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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Who wants to Brawl today? I wanna play/record, maybe.

Also, to Melee players, gimme some time for putting up the melee vids. There are like... 10 hours of footage, at least. I need to find a way to clear off that much room on my HD. Right now, I can do maybe 1 hour, tops.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
so guys this is going to be kind of a weird question probably coming from me, but those who are in college/looking at attending college, what are your majors and what is your plan for a future career?

just wondering cause this is a social thread and im kinda curious to see if we have some like-minded people around here and im always thinking about stuff like this.

so i'll start it off,

My major in college is CIS, or computer information systems. In a nutshell, it's computer programming. I go to devry, i came upon it from a youtube video showing a program I really wanted to join which was GSP, game and simulation programming(ill find the link to the video its really cool), it was basically a video showing how these guys made a videogame and to be quite honest that's my dream and future goal. So when I went to devry to talk about the program, the advisor pretty much reminded me that, this is real life, there isnt a lot of jobs concerning videogame programming and when there are jobs its very specific and really needs somebody who's an expert, except for maybe game testers.

So then we went to talk about possible alternatives, and i LOVE programming, i took a visual basic class in high school and it was awesome. I coded the snake game, slot machines, it was like me doing what I actually wanted. So then we came to a conclusion on a new major which wasn't GSP but instead CIS. And really, thinking about it, IT has nowhere to go but up. Technology can only advance, and they are always in need of IT people so the money will be there. And I can branch off really at any point once I learn a programming language, and maybe pursue my dream of being a videogame programmer.

part of the reason I started this post was because the smash community is something I'm so close with, maybe the people in here can perhaps reach a common goal in their life by combining their efforts into it. i think meno goes to college for graphic design? you in it simply to make money off of selling the graphics meno? maybe you're interested in perhaps forming a videogame company with me once we're kinda settled into our careers?

i think you've told me you went to the DigiPen tim? and now you're a writer or english major or something? what are you a writer for? you want to be a well known fiction author? I think stuff like this would be cool to know.

and lastly, im throwing this out there cause i know the idea's been bounced around between people before. but which one of you would be interested in moving out and living together? you know maybe get an apartment or a house and split the bills. i personally have absolutely no problem with living with anyone here, we may have differences in games and hobbies but that's it. This idea's mainly talking to the people i've known longer though, yang, mike, kenny, tony, and tim.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Interesting stuff Ferdi, I didn't know you were into game design.

As for school, I've had a rather chaotic time through it. I originally went to Digipen in Washington to make games. I was under the impression it was for design, but found out that the school largely focused on programming with a light brush with art, design, and the other aspects of a game. I also discovered that I hated programming. I don't know how people can love it, and do it for 14 hours a day.

After a year at Digipen, I stayed in Washington, and ended up working as a game tester at Nintendo. That was fun, and eventually I started taking some classes at community college there, to focus on writing. I wanted to improve my writing and knowledge so I could write stories and design video games.

Here in Colorado, I've been going to school to get an English major with a focus on Creative Writing. I have a story I want to make into a series of novels, and about 5 game ideas bouncing around in my head that I putz around with every now and then. Eventually I'd like to get my novel series complete, and create the mmorpg I thought up to follow it up. My roommates in Washington and I got partway through starting a game company once, but relocations caused the idea to be scrapped.

I've been trying to decide on a minor, since it never hurts to have a backup option. Psychology is incredibly useful in game design and writing, whereas IT is a field that always needs more people. Whatever the case, I would suggest people take as many different courses as possible in college. A professor of mine once said "specialization is for cells", and I realize now how right he was. Broadening your horizons can only help you in life.

And yes, I'd love to have roommates that I'm friends with again. It's one of the things I miss most about Washington.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Well, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I've been doing, since I do nothing but talk, buuuuut:

Foreign languages, mainly Spanish y Japones, buuuuuut Imma be lookin' to branch out once I have those done. Looking to get into translation/interpretation/foreign relations, so much later down the road, I could be useful for trying to score a company business (or contracts) from overseas.

Also, I do that artstuff, wanted to go into character design when I was younger, then I realized that it nets no $$$


That stuff's old, but gives you a really really basic idea.

Aaaand I can do sumdat muzak/playtesting.

Getting Ferdi in on the Smash House would be ultimate sex. Like, seriously.

Ferdi, when are you lookin' to move out? We're gettin' a place pretty soon. I'd be down to have you as a roommate, for sure. Pretty much everyone you mentioned would make a tight roommate, tho.

EDIT: Also, didn't realize that you were into programming. Berry nice.

Tim and I have been thinking about a fighting game for a while. Biggest reason it flopped is a combination of laziness+no one that likes to code. If you don't mind, then maybe we could get Bees on for sumdat muzak, and if Meno can do sprites, he can take whatever character designs I do and... spritize them? At the worst, maybe he'd be up to do the menu(o) graphics?

