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Call of Duty: Black Ops


smash brawl player 99021

^ That sig.

Marathon Pro is a ***** to get, 15 Flag captures? I miss just running 26 miles, by the time I finish I'll be level 49


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
So, Thunder and I ***** last night.

Amazing Killstreak Progression:

Spy Plane
SAM Turret
Chopper Gunner

Spy Planes ****, 'nuff said.

SAM Turret. Call it in, place it at the edge of a map, and then: "Enemy Spy Plane In-" "Scrapped! +150" "Enemy Care Package on the way" "Scrapped! + 400" "Counter Spy P-" "Scrapped! +150" "Enemy Huey on the way" "Scrapped!"

They're so gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. And I can reroll them with Hardline if I already have one. <3

Chopper Gunner is a good offensive killstreak to work towards, imo. I'm consistent with it, much moreso than either of the 11s.
<3 Deltacod's anti-air support.

We gotta play again sometime :D


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I'm doing so ****ing terrible at this game right now. as of today, my KDR's dropped .02. I hateeee this game right now. /vent

bah. what do you guys do when you uber rage?


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Now my game keeps god **** freezing. it can't be my disc, that'd be stupid. it's happening to my friend too, but not in the same matches. the game freezes to the point I have to manually get off my *** and turn off my PS3. I. hate. this game.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I've experience that as it loads matches.
While loading, that's happened to me twice today. once inbetween games of freakin' SnD.

And I now hate pro perks. I have this kid in my SnD game who is just hip firing at this guy who he NEEDS to aim down his site for just because he has ****ing Steady Aim on. I'm soooooo sick of this game. I can't wait to go back to school, get this crap off of my mind, ]:


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
When I zoom in with my sniper rifle the bullet go off target.


game freezing sounds real dumb.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
While loading, that's happened to me twice today. once inbetween games of freakin' SnD.

And I now hate pro perks. I have this kid in my SnD game who is just hip firing at this guy who he NEEDS to aim down his site for just because he has ****ing Steady Aim on. I'm soooooo sick of this game. I can't wait to go back to school, get this crap off of my mind, ]:
Steady aim has ALWAYS been "hur dur I don't need to aim down sight except at sniping distance"

I've always thought it was a spray and pray perk that allows you to do the pray part a liiiittttlllee bit less. I look down on the perk, and it's Pro is the only real reason to use it.

The exact reason I hated Stopping Power (where the pro was... meh. NOBODY used it for the pro... face it), Commando (NO FALLING DAMAGE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE), 100% the reason why I used Lightweight (Faster ADS from sprint? YESPLZ), etc.

Sitrep was a pain in the *** to get pro.... and the pro was useless. Footsteps are already loud as **** with my turtle beach, louder only screwed me over. When I switched to sitrep I did everything in my power to NOT destroy things....because I didn't want pro...

/as you can tell there are quite a few things I see as "scrubby". Not because they are good/broken, but simply because - to me - it lowers the amount of skill needed over your opponent. You can have WORSE AIM than your opponent, but still win when they had FIRST SHOT just because you have stopping power and they didn't. Or your commando travels through their bullets and you knife them - a kill you would not have gotten without commando.

While Last Stand is ****ing annoying, I see nothing scrubby about it. It's just ****ing annoying. However, it's obvious when you fall into it and I should keep lighting you up like the 4th of July. Ninja? I should watch my back a little bit more. Same with Ghost - I shouldn't rely on that map (seeing as I play hardcore... I never really do anyways). Sitrep? I should stop camping or stop using claymores/TI's. (One reason why I use C4 like grenades is because of sitrep/hacker).

I LOVE B/Ops because, IMO, even the "nooby" perks that are left [steady aim and scout] at least has a legit use when they are pro that people would.. actually use it for - more often than the original purpose of the perk.

Soooo glad they removed danger close, scavenger replenishing equipment, stopping power, commando, etc. Seems the only people that complain* about B/Ops are those who only did good by abusing degenerate perks.

*Outside of all of the server issues (especially on PS3), and other minor issues/changes. Like the quickscoping and such.

////long useless rant post at 1am. I ramble on and on and on and on and.....


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Steady aim has ALWAYS been "hur dur I don't need to aim down sight except at sniping distance"

I've always thought it was a spray and pray perk that allows you to do the pray part a liiiittttlllee bit less. I look down on the perk, and it's Pro is the only real reason to use it.

