I know a lots happened since April, but I thought Id share this conversation I had with Salem once awhile back since it was kinda interesting.
[4/16/2012 8:54:18 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: salem
[4/16/2012 8:54:20 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: how did you get good
[4/16/2012 8:54:23 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: using only wifi
[4/16/2012 8:54:28 PM] Salem Kitteh: By playing basic brawl.
[4/16/2012 8:54:31 PM] Salem Kitteh: 3v1s is serious.
[4/16/2012 8:54:42 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: lol
[4/16/2012 8:54:46 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: thats not true is it?
[4/16/2012 8:54:52 PM] Salem Kitteh: Well
[4/16/2012 8:54:55 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: you cant even do a 3 v 1
[4/16/2012 8:54:57 PM] Sparky: Their usually laggy?
[4/16/2012 8:55:00 PM] Salem Kitteh: Yeah, it's true.
[4/16/2012 8:55:15 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: is that really how you got good?
[4/16/2012 8:55:20 PM] Salem Kitteh: Yeah.
[4/16/2012 8:55:25 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: not ladder of playing good players?
[4/16/2012 8:55:31 PM] Salem Kitteh: Nope.
[4/16/2012 8:55:41 PM] Salem Kitteh: I just basic brawl and attempt to win 3v1s.
[4/16/2012 8:55:43 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: and youre 100% serious?
[4/16/2012 8:55:51 PM] Salem Kitteh: Yes.
[4/16/2012 8:55:55 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: alright
[4/16/2012 8:55:59 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: well there you go sparky
[4/16/2012 8:56:12 PM] Salem Kitteh: But of course, there's always a lot more to the story than thattttt~
[4/16/2012 8:56:23 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: wellll what is it
[4/16/2012 8:56:31 PM] Sparky: Ok so Basic brawl
[4/16/2012 8:56:34 PM] Salem Kitteh: I use to play Melee.
[4/16/2012 8:56:49 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: before brawl?
[4/16/2012 8:57:10 PM] Salem Kitteh: Yeah, Even though I had no one to really play with I still tried getting good at the game.
[4/16/2012 8:57:35 PM] Salem Kitteh: I usually played a lot of all-star mode and tried, yet again, an attempt to win 3v1s.
[4/16/2012 8:57:59 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: vs cpus?
[4/16/2012 8:58:10 PM] Salem Kitteh: Yeah.
[4/16/2012 8:58:32 PM] Salem Kitteh: I played a lot vs cpus, since my brother stopped playing me cause I started beating him all the time.
[4/16/2012 8:58:44 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: but I remember you on the OTF, you were good but howd you get from good to great?
[4/16/2012 9:00:21 PM] Salem Kitteh: Mmm... well, I don't exactly know, I mostly just applied offline training mode stuff to online and tried making it work.
[4/16/2012 9:00:31 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: ahh
[4/16/2012 9:01:08 PM] Salem Kitteh: I had to learn all kinds of timing and stuff, like... 1-10 kinds of wifi timing.
[4/16/2012 9:01:52 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: well theres your lesson sparky
[4/16/2012 9:01:56 PM] Salem Kitteh: I've learned just about all of them, hence why my reaction time is amazing.
[4/16/2012 9:02:11 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: howd that help you offline tho?
[4/16/2012 9:02:48 PM] Salem Kitteh: You have to remember, I did everything offline first, even though I had nobody to practice with yet offline.
[4/16/2012 9:02:58 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: oh
[4/16/2012 9:03:10 PM] Sparky: When I play offline I feel a lot more in control than wifi :/
[4/16/2012 9:04:18 PM] cassio_of_the_stars: yeh, makes sense
[4/16/2012 9:04:20 PM] Salem Kitteh: Wifi teaches you all the different timing, it teaches you to be patient, when to rush things and etc, I treat the speeds on wifi as peoples reaction time offline in a way.
[4/16/2012 9:05:10 PM] Sparky: I sort of understand
[4/16/2012 9:05:23 PM] Sparky: So basic Brawl and win 3v1?
[4/16/2012 9:06:05 PM] Salem Kitteh: I guess you could just simply try doing that, but I try to set a goal while doing them, which is, don't die.
[4/16/2012 9:06:17 PM] Sparky: But theres items?
[4/16/2012 9:06:25 PM] Salem Kitteh: And?
[4/16/2012 9:06:50 PM] Sparky: Whats a random fireball gonna do for me in no items?
[4/16/2012 9:07:18 PM] Sparky: or giant mushrrom
[4/16/2012 9:07:51 PM] Salem Kitteh: They're just there.
[4/16/2012 9:07:53 PM] Sparky: or shrink mushroom? just gonna show me they won cuz of lucky item spawn
[4/16/2012 9:09:01 PM] Salem Kitteh: I don't get affected by such, so neither should you, besides, you can practice glide tossing with these items and learning little timing on things like when the mushrooms effect end.