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Why MK should NOT be banned (the opinion from someone who actually fights them)

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Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2008
stadium transformation
as off topic as this is I'd like to see a problem with bush other then what the media told you because he was a great president yet the internet and media ***** him on every movement he pulled, good or bad and Obama hasn't gotten that much beef yet

edit - message me i'd like to discuss the topic then have 3 pages of flame wars politic wise
Other than what the media told you?

He made it legal to tap in on your phones and record you. That's enough to be considered a ****ty president.

EDIT: I'll take this to private messages like you asked, lolz


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
How long a game has been out doesn't necessarily make a character not broken. The more time the game is out, the longer/more time you have to try and find counters or strategies around whatever, while at the same time you can find anti anti strategies, or improvements for that other character too.

Basically, it's like being surprised that people still complain about MSS in Marvel vs Capcom 2. You could say "Woooow, MVC2 has been out for like a freakin decade and people still have this hateful gripe against Sentinel/Magneto/etc". The fact that so much time has passed doesn't suddenly mean that everything is alright. In fact, throughout that game's history, it has progressively become more and more unbalanced and unruly the farther into the future it has gone. More infinites discovered, more frame traps, more 0-death combos, etc.

So basically, don't use time as an argument that you are surprised that people still have issues with the game. Time heals all wounds, but it can't fix an unbalanced video game.
DMG is a pretty cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything


Yes yes we all know MK shouldn't and won't be banned...

So why are we still discussing this?
We aren't

the proban side left the thread LOOONG ago

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
Meta not being banned to a discussion about Politics. Get wrecked Smash Boards.

All logic or reason has been thrown out the window.

But for srs, Meta is legit, you'll find a better then the rest character in every fighting game. Sagat/SF2 Akuma/Yun/Bob in Tekken 6/Fox in Melee.

It's whatever. So far this is the only game I've seen to make THIS big of a controversy about it. He's not impossible, just incredibly hard to get around. If the situation arises, just play a different character then your main against Metaknight. If he was out, then people would play more Snake, find stupid **** for him, and then the people would find a reason to complain about him. It's ridic. A lot of people would lose their viability and their appeal without Metaknight to worry about, as well as their metagame wouldn't really evolve much more.

So I mean, why ban someone who isn't really on the grounds to be banned? SF2 Akuma needed a CHEAT to unlock and play, he wasn't meant to be used seriously. Unlimited forms in BlazBlue, yeah, they need to be unlocked, and are completely ridiculous. They deserve to be banned. Metaknight is just really good. You just need to play less aggressive, because Metaknight will obviously beat you.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
i'm in love with everyone make sure u guys all come to a tournament soon ! :D

i wonder when they will close this thread

btw lol @ inb4lactose LOL <3


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
M2k doesnt completely suck at the diddy matchup either

dekar is dumb (yet cute) for saying that

because m2k has been shutting down ninjalink and adhd (back when ninjalink created alot of diddys metagame) for a WHOLE YEAR

also that takes away from wyatt
but who knows about m2k
hes mad abnoxious drunk


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
M2K sucks at the Diddy MU so don't base everything off the fact that M2K lost to ADHD

Just saying.
ADHD also beat Havok, Shadow, and Ksizzle.
I think the MU is even because ADHD says it is, and he plays a lot of top mks.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Is the Diddy MK MU really a 50:50?

What do you guys think?
Most Diddy players think is is even or in MKs favor (tie in poll), most MKs think it is a tie matchup, slightly more think it is in MK's favor than Diddy's. All the high-ranking players with the exception of Mew2King think it is even or in MKs favor.

ADHD, you are to Diddy what Ally is to Snake. MKs dominance has grown and has continued to grow. You know why it's so weird that the top tier characters all seem to have closer matchups with MK?

To put this in perspective:

-virtually every character in the game has a hard counter that requires a ridiculous amount of preperation and style change to even compete with. Characters lower on the tier list like Luigi, ROB, Peach and the like, and characters higher on the tier list like Falco, ICs, and D3, can all hard counter someone or be hard countered.

-Every other character has "close matchups" pretty much throughout top tier to mid tier. Random characters just seem to go even with characters even though they're much lower on the tier list

-Metaknight is far and away the most common character at all levels of play, and has more wins, top 2s, top 3s, top 5s, top 8s, and top 32s than anyone else in the game. Hell, most of the characters combined can't touch his statistics.

So if you haven't figured it out, Metaknight made the tier list. Despite the fact that all these other top tier characters have bad matchups, the characters that beat them don't show up in tournament anymore. They get taken out pretty early by MK, so you get the closer matchups at the top of the tier list.

Also, I did surprisingly well against Mew2King with Diddy yesterday in both doubles and singles.

I don't play Diddy.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
No johns. Calling my argument trolling doesn't make it any less true, trolling or not. Besides, if he really wants me to argue with him taking a two paragraph post and inflating it into a page long essay isn't the best way to do that. If he really wants me to go paragraph to paragraph with counterpoints I guess I will.
Sometimes, arguments sound better when detailed and explained to simple extremes. If you just want a small sentence full of holes and lacking in actual argument fodder, I'm sorry but I can't comply.

It's like if the founding fathers would ask for a shorter, less time-consuming read than what the Declaration Of Independence was, or if lawyers would ask for smaller, much more condensed Law manuals... You're not gonna have the whole argument, therefore it'll be easier to disprove it... And even worse if's not explained in full context.

And what if I hid in there "PM me by saying ghoweaaa and I'll mail you a thousand bucks"? That was your chance just blown away, because of laziness.

Is the Diddy MK MU really a 50:50?

What do you guys think?
In my personal opinion... I don't think it's dead even.

