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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
I was owning these 2 try hards, and they both send me a message afterwards. The thing is they don't speak English lol so I send a message back "speak English bro". They got mad :troll:

And Susa was a good snake boards mod



Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
And Susa's already got 6 points lmao. Anyway I think Infection is going to be a playlist on monday right? I'll try it out but if its super campy and crap I'll just switch back to barebones/kill confirmed.
That's cause I took care of him. :cool:

And I'm still waiting for them to make gun game and one in the chamber available in the online playlists. :glare:


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2010
New Jersey
Once again don't bother trying infected if you don't want to deal with camping. It's the whole point of it.

If you're 1st infected btw except to go probably go negative by around 50 kills or so


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Can anyone tell me exactly how to get a working clan title? -_- Do I need to be in a certain level clan? A certain number of members in the clan? It's starting to piss me off a bit... me and my cousin made a clan just for the two of us (G&D; "Gauche and Droite") and our title is just a textless FNG background. =|

We don't care for the clan clan tag, we just want our title...
Best clan name ever.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I was owning these 2 try hards, and they both send me a message afterwards. The thing is they don't speak English lol so I send a message back "speak English bro". They got mad :troll:

And Susa was a good snake boards mod

Until he got fed up and posted porn. :smirk:

Once again don't bother trying infected if you don't want to deal with camping. It's the whole point of it.

If you're 1st infected btw except to go probably go negative by around 50 kills or so
I hope they disable K/D ratio in this.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Until he got fed up and posted porn. :smirk:

I demand the HIGHEST of fives.

I hope they disable K/D ratio in this.
I think you're adorable for thinking this would happen.
Much love to you though.

Guess what kids?

SARCASTIC ODIN IS BACK!!! :D Who wants to **** on some nooblets tonight?


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I won't be on tonight, been busy and away all day. I hope you come around, Stefan, you're a riot to play with. And to answer your question from the other night regarding my sniping switch: I'm trying to make the most of my accuracy, and sniping is oh so lucrative, especially in this game. It's definitely more arduous for me than in other CoD titles, but I'd much rather run sniper than anything else, now. It's grown on me as much as C4 and Specialist. When I first began sniping, I was horrid, but now, I feel very proficient and comfortable with sniping at nearly any range. It's compelling. :applejack:


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Yea, they're going to have stats in Infected, I can see it now. I might play it a couple times because I've never touch Private Games, so...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2007
Markham, ON
sorry guys, was watching a movie with the gf while playing today, so no mic. I tried my best to tag ppl for you guys with the lulzdrone.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
sorry guys, was watching a movie with the gf while playing today, so no mic. I tried my best to tag ppl for you guys with the lulzdrone.
>Watching movie with girlfriend
>Playing MW3

Also, I finished my Unknown run of Tales of Vesperia, so I will be accepting invites to play now (unless you're playing this game cuz it sucks and rewards people for being awful).


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
>Watching movie with girlfriend
>Playing MW3

Also, I finished my Unknown run of Tales of Vesperia, so I will be accepting invites to play now (unless you're playing this game cuz it sucks and rewards people for being awful).
Will do, thanks for letting us know. :)


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Could've been a fake.

Especially since I thought there was that other one with "Morning Wood" on it. :smirk:

Which has Liberation and Piazza on it.

Anyway, who's gonna play with me tonight? I have a new found love for the Scar silenced.

I shall practice my curtsey...


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I'll be on tonight, could really use the dragscoping practice in this game.:applejack:


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Okay, now, I need to ask you guys a few questions.

What are some guns that have been in every single Call of Duty game after 4 aside from W@W?

A few may come to mind, such as the M60, or the AK47. These guns changed in a few ways, but they have received a noticeable nerf, ever. Some prefer the AK from MW2 over CoD4, while others prefer the M60 in 4 over MW3.

But, can you name the one gun that has gotten considerably worse in every damn title?

