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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Feb 5, 2009
I dunno man, it's been working for me.

Or just take down their shields with a better weapon.

Or use the superior Needle Rifle.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
NorCo Fest at my place tomorrow? Featuring: DAVE!?

Mike? Jorge and Tranz? Dylan??? FLUX???? I have two little TVs too if people wanna bring something else to play, or just to have more set-ups.

Hansen-Willis Hall (20th St & 10th Ave), Greeley
After 3PM



Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2008
During the week is hard cause I have no car and classes. Weekends are much better. Also I can bring a TV and wii if you do host one.


Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon
oh crap, lets make it thursday or friday meno, i have to study for a test thats on wednesday i almost forgot about..and no this isn't my little "look dave is ditching on the last minute sort of thing"
i will play brawl with you meno! just tell me what days work best for you


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I wish we spawned w/ a needle rifle.

Needle rifle > DMR
Needle rifle does more shield damage (supposedly), but DMR does more hp. If you're having trouble killing people, you want the dmr, for sure. Even then, I like the DMR much better than I do the NR.

You need to strafe while taking it easy. Learn your weapon's optimum range and cadence. I use DMR for mid range and further. If someone's in the same room as me, I normally switch to pistol, aim for center mass and unload an entire clip into them asap, making sure to slow down for the headshot on the last one, and going for melee to finish it if I didn't kill them and they're close, or switching to dmr/nades for the last touch.

Also, learn to use nades to deny escape routes/to start your combos. If you're behind someone from mid distance, throw a nade right in front of them and do the headshot right as it explodes. It's an instant kill.

You probably also need to work on your strafing.

And it's 5 bodyshots>1 headshot ftw in Reach, I think.

Halo is meh.

Shoot them in the head until they die. Make sure you shot first. Don't miss. Like every fps.
Don't listen to him. Aim for the body until last hit, then go for headshot. He's right on the "don't miss" part, as well as make sure you shot first. If you didn't and there's a way to get away, run for your life, even if you're at full hp. Never engage when you're at the disadvantage unless you have absolutely no choice.

From what I've seen while queueing for matchmaking, Zaj is pro at campaign mode.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
Halo is meh.

Shoot them in the head until they die. Make sure you shot first. Don't miss. Like every fps.
xD no wonder you don't like it you don't even know how to play the game right hahahahaha
their is more to fps than that.
Their is offensive play, defensive play, and more other weird styles now that they added the power things, traps and more.



Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2008
Needle rifle does more shield damage (supposedly), but DMR does more hp. If you're having trouble killing people, you want the dmr, for sure. Even then, I like the DMR much better than I do the NR.

You need to strafe while taking it easy. Learn your weapon's optimum range and cadence. I use DMR for mid range and further. If someone's in the same room as me, I normally switch to pistol, aim for center mass and unload an entire clip into them asap, making sure to slow down for the headshot on the last one, and going for melee to finish it if I didn't kill them and they're close, or switching to dmr/nades for the last touch.

Also, learn to use nades to deny escape routes/to start your combos. If you're behind someone from mid distance, throw a nade right in front of them and do the headshot right as it explodes. It's an instant kill.

You probably also need to work on your strafing.

And it's 5 bodyshots>1 headshot ftw in Reach, I think.
But wouldn't the NR be better because you should never kill them by getting their health all the way down? You should have gotten a head shot before then.

Yea I definately need to learn the new strafing. Because of the 1 shot its very different from H3. Luckily the nade tricks haven't really changed and I almost completely got the change in trajectory.

I'm pretty sure its 3 body> 1 head but it usually ends up being 5 body cause of the inaccuracy. I'll turn on my xbox in a few min and check for sure.

DMR is 4 Body>1 Head
Pistol is 4 Body> 1 Head
NR is 6 Body> 1 Head

I think your right about using the pistol at close range since it fires faster.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Lolorado! XD

I have returned, after my long excursions and struggles in the dreaded building of "higher learning"...

I mean, I'm back. :p What alien invasion? XP
Waddle Dee heard you were back and he and I both got HYPED!!!

