Enough talk.....
let's discuss Yoshi....idc anymore if Leffen, Mind Trick, or anyone hates me anymore... I proved what I had to prove at Pound V.. and that's what mattered.... i proved at an INTERNATIONAL.. i could get out of pools w/yoshi.. and I most certainly did... I haven't seen other play Yoshi through any tourney(s) w/the amount of elite players that Pound V had....and if they did congrats... Like I said.. My only objective was to hype a "dead" character....
to others who played Yoshi.. awesome... sweet, im not saying you did/didn't play Yoshi....i'm saying it's a shame.. that no other combo video has been released since 2005.. before Eggstinction... If a character is so "active" we should at least have a video within 5-6 years....
Leffen/Mind Trick/Moo - you guys can hate me/like me... it's your choice... if you're going to leave the Yoshi boards because another "hyped" player from AZ is being hyped.. than I guess that's all you....IF a Yoshi main would've made it to brackets at Genesis? Pound 4? Apex? Rom3?/ any tournies between/before... I'm sure AZ (I sure as hell would've hyped you)...but sadly that's not the case... in fact I don't think any were even close/weren't any that attended.. Pound V which was recent... had many entrants... many top players such as Eggz, Over, Linguini, Scar, are examples of who didn't make it out of pools even... They all play characters much better than Yoshi...and more importantly...(they are wonderful players) The fact that me... (an unknown, compared to the rest of you guys) Mind Trick, YoshiisCool, Yoshido, Bioshi, etc.. ALL of you have much more experience than I do... WAY MORE...MU experience/feel of the character/etc...
I appreciate AZ's way of giving me hype/attention etc...I would've felt bad..if I would've let you all down... (and not make it to bracket) because it would give everyone else more leverage to use against me....not to mention it's not EVERYDAY a Yoshi makes it to the main bracket at an international as hype with elite players that Pound V had...
I'm just glad.. that I could help give Yoshi some hype/action.... I'm not meaning to sound "offensive" but when's the last time a video has even been posted for critique.updated.... I saw your vid vs Armada Leffen.. Your Yoshi's nice... I saw your vids Mind Trick vs the Puff... I've seen Nogzor's Yoshi vs Okami, awesome stuff.. we have splendid Yoshi players...but not many posts/updates are being made....now granted.. yes it's usually because *reads previous posts* kinda stuff happens.....AZ likes to troll.. a lil bit... AZ ALSO likes to hype... and in all honesty.. THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO.. one of their own...made it to brackets at an international w/YOSHI.... of course they are going to be hype.... when's the laast time it's EVER EVEN HAPPENED....they've seen my progress in 8 months... Imagine what another 8 months what level my Yoshi might be at... It's mere support...and i think/wish/hope more people understand that...
If Leffen, Mind Trick, Bioshi, Yoshido, Moo, ANY Yoshi's made it to brackets at Genesis2, or any other MAJOR future tournaments you damn right i'd be going bananas...it's a support system.. it makes us better players, gives us confidence, makes us play better...not to mention.. i'd NEVER seen it... making into brackets at monthly's...regional...is good stuff as well sure... but INTERNATIONAL.. when players travel across continents?.. I'm glad my home would be happy for me.. I'm sure when Armada took 2nd at Genesis.. he was getting mad hype and (he sure as hell deserved it) he's sooooooooooo good.
On my behalf i'm sorry AZ may be offending the Yoshi players, in all honestly they're not trying to... they're simply trying to give me credit... and I appreciate that... and like when one defends their own, when they feel an "offensive comment" comes my way.. retalliation will occur... If I typed right now
"Dr Peepee and Armada are so lucky, and overrated.. they're not even good. I know i can take them if I felt like it, You can bet 100+ people will come in here and defend him...and troll me... maybe even worse...and they'd have every right to.... I've done nothin to prove to them/the world.. while they have done something..... In my situation with Yoshi.... I HAVE done something, while we (Yoshi) players are struggling to play him in tournament... Leffen, you're playing Falco, in the more important matches... Mind Trick... you're playing Fox vs the better players... Moo hasn't posted in who knows how long... and Yoshido, plays Sheik (if I recall) in the tougher matches... I was opposite... I played my higher tiers in the 1st round (not as important matches) then played Yoshi in the tougher ones, tryin to prove my dedication... to Yoshi in matches where it matters... so to them (AZ) and everyone else that saw/watched me at Pound V... I proved something while the latter has not....
(I'm not saying it hasn't been done before, it most likely may have been... (but it sure hasn't been done at an INTERNATIONAL level for a VERY GOOD while.... at least not here in NTSC in YEARS METAGAMES CHANGE IN YEARS TIME...... if it has over where you all are (PAL) players.. YOSHI is BETTER in PAL by a very noticable amount... while here in NTSC he's not..(which is another reason why AZ/everyone is hyping me... it's not common in no way/shape or form... it's very rare.. and hasn't happened in YEARS...which IMO why AZ, Kaostar, anyone else trying to defend me, is getting a bit aggravated for... I don't think they think you're giving me enough credit...if not, that's fine... but w/certain tone... it's being said as if a "Yoshi making out of bracket at an international level is common" which NO IT'S NOT...
As for the competetive part...it's "natural" if I sat here and said "Silly Kyle's Peach is better than Armada, SK's the best Peach..but has no results while Armada actually does....would you NOT defend armada...or Taj w/Mewtwo if I said Mine was better.... or if I said my Sheik >> Amsah w/Sheik.. would you NOT defend them... it's a basic intuition/reaction... to defend whats right.....
You all should know the world works by "results" if I keep placing high/well with Yoshi... more and more people will vouch for me...and more of you (may get offended)

