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  • I do think there is a lot of truth to "gen z is too offended by everything!", exaggerated as it is, and "offended" might not be the right word. More like "overcomplicates things too much" or "overexaggerates". For example, I struggle with imposter syndrome, so as a quick explanation, basically I oftentimes do not feel like myself (i.e. overthinking it and being like "what would I do in this situation? idk" and question my worth to my friends. So I saw an article yesterday reccommended to me on the Firefox home page and it was something like "The Real Reason Behind Your Imposter Syndrome." And I was like "oh sweet, maybe whatever's in here could help me." And then the article proceeded to tell me that imposter syndrome was nothing more than a mysogynistic scheme meant to keep women out of the workforce and I can't let those dirty white men tell me what to do, I won't let their Imposter-Effect_Inator affect me!...except I am a white man. So what the hell does that mean for my imposter syndrome? The logic in the article wasn't not sound, they got from point A to B with the word origin and how it's evolved over the years, Maybe it would've been better if they worded it differently? Like, imposter syndrome had mysogynistic origins but now is an actual psychological term that helps plenty of men and women get the help they need.
    I do think a huge part of the problem here has to do with journalism and clickbait.

    "The Real Reason Behind Your Imposter Syndrome" is much more attention grabbing as a title then "The Reason Imposter Syndrome is So Common in Women". But it's also very problematic since it treats everyone as the same.
    The influx of Eventide-type shrines in TotK probably means plenty of people agree with me on this already, but I think that BotW type Zelda is at its best when its a survival game. When the combat encounters themselves are the puzzles - and I don't just mean "when you fight a X, do Y", I mean like how in one of the shrines you can choose to snipe all the constructs after sneakstriking the first one for his arrows, you can run them all over in a tiny car, you can run them all over in a big car, you can strap some spikes to the front of your car and then run them all over, you can go up to where the Wing is and use it to rain down Flame Emitter fire from above, etc. Or like Master Trial stuff where you try to save certain weapons, arrows, and meals for certain enemies you know you'll be fighting later, because you died to them earlier thanks to poor resource management.

    What I like about TotK is that it has more of that stuff. It knows that there should be a good balance between feeling like an unstoppable badass and feeling like an underdog scavenger. The progression and reward of unlocking stronger and stronger monster parts only adds to that. I still wish the whole game was a survival open-world type deal, but I definitely see where the devs wanted to take this, I respect it, and besides, game's always fun and I never think about this stuff while playing it so idek why I typed all this
    If there's one thing that the Spiderverse 2 soundtrack has made me realize, it is that I am not really a fan of Metro Boomin'. His stuff sounded great as background music in the movie, but I'm really trying to enjoy it outside of that and I just really am not. Which is unfortunate because the lyrics being 50% Spider-Man references is very silly and enjoyable.
    so i decided i wanted the master sword so "hey i'll just go see if the lost woods will kick me out or not" so i went there and the fog came so i was like "oh ok yeah" i thought maybe the fog would be gone like how you didn't need flame resistent armor for most of Eldin anymore. So anyways I was like "I'm gonna get out of this fog before it gets me and I'm gonna glide to this nearby island". seems innocent enough right? WRONG. Like ten seconds after I land a bunch of eye creature guys come out of the ground and scary music plays and the sky goes red like it's a Blood Moon only ten times worse, the eye hand guys like start f***in me up but eventually I realize bomb arrows are super effective so I make it out and I'm like "oh ok thank God that's over."
    I got some OP yet daunting weapons out of it (a bow that does more damage the more max hearts you have and a 40 damage spear that takes away your hearts) but like, hoooly ****. That was so scary. And I feel like I'm missing so much context for it.
    There are many reasons that crossdressing is not something I can do under normal circumstances. For starters, I don't like the...reverse stigma (just made that word up) MtF crossdressing has? Like as soon as a guy wears girl clothes or makeup, doesn't matter if he looks good or anything, he is automatically praised for it. "yes slay" without even evaluating the outfit. I don't like that - I want people to judge my looks fairly and not based on anything like "yes so proud of his bravery" or whatever. Secondly, it would ruin my relationship with my parents because they would think it's weird. Kinda simple, but yeah, I love my parents and that risking that relationship isn't worth feeling a little prettier than usual. And finally, I just don't have any feminine stuff of my own and I feel bad asking to borrow my sister's mascara or something. Wearing makeup or dresses is something I love to do, but am only able to do so on like, April Fools' or some other event where I can pretend its for a joke.

