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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Anyone ever go into gun game and just knife people? Its so much fun. People can get so mad over 30 CoD points.
I thought I was the only one that did this, we have 2 or 3 of us knife only and try to time people out.

Fun stuff.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Shotguns are fun but the reward for using them isn't good enough. It just gets outclassed by submachine guns.

Plus the knife in this game really needs to be nerfed. It needs to be slower, or be 2 melee kill. It just ruins this game for me.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Really? I have no problems with knifing at all anymore besides the occasional lunge. But most of the time when I knife/someone tries to knife me you need to be within an inch of them to knife em and if not you just miss.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Shotguns are fun but the reward for using them isn't good enough. It just gets outclassed by submachine guns.

Plus the knife in this game really needs to be nerfed. It needs to be slower, or be 2 melee kill. It just ruins this game for me.
Shotguns are instant kills. I destroy plenty of SMG users by blasting them in the face before they get their multiple shots off. They have their range disadvantages, sure, but if you know how to move around a map properly with a shotgun, you should wreck everyone within your desired area of combat.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2011
Whiterun, Skyrim
Shotguns in Black Ops are all risk and almost zero reward. They where seriously nerfed from MW2, just compare the Model 1887 to ANY shotgun in BO. They have no range(duh), their power is horrible compared to the previous games, BO doesn't have many good close quarters maps, and why use shotguns when you can use an SMG. SMGs are a little worse in close quarters and great in mid range, the shotgun may be great in tight spaces but that is it. This is just MHO, but I say pick up an AK-74 and leave the SPAS-12 behind.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Shotguns in Black Ops are all risk and almost zero reward. They where seriously nerfed from MW2, just compare the Model 1887 to ANY shotgun in BO. They have no range(duh), their power is horrible compared to the previous games, BO doesn't have many good close quarters maps, and why use shotguns when you can use an SMG. SMGs are a little worse in close quarters and great in mid range, the shotgun may be great in tight spaces but that is it. This is just MHO, but I say pick up an AK-74 and leave the SPAS-12 behind.
Zero reward? Nice to know that all the Chopper Gunners that I've gotten with my SPAS is zero reward (which btw could've turned into dogs if my current setup wasn't Spy Plane->Blackbird->CG as I've gone well over 9 kills with the SPAS)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2011
Whiterun, Skyrim
Zero reward? Nice to know that all the Chopper Gunners that I've gotten with my SPAS is zero reward (which btw could've turned into dogs if my current setup wasn't Spy Plane->Blackbird->CG as I've gone well over 9 kills with the SPAS)
But tell me this, are you more likely to get killed while using a FAMAS/AK-74/etc. or a SPAS-12? It may be that I just have crap luck with Shotguns, but I'm hard pressed to get a positive ratio with a shotgun while I can go 29-0 with a FAMAS. All I'm saying is that the majority of the time(at least in my case, so I'm not saying it is fact) I have a horrible time with shotguns on BO and SMGs seem much more efficient and versatile.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Fuelbe, I understand where you're coming from in thinking that shotguns are good, but honestly, everything is better. I'm not saying you can't do well with it, but there is nothing rewarding in the sense that you could do just as well with an SMG or an assault rifle.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2011
Whiterun, Skyrim
Shotguns can be good, and some people use them fantasticaly, but would you rather have one shot kills from point blank, or 3 shot kills from 100 yards away? It's just that more people can do well with assault rifles and SMGs than SGs. And, on a side note, CZ75+extended mags=win on 8 different levels.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I feel like those of you who are using the Shotguns and saying you could use an SMG in the same manner are actually trying to use a Shotgun like an SMG, and are, thus, doing it wrong.

Proper use of a shotgun is unparalleled. An SMG, an AR, nothing can do as well as a Shotgun can when used like a shotgun. Have any of you ever encountered that guy with the shotgun that you can't kill, no matter what you do? That's the guy that's using the shotgun right. You can't beat him unless he messes up, or unless you decide to pick up a shotgun to beat him at his own game. That's because, regardless of how well you plan for that CQ encounter, he's just going to beat you through sheer power.

Also, to those of you who say the shotguns are weak and have no range: You'd be absolutely SHOCKED at the range I've one shotted people in this game. Absolutely shocked. Just because you can't snipe people, like you could with the Models, doesn't mean the shotguns don't have range.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
I feel like those of you who are using the Shotguns and saying you could use an SMG in the same manner are actually trying to use a Shotgun like an SMG, and are, thus, doing it wrong.

