Yeah, you're right.

TUSM = Troll

Celebi = D3 main I GUESS...


Gates = Some random troll... QUITTER

Alby = D3 main

Beefy = A cow that's well done D3 main

Jupz = D3 main

CO18 = D3 main

Atomsk = Some gay D3 main :)

Serin = Best D3 main in the South :bee:
Bettah den dat ****** See oh ate teen AND See bricks.
guess im not here enough lol..(or care enough)


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
no u

EDIT:[sarcasm]Oh yeah yeah you right dawg, you right :) [/sarcasm]
I'm Beef and what is this?

EDIT2: Oh man, I'm so sorry when I have nobody to cooperate with to help make everything more organized and get things a clean start.
Welcome to my world.
I WAS going to start with the Diddy matchup, but since nobody wants to give a **** about it, I said **** it.
Again, welcome to my world. Do you know how hard I had to try to get people do discuss SNAKE? Let alone the low tier matchups. Did you have any idea with what you were getting into with running a matchup thread? It's hell. If you don't have data for all 37 characters you get chastised for it being incomplete, but if you try to discuss all 37 characters people stop caring once you get to the easy matchups and the low tiers. On top of that there are people who do nothing but criticize you and try to undermine you by creating parallel matchup threads (you know, like what you did ALL THE TIME with me).

It's true, I wasn't going to start everything ALL AT ONCE, but once Karina came back from w/e class or when she gets decent internet, I was going to get back to redo'ing old outdated matchups.
I didn't know Bunny was away. If I had I would have PM'd another mod about it.

EDIT3: Also, how the **** could I change **** when ownership wasn't even mine.
See above.

Although technically I gave you access to the Penguinpimp account so you could change that post at least.

EDIT4: Gates, if it's soooooooo much easier to come up with some godgiven reason to get on your period and waste these long write ups striking me, why the **** would you even say "Sure, I'll give em to you..."
I just told you, you were the only one who asked for it. I've shut you down multiple times when you've asked to create a new matchup thread or something, but in this case where I can guarantee that I'm not going to be in the community much longer I decided that it needed to be handed over to someone. You were the only one who volunteered so I chose you. If anyone else who I trust expresses interest in it, I'll give it to them though.

And given the *****fit you had in response, our periods must be in the same cycle.

Get the **** out with that ****.
That can be arranged.

EDIT5: I never said you trolled the D3 boards specifically, I say you are a troll in general. Stop ****ing *****ing about **** that isn't even made out in a serious god**** point. You're like a CRASHiC that wants to let out some rage because he's constantly being ****ed in the *** by his abusive dad and uncle.
lol wut?
Attacks on my family members that you don't know, how mature. Ok, I'll stoop down to your level for now:

At least I know who my dad is.

EDIT6: Are you seriously saying that I just post here instead of actually trying to IMPROVE D3? Cuz I just wanna play around and play with my ****? Hell **** no.
Yes, yes that is what I'm saying. What was the last thing you contributed that was significant?

tl;dr version: Shut the **** up and stop *****ing about everything I say. If it makes you OH SO ANGRY to hand something over to me in the first place, keep the ****. I'm obviously not trying to help the D3 boards at all...

EDIT:[sarcasm]Oh yeah yeah you right dawg, you right :) [/sarcasm]

If you want control of the threads that badly I'll ask another mod to do it as long as you do some ****ing work.

And I was mostly mad that you identified me as "just some troll" implying that I wasn't also a Dedede main. I love Dedede so much that I Dededecide people when I'm a stock behind. I did so much for the Dedede boards in 2008-2009, but does anyone remember that? Apparently not. If it weren't for me you guys probably still wouldn't have a matchup thread. And then when I give it to you, you come right back and openly insult me. I'm glad to see I'm so appreciated.

Now I see why a lot of people don't read the character boards. It's full of pointless infighting.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
It is gates, thats why i "take breaks from ddd"


i never check the mk boards, they're dumber than dumb.

the thing they all argue about the most is the most efficient mk main 2ndary, and as of now im pretty sure the best secondary, after all their fighting, for mk, IS mk.

I only come back here with purpose to the character, something new i find, or something i need figured out.

i don't come here to chill, thats what tourniment regional social boards are for.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
It is gates, thats why i "take breaks from ddd"

You heard it people, it's all your faults.

i never check the mk boards, they're dumber than dumb.

the thing they all argue about the most is the most efficient mk main 2ndary, and as of now im pretty sure the best secondary, after all their fighting, for mk, IS mk.
Yeah it's dumb as ****. I only ever used to read the Social thread and I don't even read that anymore because it's gotten pretty boring. And the "Actual threads" are usually randoms arguing with Ksizzle and RedHalberd over pointless ****.

