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  • I mentioned in a previous post that I could think of 19 Sonic Games where the entire set of levels in said games would make great Smash stages…….

    Oh what the heck.

    1. Sonic 1

    2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles

    3. Sonic R

    4. Sonic Adventure

    5. Sonic Adventure 2

    6. Sonic Shuffle

    7. Sonic Heroes

    8. Sonic Advance 3

    9. Sonic Rush

    10. Sonic Riders

    11. Sonic 06

    12. Sonic Rivals

    13. Sonic and the Secret Rings

    14. Sonic Rush Adventure

    15. Sonic Rivals 2

    16. Sonic Unleashed

    17. Sonic Colors

    18. Sonic Free Riders

    19. Sonic Lost World

    And while I’m a bit hesitant to count this one, I can also picture a point of view where Team Sonic Racing makes a good 20th pick.
    I was trying to think of something to contribute to what Champion of Hyrule mentioned about deviantart ass titles and in the process, I think I came up with the opposite by thinking of something that might actually be a little clever.

    Say they release remakes of Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages and the linked versions of those two games are available, but as a new game plus once you beat the unlinked versions without having to enter a code you get after beating the other game.

    We could call them Oracle of Seasons: Ageless Adventure, and Oracle of Ages: Seasoned Quest.

    Nintendo has decided that saving Bowser's Castle and Rainbow Road for the last 2 courses in the Special Cup has lost it's luster now that the retro cups and dlc cups exist. That and just the general idea of repetition.

    So when the next Mario Kart game comes out, they do something different for the last two special cup tracks.
    There was this one time I was watching a twitch stream and participating in the rounds of Jackbox Games that were being played.

    At one point the conversation between the streamer and his co-comm went in the direction of the streamer talking about a creek with chemicals in the water that turned frogs into catgirls, and one of the answers I gave in a round of Quiplash after that mentioned the idea of throwing Kermit into that creek and turning him into a catgirl.

    I got permission from another streamer to share that clip on his stream since Kermit is a notable meme in that community and in response, someone actually shared an art piece they drew of Kermit as a catgirl.

    There’s an idea for your new profile pic Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule
    Chapter 3 is one of my favorite chapters of Thousand Year Door. I love the setting it has of centering around a fighting arena. But one gripe I do have with the chapter is the name of the character Rawk Hawk.

    Not exactly because of the name itself. That part is fine. The problem comes from some time back when I noticed that a couple people streaming TTYD were saying the name kind of fast and that was making the name sound like “Raw ****”.

    Ever since then I haven’t been able to un-hear that whenever either me or someone else says his name.
    At the end of Sonic Generations, Sonic tells his past self, aka Classic Sonic “Enjoy your future! It’s gonna be great!”

    A number of fans responded to this when the game first came out with things along the lines of “Yeah about that.” and “Modern Sonic is a troll.”

    One of the reasons I was unimpressed with this at the time was because I thought “Why can’t this just mean that Sega will knock it out of the park with the upcoming Sonic games like they did with this one?”

    But considering the reception behind some of those games that came after generations? Yeah I’ll have a side of fries and a grape soda to go with those words please.
    Two highly skilled warriors who are also just as skilled as each other face each other in battle with the weapons they’re highly skilled with using. One wields a double bladed axe, the other wields a scythe.

    Who wins?
    I hosted a stage contest once where someone submitted a really good stage of the Sand Kingdom from Mario Odyssey.

    Another contestant who had submitted a stage for the Cap Kingdom before that responded to that submission with something along the lines of "Real Talk. Let's just have a stage for every kingdom."

    And while not exactly a great idea for an actual Smash Bros game to do, on Paper the idea does sound appealing. Not just for Mario Odyssey either. Super Mario. Bros 3, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine are also Mario platformers that are good choices for this "make every level a stage" idea.

    Mario's not the only series like that either. Half of the Zelda games starting with Ocarina of Time have entire dungeon line-ups that would make for great Smash stages.

    Sonic is a very good example as well. I can think of a whopping 19 games that fit this bill.

    And don't even get me started on Mega Man.
    I thought way too much about my last post involving Sonic Generations and Grilled Chaos and now my brain has misbehaved.

    So when it comes to the idea of grilling up Chaos from the Sonic games, which of these two facts is worse?

    1. The fact that Chaos does technically have meat in him. His brain.


    2. Chaos is apparently a mutated Chao. So you know, Chao meat.
    Thanks to someone pointing it out, I just realized that Waluigi has been in more racing games than Captain Falcon.