The exact reason I hated Stopping Power (where the pro was... meh. NOBODY used it for the pro... face it), Commando (NO FALLING DAMAGE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE), 100% the reason why I used Lightweight (Faster ADS from sprint? YESPLZ), etc.

Sitrep was a pain in the *** to get pro.... and the pro was useless. Footsteps are already loud as **** with my turtle beach, louder only screwed me over. When I switched to sitrep I did everything in my power to NOT destroy things....because I didn't want pro...

/as you can tell there are quite a few things I see as "scrubby". Not because they are good/broken, but simply because - to me - it lowers the amount of skill needed over your opponent. You can have WORSE AIM than your opponent, but still win when they had FIRST SHOT just because you have stopping power and they didn't. Or your commando travels through their bullets and you knife them - a kill you would not have gotten without commando.

While Last Stand is ****ing annoying, I see nothing scrubby about it. It's just ****ing annoying. However, it's obvious when you fall into it and I should keep lighting you up like the 4th of July. Ninja? I should watch my back a little bit more. Same with Ghost - I shouldn't rely on that map (seeing as I play hardcore... I never really do anyways). Sitrep? I should stop camping or stop using claymores/TI's. (One reason why I use C4 like grenades is because of sitrep/hacker).

I LOVE B/Ops because, IMO, even the "nooby" perks that are left [steady aim and scout] at least has a legit use when they are pro that people would.. actually use it for - more often than the original purpose of the perk.

Soooo glad they removed danger close, scavenger replenishing equipment, stopping power, commando, etc. Seems the only people that complain* about B/Ops are those who only did good by abusing degenerate perks.

*Outside of all of the server issues (especially on PS3), and other minor issues/changes. Like the quickscoping and such.

////long useless rant post at 1am. I ramble on and on and on and on and.....
I could give less of a **** if Steady Aim Pro worked as a ****ing headshot aimbot. Someone who goes for stupid downslope hipfire kills on Launch in SnD is just as ****ing bad as someone who refuses to defuse plants in demolition for the sake of keeping their KDR safe. If you want to go hipfire to get some ****ing pro perk, go play FFA or something that won't screw over the entire team.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Why wouldn't I go for a downslope hipfire kill on S&D? =P

Now you see why I hate camping in everything but FFA/TDM/CTF/S&D.

Now you see why I don't play S&D. (No respawns to kill the stupid campers)

I still pwn in FFA/TDM/CTF because campers suck and I can just go kill them.

CTF is a slight exception because there are 3 campers. One in every goddamn corner. Can't shoot all 3, but you can try and take 1 for 1... but I like my 2.0+ ratio so **** CTF.

Thus I stick with FFA/TDM. I prefer to work with a team, and FFA's spawns have been, and always will be, ****ty as ****. I know how the spawn system works and with how much movement/deaths FFA's have. It's simply impossible to not be spawn****ed a few times a match EVERY SINGLE TIME.

So I play TDM... or Sabotage, Demolition, or HQ. Domination when I have a spawnkilling team, but it has the same issue that FFA's have.... especially when you face a spawnkilling team... =|

And so we're back to the 4 I mentioned. TDM, Sabotage, Demolition, HQ... I can put up with those four, and those four only. But **** people who camp in them. TDM being the ever-so-slight exception, but campers still lose in TDM.



Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
because the kid's god damn 74u had a perfectly fine ****ing iron site. the kid lost us the game. sure, hip fire under pressure. now when a guy is staring down the bomb with his back to you at the end of the slope.
I've decided that unless I'm playing with a teammate or two that knows what the **** they're doing, I hate playing 6 on 6 games. Team Tactical was the greatest idea ever. That's why I couldn't play Ground War. Sorry, leafy, but that's way too many ****ing people on the map.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I hate TT. I totally neglected it's existence when I posted. Same with Ground War I guess.

I don't mind Ground War. I just NEVER RUN ANYWHERE! Walk 24/7. Walk. Camp. Keep your back to walls. Watch your back. Walk more. What the **** is sprinting? WALK I SAID.

TT? Camp. Grab one or both of your buddies. Camp. Oh? Gotta win? Each of you find a spot near an objective.


Nuf' said. I hate TT. Not ENOUGH action.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I've been killed by the RC-XD more times than all other killstreaks combined.

I hate the thing.

People who use it all the time are obviously terrible *******s.

The spy plane is a better option anyway.

