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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
That's good to hear. I was told by ODIN that you get an extra custom class slot for the first 5 prestige levels this time instead of every other time like in MW2.

Very tempting I must say...
IIRC you still get an extra class every other level (Prestige level 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9).

As long as it's not WWII, I'm pretty happy with anything. Or maybe they'll start a pattern with a MW game followed by a game using an enhanced engine or something ie MW1 to WaW and MW2 to BO

But yeah, I don't want anymore WWII... they've seriously bored me to death with the concept. What I WOULD like to see though is maybe some sort of WWIII game where nearly the entire world (including South America mind you) actually join the fray. That would be so boss
It'd be funny if they focus on the zombies aspect of the game. Like, do what they did with "Five" but expand to other locations and political figures and make it into one giant CoD Zombies game.

Epicness would ensue.

What guns do you guys like?
Ballistic Knife

Yes it's a gun........a knife gun.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
IIRC you still get an extra class every other level (Prestige level 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9).
Just checked online...you're right. FFFFFFUUUUUU!!

And can someone explain the "Prestige Playlists" when you hit prestige 15?

And there are online multiplayer achievements, right? :urg:


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
You can play in the Prestige Playlist once you hit Prestige level 1. I don't know details about it though.

IIRC no, just zombie-related achievements.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
anyone else think the counter is a fun concept when your sitting in a lobby?

i laughed when i saw "379,124,852 tests dummies gave their lives" :laugh:


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
I played yesterday with my brother on the 360 version......split screen online multiplayer is legit and zombie game is fun as hell....not as easy as it looks either.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Guys: My indepth thoughts so far.
Assault rifles: I don't like them. I always get outpaced by submachinegunners, who kill faster.
Submachine guns: I think they will dominate.
LMG: Same as mw2
Snipers: They're all pretty bad since you can't quickscope and because aiming for a headshot in a close quarters game just feels silly.
Shotguns: I think that they can be abused on certain levels, but overall will be underused.
Tomahawk: I can't handle how good this is. I have gotten more kills with it than guns. I abuse it to the fullest extent by holding the throw button around corners and canceling the crosshair back into my weapon by pressing switch. If someone comes around the corner, I usually hit them before they can even scope.
Perks: Hardline is really rewarding with the XC. I often find myself reaching the two or four kills necessary for napalm and it. I have been using marathon and lightweight when I use SMGs. Overall, the perks are kinda bad now.

I could be wrong about everything, though.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
I've only seen one person get dogs, as of right now.

Also, knifing is cool with me besides the old MW2-style of "OMFGGGG I KNIFED/SHOT YOU FIRST!!"


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Knifing seem so random to me. Sometimes I'm up in their face and i knife but nothing happens and other times I do a far lunge. I'm liking the Enfield right now a ton.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
If you ever get attack dogs, or attacked by attack dogs, I want you to remember the face of the dog who is ****** faces/your face...

That's my dog Cammy. She is crazy. Don't **** with her.
the one sniffing the other dog's ***? :awesome:


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Amazing dogs, ODIN.

As of now, I've grown to dislike the FAMAS as it's really inconsistent. Now, it's all about the AUG, MP5, and the Galil. I'm going for Hacker Pro now and it's quite fun.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Dog counter: 3 :)

By the way, if you haven't purchased Concussion Grenades, you're doing something wrong. They are amazing. When stunned, because it takes so many bullets to kill, it's basically impossible for them to BS you through the stun.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
By the way, if you haven't purchased Concussion Grenades, you're doing something wrong. They are amazing. When stunned, because it takes so many bullets to kill, it's basically impossible for them to BS you through the stun.

Also, I love the crossbow. It needs a shorter detonation time though, I get KS'ed maddd bunches when I stick someone.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Something odd happened to me while playing search. So I'm the last one alive, and there are four people left. I kill two get the bomb. Now, I plant a claymore... and then I die. My own claymore explodes. But what's weird is that the guy who killed me... he got me from across the move through walls and walls in Cracked. The claymore exploded with nothing hitting it. I watched it in theater mode several times. Honestly, that was totally freaky.

Sticks and Stones = Tomahawk practice

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Den Kirson has released the damage stats for all of the guns in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Granted, it's not as organized as his format for Modern Warfare 2 was, it should still help those who care about getting better, as understanding the guns is a major part in improving your game.