But yeah, an alien invasion is afoot. We here at Lolorado, which will soon be named that after all the important people are dead by unpreparedness for alien invasion, are becoming ready for the incoming War of the Worlds!:


Or something like that.

Welcome back! You have a lot of catching up to do! But I feel ya with school. I seldom get to relax on any given day cause I'm doing so much work. :( But how are things? Tell me a story of your life!


Feb 5, 2009
lol @ people thinking I was serious. I know there's more to FPS and I play Halo pretty decently. But it's still not the greatest game ever made like people seem to think, imo.

From what I've seen while queueing for matchmaking, Zaj is pro at campaign mode.
>implying campaign takes any skill at all

Actually, there' something I'd like to know about one on one up close melee shenanigans. From what I've seen, there are 3 things that happen and it feels like a game of rock paper scissors. You're forced to play too, because if they end up landing a melee and you don't, you're at a major disadvantage.

It always goes:
Melee > headshot
Melee > melee
Melee > grenade

I haven't been able to figure out what's best to do in a situation like this.

Also, when somebody has a plasma grenade it's all ********. If I end up in this situation, I usually just stick them at point blank range > armor lock or something cause I hate this up close idiocy. Can't tell you how many times I've ended up in Elite Slayer and both me and some other guy end up just sticking each other at point blank though.

DMR is 4 Body>1 Head
Pistol is 4 Body> 1 Head
NR is 6 Body> 1 Head
NR takes 6? ****. Maybe I SHOULD use the DMR over the NR...

ITT: Competitive FPS on a forum about a party fighting game.


Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2008
This is the Brawl social thread so of course we are not gonna talk about brawl. The 10 pages before this were all Blazblue =p.

NR I think is still better cause it can be fired faster

When your in those close range situations the best thing I have found is space yourself just outside of melee range and bait their melee. You will get free shots while they recover. As for elite slayer... ummm... don't play it? I hate it soooo much, I have no clue y ppl even pick it... It might help to get a higher lvl were there are less noobs and less people who want to play it but idk.

O and you reminded me if both people do beatdown how come sometimes your in range to melee again and sometimes your are not (I always back away from melee and in H3 I was always out of range, but not always in reach). Obviously when you have enough room to back up too. The spacings afterwards seem to differ too much for it to be what the other person is doing but i could be wrong.

If you do get in that situation in H3 the best by far was to headshot, but in reach i'm kinda torn between headshot and beatdown again mostly because of the above. Grenade is usually a bad idea since they can see where it goes and avoid it especially now w/ sprint.


Feb 5, 2009
Maybe I'm still not really used to the melee changes. People don't fly 40 feet forward when they melee anymore and I'm just not used to spacing correctly yet.

I don't like Elite Slayer much either, but it happens sometimes. As for rank, I've made it to Major Grade 2 already. That's not too far from the currently capped rank. Yet I still see plenty of people who pick it. SO I don't think it helps much.

PS: I love the pistol now and I'm glad it's not a one trick pony weapon (dual wield with plasma pistol n00b combo) anymore.

I'm also really glad they got rid of dual wielding.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC

enjoy your learning. I am enjoying mine.

I am enjoying it as I can. Glad you're enjoying yours. :o Here's to the day that we're free.

Waddle Dee heard you were back and he and I both got HYPED!!!

But yeah, an alien invasion is afoot. We here at Lolorado, which will soon be named that after all the important people are dead by unpreparedness for alien invasion, are becoming ready for the incoming War of the Worlds!:


Or something like that.

Welcome back! You have a lot of catching up to do! But I feel ya with school. I seldom get to relax on any given day cause I'm doing so much work. :( But how are things? Tell me a story of your life!
Lol Waddle Dee hype! XD Thanks for all the hype, Ryuudo. ;p

XD Alien invasion... that's funny XD I could write a ton on what I think's going on, but I won't. Instead, I'll only leave to note that all of those witnesses were former military officials. ;D

