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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Coney, Seagull said you beat pyronic star/logic with dedede, is that true?
yeah, but he might've withheld some information

we've played in two tourney sets right now; he beat me 2-0 in our first, and in our second and most recent i won game 1 on SV, he won game 2 on BF (by the way, ban BF against oli)...

and for the first time in a long time, japes was legal. P~S banned brinstar basically on habit/gut reaction, so i took him to japes and won. it was almost a three-stock but he baited me into the croc twice, so he still made it close considering how behind he was at the start.

we play a lot of friendlies and lately we've been going back and forth a lot, but they're just friendlies and while i never sandbag or play badly myself, i can't speak for mah boi logic. i mean he's a top player in this area and i'm more just some mediocre mid-high level, so i'm sure if he could turn it on and beat me decidedly if he wanted to.

you also have to remember, P~S plays an extremely aggro olimar. we like playing each other because i play a really aggro DDD, so we're taking two normally defensive characters and clashing. so playing him isn't like playing just any other oli, because he isn't just going to retreat and pivot grab.

anyway, i don't think oli is that bad for DDD, at all. you can either just utilt the pikmin off, since you'll usually kill with something different, or you can choose to just ignore the damage, which is what i do. unless it's a white, then i get that **** off with the quickness.

oh, and just to tease him for namesearching, i'll also mention that i three-stocked him in a four-stock match just two nights ago, we were playing on a flatscreen and he couldn't whistle my bairs offstage, what a maroon


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
yeah, but he might've withheld some information

we've played in two tourney sets right now; he beat me 2-0 in our first, and in our second and most recent i won game 1 on SV, he won game 2 on BF (by the way, ban BF against oli)...

and for the first time in a long time, japes was legal. P~S banned brinstar basically on habit/gut reaction, so i took him to japes and won. it was almost a three-stock but he baited me into the croc twice, so he still made it close considering how behind he was at the start.

we play a lot of friendlies and lately we've been going back and forth a lot, but they're just friendlies and while i never sandbag or play badly myself, i can't speak for mah boi logic. i mean he's a top player in this area and i'm more just some mediocre mid-high level, so i'm sure if he could turn it on and beat me decidedly if he wanted to.

you also have to remember, P~S plays an extremely aggro olimar. we like playing each other because i play a really aggro DDD, so we're taking two normally defensive characters and clashing. so playing him isn't like playing just any other oli, because he isn't just going to retreat and pivot grab.

anyway, i don't think oli is that bad for DDD, at all. you can either just utilt the pikmin off, since you'll usually kill with something different, or you can choose to just ignore the damage, which is what i do. unless it's a white, then i get that **** off with the quickness.

oh, and just to tease him for namesearching, i'll also mention that i three-stocked him in a four-stock match just two nights ago, we were playing on a flatscreen and he couldn't whistle my bairs offstage, what a maroon
Yeah he always withholds info. He usually says he beat someone when it was just a round taken off.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Yeah, you're right.

TUSM = Troll

Celebi = D3 main I GUESS...


Gates = Some random troll... QUITTER

Alby = D3 main

Beefy = A cow that's well done D3 main

Jupz = D3 main

CO18 = D3 main

Atomsk = Some gay D3 main :)

Serin = Best D3 main in the South :bee:
Bettah den dat ****** See oh ate teen AND See bricks.
Stupid late, but being first on this list, on top of other Dedede mains, means something.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
There's too much Weeaboo in this thread right now. Let's talk about pokemans.

I actually made a new Ubers team that's hyper aggressive and hyper fun.

Tekkaman Blade (Deoxys-e) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SDef
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Superpower
- Taunt

Anyone who's played Ubers has undoubtedly seen this lead. Something like 25% of all teams in the format use this. There's no point in explaining it, other than maybe saying that I prefer Superpower over Extremespeed so that I can kill Dialga and possibly revenge kill Darkrai later on.

Harley Quinn (Salamence) (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Flamethrower
- Outrage

The Joker (Rayquaza) @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 32 HP/252 Atk/216 Spd/8 SDef
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Overheat

For those who don't know the strategy behind these two I'll briefly explain. Salamence and Rayquaza are essentially the same with the only differences that Rayquaza is more specially bulky (they are tied for physical bulkiness when you factor in Salamence's Intimidate) and has better attacking stats and the ability to stop weather while Salamence has higher speed which can mean a lot against most of the Ubers metagame (and Intimidate is also kind of nice I guess). By running both of them you can effectively run a 5 pokemon team and decide which of these two you want to use to sweep your opponent. The problem with this strategy is that they both have the same counters and thus the rest of your team will likely need to be built around dealing with those counters. However, so far it has proved quite successful with the right prediction and support from the rest of the team. As a side note, I would like to say that I hate Outrage. I think it's a stupid idea to lock yourself into an attack for 2-3 turns and then come out of it with confusion, 20% Life Orb damage, and your opponent switching to a counter that likely resists Dragon, has a priority move, or is just faster. That said, the amount of things I have OHKO'd with Outrage, both with and without DD and SR support, has sold me on what I still believe is a fundamentally terrible move.

lol XD (Wobbuffet) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 28 HP/228 Def/252 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Tickle
- Encore
- Counter
- Mirror Coat

***** ***** YOU CAN'T DO **** ABOUT THIS MU****A HE GON **** YO FAMILY UP DA *** WITH HIS GIANT *** **** **** ***** *** ***** ***** **** ***** ****** ******* IN YO MOUTH **** **** ***** ***** *****ES!