    I won’t lie, this realization left me feeling a little stunned.
    So apparently channels that post full walkthroughs of games on the day said games come out are still around.

    sigh YouTube needs to have something in place to punish that.
    The idea of remakes of bad games turning them into good games has been an idea gamers have thought of for years. But realistically speaking, doesn’t such a thing practically never happen?
    I remember that there was a small chain of Halloweens after I stopped trick or treating where I was unimpressed with the candy selection my family was handing out to trick or treaters.

    My mindset was “It’s all chocolate. Come on, you gotta have fruit flavored candy in there too.”

    A bit of an ironic mindset to look back on in the modern day now that I know that chocolate comes from a fruit.
    The competition for the Swordquest games on the Atari 2600 is the alternate timeline for Avatar the Last Airbender where the Fire Nation wins.

    The treasure that was the prize for the Earthworld Competition was melted down by its winner to pay for college. He kept one piece of it, but that was later stolen from him.

    The treasure from the Fireworld competition is still safe and sound in a bank vault owned by its winner.

    The treasures from the Waterworld competition, Airworld competition, and final competition where the winners of the prior 4 would compete for the “Avatar treasure” let’s call it, since those contests never happened they were all returned to the manufacturer to be melted down.

    So the Fireworld treasure was the only one to survive.
    Well since NASB1 is a meme in Japan now according to Wario Wario Wario:

    SpongeBob’s Japanese Voice = Pure Art. I’m honestly shocked at how good it is.

    Patrick’s Japanese Voice = It at least fits the character, but unlike SpongeBob it sounds very different from the English voice and that might throw some people off too much.

    Squidward’s Japanese Voice = Like SpongeBob’s, really good. They casted a great actor for making it sound like Squidward

    Sandy’s Japanese Voice = Fits well and sounds like Sandy. Both in being a little similar to the English voice and sounding like a Texas girl.

    Mr. Krabs’ Japanese Voice = So like, is Clancy Brown just speaking Japanese here? The performance matches with so well that I can hardly tell the difference.

    Plankton’s Japanese Voice = Sorry to throw the work the VA did under the bus, but it sounds a little grating. And it’s so vastly different from the English voice that it’s jarring

    If you just search “Japanese SpongeBob” on YouTube you can find the playlist with the clips I found all this out from.
    Since I know that not everyone here has seen enough of Avatar the Last Airbender to be considered a fan, allow me to inform you of something about one of the shows best characters, Uncle Iroh.

    The guy loves tea. He's ecstatic when he gets to own his own tea shop, he will disregard his usually high wisdom to try and see if a poisonous plant is a delectable tea instead, and he will disregard his wisdom again to blow his cover as an unwelcome Firebender to heat up a cold cup of tea he got jipped on from a shady merchant.

    Which means if you're a fan of Bubble Tea, then you'll find it pretty cool that in one of the comics that continue the story after the show, he canonically becomes the man who invents Bubble Tea in the Avatar Universe.
    I just saw FazDude FazDude 's post about how he just acquired Gex today (I assume the first one) and it reminded me of this one time I saw someone say that Gex 2 is either a better game at making references then Conker's Bad Fur Day or Gex 2 is a game that makes references like Conker does but is a better game, or both.

    I've never played Gex 2 so I wouldn't know how accurate any of those statements are, but I'm sure a couple people here have opinions on that matter.
    While riding the bus today I told someone who was new to the area how to get where they were trying to go, and afterward that person kept trying to talk to me about the literal terabytes of things like anime, cartoons, and movies that they've downloaded and how he kept calling the idea of paying for streaming service things like "crap" and "stupid".

    As someone who has mixed feelings about pirating yet is still mostly against it, that was a bit awkward.
    Sometimes people will refer to game genres as being “So and So games”.

    Mario = Platformer Games

    Zelda = Adventure Games

    Halo = First Person Shooter Games

    And in the same vein, games like Final Fantasy are sometimes referred to as RPG Games.

    And when you stop to think about it, that actually sounds a little weird considering you’re saying “Role Playing Game Games”
    Have any of you had any moments as kids where you had a misunderstanding about a game that you feel embarrassed about looking back on it now?

    One of those for me was when as a kid, I thought the Pit of 100 trials in Thousand Year Door was something you had to complete all in one run without the ability to save and come back to where you left off.
    I don’t know who else here is a fan of Inuyasha, but I certainly am.

    It may remain true that I haven’t actually seen the series all the way through, but I have a lot of good memories of what I have watched.

    And I was left quite surprised when Inuyasha’s next generation sequel was announced. I texted that to my sibling who is also an Inuyasha fan and they were surprised too.

    I remember them texting me after looking up some information about it and they said “Sesshomaru has a daughter?! Who’s the mom?!”

    I replied saying “Maybe it’s Kagura?” and they replied back saying “Yeah I could see it being her.”

