That setup will beat any camper regardless of whether or not they're using ghost. The point is that if they have the setup I mentioned above, you have absolutely no way of telling where they are with their ability to run around the map mindlessly however the hell they please. Not to mention, there's no easy way to know where a camper/corner camper lurks until you've actually been killed by them, in which case, you lose already.
Situational awareness and strategic movements will only get you so far. They're two interrelated ideas in terms of being successful in the CoD series, which most people understand by now. Analyze the situation, and act accordingly. Problem is with ghost, how can you act/move accordingly to a movement that is totally unforseen and unpredictable? Your knowledge of common routes/movements and just knowledge of the map in general will only get you so far until that one particular guy takes some totally stupid/random route and gets away with it because you have no way of telling he's there.
From CoD4, to WaW, to MW2, I've been largely successful with my play style and I can say with confidence I have never had a problem such as this one. My map knowledge, awareness, reactions, general understanding of the game, and anything else you can think of that contributes to a successful player have won me tons of games to this point and have overall made me a successful CoD player, regardless of the game. But in BO, the ghost **** is just getting ridiculous. There's no setback to using it and the other perks don't compare whatsoever. My play style is the same and still works damn well, but virtually every time I die to something aside from random BS like zeus nades and the sort, it's ghost.