    All of this is to say that I'm never taking the Cece hat off
    I went to my first convention a while ago and it was a bit miserable but the experience was funny now looking back on it.

    • There weren't any actors of note beyond anime stuff. The only ones I recognized were Mewtwo's and Nappa's, and I only knew the latter because of friends in the DBZ fandom. One of the guys was some kid who was in like two scenes from Cobra Kai a couple seasons ago. Do love that show, though.
    • I was going to go as Sonichu (Pikachu onesy + Sonic hat) but couldn't find the Sonic hat in time, so just went Pika.
    • My friends were also there as Danganronpa characters so I stuck out in the group pretty well lol.
    • There was a Smash tournament, but I didn't know until after signing up (20 dollar fee btw, never seen that at a local before) that there were only two setups. So it took about five hours and I had no way of knowing if it was my turn or not.
    • Having to stay in the Smash room meant that one, my friends either stuck around or did something else (not much though since there were just about a hundred vendors and a shonen movie room apart from the Smash stuff), and two, I had to stay in the same room as A) a bunch of guys from my locals who are unfunny and smelly, and B) this really creepy guy.
    • Speaking of him, he tried to play pattycake with me and my best friend. Like straight up. Was super unnerving. Wouldn't speak a word either. He started getting up in some 6-year old girl's face and that's when the security guys took him outside and made him take his furry mask off. He wasn't too cocky after that.
    • I lost to a Wii Fit I've beaten every time we've fought before.
    • Was out $50 bucks by the end of it, but I did get a handmade Luma plushie and some D&D dice - although I was informed the following week that I'd been kicked from the campaign due to poor communication. Because I didn't respond to a guy's Discord message within 8 hours. My parents lock my phone almost all day btw. So that kinda sucked.
    • I will try to go to more cons in the future though. The friend I mentioned above told me that that was one of the worst ones she'd been to, but since it was so small-scale it was an alright one start off with.
    TBH I think games are just going to eventually evolve to a point (if they haven't already) where you need to take a look at the developer's history, statements made on the game so far, and other games of that nature to determine which ones will be good investments even after you purchase it, now that devs are so comfy with the whole "release now, improve later" thing. So like fighting games are gonna be a safe bet as compared to like, whatever Redfall was trying to be.
    Didn’t Reggie say that he was a fan of the Mother 3 fan translation? Why the hell is he harassing some kid for piracy?
    For context, my nightstand is made up of two milk crates stacked on top of each other, filled with books, McDonald's toys, and other oddities (as well as my alarm clock on top so I can reach it).

    Had a weird ass dream last night where me, my dad and my sister were waiting in line at a school for something. This little kid in front of us started to beat up a girl his age, and when I realized what was going on I lunged at him and tried to rip him off of her. But I woke up from the dream a little bit before I got to the kid, and it turned out I was actually lunging with the same anger that I had in the dream. So that's how I ended up spending 10 minutes picking half of my nightstand back up.
    I remember booting up Uncharted 3 for the first time and getting kind of upset because the title screen looked like Drake had been buried or something. And throughout the game I was just super anxious about it, so when the desert plane scene came I got really scared. It was basically A Thief's End for me before A Thief's End.