We have a good deal of things figured out, we just need to figure out each character, and actually start to work on this thing.


Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon
Im currently going to front range in fort collins, taking my basic classes for a few years
Then im going to transfer over to UNC in greely
Cause i want to major in business, accounting
I still dont know what i want for my minor yet

oh yeah tony, did you seriously leave everybody listed as colorado on aib a shoutout?
i already tried that! but people make an account and they never return! so i just leave people who been to the site like the past 2-3 months or those who are active


Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon
im trying to get their attention but most of them on aib are
1. To young to drive and need a ride every time
2. Girls from Colorado Springs who dont play seriously

seriously i seen like 4-5 girls from the springs who go on their every other day <.<


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Myself, I'm currently going for my Communications Major. Going to a local community college right now, but gonna move to a college for the final 2 years on my Major... in two years, hahaha. Unless I graduate early (seeing how plausible it is.) Might also minor in Business and/or Economics.

Communications is a very very wide range of things when it comes to jobs, from media (i.e. Radio), companies (i.e. sales), education, and other things that were less than interesting. Though in reality, communications, along with either/both Business or Econ, is all a part of much a bigger plan I have for myself and my future. It's not a secret, but it's not something I think everyone super cares to hear about.

I remember about Tony and Tim's idea for their fighter. It was interesting, and it's something I would've liked to see more in practice. Maybe something will start getting off the ground now, ya? :D

Yay for Ferdi and Tim writing! (Code and Novels respectively)
Boo for Tony and his stupid Clap x N picture >_< (Love you Tony) F'real though, it's been forever seen I've seen you draw anything. Glad you had a DA for me to stare at :D


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
well I went in to college kinda having a faint idea of what i wanted to do. So i started taking core classes first instead of focusing on my major which is something that i recommend if you guys have no idea what to major in. At first i decided to major in math so i could become a math teacher. After taking calculus, i was like, hmmm maybe this isn't gonna work out too well. So recently I changed my major to anthropology which is the study of humanity. Anthropology has 4 different branches and i will probably focus on cultural. I though it was interesting because i took some classes about anthropology and after finding out math wasn't for me, it was the next best alternative. Honestly I really hate college/school in general but i know getting a bachelor degree will help in the long run regardless of what it is. So i'm really focusing on finishing college. As one of my 8th grade teachers told me, you don't need a degree to make good money now, what a degree does is helps you years down the road when you are older. I still do wanna become a teacher though because i think that would be cool and i'd be the best teacher ever. I'm not doing it for the money either cause everyone knows teachers get paid **** unless you are a college professor which requires you to get a masters/phd. As for a minor, i was thinking about psychology/philosophy/ethnic studies.

On the subject of moving in, it would be nice and all, but as of right now it probably wouldn't be a good decision on my part. I still currently have no job since i got let go at target because i was hired for a seasonal position. I have a lot of money saved up but living with my parents is just alot cheaper.

so i take it you found a job now tony to afford a place?


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
For my major I am doing a Bachelor in Music. I am going to try to pick up as much knowledge on Music Theory and composition as I can. I plan on taking some core classes to figure out my minor (Probably programming or something.) I am either going to take my basics at PPCC in the Springs and then transfer to UNC or just go straight to UNC for my Basics in a BM(Bachelor is Music). Most likely I will be attending UNC in the fall as I have heard that BM basics are 2 years of Music Theory. Personally I would like to take those classes elsewhere than PPCC. Simply because these basics are extremely crucial to my degree(Unlike CS degree needing World History? Ethics? Jedi History? ect.) and I would want to have a increased (even if a little) knowledge and quality of learning.
If all goes as planned I want to be a music composer for anything at first(*come eat at Captain Dees Please*) But ultimately I would like to compose music(Epic Cinematic Scores FTW!) for a video game company. Or perhaps a movie company.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2009
Louisville, CO
Yang should be my Math teacher. God **** that would ****ing ****.

Yea I'm a freshman in highschool so I cant do shiet =(


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
I'll type more later when I get back home, but my program that I'm enrolled in and plan on complete is the Bachelors of Innovation in Game Design and Development. Breaking it down, it's mostly a Computer Science Major and a Minor in Business.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008

I'm going to CU next year. I'll probably live at home, but I might eventually work out something with TC. That would be SOOO tight.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
im trying to get their attention but most of them on aib are
1. To young to drive and need a ride every time
2. Girls from Colorado Springs who dont play seriously

seriously i seen like 4-5 girls from the springs who go on their every other day <.<
Unfortunately I found some of this out
There are a bunch if people in The Springs. Most have not been on since last June or so :/
Also the only girl I met so far that actually takes interest in getting better at the game is my sister. We have a few girls that show up to our smashfests(they are really cool) they just don't have interest in getting better at the game. :/


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I main Art in college.