Iron Man (Dialga) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 120 HP/136 Atk/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Draco Meteor
- Brick Break
- Thunder
- Fire Blast

Rayquaza and Salamence have many counters - Lugia, Cresselia, Mewtwo, Scizor, Shaymin-S, Darkrai, Groudon, Garchomp, and most Steel types in rain. This helps with many of those as well as other common threats. Fire Blast will always kill Scizor if it hits and can kill other Steel types and Shaymin-S outside of rain as well. If rain is around, Thunder can take care of steel types and Kyogre and if they resist electric for some reason Brick Break can still kill steels. Brick Break is also very useful against Tyranitar, Blissey, Darkrai if Sleep Clause is already in effect, Heatran, other Dialgas, and random things that may come up. Draco Meteor is the obvious STAB that mostly takes care of other dragons, though in practice it mostly just works against Latios and Latias unless a Garchomp/Salamence/Rayquaza player mispredicts and Swords Dances or something. Expert Belt helps him remain bulky without giving up attacking strength, though the current configuration only hits 11 types for super effective damage so I'm wondering if I should switch either the movepool or the item. As far as the item goes, Life Orb is risky since I already have it on half my team and I don't want to risk making this guy another frail dude, Adamant Orb won't do ****, and Leftovers is very dicey in that I'm afraid he won't be able to dish out enough damage if I switch to it. As far as moves go, Earth Power doesn't give me quite as much coverage as Fire Blast but on the other hand I already have two fire attacks on my team. Outrage is just pointless since I already have a dragon attack, and Bulk Up or Stealth Rock would make me sacrifice coverage which I don't want to do (and I also have someone to lay down rocks). Overall I'd say I like him fine right now.

War Machine (Scizor) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 176 HP/100 Atk/232 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- Roost
- U-turn

Scizor is here to counter the threats to SalaQuaza that Dialga can't - Lugia, Cresselia, and Mewtwo (provided Mewtwo doesn't have Flamethrower). U-Turn hits them all for a lot after STAB, weakness, and Technician. After a U-Turn you can switch into MOTHER****ING WOBBUFFET and get them into an Encore trap on something like Toxic or Calm Mind and Tickle them 3 or more times (though this doesn't work on Mewtwos with Taunt, but then you can just Mirror Coat once or twice and they'll be at a low enough health for the next step). Finally, you switch back to Scizor and kill them with Pursuit when they try to switch out. Aside from this strategy, Scizor is just mad good against a lot of things in the metagame since they're almost all weak to Bug or Dark and many are not resistant to Bullet Punch as well. I'm thinking about CB Scizor but so far I like this one fine since it has access to Roost and it's able to switch moves.

Overall this team is very risky to run but it has the potential to be extremely successful if used correctly. I have to say, I like it a lot more than my first Uber team which was, for the most part, just random crap thrown together without a ton of strategy.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
It definitely does mean something. Serin was thinking of the dumb***es first.
There's just one problem. Serin's name was last on the list, so that means either he's the smartest person on these boards, or he's full of himself.

Besides, that just goes to show that the trolls on these boards have a much greater influence than anyone else in here....

slow and graceful acceptance ~~~
Except D.E. Whatever she says is law. Oh yeah, I'm meatriding.


Smash Champion
Dec 11, 2008
Redondo Beach, California
There's just one problem. Serin's name was last on the list, so that means either he's the smartest person on these boards, or he's full of himself.

Besides, that just goes to show that the trolls on these boards have a much greater influence than anyone else in here....

He was thinking of the dumb***es first, but that doesn't mean that the whole list goes in a sequence. That's just your assumption after reading my quote, not the truth of the matter.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Doesn't change the fact that trolls have all the power in this thread. Now, you're gonna say that they don't, but who's providing all the conversation right now? Exactly.

Sit down.


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
The word "Troll" goes around on the internet like the word "love". It doesn't even mean anything. I don't think you guys are trolls at all.

Also, did you hear they're bringing back the VGC tourneys to the US for HG/SS? Same as last year but now they are allowing you to use up to two ubers on your team (event pokemon excluded). But the Japanese tourneys already happened and most of the strats involve weather control this time around.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
I didn't know one could detect anger through a computer screen.

You know any other tricks? If I give you a treat, will you roll over, too?

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
i turned your mom into a spicy meatball last night cbeef


u mad

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
on one forum i visit i've actively lurked it for 2 years[hey i paid for my account ok]

get @this


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
The word "Troll" goes around on the internet like the word "love". It doesn't even mean anything. I don't think you guys are trolls at all.

Also, did you hear they're bringing back the VGC tourneys to the US for HG/SS? Same as last year but now they are allowing you to use up to two ubers on your team (event pokemon excluded). But the Japanese tourneys already happened and most of the strats involve weather control this time around.
Really? Wow.

So for my team that means Wobbuffet and one other Uber. Niceeeee.

Oh wait, it's double battle, **** that ****.



Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
Also, did you hear they're bringing back the VGC tourneys to the US for HG/SS? Same as last year but now they are allowing you to use up to two ubers on your team (event pokemon excluded). But the Japanese tourneys already happened and most of the strats involve weather control this time around.
Wow. That's all I can say.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
hey junk, gotta say, was watching the livestream, <33 your DDD brother

how do you normally place in your area, by the way? because i keep getting stuck at 5th place for like, four or five tourneys now, is that a common thing? @_@


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2006
Congleton, Cheshire, England
Hey guys, whats happening?

Sorry I've been away, took a break from Smash (Well for those of you who remember me, or care.... I can't see there being many people in either camp)

Have I missed anything particularly ground breaking, I've glanced at Seibrik making a new vid which is cool.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
Guys, Alby and I got a tourney on Saturday. Wish us luck.

I know Alby will be coming back to GA poor, but we can't leave him out without a good Serin handshake and a $5 MM :3
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