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  • consider the following:
    • in the persona series, "demons" are formed from the collective unconsciousness
    • their forms are based on human concepts, hence the religious, mythological, literary or urban legend themes
    • the reaper is presumably particularly powerful because of the vast amount of human "cognition" associated with it
    • persona 5 takes place in roughly 2016, give or take
    ergo, i propose the following; harambe should replace the reaper in any future rereleases of persona 5
    one pet peeve of mine i really don't understand is when you buy like, a bag of crisps or a bottle of drink or whatever, and the "serving size" is just. weird. like i learned today that apparently when you buy a 500ml bottle of pop it's considered "two servings" - i've never come across someone like "darn, i've drank half of it, time to only drink the other half tonight when it's all flat", but then all of the serving and nutritional info is based on these utterly arbitrary "servings"

    it's even worse when you get something like a kitkat and it's like "oh yeah two sticks of a kitkat is a serving" or when you get a bag of wotsits and it's like "30g is a serving" like, who on earth is deliberately leaving two sticks of a kitkat to melt all day or like three wotsits left in the bag because "oops that's a serving"
    Completely random thought - I feel like a Shin Megami Tensei fighting game would be really cool... on the condition that it deliberately makes a point of not just focusing on all of the protagonists. I mean, SMT is pretty much defined by its side characters and demons to the point where a lot of the protags don't even have their own names, so, y'know... that aside, a decent mix between them would be a lot of fun - imagining potential character candidates like Mothman, Heat, Shiki-Ouji, Matador, Terminator and so forth could be fun as hell.

    Come to think of it, I suppose you could even seperate characters into different functional archetypes that indicate basic elements of their playstyle. Spitballing here, but maybe a little something like Demon, Summoner and Persona as well as a couple of unique ones like Demonica or Atma for specific, singular characters. Seems like it'd be neat!

    I suppose the other way of doing it is to have you select a (or multiple) demon summons with their own unique abilities and then fight with a character capable of summoning them (such as characters with COMPs or Wild Cards), though I feel that might be a nightmare to balance out, and could run the risk of making some characters difficult to implement (such as non-protags/Velvet Room attendants from the Persona series).
    Mythology fighting game as a whole would be amazing
    That sounds like a pretty cool idea - though I personally wouldn't group SMT with Persona.