Officially, or at least soon to be once I get accepted into the program, I'm an art major with a concentration in visual communication design, with a double emphasis in graphic design and photography.

I like logos, posters, fonts, and taking photos. I really like typography and Photoshop - and the great thing is, I'm actually pretty okay at all of it. Right now though, as a freshman, I haven't specifically been accepted into the art department here at UNC - we have to go through a portfolio review process after taking several "Foundation Art" classes, such as drawing and art history.

I really like the process though, since I'm getting exposed to a lot of subjects I normally wouldn't have touched. I can actually draw now. I'm considering having a second concentration in art history. I know about and can replicate and render details about sfumato, tenebrism, chiaroscuro, gestalt theory, color theory, blah blah blah. And I haven't even finished my first year. I base my life on doing what makes me happy and what excites me, and that's why I'm here.

So yea, Ferdi, Tony, I would totally jump at any chance to do some visual work. Especially with you guys. I love this ****. I have no idea how sprites work though. ...yet, at least.

(This branches out to everyone else too. Sigs, posters, avatars? At the very least, I need Colorado to look good. Don't let another thing like Dylan's posters happen again. Please.)

I love these posts. I had no idea about a lot of you.


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
Yo, this is MaguS!
And i'm here to lay down some sick *** ****; and even if you don't read it- it's still sick.

Well, I know i've kind of been off and on for the past couple o' years but I feel i've gotten to know most of the melee smashers and some brawlers pretty well- but I don't really know if any of them know anything about me lolol.

So i've been goin to Front Range CC for about 2 years now ((only taking a couple of classes at a time cus that's how i can afford it without t3h loans sauce))I've completed a many of classes which are mainly Philosophy, psychology and English...which are all incredibly interesting and awesome subjects-However. even though these are all awesome and stuff none of these subjects could I ever make a career out of. . Plus, recently, due to my ignorance, I got put on academic suspension because I withdrew from some classes that I didn't feel I was putting enough effort into to pass. So, now, instead of taking out loans and going to school and not trying hard enough like I had-i'm taking a good break to kind of put things in perspective.

I love games, and everything they bring to the table. Games bring pain, joy, competition, fantasy, love, laughs...etc could go on forever; and then compact them into devices, boards, books.......... ya. But, some of the best things about games- they really help educate you whether bad or good. Some games teach you that stealing cars and poppin hookers etc. is awesome; while others teach you that you should rely on your friends because they care about you and you should care about them. Whatever the case is games are generally a good thing and, the way I see it, games are the future.

So, where does that leave me? I sure as hell don't like coding (tried that in highschool-my teacher RULLY helped) I love getting into leagues and going to tournaments etc. But, I swear, if it was my job to get good at a game so that I could get paid or w/e etc; well, I just can't do it. I'll improve at games that I really enjoy- i'll put the time and effort to be a worthwhile opponent. But, i've always felt that i'm just a support character. A strong ally, fast learner-but not ever the best. And i'm totally fine with that- but that also leaves the whole traveling and being a super ****** leet pro gamer option out.

Well, i'm here to tell you- that you can buy a shamwow for only FIVE EASY payments of 5.95 just pay shipping and handling.

I guess what I really want to do, is represent the best there is even if i'm NOT the best there is. Does that make sense? It does to me.

Well, anyways, so that being said; I can hold a job, I have a car a bank account with teh munnies that i've earned. I have a amazing work ethic and the ability to get along with anyone that I meet, even if I think they're a raging ****. I could probably convince anyone of anything if I really had to-which might or might not be a good thing(I tend to not use manipulation for personal gain, but you never know when i'll want that smokin hot ferari for the price of on the house) Anyways, I guess I could just say i'm reliable- but hey everyone makes mistakes, like brittney spears parents.

Guess what i'm really getting at is-I would really really really really really like to move out of the current domicile, and move in with some competant, trustworthy guys with really awesome ideas and generally ****** personalities. Also, when the future company that is created, i'd love to represent and contribute as much as possible to it...

Oh, also, i'm working on a real-time strategy card game that I have been for about a year with a buddy- when we get a base set made and have our rules down to where any normal person could comprehend, i'd love for some people to test it out.

Umm so ya, 2 centss??
oh did I mention i'm pretty good at everything, just not the best.

sex edit: We have all the required types of people and skills to start even a basic future project. Cus it all starts with paper and words oh and really good ideas.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
Screw your guys' colleges, I wanna make a smash band dammit

Meno, you could make a moblin sig for me any time you want. I tried to get Zaj to draw one on paper, but he hates moblins.... I'll trade you some AV cables


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
God you're lucky to have a friend like me, Teddy.

By the way I added this image here that I made on paint but uploading to photo bucket. I didn't even use the image function on this site. I typed it in manually. I. Am. God.



Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
For Dan:

I've been thinking of doing a Colorado collection. My "combo sig" idea kinda won't work since we don't actually have videos. >___>
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