Proper use of a shotgun is unparalleled. An SMG, an AR, nothing can do as well as a Shotgun can when used like a shotgun. Have any of you ever encountered that guy with the shotgun that you can't kill, no matter what you do? That's the guy that's using the shotgun right. You can't beat him unless he messes up, or unless you decide to pick up a shotgun to beat him at his own game. That's because, regardless of how well you plan for that CQ encounter, he's just going to beat you through sheer power.

Also, to those of you who say the shotguns are weak and have no range: You'd be absolutely SHOCKED at the range I've one shotted people in this game. Absolutely shocked. Just because you can't snipe people, like you could with the Models, doesn't mean the shotguns don't have range.
Yes yes andddd yes.

The different types of guns have different strengths and weaknesses, but none of them are "bad" unless you're using them incorrectly.

Shotguns aren't bad. Limit the engagement.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Got to round 35 on ascension lastnight with my friend while split screening.

We died because we got no max ammo for 4 rounds leaving both of us forced to trade in our ray guns for upgraded wall weapons.

Sometimes I think the Zeus cannon ain't that great because you never get drops from it.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Delta, you're the best player I've ever known, so its a completely different story for different players.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2011
Whiterun, Skyrim
@Delta-cod Do you have any youtube vids of your mastery? Send me a link if you do, because I'd like to see some ownage with shotguns. Not doubting that you are good, it's just that all of the BO videos are of FAMAS and AK 47 users and it gets kinda stale.
I don't know any Shotty masters, just AK/FAMAS noobs, lol. I wish I was good with shotguns on BO, but I just can't get a feel for them. I wasn't saying that SMGs are used in the same manner as shottys, more like they are in the same tier. Both are CQC weapons, but shotguns are just for that, while SMGs are more of a hybrid, though 2nd best in actual CQC

smash brawl player 99021

Vids or it never happened
@Delta-cod Do you have any youtube vids of your mastery? Send me a link if you do, because I'd like to see some ownage with shotguns. Not doubting that you are good, it's just that all of the BO videos are of FAMAS and AK 47 users and it gets kinda stale.
I don't know any Shotty masters, just AK/FAMAS noobs, lol. I wish I was good with shotguns on BO, but I just can't get a feel for them. I wasn't saying that SMGs are used in the same manner as shottys, more like they are in the same tier. Both are CQC weapons, but shotguns are just for that, while SMGs are more of a hybrid, though 2nd best in actual CQC
He doesn't believe in "clips".


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Okay, I'll grant that shotguns are great in tight quarters...

.....can someone point me to the maps that are predominantly tight quarters?


Exactly. Even the smallest maps like Nuketown aren't "close quarter-y" enough for Shotguns to have any predominance over another type of weapon. And yes, when I say "close quarters", I mean hallways, enclosed spaces, and stuff like that. EVEN the hallways of MANY maps are open enough to grant the advantage to SMGs. So, when you're dealing with maps like Jungle, Array, Firing Range, and "open areas", I think the Shotgun just fails to make a difference.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
LOL guys. I don't have clips because I don't have a recording device. If any of you would like to play a game with me and upload some of them from my perspective, that'd be okay with me. I don't really care much about my worldwide CoD rep. XD

If you guys want shotgun matches, just tell me when we play and I'll just break out the Olympia. :awesome:

Okay, I'll grant that shotguns are great in tight quarters...

.....can someone point me to the maps that are predominantly tight quarters?


Exactly. Even the smallest maps like Nuketown aren't "close quarter-y" enough for Shotguns to have any predominance over another type of weapon. And yes, when I say "close quarters", I mean hallways, enclosed spaces, and stuff like that. EVEN the hallways of MANY maps are open enough to grant the advantage to SMGs. So, when you're dealing with maps like Jungle, Array, Firing Range, and "open areas", I think the Shotgun just fails to make a difference.
*Murders Crickets with a shotgun blast*

Havana is one. The majority of the fighting takes place in the buildings, where the shotguns will ****.

WMD is completely doable, as the main fighting hubs are based around the buildings, where shotguns will ****. The areas around the center building (mainly towards the train tracks) have plenty of corners, walls, and other cover to abuse if you need to get through there. The area with the two silos is also manageable, as the silos and the giant wheel provide enough cover for you to move around and keep conflict ranges within your favor. The only real problem is the top area, where people can get onto the really high balcony. That place is a bit too open for my liking, and it's the one place I really only go with a UAV/Blackbird up so I know exactly how to maneuver.

Surprisingly, Jungle is also not bad for shotguns. There are just a couple zones to avoid, like the bridge and the cliff. Otherwise, you can run through the ruins, the town, and the jungle cabin side with little problem.