Also people trying to steal my packages and stopping me from changing them makes me rage hard.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
I don't really see why people bash camping when a smart player does it when he/she needs to. If you're not camping at some point, you're doing something majorly wrong.

Biggest campfest = TDM

Corner campers with ghost and silenced weapons galore. Aside from S&D, TDM is quite annoying to play for me. You're going to find ghost campers everywhere, but in TDM it's almost ridiculous sometimes.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Why use ghost when hardline pro is so damn great?

It still amazes me that it's in the game.

My best changing of packages so far was an ammo and the 2 turrets into Attack dogs, Blackbird and Gunship.

I also got a Rolling thunder to blow up 3 cars in Havana and got me 3 kills for another set of packages xD


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Second Chance is the only perk in this game that really pisses me off. I really hate when I *should have* killed them but then they pull out their pistol and kill me. Especially since the second chance animation is like they slip on a banana peel and sometimes I'm not sure if they died or not and then I'm dead >> It's not the biggest deal though.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
47-1 and 38-1 9v9 Dominations, both on Cracked. I've pretty much mastered that map. :)

I love Ground War. <3

Funny **** in a hacked Private match with Sariku. :D



Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
I love Ground war too, but I often stray away from it because I can only usually capitalize on situations when I have complete control of the map.
I found that when two good teams play, the first to get a lead gain exponential momentum. It seems winning a little means winning the whole game... meaning people are going to start getting desperate to get any kills possible, even if it hinders them from gaining positional advantages.
I have seen a wave of noobtubers who have realized this.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
I haven't really found that many full parties go into GW, but when they do, they're usually *******s who end up ragequitting when their noobtubes don't work (Flak Jacket lolol). I see parties of 3-7 pretty often, and it's usually the same thing.

Also, I just remembered got a 38-2 Dom on Jungle yesterday as well, which pisses me off, because my friend got a 38 kill Chopper Gunner, and mine got shot down in 8 seconds of reaching the map, and I had dogs up. :( That game could have been much better.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
I gotta say... you getting pissed at Chopper gunner makes me think that everyone should run Sam Turret.
Think of it like this... two members of a team put down sam turrets.
You shoot down care packages, spy planes, other SAMs, Sentries, counter spy planes, and every air support.
If two members of a team could dedicate to making sure they got a few sams going, games would be cake for even the worst of players.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Eh, I normally don't run Chopper Gunner. I usually run Napalm->Blackbird->Spy Plane/Dogs. But on a good day, I run 8/9/11 if I feel I can get them almost every game. I was just mad because they let my buddy **** them so badly, and I got jack ****, even with Dogs up. I still had a good game, so it's all good.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Oh, heavens noooo. Napalm is easily the best objective killstreak in the game. Well, maybe Mortar Team, but that sucks outside of dropping it on objectives. I can get 3-7 man Napalm Strikes almost every time I use it (GW). In GW, getting less than 3 kills with Napalm, and people laugh at you.

In TDM, I still use 3/5/8, but replace Napalm with Care Package.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
I run Rolling Thunder for objectives.
I can usually get 5-6 kills on groundwar with it.
I guess Napalm is like a smaller RT though. I should run Blackbird/something else over it anyways.
EDIT: 500
im an ace *****es


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
well, now that I woke up, maybe I won't rage so hard today.
or maybe I'll just avoid touching the game, so that I don't have a reason to rage today.
Yeah, Leafy, the game was pretty silly. some guy came over to my house who I don't care for too much, so I was just looking for a bunch of reasons to bull****. so I found some Infinite RC-XD thing and we just started acting like idiots and played that. it WAS fun until you kids just hid your RC-XD's in the path just so no one else could do them, so I just won the damn FFA, haha.
I was thinking though, what if games really DID work that way. Every time you get a +100, the opponents get -100. I think that'd make TDM either more fun or more rageworthy. depending who had the newby's on their teams. I promise you I wouldn't be plaiyng a bunch of randoms, haha


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I'm going to try out SAM, Blackbird, Dogs - and run rocket secondaries just in case.

It'd be interesting to scrap heli's, planes, care packs - etc. Without putting my life at risk trying to shoot it down, or on some maps - getting to a place I can even see it to shoot it down.

Gives xp, helps the team out more (and faster), and if it works out really well I might actually be able to use RPG/Crossbow secondary weapons. :3

The less deaths I get due to UAV's and such (when I'm using Flak Jacket....) may balance out that my choppper gunner isn't demolishing everything on the map...


This was inspired by all the talk of SAM turrets. =P
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