So I guess I'll post a bit about myself, even though I'm technically not in Colorado right now.
I'm currently at St. Olaf in Minnesota majoring in Physics and Music. It's funny, I've always felt like I've know exactly what I've wanted to do, and so far in college that is being reflected. I'm really enjoying both of my majors, although realistically I'll have to pick one before I graduate to pursue, but that is in a looong time. I've never really thought about going into game design, although I do see that I could be a music developer for a game company in the future. It's hard to say though. I'm sure I'll figure out what I want to do by the time of graduation.
I've also always expected the best from myself, even if it is fairly unrealistic. I guess in that way I'm an optimist, although I try to be realistic as well. In high school I ran into problems of doing too many things and expecting to do well in everything I tried. Too unrealistic. My junior year, I tried to do varsity tennis and prepare for a major piano competition, resulting in about 5-6 hours of practice a day all on top of IB classes. Inevitably, my grades dipped which is probably why I got wait listed at stanford and ultimately denied. Oh well. Maybe I'll go there for grad school.
As far as everyone goes, definitely follow your dreams. Try to imagine yourself doing what you love doing most as a job everyday, and test if you can see yourself doing it for a lifetime. Then realize the steps you must take to get there, how much work you must put in, and if it is worth it. If you are not swayed, GO FOR IT. At least that is my advise.
@Ferdi: awesome idea for a post, it's been fun learning about people through their posts.