Who cares? One d00d =/= your whole region. Stop clinging to Ally. Atlantic North alone has enough gdlk players to beat any other country alone, and we are a mere fraction of America's population.
We have the largest and strongest scene on Earth. That is a fact.
Who is assuming you are trash?
I am assuming nothing. I'm saying Ally is the only proven top player from your area, and maybe Holy. Can you deny this? No. Only Ally has travelled and performed very well.
What? When did I say such a thing?
I heard you were an extremely good debater, but I am quite disappointed... You need better logic to challenge a von Karma!
Thats what happens when i debate past midnight after so many hours of homework =.=. Also, i removed your images for the sake of reading simplicity in my reply box >.<.
And my bad, i did an amalgam between what another post said and yours, which really is not right(if your wondering, go and look at the post of underload, first page for me, but im 40 post/page).
Either way, let me rectify what i said for what i meant!
Canada has other good players than ally, and it would be foolish to believe otherwise unless they have proven them to yourselves. But first, you guys need to understand that the "canada" of which your speaking of is often you guys referring to EC canada(though WC is becoming increasingly more active). Now, EC is divided in two distinct region, Ontario(GTA+Niagara) and Quebec(Mtl, Ottawa, notice i put ottawa in quebec since even if they live in ontario they are so far from GTA they usually come more to our tourneys than theirs).
Lets take a look at both.
First of all, allys brother, holynightmare, is a great player who placed 13th at apex despite having to face his brother in winners 2nd round(bad seeding!). Now considering some players train with holy alot, it would not make any sense that we all suck at the game when training with someone who placed well like that in the USA would it? Not only that, but holy does not place second to his brother right now(guess tho whom : P). Then we have Dom, who is very very very slightly under holys current level, and keeps on improving at an alarming rate. Finally we got me who did what no other ice climber did in USA, taking a whole set off ally using solely ice climbers, which is considered by far their best matchup. If that is not worthy of recognition by itself, then just go and defeat ally even with any other char : P, only 6 players in USA have done this if i recall correctly.
Then comes ontario, where holy frequently places either 1st or 2nd, which we will use to analyze their players skill for the sake of comparison. Keep in mind he hasnt gone there for 4 months now(time passes by so fast!). You got kingace, who is a great player but flopped at SNES(i was dissapointed, though it was very clear he flopped when he placed way under people he usually 2-0 in his own state, and he lost to you, you probably know the matchup better than like almost anyone). He used to be taking holys 1st place lately, but now he is losing to silverdoc who is consistently improving and is now 1st on their PR(and he doesnt affraid of anything).
To me, thats 4 people who are all around holys level. Not many states can say they have this much, and i dont want to go into the rest of our PRs, but point being, we may not be able to use ally as a reference much(i mean, in USA, M2K is the only person with similar level), so i used holy who placed well at apex and we can definitely say that he has good competition here. If you can make these sorts of comparisons inui, why cant i : P