Let's take a step back to 1963. The M16 is being deployed in South Nam for the first time. It is different from the M14 that was commonly used. It had problems. It fired a smaller round, jammed, and was all all-around undependable weapon. It saw widespread use in 69', and eventually became the military's go to rifle.

This gun was legendary in Call of Duty 4. If I were to ask you guys what was the best weapon in CoD4, we'd see some various answers. "MP5 was incredible!" "The P90 with Juggernaut was unstoppable!" "Teh M40 is teh best wepenz 2 evur hit da cod serees! u aint grizz bebeh!"

But, it was clearly the M16. The M16 was the best all around gun in the game. It had incredible merits at close, medium, and long range. Stopping Power+RDS on the M16 was a deadly combo. If you had the proper aim, this gun was f***ing awesome. It was personally my favorite AR from CoD4.

Modern Warfare 2 came rolling around the corner. I quickly ripped the cellophane off the Modern Warfare 2 case, opened it up and throwed it into the disc tray. Multiplayer loads up. "Oh man, I know the M16 is back! I just know it!!"

*Level 40*

";__; Oh, okay. Well, I'll just level up and get it!" Once I get around level 20, I noticed the FAMAS. Wow, this gun is funky looking. Oh, it's a three shot burst. Alright. Damn, this thing is actually pretty good. Oh, I unlocked the M16, about time.

I equip it, and it's not terrible, but it's not fantastic either. It feels different. Months pass, and the Holo sight glitch is discovered. It reduces spread when equipped with the arguably worse sight (compared to the Red Dot Sight). "Funny, how such a simple glitch could make it past the dev's eyes." I thought. Little did I know, it was no glitch. But I'll come back to that later.

Black Ops rolls around the corner. The M16 is even WORST than it was in MW2, but no surprises there. The FAMAS continues to become better, and is arguably the best AR to date in CoD history. Ugh, what an annoying gun.

Modern Warfare 3 is released a year later. "Well, I am not going to get this game. It's just a rehash of past Modern Warfares, and isn't worth the 60$"

I got the game like two days after release. The single player was good, but I finally hopped into multi and I was surprised. The M16 was another initial unlock. "The M16! :D"

I equip it, and lo and behold, it's f***ing terrible. Possibly the worst Rifle to date. The only other gun that comes to mind is the M1 Garand from W@W. Jesus, why would the Devs do this? Since I got this game a little late, I saw all this stuff about the Type 95. "Odd, this gun looks like the FAMAS, plays like the FAMAS, and is cheap like the FAMAS. Why would they put this ugly gun in here and make the M16 so worthless?"

Then it hit me. The devs are increasingly getting ready for a worldwide takeover of America. It's so simple, and yet I just thought of it. The M16 was great in CoD4, but was slightly overshadowed by the FAMAS in MW2. The FAMAS continued to whoop its *** in BO, and in MW3, it gets dominated by the FAMA- I mean, Type 95. So, what gives?

It's obvious the French are mad at America. This conspiracy goes way back to the French and Indian War. Why did the NAs want to side with the French? Well, the French have an all knowing recipe for life in the form of snails.

The Native Americans knew this, but it got lost in translation many years ago. Infinity Ward discovered this after Call of Duty 4. Now role with me here. The French have tried to keep this a secret, but the American company of Activision knew of it. France, of course, didn't know of it up until today.

Now, let's go back. In MW2, the Holo sight glitch was discovered. No one could accidentally make this glitch, it was intentional. It was a sign. It still showed America had some fight left in them and the French FAMAS could never overthrow Merica! Then things started going downhill. There was no way the M16 could keep up with the FAMAS in BO. Not even a glitch could help the M16. The French started to get weary, and that's when Activision spilled the beans to France that they know their secret. France was ready to bomb America then and there.