    Even if you deliberately avoid silent protagonists (though, seeing they're usually some of the most popular characters, I'd at least include some of them), I think SMT has enough interesting characters that you can keep demons as an assist mechanic for the most part - especially if you also include Devil Summoner and DDS characters to the mix.
    Honestly, that's a fair point. I was thinking it might help for appeal to group SMT with all of its spinoffs, but DDS & Devil Summoner could work really well with the latter concept - and admittedly, yeah, there'd totally be some silent protags, it's just that there might be certain scenarios where some side characters could be more interesting.
    random question - do people actually, like, enjoy the knuckles/rouge stages in the sonic adventure games? what exactly are people's issues with them? the main thing i've heard before now is that the radar system in sa2 only focusing on one at a time in order feels a bit rough and that sa1's knuckles stages feel too cramped but are there any other ways you'd want to see a "knuckles treasure hunting" game improved beyond that?
    i enjoyed them
    More unique stage themes, but that's kind of a given if it's a solo Knuckles/Rouge game. I also would like to see stages that are less maze-like. For me, Wild Canyon is the best-case scenario because it's bigger than the SA1 stages but not so large that you have to be everywhere at once for your radar to pick anything up (Pumpkin Hill, Meteor Herd, etc). So more stages like that. Also, they should be more forgiving with the hitbox radius of the emerald shards, sometimes i'll glad right past them, or the game will tell me it's underground, but i have to burrow six times before i hit the pinpoint location.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Oh i hate them. I found the hints really cryptic and most of it felt aimless rather than exploring stages. I probably wouldn’t have such a big problem if it wasn’t such a massive pace shift from the speed stages and the fact that I didn’t like the Tails/Eggman stages either
    random idea i'm like, 90% certain someone has to have done before but i'm a little curious about - does anyone know of a game of some kind that uses some kind of qr code as an alternate save system? like, grab your qr code (maybe a screenshot with the code in a corner, like a stamp?) from an image, scan it into the game, and you get an equivalent save? (more akin to retro "passcodes" admittedly compared to modern saving systems but you get my vibe)
    I'm pretty sure even the biggest QR codes can only hold a relatively small amount of data, so it'd have to be a game with really small save file sizes.
    See, my thought process is that rather than being a full-scale save file, it'd probably have to work a little more like passcodes back in pre-save games like NES titles, but on a slightly larger scale (ie, instead of just like saving your currently unlocked weapons or E-Tanks in a Mega Man title, maybe also your last checkpoint, current ammo & health, etc) - but small save files could work too!
    The closest thing I can think of off the top of my head to that is, in Freakyforms Deluxe on 3DS, if you have so many Formees that they don’t all fit within the game’s Formee limit, you can save them as QR codes in the 3DS’ photo storage and then load the QR codes back into the game when you need them, without even needing to use the camera. I don’t think that’s the intended use of the direct QR loading feature, though (I’m pretty sure it’s there to make it easy to transfer Formees from the original Freakyforms to Deluxe) but it’s still neat.
    y'all go on about how loud the smash brawl wii channel sound was and yeah i totally agree but i also gotta say that the flingsmash sound was like four times louder, people probably thinking the yellow thing is descending from heaven to pick out the folks being ****ing raptured when you're just trying to play a damn wii game
    if they ever did another sonic april fool's game (kinda like the murder of sonic the hedgehog) it'd be pretty funny to keep with the theme of just doing funny things with your average joe in sonic's world. like, imagine barry getting a job at the local council where he has to constantly tell the people building the roads not to put loops in them because literally nobody can actually drive on any of the roads anymore
    shoutout to sonic 3d blast (saturn) for having literally the best invincibility jingle in the entire series

    honestly, i feel like the general vibe of sonic's music in the saturn era was genuinely so cool, it'd be nice to see that kinda more chilled out vibe in modern "classic sonic" stuff ngl. like after they went with rock for adventure it's not something they really came back to, but this one's a great example of how literally just drum samples, pads and a piano works great for him
    Random point, but I reckon one thing that'd be really pretty amazing... if a little unlikely due to prescedent, is a more exploration-focused Sonic title centred around Knuckles specifically (whether in 2D or 3D!) Then again, Chaotix isn't really well-liked by people, so I guess... man, he's probably never likely to get his own game again, huh.

    Or maybe, after his standalone series, he might have a chance. Ya never know!
    I'm honestly a little saddened there was never (from my knowledge, I would love to be proven wrong on this) a mobile phone with a built-in Minidisc player. Or even a built-in cassette player. The idea of a "musical phone" has been one thrown around for some time even to this day - and it honestly feels like a really natural fit to combine two small digital devices you'd keep in your pocket, even if (for the time) it'd probably have been pretty... chunky. Then again, I guess MP3 became cheap enough to be an easy inclusion onto a lot of mobiles by the time this concept got popular... pensive emoji.
    i think there's been a lot of downright bizarre fortnite collaborations, but in my mind, one of the weirdest has to be tron. not only was it released at a point in time where the franchise is less relevant than it's been for like 15 years, but it didn't even feature any actual content from the franchise - rather, a collection of original characters in new tron outfits. considering how easy it'd conceptually be to make the identity disc a weapon... yeah.

    it almost feels like they were originally planning it as a completely seperate, original costume, realised they were running the risk of a lawsuit, phoned the guy at disney they already had partnerships with and were like "bro can we use these?", the disney guys were like "lol it's ****ing tron who even cares" and it kinda just got added anyway
    It's kind of weird to think that George Orwell's 1984 has led to not one, but two British television programs named after terms from the book's world that are only vaguely-at-best associated with the concept of the show in question - specifically, Big Brother and Room 101.

    I have to imagine the upper management of Channel 4, who as I recall are currently going down in flames, are probably flipping through 1984 as we speak in search of a new television series name - with that in mind, I'll propose the following candidate for a new television show to get their numbers up.