Thanks, glad to be back! And yeah. It's like you just move from homework to job work, isn't it? x.x That's grand. And things are going generally well. Nothing too different, just thinking about how I'll eventually get to be in CO and meet you guys someday. :p A story of my life? Let's see...
[collapse=Story]So I used to always think I'd always be on my own, for several reasons from my childhood. On my own as in completely self supportive and not able or needing to lean on anyone, and that there wouldn't be a cushion for me if I fell so I was set on learning how to live without being really connected to anyone. Also figured that that would minimize grief so I wouldn't be torn when someone close to me dies and that others wouldn't be torn when it's my time. I was doing pretty good, so good in fact that I felt I couldn't be connected to anyone because I knew how to evade it. Come along one person that changed everything. I could tell they were different than everyone else somehow but I had no idea why. So for reasons I justified I came up to them and asked them for a match in Brawl.
Enter a year and 4 months later. So much happened that I still think about it all the time. The only time I'd ever been proven completely wrong was back on that day, and it's been a roller coaster ever since. :D And the best part of the story is, it's unfinished and ongoing. :)


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2008
Halo : I call this the 3 R's of Halo

****, Pick anything sword or what..the axe thing and **** teleport to them with your amazing range.

Run away tell you get your shield back up. If you need to.


Am I right..or am I right?


Feb 5, 2009
Halo : I call this the 3 R's of Halo

****, Pick anything sword or what..the axe thing and **** teleport to them with your amazing range.

Run away tell you get your shield back up. If you need to.


Am I right..or am I right?
It's like, impossible to die with the hammer. I sprint around the map with it, get 10 kills without dying, camp the hammer spawn point, repeat.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Lol Waddle Dee hype! XD Thanks for all the hype, Ryuudo. ;p

XD Alien invasion... that's funny XD I could write a ton on what I think's going on, but I won't. Instead, I'll only leave to note that all of those witnesses were former military officials. ;D

Thanks, glad to be back! And yeah. It's like you just move from homework to job work, isn't it? x.x That's grand. And things are going generally well. Nothing too different, just thinking about how I'll eventually get to be in CO and meet you guys someday. :p A story of my life? Let's see...
[collapse=Story]So I used to always think I'd always be on my own, for several reasons from my childhood. On my own as in completely self supportive and not able or needing to lean on anyone, and that there wouldn't be a cushion for me if I fell so I was set on learning how to live without being really connected to anyone. Also figured that that would minimize grief so I wouldn't be torn when someone close to me dies and that others wouldn't be torn when it's my time. I was doing pretty good, so good in fact that I felt I couldn't be connected to anyone because I knew how to evade it. Come along one person that changed everything. I could tell they were different than everyone else somehow but I had no idea why. So for reasons I justified I came up to them and asked them for a match in Brawl.
Enter a year and 4 months later. So much happened that I still think about it all the time. The only time I'd ever been proven completely wrong was back on that day, and it's been a roller coaster ever since. :D And the best part of the story is, it's unfinished and ongoing. :)

I've had a pretty thorough lecture session with my friend, per my request, who is into the whole paranormal and space alien thing. Basically, he said that there is pretty much very little reason any sort of race that has intergalactic travel would worry about a lowly planet like ours destroying itself or the weapons that we have. Which makes sense to me.

That, and former militia officials, hahahaha!

But sweet, I didn't know if you had to forgo plans to come out to Colorado, or if your family was, etc. Even more hype when people come to Colorado! Looking forward to that week!

[collapse=Story (Oh wow, I didn't know you could do this)] That's interesting. How a simple game and person and really change any sort of output and sight you'd have on life. I felt the same way as you, basically, but for more selfish reason, and emotionally driven reasons. Thanks to a certain game too, I came out of that sort of slump of ideals, and glad I did (I'm still as selfish as ever though, hahahaha!). Serious though, that's real cool that you were able to open up like that. :) But since it was Brawl, this was pretty recent then, huh? What of the specific fellar? What kinda drove you to the point of rollin' solo? If'n you don't mind me asking.[/collapse]


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
The thing about gaylo reach-around is you need to know where the weapon spawns are

just know where snipe, sword, and hammer are(and sometimes shotty depending on map) and you can never lose

also, hologram is still my favorite

my xbl gamertag is Solesthesiae btw so add me, note that my account changes every month cause i never pay for live i just make a new account and use the free xbl month