However, IW talked them out of it. France wanted something simple: They wanted the staple of America, the M16, to look like s***. And so it happened. The M16 continued to get worse and worse. However, the fans would start to get suspicious if the FAMAS continued to get better and the M16 continued to get worse.

So, they create the Type 95. A gun so similar, they could still give the French credit, but they can also confuse anyone who thinks something is suspicious. It was the perfect plan, until I found out the truth.

So what do we do next? We wage war. France obviously has the stronger military, but they would never see an ambush coming. IW has been trying to drop hints that the French are evil and are basically holding them hostage, and I have decoded the message. Will you join me, brothers in arms?

We must take down those dirty, smelly Frenchmen if the free world wants to continue. Who's with me?!


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
That was probably copy pasted from somewhere.

It also wasn't that entertaining.

CoD games in general could do with fewer guns. You don't need two different 3 round burst ARs. One is always going to be blatantly inferior because the only real way to change them is to change the burst times around.

We could deal with fewer full auto ARs as well. They all work practically the same. Add a basic one, a powerful one with some kick, a weaker one with better attachments, and badda bing badda boom you've got variety in ARs.

We really only need one or two semi autos as well. CoD4 had the neat balance of low recoil/weak G3 and the higher recoil/strong M14.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
That was probably copy pasted from somewhere.

It also wasn't that entertaining.

CoD games in general could do with fewer guns. You don't need two different 3 round burst ARs. One is always going to be blatantly inferior because the only real way to change them is to change the burst times around.

We could deal with fewer full auto ARs as well. They all work practically the same. Add a basic one, a powerful one with some kick, a weaker one with better attachments, and badda bing badda boom you've got variety in ARs.

We really only need one or two semi autos as well. CoD4 had the neat balance of low recoil/weak G3 and the higher recoil/strong M14.
I agree with everything you just said.

And only french people use the FRENCHmas, delta and I use the MAN16.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
CoD4 had good Sniper balance too, imo. I think MW3 had an interesting balance feature though, in movement speed.

We should have 4 snipers.

Bolt Action - Highest Power, Normal movement speed.
Semi-auto(.50 cal style) - Highest power, slowwwwwwwwwwwww movement with lotsa recoil.
Semi-auto(Wazoo/Dragunov) - Medium Power. Not quite as much effective kill range, normal movement speed, moderate recoil.
Semi-auto(M21 style) - Low power (neck/head kills), low recoil (enough so that aiming and spraying isn't valid, though), high movement speed.

With each degree in power, take off a kill zone.

Highest - Head, Neck, Chest, Stomach kills
Medium - Head, Neck, Chest
Low - Head, Neck


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
TL;DR MAN16>FrenchMAS/Type95
I actually like the MAN16. It's just clearly outclassed by every single AR/SMG/LMG/NoobTube/Pistol/Shotgun/Shield/Grenade/Portable Radar Weapon/Equipment in MW3. But remember, I like using the underdog method. Giggity.

Also, why the frak did you pick team tac last night when it was just the two of us? That was practically shooting yourself in the foot, begging to end your night. O_o

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
The M16 in BO was actually pretty good with an ACOG. But yeah, its freaking awful in MW3. I tried my best to use the M16 in MW3 but eventually I just said screw it.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
I actually like the MAN16. It's just clearly outclassed by every single AR/SMG/LMG/NoobTube/Pistol/Shotgun/Shield/Grenade/Portable Radar Weapon/Equipment in MW3. But remember, I like using the underdog method. Giggity.

Also, why the frak did you pick team tac last night when it was just the two of us? That was practically shooting yourself in the foot, begging to end your night. O_o
I love the MAN16 in every CoD game that has it, even Black Ops. The ACOG M16 was pretty godlike. I just can't use it in MW3 because it just doesn't get the job done. I'll pick it up if I have to, but I'm probably going to use EVERY other gun in the game and get those gold before I even touch the M16.

I picked Team Tact because I didn't feel like having you deal with slumpy, BK me and four randumbs.
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