    Namely, Ministry of Love, a dating show involving various politicians, civil servants, and members of Parliament.
    Silly concept: first-person Minesweeper. Every time you stand on a tile, it reveals it. You can't jump, so you have to walk from tile to tile, hoping there's no bombs.

    It also introduces a 9, which is a timed landmine that explodes you after you reveal it.
    I unironically think that one of the best things for online education in the last 30 years has been the Rickroll. Mainly, because it's a very simple and fun - but memetic and memorable - method of telling people to be weary of clicking suspicious links.
    Why is it that people can comment on videos saying people's suits are "drippy" and their faces are "mewing", but when I walk up to tell my uncle that his suit is absolutely soaking wet and his face is yapping, I'm asked to leave the funeral?
    one of the things i really feel like we've missed out on as a generation due to the movement of phones to being abstract glass slabs is just outright ****ing weird phone designs that... somehow work?

    i'm not talking like the blackberry where it's kinda just a small keyboard - i'm thinking **** like the nokia 7600 which literally looks like a mango, or the samsung serene which keeps getting photographed the wrong way up to show its keypad, or the nokia 7280 that's supposed to look like lipstick but actually looks like a prop stolen from the set of tron (1982), or the toshiba g450 that looks like you'd use it to open your garage door or shave your legs or something.
    like, the weird thing to me is that while this level of experimentation is often associated with the late 90s and early 00s (which is, after all, when it was most prominent), we had this kinda stuff going up to the mid 2010s - the g450 for instance came out in 2011! - but in 2024, like, almost all phones nowadays are just abstract glass slabs because the functionality of the device is completely digitised and thus the need for buttons beyond a power button and maybe volume controls is gone.

    idk, it's kinda a shame that so many elements of the consumer tech industry just feel... devoid of personality now. like we've reached some kind of singularity to the point where absolutely everything is just derivative of the same concepts. i'd love to see more weird **** on the market, as opposed to nokia making a modern 3310 where the "gimmick" is "omg, look, a phone with buttons, that's so wacky"
    wii phone...save me

    wii phone

    save me wii phone
    The mainstreaming of technology is a much more recent phenomena than it seems and that ultimately came from Steve Jobs successfully socially engineering technology as being more akin to designer clothing (status symbol) than a useful tool. And a status symbol doesn't really work if it is too unique or weird that most people will probably never hear about it or have it. You have to have the exact same phone design or your peers will think you're weird and Apple can't make big profits by merely putting a giant gaudy logo on it.

    Thus Capitalism once again killed innovation even while claiming to facilitate it and now we have fragile and impractical devices that keep falling out of our pockets.
    Never forget: Pong was a clone.

    No, seriously. Nolan Bushnell has stated that the inspiration for Pong was the demonstration of Table Tennis for the Magnavox Odyssey, about a month before Pong was first tested in arcades. He saw this demonstration at a tradeshow in which his name was provably in the guestbook. However, to obvuscate this, he proposed the idea to Allan Alcorn, who actually did the programming for it.

    Not that Magnavox were any better, to be honest - for context, part of the Odyssey's patent basically patented the ability to interact with player-controlled objects on a television screen (or... yeah, make a video game console, basically), and they deliberately waited a couple of years before suing Atari, Midway, Empire and others for patent infringement (the argument being that they could... make more money from it.) In 1977, it was determined by judge John Grady that the defendants were, in fact, guilty - and Magnavox would continue to sue companies until their patent lapsed, each time being successful or settling because of precedent. This went on until the 90s.

    It actually got so bad that Nintendo tried to sue them in 1985, arguing the 1958 game Tennis for Two constituted "prior art" and thus invalidated the Magnavox patent - but they lost, because Magnavox argued that Tennis for Two being played on an oscilloscope instead of a television invalidated this claim.