If I start to lack then perhaps speculation will happen...
I know you guys can do it....Mind Trick I've wanted you to quit fox forever now... I know you have the capabilities of it..... you have way more experience w/Yoshi than I do... and if I CAN DO IT... you should have NO PROBLEM... I know/believe/have faith you can do it...
Same goes for you Leffen, your Falco's pretty solid... Im positive you can do it w/Yoshi as well.... Angel, you are capable as well.. Moo, you.. ALL OF YOU.. can do it.... but choosing a "better character" isn't going to give you the answers you want/will need to find out... for certain matchups/characters .. sure it's better/wiser to choose a differenct character... but not necessarily vs a better player...sometimes you need to stick w/that belief in the character....(and if you all wanna troll me/make fun of me) etc for me having faith in a "low tier" than thats fine... Me, and Axe, Taj will ALWAYS have that belief, and honestly that is most likely why we are rather successful w/our characters...
Leffen, Mind Trick, Moo, Bioshi, Yoshido, all Yoshi players I love all of you!

... at times... you don't think I do.. and you think I'm all out for me..{Moo}

but Im really not... I nearly hyped up a dead character, that "results wise" wasn't getting anywhere...new players, players not as good as the better players are "influenced" by an idol... I'm definetely trying to be that idol for yoshi... I don't have to be their "favorite" Yoshi player... but if they look at idk my videos.. but their favorite Yoshi player is Leffen, Mind Trick/whomever.. then hey SUCCESS has been made...
like i've said in the beginning i'm merely trying to spread the love.... and more yoshi needs to be played...etc... OUR Forums (not this thread) are the 2nd MOST inactive......
Leffen, Mind Trick, Bioshi, Moo, ALL OF YOU.. as i've stated before and maybe you do/don't know... I've learned ALOT from you that you probably don't even know about.... Sure it's true... I don't peticularly "like" the way your Yoshi's play... but I have ALWAYS respected your thoughts, thought processes... and more.. not to mention I'm picky.... I DON'T like PP's Falco...(even though it's the most successful) I Don't like Hbox's puff, Jman's Fox, are examples of character styles I don't like that are arguably the most successful... I just like to do things my way/try to find answers my way... etc...but your advice is always loved/respected... and I want you guys to know that...
Anyway this is a long @ss post...I sorta want this all to end.... At genesis 2.. we will all be able to play each other... and share ideas/thoughts and hopefully come to a conclusion...
Mind Trick - I like your creativity to the thread... you're usually coming up w/videos of character matchups i'm not too familiar with.. (Ganon) Amsah's sheik, few other chars..
Leffen - don't take this the wrong way but you give the thread (motivation) your expectations are VERY high... and it pushes me more to meet the challenge.
Moo - I just like you.... (even though you don't like me)

Bioshi/Shiri -I don't know you guys just yet, but man... i'd love any Yoshi, Yoshi's players inputs/ideas
Nogzor's - You're a mad chill dude, and of all the Yoshi's I've seen your style is the EXACT opposite of mine.... and I feel I learn interesting, unique mindgames, that I can stea/add to my game
Yoshido - another Yoshi player willing to learn/giving his experiences/thoughts just like the rest of us..any help is better than no help...
anyone else - It's nice to hear their thoughts/ideas on things... it gives me motivation to try and figure out more things to do/say/think of etc.....
I've been honest... I really care about all of you... I REALLY DO... but I feel it's like my success with Yoshi is only making everyone upset, like the Yoshi players WANT me to fail or something... or feel im tryin to claim their territory etc.... Anyway... I hope we can come to an agreement and agree to disagree....but I still think we should all be around.. at least respect each other.... Im going to try.. and post more often... I see the questions being asked my way. etc... but, I don' reply at times when the thread is undergoing drama (hoping it will cool off) but that hasn't been working...) so i'm going to try something different...
Allrite lastly again... Leffen, Mind Trick, Yoshido, Nogz, Dark, Moo, all of you.. I love all of you here.. and i really want you to know I appreciate it...
allrite hopefully this can' start off the right way!!!
allrite... now down to business....
I have new thoughts/opinions on the Yoshi vs Fox and Marth matchups!!
Would anyone be willing to debate?....I might be crazy here but i"m going on some claims of
Yoshi vs Fox (35/65 - to even 40/60) ><
Yoshi vs Marth (40-60)
does anybody else feel this way, or am I smokin something? ><;
I'll give my insights and thoughts but tell me what do you all think as well?
Lets go YOSHI! <3