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Brawl Robocop Rule Set


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Howdy folks.
*notices there are only four stickies*

I'd like to take the chance to discuss with the public the brawl ruleset for robocop. As has been indicated, it will most likely be very similar to the Thriller rule set from earlier this year.

The Thriller rule set for the most part has been used by both Sydney and Melbourne tournaments for a while (Sydney opting for to 3 starters instead of 5 though since though). I want to take this time to check out other region's rule sets, plus get some general suggestions on changes before it's mostly finalised.

As I have mod powers in Australia now, I'll be pretty hard on people for being idiots in this thread.

I'll keep a running list of suggestions/issues and go from there.

Pokemon Stadium 2:
Moved to Counter-pick.
Viability as a starter?

Doubles subset (inclusion of extra stages + an extra ban):

I think hanenbow should be removed
What other the other ones?

Suicide Moves resulting in Sudden Death:

Recent BBR discussion came to a reasonable consensus that instead of the initiator of a suicide move in the case of sudden death winning the match, that instead it goes into an "extra time" match (talked about below [1 stock, 3/4 minutes]). It's kind of a bit of a nerf to ganon and bowser... but mmm...

Ledge Grab Limit:
It's always an issue. currently MK only, 25. Personally don't see a reason to change this.

Stage List In General:
Well some regions (?) and at least in america still, RC is legal.
Brinstar is legal but many many many people have shown general disliking of it as this point.
What stages do people feel should be counterpick / moved to doubles only / be banned?
If Perth/Adelaide/QLD/etc could post their standard brawl rule sets that would be helpful to (and if you really want to be pro, only pointing out the differences to the "thriller ruleset" below).

The discussion will only go for as long as it's needed. I hope CAO doesn't mind <3.

Thriller Brawl Rule Set:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl

General Rules

  • Playing non-tournament matches without a Tournament Organiser's consent may result in disqualification.
  • Players may forfeit games and/or sets if their match has been called by a TO and is not started within reasonable time. Please inform a TO of any situations that may hinder you from playing.
  • Players have the right to remove an SD card from a wii before play.
  • Homebrew / Modded Wiis must NOT alter game play, characters or stage designs. Stage/Character textures or replacement music must not make the game unplayable or uncomfortable for an individual player.
  • Have a shower and use deodorant.


Game Rules

  • Match Settings: 3 Stock | 8 Minute Timer | Items set to "off" and "none"
  • Matches are played as best of three sets. Championship and Finals (Winners, Losers Semi, Losers) sets are best of five. This includes Pool Matches
  • Matches ending with suicide moves that result in Sudden Death have the initiator of the move declared winner.
  • (A) In the case of a match going to time, Sudden Death is not played.
  • A player may not select a stage which they have already won on in the set, unless the opponent agrees.
  • Players are responsible for their own controllers (including connectivity, battery life, etc) and control settings.
    [*]No unnecessary pausing of the game.
    [*](B) Stalling is banned.
    [*]Actions that cause glitches and/or game freezes which prevent the game from continuing are the responsibility of the player.
    [*]Extension (Infinite or otherwise) of Meta Knight's Dimension Cape / Down B is banned.
The above listed yellow actions may result in the player responsible forfeiting the MATCH or SET. Tournament Organiser's disgression.


A) Time Out Procedures:

In the case of a time out the winner(s) of the match are declared by (in order):
  1. (Singles Only; Meta Knight only) If the player has more than 25 Ledge Grabs they forfeit the match.
  2. Highest [combined] stock count.
  3. Lowest [combined] percentage.
In the case of not being able to declare a winner, a One Stock Four Minute Decider is played with the same characters and stage.
In the case of the Decider time out with the previous conditions, Sudden Death is played out.

B) Stalling
The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end quickly after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.

Set Procedure
  1. Opponents select their ports*.
  2. Opponents choose their characters. Double blind selection may be called if a player wishes it.
  3. Opponents strike the starter stages one at a time until there is one remaining*. The first match of the set is played on said stage.
  4. After the match is played the winner may declare a legal stage banned.
  5. The previous match's loser selects a remaining legal stage to be played on.
  6. If the previous match's loser wishes to, they may also counterpick a port.
  7. The winner of the previous match picks character first. The loser then picks their character.
  8. Steps 4-7 are repeated until a set is completed.

(*)In the case of dispute, a best of one Rock, Paper, Scisors match is played. The winner may select preferred port OR which opponent strikes first. The loser obtains the unselected option.

Legal Stage List

Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Pokemon Stadium 1
Lylat Cruise

Final Destination
Castle Siege
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon

Doubles Subset:
  • Life Stealing is allowed.
  • Team Attack set to ON
  • Port Selection, unless in mutual agreement must be in a 1221 format (team 1/team 2)
  • Doubles has additional stages, and hence teams may ban TWO of them during counter-picking.

Additional Doubles Legal Stages
Pirate Ship
Green Greens
Jungle Japes
Rainbow Cruise
Pokemon Stadium 2​


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Stadium 2 should be legal in singles.
Ledge grab rule for all characters.
Maybe Norfair and RC but I want to see what counterpicks characters like MK get if both are included in stage list.
RC over Norfair.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
Pokemon Stadium 2:
Moved to Counter-pick.
Viability as a starter?

Doubles subset (inclusion of extra stages + an extra ban):
I think hanenbow should be removed
What other the other ones?

Suicide Moves resulting in Sudden Death:
Recent BBR discussion came to a reasonable consensus that instead of the initiator of a suicide move in the case of sudden death winning the match, that instead it goes into an "extra time" match (talked about below [1 stock, 3/4 minutes]). It's kind of a bit of a nerf to ganon and bowser... but mmm...

Ledge Grab Limit:
It's always an issue. currently MK only, 25. Personally don't see a reason to change this.