    When it was revealed who the mother of Sesshomaru’s kid actually was, we did not have a positive opinion of it.
    I find it mid because of the excessive filler that dragged out the show way longer than it should be. I did like the concept behind Inuyasha's powers being based around defense/counters and Backlash Wave is still one of my favorite powers in all of anime. It was also back when they still kinda tried to make quality dubs and the translated attack names actually sounded cool for once. Hearing Richard Ian Cox shout "Backlash Wave!" with that reverb is still one of my favorite dub moments.

    As far as Sesshomaru goes... I thought it was kinda obvious who he was going to end up with.

    IIRC, pretty much the only thing that he didn't try to kill on sight was Rin and so it was the logical conclusion that she was the only one he could end up with.

    But what I found bizarre about the controversy is how many people were ignoring the main pairing being a century old half-demon and a fifteen-year-old girl. And IIRC, Inuyasha himself was a product of a human woman and a several centuries old dog demon who, judging from his corpse, has a penis the size of a skyscraper.

    That whole family was all about boning human women a fraction of their age and Sesshomaru was merely carrying on the family tradition when everyone was concerned he was a foreveralone.
    I was thinking about how Sonic and Garfield fusing together DBZ-Style might make dinnertime a little confusing since Sonic's love for Chili Dogs would be in confrontation with Garfield's love for Lasagna.

    And as a result of that, I thought of a thing, and my brain said "look up that thing".

    TeamFourStar's HFIL series is great, but I gotta point something out.

    The Ogre's who run HFIL's rehab program lend out movies to the residents, but only bad sequels. Which makes sense since, you know, they're in hell. So not being allowed to have any of the good stuff when it comes to media is quite fitting.

    Which makes me wonder, how did the Ginyu Force end up with an Arcade Cabinet for Marvel vs. Capcom 2?
    I mentioned once before how I took a class in game design once. It may not be the field for me, but I learned a couple pretty neat things. Like how the teacher would often talk about the impact that games of all kinds, not just video games, have had on humanity throughout the course of history. According to said teacher humans apparently learned how to play games before they learned how to speak.

    And with that as the inspiration, the teacher actually gave us an assignment once to pair up into teams and make a board game. The members of the team I was on had a couple of ideas, but the idea I pitched was the one we all agreed to go with.

    It was basically an actual board game version of Mario Party. But we couldn't actually use any Mario characters and such for obvious reasons. So we had to make a few changes.

    Like how the money was changed from being Coins to being Quartz Crystals, and the villain with the equivalent to the Bowser Space couldn't actually be Bowser. We went for a sort of Nature vs. Technology theming and the villain was a sorceress who was a crazy environmentalist extremist. Named Eclipse.

    Since the villain had the nature side, the 4 playable characters had the technology theming. Those characters were Sol the Rocket, Willy the Boat, Roger the Tank, and Mack the Laptop.
    Can you imagine what a timeline where video games never incorporated the ability to jump would be like?
    There’s this video game top 10 maker on YouTube, one of the most popular ones in that community at that, who goes by the username of RabbidLuigi.

    And he’s been a very notable contributor to that community for a long time. Long enough to where he thought of his username a good number of years before Mario and Rabbids was announced.

    He certainly acknowledged it when the Rabbid Luigi from that game came into existence, but I’m not quite sure I can fully understand what sort of thoughts and feelings were going through his head during that whole ordeal.

    Though I think I’d get a pretty good idea of it if Sony names their next handheld system the PlayStation some sort of word that starts with the letter B
    I am a firm believer in the statement that forgiveness takes more strength than hate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that someone not forgiving someone else makes them weak.

    Sure there are some situations where that’s the case, but if we’re talking something like that one Family Guy moment where Joyce got payback against Lois for bullying her and scarring her teenage years, who’s going to blame her for that? Stuff like that makes total sense.
    A big part of the Pokémon Legends games is experiencing the history of main series regions.

    But are there any regions to where you feel that their history would be too uninteresting to warrant a legends game?

    My initial thoughts tell me that Kanto and Hoenn might be like that, but even then I feel like they could come up with something really engaging if they wanted to.
    There was a stage idea submitted here to Smashboards years ago where the idea was that the dream of Mario 2 and the dream of Link’s Awakening merged together. Which meant that half of the stage was Subcon and the other half was Koholint Island.

    And from a certain perspective, that would be a good home stage for Wart.
    An idea for a Zelda character in Smash that I became a fan of pretty quickly was Ravio from A Link Between Worlds. Something about the idea of the set of items from a specific Zelda game making a moveset for a character that comes specifically from that game, and still makes total sense to use this concept on that character instead of Link, it's a cool idea.

    But Ravio isn't the only good example of this. I think you could do the same thing with Ralph from Oracle of Ages pretty easily. Granted the idea of the Switch Hook as a special move sounds like it could be pretty scary.
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