I definitely post a lot more in the MI thread so I can chill with super saiyains and nameks and ****. Or I just talk with them on AIM.

Also, I sent a PM to Hylian asking him to merge the threads, so we'll see how that goes.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
You heard it people, it's all your faults.

Yeah it's dumb as ****. I only ever used to read the Social thread and I don't even read that anymore because it's gotten pretty boring. And the "Actual threads" are usually randoms arguing with Ksizzle and RedHalberd over pointless ****.

I definitely post a lot more in the MI thread so I can chill with super saiyains and nameks and ****. Or I just talk with them on AIM.

Also, I sent a PM to Hylian asking him to merge the threads, so we'll see how that goes.
Me and Ksizzle never even post.

I only post on the snake boards, ATL south, or to randomly troll other threads.




Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
Seibrik- I'd also like to chat with you sometime. :)

And as far as what I've seen from the "social" here, there is alot of pointless arguing, but I think there is alot of good discussion/information on the rest of the board.

And Gates, I LOVE the MU thread/guide, I've read through it numerous times, and it has helped me so much, I love MU discussion. So here's one big "thank you." :D

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
if i'm gonna do anything as far as discussions and things, i'd rather do a livestream/ustream podcast type thing.

not a podcast, since its live but if im gona talk with people about stuff, i'd rather not do it multiple times, and keep it more as a Q/A type of thing

so maybe i'll designate a date and time, maybe even do it once a week, where u guys can talk to me, and each other, and get somethings cleared up.

should be fun, i might even have vids on youtube to link in the stream and give examples of things



I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
You should have actually replied in the post so I could go back to points that you made, but I won't trouble you about it.

But I'm done arguing, it's just gonna end up as **** being thrown back at us a few days/weeks/months later.

So how about a truce?

EDIT: Seibrik, just get skype.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
MK boards are pretty ******** lolz.
MK are pretty ******** lolz.

And Gates, I LOVE the MU thread/guide, I've read through it numerous times, and it has helped me so much, I love MU discussion. So here's one big "thank you." :D
Thanks, I'm glad it helped.

if i'm gonna do anything as far as discussions and things, i'd rather do a livestream/ustream podcast type thing.
That would be pretty cool. You could call it Channel DDD with Seibrik.

You should have actually replied in the post so I could go back to points that you made, but I won't trouble you about it.

But I'm done arguing, it's just gonna end up as **** being thrown back at us a few days/weeks/months later.

So how about a truce?
Yeah tbh I overreacted and I know you were just joking. I also hate arguing. So yeah, truce.

So...how bout that Bioshock 2 amirite?

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
Yo Gkirbz I'm real happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Arizona was one of the best 4 corners states of all time! One of the best four corners states of all time!
thats why we ***** them in there own state right?

wowww i cant believe i just read all of that D:

this place is getting worse :L
its cuz i left for a few days O;

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
i think im gona make it sundays or something like that, when im USUALLY home, or friday nights.

and... i'll make a thread for it, and it'll be on yousteam, even though i have skype, im not gona make everyone download skype when they can just create an account on ustream

thinkin first one will be sunday night though, if i get home in time from orlando.

I'll keep u posted, just be available sunday night! (around... 10pm est)


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
I won't be able to make it sunday nights cause its my monday morning. Friday nights over there = sat morning here = good :)

Can one of you guys copy-past the convo into notebook and save it for me please :)


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
I could definately do that for you if I can make it! :D Probaly not this Sunday though, considering it's Valentine's Day..haha


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
Not that many things we NEED to discuss that we HAVEN'T discussed, so technically no.


EDIT2: Seibrik, if you do this, you absolutely NEED wifi to do it. It'll only make sense to do so if you wanna start doing podcasts so you can should examples of what you talk about instead of just theorycrafting most of what you say.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
MK are pretty ******** lolz.

Thanks, I'm glad it helped.

That would be pretty cool. You could call it Channel DDD with Seibrik.

Yeah tbh I overreacted and I know you were just joking. I also hate arguing. So yeah, truce.

So...how bout that Bioshock 2 amirite?
im picking up Bioshock 2 after i finish with Mass Effect 2. Looking forward to ****** Big Sisters as a Big Daddy


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
You should cody, your commentary is amazing.

i can break these cuffs

Oh~! Awesome Coney! Is your main really Samus? O:
hahah, naw, i change this thing around all the time. i'm a DDD purist through and through. peach is my secondary though, so i'll prolly use her for icies @_@

So who is D3's absolute worst mu?

Diddy, MK, ICs, Falco, Oli...

i think it varies from player to player. some DDDs have huge issue with oli but are great against falco. some are awful against MK but can handle icies.

i personally think it's falco, but that's just me. pika is also apparently terrible for us, but i've never played a top-rate pika.
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