Stage List In General:
Well some regions (?) and at least in america still, RC is legal.
Brinstar is legal but many many many people have shown general disliking of it as this point.
What stages do people feel should be counterpick / moved to doubles only / be banned?
PS2 is probably viable as a neutral, preferably over PS1.

Hanenbow is fine for doubles, as far as I'm aware nobody has ever chosen it for a tournament match anyway, so there really are no arguments for and against it being legal.

Suicide grab rule thing doesn't need to change if you have ever been on the receiving end of this technique you are a fool.

LG rule is perfect the way we currently have it.

As for the stage list I don't have any complaints atm, although I do see a bit of a downside to bringing RC back.
EDIT: Pictochat is stupid, dangerous, and massive. I personally think its much more suited for doubles only.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
I like the ruleset for singles. Though if it were up to me, RC and Norfair would be added to counterpicks and Brinstar removed.

my $0.02


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
I'm pretty fine with most of the suggestions/issued asked here, most of my opinions are the same as rickys so just consider my answer as his aswell lul.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
I'm not going to post up WA's stage list - they vary pretty much with every tournament, and it should be a well known fact with people who frequent the Perth Thread that we're divided in terms of conservative vs liberal stage list... (I'm a conservative ;))... What I will say is that most people have no qualms with a 7 stage starter list :p

RE: Suicide grab rule - for Ganon it's risky as ****, and for Bowser it's one of the few things that makes him playable (plus the lower % player chooses the direction of it, so Bowser should only be able to win using it if he is already winning)... I don't think you should change it...

I don't want to see PS2 as a starter any more than I like having PS1 as a starter... I think they should both be counterpick because (and a stupid reason even in my opinion) the stage transforms from a relatively neutral stage to a heavily (dis)advantageous stage, and a match is not guaranteed to go through even 3 of the transformations let alone all of them - not something that makes a starter stage in my eyes... Of course, as they aren't "neutrals" anymore I guess it all depends on what you want the starter stage list to accomplish, which isn't really a factor of individual stages but what the list as a whole offers in terms of balancing the first match of a set...

For doubles, I'm not fussed - if I was the one to choose I'd say try and keep the same stage list purely for convenience of memory, but this is a fickle point to choose this over :p

Ledge grab rule should be applied to the whole cast, but be based around MK's ability to LG since MK is by far the easiest to stall with it (yes, I'm calling it stalling :p)... Logically, if it's based around MK's ability to ledge grab then other characters should fall well under the quota, no???

I'd personally prefer no Rainbow Cruise, but to be fair in WA it's hardly ever played on so the experience lies with the Metaknight-ridden east :D

@Corpse: RC over Brinstar, seriously?


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2008
FD's a counter pick? o_O

Looks more neut than Yoshi's and Lylat to me... Oh wells


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Just keep the Thriller ruleset, its quite good.

Keep Brinstar, some characters need it there to ban.
I'm strongly against PS2 being neutral.
Strongly for the lgl on mk only.
Also mad reduce those CP stages for doubles.
Oh that suicide rule seems a little harsh as well, Boswer and Ganon are bad enough already.

Ill give some reasons when im bothered.

say no to norfair


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Dude do you even still play this game?
No, Nix doesn't play at all and he's out of touch. Ledge Grab limit should only apply to MK, the way we have it.

I also agree with Corpses post on stages, on Brinstar it is much harder for either player to keep control and the stage is very small.*

Norfair and RC have a few things that can be abused but the stages themself actually make a lot more sense as to what was going on during the match*

*badly explained


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I disagree, brinstar is far better then norfair
as for rc, I dont mind it but it is a ridiculously stupid level that gay's people quite often.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2010
CLK of da WA in AU
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Pokemon Stadium 1
Lylat Cruise

Final Destination
Castle Siege
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon

Shaya have my children this stagelist gets me hard <3

For dubs no pirate ship no hanenbow and you good

<3<3<3 If only certain wa people could make a stage list like this <3<3<3


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Anyone who wants RC or Norfair is dumb. Those stages suck massive ****.

Hanenbow is fine in doubles.

Stagelist is good as is Shaya ignore the noobs.

Also PS2 is ****. Fine for doubles, maybe even CP, but in no way should it be neutral.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Anyone who wants RC or Norfair is dumb. Those stages suck massive ****.

Hanenbow is fine in doubles.

Stagelist is good as is Shaya ignore the noobs.

Also PS2 is ****. Fine for doubles, maybe even CP, but in no way should it be neutral.
This !
Thankyou Ted


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
I dont see whats so bad about norfair. Ignoring the hazards its basically a neutral stage with a unique platform layout. The hazards arent really that bad anyway. Its definitely not a stage for the neutral list but I dont see why it shouldnt be a counterpick.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2007
Canberra, Australia
I don't think pokemon stadium 2 is that bad at all, especially for a CP stage. I always thought it was a counterpick stage that no one picked until this recent starter stage thing anyway.

RC and Norfair are silly.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
I'm thanking Ted aswell.

Corpse you obviously have no one that plays gay in Perth, need exp. first hand to understand my friend.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2009
Get rid of hannebow. Replace PS1 with PS2 as a starter. PS2 is better in so many ways. No norfair or rainbow cruise or japes.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Camp is TERRIBLE on norfair.

As in it's terribly hard to beat camping on that stage.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
It's... so very campy...

Like, as a Wario main, if I wanted to play a massively gay stage to be epicly gay, I would be like "yeah, Norfair it up boys."

Then I'd be like:
. Grab edge
. WHILE waft not charged
. Rising/Falling aerial to other edge
. Waft

And MK is just like:
.WHILE game not over
. Glide around air camping and being a massive ***

EDIT: Smashboards sucks at multiple spaces. :(
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