    Kinda goes along with what Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario said about credits sequences that just have characters' weapons or armors, it had that kind of ominous feeling to it.
    It's hard to know whether Dedede and Meta Knight should return for Smash Baddies, because I'm not really sure on the aesthetic and all that of the game. If it's cool and edgy, I think they should be replaced with echoes (specifically Masked Dedede and Morpho Knight), if not excluded entirely, but if it's more similar to Ultimate then they should be kept as is.
    uncovering forbidden knowledge by studying the ancient texts (looking up the origins of hideki naganuma's music samples)
    The new Samba de Amigo reminds me of how beautiful Sonic Generations was
    I think it would be fun to start a YouTube channel where I (someone completely new to the FGC outside of Smash locals) document my journey of playing SFVI, with the goal of just having a fun time and getting good. Just a daily video with updates and gameplay, maybe combos or match commentary at some point. Could be cool.
    Tonight after we watched a show together for a while, my dad asked me if I wanted to try and beat the boss he was having trouble with in Jedi: Fallen Order, despite it being 10:30 at night because he knows I don't sleep until twelve. I hadn't played the game since it came out and never got past the first few planets, whereas this was seemingly a mid-game boss. Despite that, after I relearned the controls and studied the guy's patterns (and realized that the parry window in Fallen Order is very forgiving), which all took about an hour and a half, I finally beat the boss. Was very triumphant about it but had no idea who the guy was or why we were fighting, so I jumped up out of the seat and told my dad to listen to the important story stuff and good night I loved him. And that one moment made so much sense, for lack of a better term, that I started thinking about how things rarely make sense like that outside of my home.
    Maybe the reason I haven't connected with almost anyone outside of my family yet is just a matter of time. Literally. The kids in elementary and middle school were assholes, I went through a 2-year quarantine from 8th grade to sophomore year, and I have strict parents. So I don't have a best friend who I can really be myself around. But compassionate love will take a **** ton of time. Like I never have to overthink when I'm with my dad or my sisters because they're the few constant people in my life. Who's to say that I won't form that kind of bond with others once I have more independence, and once I've gotten used to experiencing the outside world again?
    But yeah I wrote half of this at one in the morning sorry if it's incoherent lol
    On S3 E8 right now - Rick and Morty is such a strange show. It's pretty good, but good gracious, it's overhyped. Redditors act like they're so smart for understanding basic character motivations and relationships. So you go in thinking it'll be either fantastic or terrible, and it's surprisingly (and someone disappointingly) neither.
    But again, it's a good show, I like a lot of it. It's certainly better in its moments, though. The show tries to be both continuous and not (idk the specific terms), which sounds fine, but then you'll have moments where Rick shows compassion towards anyone that isn't Beth which is weird because 90% of the time he is constantly an asshole to everyone but her. And that would be fine if nothing mattered apart from the rare two-parter or season finale, but the thing is that everyone episode could or could not be super important. So when Morty gets revenge on his sister's ex for dumping her, I'm like "this is cool, but also this like never happens ever."
    The comedy is fantastic, though sometimes dark to a fault. And every few episodes, there will be this really heavy hitting and emotional concept, shot, or overall scene that just gets everything right and makes me wish this was a completely different show.
    I was waiting on a Knuckles The Echidna comic video from a guy who's been doing an Archie Sonic retrospective series, and I SWEAR I saw it on my reccommended page, but it must've been a dream because I can't find it anywhere anymore and the guy's Twitter doesn't acknowledge it.
    It kind of annoys me when I sing the praises of Project 06 and get the general response of "Ha, I told you guys 06 was good! You can finally see past the glitches now!" No, you're putting words in my mouth. My distaste for 06 has nothing to do with glitches, it's that it's really slow and scripted and boring. P-06 goes above and beyond in fixing 06's numerous issues: improving the physics to feel like more akin to (and better than) Sonic Adventure; taking a decent-looking-for-2006 game and making it look on par with the current generation; and adding in a ton of new stuff that's all really fun, like the pre/mid-level cutscenes, fully new or revised animations, a much-needed homing attack reticle, more demanding difficulty, and a camera that only sucks sometimes. And when it is scripted, it feels like a fun breather before the next part of the level, not y'know, the entire level.

    If P-06 was just vanilla 06 but polished, I'd probably like it even less becuase at least in vanilla 06, I could do dumb stuff like breakdance into space.

    BTW just played the first few levels of the Silver release. This is my favorite Sonic game now.
    got the new layout update. YouTube is ruined forever
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