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I'll comment on halo when I get home. I just wanted to let everyone know that, pending Tim's approval, I'd like to host a gathering. Halolz in my room, bb and melee in the living room. Maaaaybe brawl.
Also, if anyone is serious about improving in melee, ill help ya. Ask Roman what happens when bad habits meet Roy. Just pm me here or on fb.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I'll comment on halo when I get home. I just wanted to let everyone know that, pending Tim's approval, I'd like to host a gathering. Halolz in my room, bb and melee in the living room. Maaaaybe brawl.
Also, if anyone is serious about improving in melee, ill help ya. Ask Roman what happens when bad habits meet Roy. Just pm me here or on fb.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
I've had a pretty thorough lecture session with my friend, per my request, who is into the whole paranormal and space alien thing. Basically, he said that there is pretty much very little reason any sort of race that has intergalactic travel would worry about a lowly planet like ours destroying itself or the weapons that we have. Which makes sense to me.

That, and former militia officials, hahahaha!

But sweet, I didn't know if you had to forgo plans to come out to Colorado, or if your family was, etc. Even more hype when people come to Colorado! Looking forward to that week!

[collapse=Story (Oh wow, I didn't know you could do this)] That's interesting. How a simple game and person and really change any sort of output and sight you'd have on life. I felt the same way as you, basically, but for more selfish reason, and emotionally driven reasons. Thanks to a certain game too, I came out of that sort of slump of ideals, and glad I did (I'm still as selfish as ever though, hahahaha!). Serious though, that's real cool that you were able to open up like that. :) But since it was Brawl, this was pretty recent then, huh? What of the specific fellar? What kinda drove you to the point of rollin' solo? If'n you don't mind me asking.[/collapse]
I see. That's not what I was hinting at, it's actually more deep, but I do think that everything is connected soooo others might be curious about our modest and tiny wittle planet. XD Maybe they could even be touring it as part of a lesson, no johns: "And this is one of the bluest, most underdeveloped planets that can harbor life! Its name is Sol 3, or as they like to call it, Earth~ Now to the next planet with life, 7,000 light years away~" Kids: "Yay! :D" They could be teaching our history lessons through seeing the nuclears, etc, blah, etc... And I won't even get started on the military. I'll spare ya that. ;D But if you're still curious about what I think, hit me up a PM.

Oh, the plans are not foregone by any means. Just delayed a bit. 3-5 years max, and I'll be on my own by then so it fits perfectly. Once things come together, I'll be out there in a blink. :) My family... I can't say at this point. I'm honestly not sure.

[collapse=Story]Lolol, this has been here for ages! ;p Anyway, yeah, mmmmm PMlicious time. Keep an eye out.[/collapse]


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
I would definitely come to that Tony. Halo is meh for me, but BB and melee at the same place? Awesome.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I didn't see that "maaaaybe"!

I'll try to make it, and can bring a TV so we can play in the closet or whatever. What day?


Feb 5, 2009
What day?

I'll show up if Ted gives me a ride.

Also teach me how to Melee, Tonyyyy. It's the better game.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
nooo.... Ivy's issue is not having a projectile and poor range on his bair.

he's really centered around his offstage game and timeouts.


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2008
Hell yeah guys, I expect a full cast to show up to Tonys bday next friday.



But I rather focus on singles with you guys, team is to fast and overwhelming especially with a falcon/Fox/Sheik.

Please bring set ups.

Good games Tony, I notice my bad habits, but since I play with Vincent..who never punishes or L cancels... I just don't think twice to fix them.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
If it's not saturday...wait no. I'm seeing Gorillaz Sunday! But I'll be there in spirit. Wait friday?
Omg prepared to be disappointed xD gorillaz suck live
I saw the live set for his last set and omg did it suck!
He just played demon days (like the whole album in order)
and it sounded exactly the same
EXACTLY THE SAME!!!! AND HE WAS BEHIND THIS THING SO YOU COULDNT SEE HIM TILL THE LAST!!! MINUTES!!!!! IT SUCKED!!! The good thing was he got everyone but MF doom (cause hes too good for him) in the album to show up, But this is not a good thing a lot of those artist suck live and are like iono bad!
But have fun =D
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