Take it for what it is, it's located here: http://denkirson.xanga.com/735016527/black-ops/ (That's mainly for you, Fletch. :))

The rest of the stats for other weapons int the game will be added at a later date, but the gun stats should be more than enough.

What I find interesting about the snipers is the L96 (Bolt-action) has a 1.5x (One shot kill) multiplier for the upper bicep, at least that's some advantage to using the worst gun in the game by far. They really did a number on the Snipers, and I can say that from only trying the WA2000, which is exactly the same statistically, as its MW2 couterpart.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Also claymores need to click before they explode >_>
In MW2, I was rarely successful in escaping a claymore after it clicked unless I was already running, in which case I'd avoid it. Maybe that's just me?

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
I really feel like I'm posting too much today, but on an external link on that same page he posted the percentages of Care Package drops, and the percentages of a re-roll of a Care Package, SAM Turret, or Sentry Gun. I'm still confused why I'm bothering posting this, as I doubt most of you care anyways. But oh well.

For a regular Care Package, the chances of what you'll get are:
Ammo, 20%
Spy Plane, 15%
Counter Spy Plane, 15%
RC-XD, 9%
Valkyrie Rockets, 5%
Mortar Team, 5%
Sentry Gun, 5%
SAM Turret, 5%
Rolling Thunder, 3%
"Grim Reaper", 3%
Napalm Strike, 3%
Blackbird, 3%
Attack Helicopter, 3%
"Death Machine", 2%
Chopper Gunner, 2%
Dogs, 1%
Gunship, 1%

The percentage of what you'll get from a re-roll using Hardline Pro's "gamble" look something like this:
Ammo, 9%
Spy Plane, 9%
Counter Spy Plane, 9%
RC-XD, 9%
Valkyrie Rockets, 9%
Mortar Team, 9%
Sentry Gun, 9%
SAM Turret, 9%
Rolling Thunder, 4%
"Grim Reaper", 4%
Napalm Strike, 4%
Blackbird, 4%
Attack Helicopter, 4%
"Death Machine", 3%
Chopper Gunner, 3%
Dogs, 1%
Gunship, 1%

Source: http://denkirson.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=2023&page=1#29471

From my perspective, the differences between the Care Package percentages and the re-roll percentages look like the differences in percentages from a Care Package and an Emergency Airdrop from MW2; less focus on the lower rewards, and a greater inclination to the middle rewards, while barely modifying, and in some cases, no changes to the chances of a higher reward, such as a Gunship, which I really like.

No matter how hard I try, I always crack up at the name "Death Machine". :laugh:


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Take it for what it is, it's located here: http://denkirson.xanga.com/735016527/black-ops/ (That's mainly for you, Fletch. :))
What I can gather from stats thus far.

Snipers are going to completely suck. Not having SP and combining this with the lack of good sniper perches and inability to effectively quickscope, I don't think you'll be able to reliably snipe. This is only exacerbated by the lack of strong secondaries. I guess it makes sense that they nerfed the run speed as well, but this also does not help the snipers case. Also looks to be completely pointless to use the Wazoo over the Dragunov unless there is something I am not seeing. In my opinion, this REALLY sucks because I have always been big into sniping, and I'm going to miss my Barrett + SP dearly.

The LMGs look to completely suck at first glance because they can no longer reliably 2 HKO with SP, but without an SMG or AR that has a base distance damage of 35 or higher and fire over 625 RPM, then the LMGs should prove pretty useful. Lack of monster clip sizes outside the M60 though looks very disappointing. Still interested in trying them; the M60 might be pretty beast but it looks like its RPM is too slow.

The shotguns don't look that bad, I'll definitely need to try those out. Without SP though it might be kind of tough to use them effectively, and the mag sizes look to be the biggest hindrance. I doubt shotguns are used very much at all due to their overall nerfs.

As for ARs, I'll need to play with those, but the AUG and FAMAS look to be the best of the bunch at first glance. What does everyone think of the SMGs? I used to have a soft spot for the MP5k in MW2, looks like the Scorpion might fill that niche a little bit. **** I might have to go get this game soon, just sooo disappointed by the snipers.