    Man... almost seems like corporations in the gaming space have always been ****ty, huh?
    >meme compilation video came on in autoplay whilst i was working on uni stuff
    banger song comes on in the background for like 6 seconds
    "i wonder what this is"
    that's okay, i'll look in the comments
    mfw posted like 40 minutes ago so no comments
    that's okay, i'll post a comment
    mfw this isn't gonna get responded to
    that's okay, i'll use shazam
    mfw shazam has to be downloaded to a phone and i found this on youtube. on a phone.
    that's okay, i'll use another songfinder thingy
    mfw i try three of them and none of them work
    that's okay, i'll send the youtube video to my laptop, play it from there, and use the shazam app
    mfw the shazam app directs me to some ****ty hip-hop flip instead of the original
    that's okay, i'll check whosampled to find the original
    mfw the hip-hop flip is so obscure it's not even on whosampled
    why must the gods stare upon me with not ignorance, but with malice?
    silly idea for a jump force 2 - instead of being everyone coming together to stop a bigger threat or something, the plot just follows goku already having become the most powerful being in the dbz verse purely through training, so now he travels between the worlds of jump in search of stronger opponents, (unintentionally) leaving utter decimation in his path
    I like this idea. I actually had something somewhat similar: I'm kind of imagining there being short stories that include other characters in the roster.

    For other examples, the Naruto/Boruto universe could have a pre-Ninja War storyline where Team 7 is collaborating with a group consisting of Monkey D. Luffy, Yuji Itadori, and Tsuna.

    The Demon Slayer storyline could have Tanjirou and crew going to a hidden village full of unique Demon Slayers and trains under the likes of Asta, Chihiro Rokuhira, and Kenshin Himura.

    Medaka Box could have Medaka herself deal with requests in Hakoniwa Academy, including dealing with Mash Burnedead not knowing his own strength, settling a cook-off between Yukihiro Soma and Toriko, and stopping a problematic Occult Club (Some members being Power and Mahito) that's causing trouble.
    Shoutout to the boxart for the Atari 400/800 Pac-Man for making me feel... vaguely unsettled whenever I look at it. It's interesting, actually, seeing how the fairly abstract concepts behind games like Pac-Man were reinterpreted into boxart from the era - people tend to mention things like the classic cabinet art look for him, but I think this kind of design - while very strange, in retrospect - is a fascinatingly interesting one to look at.

    google what is chuck e cheese's middle name
    Random take, but - I honestly love it when fighting games have guest characters from other fighting games. Not only is it cool to see something you'd only see in a MUGEN in a fully-fledged project, but it's also pretty cool to see how different mechanics can be retooled for a new environment. Good examples of this? Probably Akuma and Geese in TEKKEN 7 - but shoutout to Baiken in Samurai Shodown, Dead or Alive 5's Virtua Fighter characters (plus Mai of course, she's a great fit for the franchise!) and Mizoguchi in Revolution A!
    Okay, so this is probably a dumb thing to complain about when we're less than 48 hours from 2024, but.

    I think Eleven is awesome. But they're kind of a missed opportunity.

    See, in Street Fighter V, Eleven is basically a random select who gives characters a unique skin and a voiceline filter (which is pretty awesome!) But here's the thing. Eleven is obviously, like, a callback to Twelve. And Twelve's most iconic thing is X-COPY. So like... why would Eleven be random? Bear in mind, when you're not playing online you already have a random button (which is actually better because it lets you pick your V-Skill) so like, surely it'd be way more fun to have Twelve as like, an auto-mirror match setting? I get they were going for like, Mokujin or something, but even Mokujin does the random thing better because they're random even between rounds instead of like, just picking a random character.

    Think about it - tournament play, opponent selects their character and V-Skill, you suddenly go like "I am literally so good at this game that I will body you with your own main" and picks Eleven. Big move, lots of fun, and if both characters pick Eleven then just have it be a mirror match with a randomly selected character & V-Skill.

    It's honestly a shame, because Twelve is like, genuinely one of my favourite Street Fighter characters out there - but there's basically no reason for him to ever come back in some way when Street Fighter III already has so many picks that would either be obvious for Street Fighter 6 (like Alex and Dudley), fan-favourites (like Sean and Necro) or potentially fun reinventions (like Remy or Q), so seeing something like this back in SFV? It's really cool! It just... feels like a bit of a missed opportunity that they are the way they are.
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