Array is also doable, as most conflict occurs in areas that are easily accessible from the central building. Just patrol through there, hop out when you need to, and get back in. Since so little of the actual map is generally used, you have plenty of flanking routes if necessary.

Summit works well.

Firing Range can be hit or miss. If you get a good momentum cycle going, then you're going to destroy. A lot of the conflict can be manipulated to work your way. Quick dashes through the center can get you between buildings. Otherwise, just go around. The hardest spawn is when you spawn out near the wooden two story, because it's hard to make the center dash through there, and the lane behind the tractor is pretty long and open.

Crisis is awful because people camp out on the cliffs and stuff too often. In objective based games where conflict near the buildings (I think C on Dom) and in the bunkers (B Dom), you can destroy. For TDM, not so much.

Nuketown is eh because everything moves so fast and you really need to be able to pick people off through the cars.

Radiation is completely doable if you use the underground area as your main transportation route. Just drop into one of the box houses, go underground to the other side, clear out the enemies over there, and then drop back in when you need to cross back. There are plenty of buildings and walls for you to manipulate.

Cracked relies on building abuse. Just dash across the streets when you need to and you'll be good.

Launch is pretty meh. I don't like it too much, although I don't like the map much in general anymore. It's layout isn't very conducive to my playstyle.

And I think that's everything!


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Kowloon is pretty shotty friendly (and Kowloon is also Firefox Spell Check friendly. O_o). It seems like it'd be good for that style of play considering all of the building play. Stadium doesn't seem like it would be.

We shall not speak of the Wall.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Berlin wall is actualy fine if you just camp in one of the stairs in a busy building.

Dual HS10's will blow the face off anything coming for you.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Why is it that what is apparently the worst map in the pack the one I'm most excited about?

And man I wanna play with delta really badly now. I've only played with him once months ago when I first started playing CoD and he was Javelining (I think) so I never got to see any of his legendary rapage :/

And I like the Olympia. It's a fun thing to use and it got me as far ad my CG and got about. As many kills with it as much as my SPAS, but I end up using my SPAS just because I find that I have to work more for my killstreaks with the Olympia and it's tiny*** mag size so I just end up going with the SPAS anyways


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Why is it that what is apparently the worst map in the pack the one I'm most excited about?

And man I wanna play with delta really badly now. I've only played with him once months ago when I first started playing CoD and he was Javelining (I think) so I never got to see any of his legendary rapage :/

And I like the Olympia. It's a fun thing to use and it got me as far ad my CG and got about. As many kills with it as much as my SPAS, but I end up using my SPAS just because I find that I have to work more for my killstreaks with the Olympia and it's tiny*** mag size so I just end up going with the SPAS anyways
Solution: Buy Black Ops for the 360.

It's your own fault for buying it for the PS3.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Array is also doable, as most conflict occurs in areas that are easily accessible from the central building. Just patrol through there, hop out when you need to, and get back in. Since so little of the actual map is generally used, you have plenty of flanking routes if necessary.
lol I still remember that shotguns only game we played on Array.

I'm pretty sure my account ran out of gold or w/e so idk when I can play again since I'm lazy and dunno when I can go buy cards for live D:


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Why is it that what is apparently the worst map in the pack the one I'm most excited about?

And man I wanna play with delta really badly now. I've only played with him once months ago when I first started playing CoD and he was Javelining (I think) so I never got to see any of his legendary rapage :/

And I like the Olympia. It's a fun thing to use and it got me as far ad my CG and got about. As many kills with it as much as my SPAS, but I end up using my SPAS just because I find that I have to work more for my killstreaks with the Olympia and it's tiny*** mag size so I just end up going with the SPAS anyways
I've gotten Javelin AC130s. =P

Olympia's mag size really isn't that big a problem unless you run into an area with more than 2 people, which is rare. It has gotten me into some tight spots though. I don't like the SPAS much anymore because it's just so inconsistent to me lately.

lol I still remember that shotguns only game we played on Array.

I'm pretty sure my account ran out of gold or w/e so idk when I can play again since I'm lazy and dunno when I can go buy cards for live D:
That game was so fun. XD

Get Live, dammit!


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
So I got a random tomahawk kill by throwing it straight up in the air in the last 5 seconds of the game and got the game winning killcam with it, it was pro.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
The dolly camera mode is really useful for following tomahawks. All you have to do is take your time and use BUNCHES of angles.
Also, I feel like Olympia>>>Stakeout, but only in certain situations. I don't really like the spas at all.
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