EDIT: Has anyone tried the death machine yet? I'm curious as to how good it is.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
55-1-19, living proof that Hardline Pro is the best thing ever. So many Napalms, RCs and Care Packages. This was all while we were getting spawn trapped.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
EDIT: Has anyone tried the death machine yet? I'm curious as to how good it is.
I have in a Wager Match (it's that one that has a circle in the scope when you aim and has 4 missiles that go straight right?)

It's pretty dissappointing considering how hard it is to use it since they go straight and you can't do much with it. I mean, in MW2 it was easy to use the AT4 that also went straight since there was Danger Close, but now it's just really hard to use it because when I've used it, I think it had a small radius that disallows it from being as effective as it could be.

In all, I wouldn't use it imo

Can someone give me some classes that could be good? And by that I mean just give me some SM and AR classes?

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Fletch, if you're good with recoil, this game is easy. The lack of mandatory Stopping Power opens a whole new world in regards to perk two versatility. The LMGs are fine, they do their same role just fine. In Black Ops, you start off with one extra clip (Ex. your gun usually starts 30/60, in Black Ops you'll start with 30/90), so you can get by without Scavenger on LMGs and still play defensively, which you can use Flak Jacket or Hardline instead. AK-74u + Grip or Extended Mags is the best SMG, and probably the best gun, IMO.

Roach, you're thinking of the Grim Reaper, the Semi-Automatic rocket launcher from CPs that's featured in Gun Game.

smash brawl player 99021

That's the Grim Reaper. Death Machine is a huge Minigun.

What Leafy said.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
No, it makes it the largest entertainment launch in history.
No it doesn't, Harry Potter 7 sold 15 million in its first 24 hours.

I really feel like I'm posting too much today, but on an external link on that same page he posted the percentages of Care Package drops, and the percentages of a re-roll of a Care Package, SAM Turret, or Sentry Gun. I'm still confused why I'm bothering posting this, as I doubt most of you care anyways. But oh well.

For a regular Care Package, the chances of what you'll get are:
Ammo, 20%
Spy Plane, 15%
Counter Spy Plane, 15%
RC-XD, 9%
Valkyrie Rockets, 5%
Mortar Team, 5%
Sentry Gun, 5%
SAM Turret, 5%
Rolling Thunder, 3%
"Grim Reaper", 3%
Napalm Strike, 3%
Blackbird, 3%
Attack Helicopter, 3%
"Death Machine", 2%
Chopper Gunner, 2%
Dogs, 1%
Gunship, 1%

The percentage of what you'll get from a re-roll using Hardline Pro's "gamble" look something like this:
Ammo, 9%
Spy Plane, 9%
Counter Spy Plane, 9%
RC-XD, 9%
Valkyrie Rockets, 9%
Mortar Team, 9%
Sentry Gun, 9%
SAM Turret, 9%
Rolling Thunder, 4%
"Grim Reaper", 4%
Napalm Strike, 4%
Blackbird, 4%
Attack Helicopter, 4%
"Death Machine", 3%
Chopper Gunner, 3%
Dogs, 1%
Gunship, 1%

Source: http://denkirson.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=2023&page=1#29471

From my perspective, the differences between the Care Package percentages and the re-roll percentages look like the differences in percentages from a Care Package and an Emergency Airdrop from MW2; less focus on the lower rewards, and a greater inclination to the middle rewards, while barely modifying, and in some cases, no changes to the chances of a higher reward, such as a Gunship, which I really like.

No matter how hard I try, I always crack up at the name "Death Machine". :laugh:
According to my statistics I've had Dogs and Gunship in 5% of my Care Packages.


Also Fuel the Grim Reaper homes in on targets a bit.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
SMGs in Black Ops aren't like SMGs in previous games. They really are worthless outside of Close-Medium range, and at medium range, ARs still make SMGs their *****.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
EDIT: Has anyone tried the death machine yet? I'm curious as to how good it is.
It is awesome. You would think it is extremely inaccurate, being a huge machine gun, but it is actually very accurate with no visible recoil. You can effectively drop someone at medium range with it.

Only downside to it (and Grim Reaper) is if you fire it, then you die, you drop it for good. Doesn't appear on the ground and doesn't go back into your killstreaks reserve. But if you haven't fired it while having it out it goes back into your killstreaks reserve.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I hate it how you can't just use your air support and they'll launch when the airspace is clear in Black Ops.
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