The chad Big's Big World:
Literally just came out? 0$.
Made by one dude who just wants to show his appreciation for a thing without monetary gain
Play as Big (fun, cool, has personality)
Has fishing
You only have one weapon, never breaks, you can also upgrade it to be more powerful
Umbrella is available at the start of the game
Emeralds are overpowered and fun
Goal: Froggy literally just spawned in one body of water in this huge open world with hundreds of bodies of water. Good luck lmao
The virgin Breath of the Wild:
4 years old? 60$.
Made by a corporation who just wants to take your money and use it to continue to not meaningfully update ACNH
Play as Link (boring, lame, no personality)
No fishing
Too many weapons, always break, can't upgrade them at all
Can't get the hanglider until beating the hour-long tutorial
Divine Beast powers are underpowered and unfun
Goal: Okay so go talk to this old lady, then go talk to this other old lady, then talk to a bunch of other people so you can beat these 4 dungeons so you can fight 4 easy-ass bosses so that the final boss' health isn't as much so you can save the magic princess lady