And pro-ban didn't leave, you guys just spam too much too fast. How long has it been since my last reply? I don't think I'd leave a thread unattended unless discussion dies completely, my mind's changed, or it gets locked.

And I feel insulted when people say "all of pro-ban are scrubs who don't want to put in the effort to learn how to play against MK"... What, then, do I have to do to get some serious discussion going on here without being addressed as a "scrub", "lazy", "dumb/lacking-in-logic" player? Apparently there's no possible way and I just have to go on attempting to phaze your impenetrable brick-walled minds. :mad:


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
Sometimes, arguments sound better when detailed and explained to simple extremes. If you just want a small sentence full of holes and lacking in actual argument fodder, I'm sorry but I can't comply.

It's like if the founding fathers would ask for a shorter, less time-consuming read than what the Declaration Of Independence was, or if lawyers would ask for smaller, much more condensed Law manuals... You're not gonna have the whole argument, therefore it'll be easier to disprove it... And even worse if's not explained in full context.

And what if I hid in there "PM me by saying ghoweaaa and I'll mail you a thousand bucks"? That was your chance just blown away, because of laziness.

In my personal opinion... I don't think it's dead even.

And pro-ban didn't leave, you guys just spam too much too fast. How long has it been since my last reply? I don't think I'd leave a thread unattended unless discussion dies completely, my mind's changed, or it gets locked.

And I feel insulted when people say "all of pro-ban are scrubs who don't want to put in the effort to learn how to play against MK"... What, then, do I have to do to get some serious discussion going on here without being addressed as a "scrub", "lazy", "dumb/lacking-in-logic" player? Apparently there's no possible way and I just have to go on attempting to phaze your impenetrable brick-walled minds. :mad:

Well your not all of pro-ban the reason we were saying all of pro-ban left because for a solid couple of hours no one was posting back and the main force here on anti-ban side were controlling the front lines

Also the only person here that i know of that is mad insulting is king beef hahah no one especially not me said all of pro-ban is scrubs

everyone has different reasons for MK wanting to be banned some are respectable some aren't and you have displayed you would have respectful and decent reasons for MK being banned thats why i dont mind a decent discussion with you

also kewkky i like to keep my mind open i was previously pro - ban but i especially got convienced after TONS of tournament experience and non stop learning the MU and some sediments from top level metaknights and people like chu definitally help me too and my son ally :D

What chuuee said basically haha

inb4 namesearch

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Well what did you expect Allied? When I tried to make a legitimate post for an argument there was way too much trolling going on. I put the blame specifically on RDK's debate style for that.

Other than that, I wouldn't mind a decent discussion, but apparently the thread went to **** way before I even joined in on it.

I just treat people the same way they treat me, bro. I don't deliberately insult someone for absolutely no reason.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Well Jack Keiser left.
The other pro-ban guys haven't been posting anymore.
Hey, just wanted to pop in to tell you guys, I haven't left the discussion for good; some pretty serious IRL stuff has come up, and that has to take precedence over schooling you in MK debates. ^_-

Seriously, though. Life takes precedence. Maybe I'll be able to come back tomorrow.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
Well what did you expect Allied? When I tried to make a legitimate post for an argument there was way too much trolling going on. I put the blame specifically on RDK's debate style for that.

Other than that, I wouldn't mind a decent discussion, but apparently the thread went to **** way before I even joined in on it.

I just treat people the same way they treat me, bro. I don't deliberately insult someone for absolutely no reason.
You also gotta blame us too because alot of us have been posting in this thread and previous MK poll threads since Page 1

and i've seen so many recycled ill-formatted arguements the only way to make it stop is to tell them to re-read the past pages (which they don't) or troll and also i was joking i know you dont really mean it, it does get mad frusterating lol

@ jack you dont gotta lie jack thats dat namesearch XD


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
Yeah see? That's my thing...

Diddy's places first at a regional, and he says the MU is even... but is that right?
say im the best mario in the state and most MKs get lower rankings and I say Metaknight MU vs mario is 60/40 mario's favor , would you listen if that was only state that played competitively?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
For the record Allied... I was anti-ban at first, then pro-ban, then anti-ban again, and am back at pro-ban after what I saw at Pound4. I keep thinking to myself "Hey, I probably overreacted, MK can't be THAT bad, heck I never lose to them in tourneys here in PR and I have literally three-stocked a good number while using Kirby, who's a character the boards agree is at a bad disadvantage...!", but everytime something comes up that reminds me why I even considered changing to pro-ban, I look for info that might help anyone else see it from my point of view (like Tekken4's lifespan and what caused its death) and come back to try and phaze some people.

Even if they don't change to "pro-ban" acknowledging that Brawl is in a similar situation that Tekken4 suffered would be enough for me... Which is why at the start of my thread I specified that I'm not attempting to start any "ban MK" debates, and that it was merely an informative read made to inform people. Heh, and look at what the thread has brought so far (my thread was the first in the recent series of MK debates so I guess I can take some blame for the whole debate thing reviving).

MK being banned in the end or not isn't as bad as people like RDK though. He might know how to debate, but he sure as hell doesn't know how to present his debates in a way it won't piss people off and blind them with rage.

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
I'd say Meta Diddy being even is a bit exaggerated. I'd say it's 55:45 Meta maybe, give or take.

But I don't really play any good Meta's, so I don't even see the match up played much.

But for real, It's incredibly close to even more a multiple number of reason, and if the match up fluctuates much, it'll be because of ADHD.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
For the record Allied... I was anti-ban at first, then pro-ban, then anti-ban again, and am back at pro-ban after what I saw at Pound4. I keep thinking to myself "Hey, I probably overreacted, MK can't be THAT bad, heck I never lose to them in tourneys here in PR and I have literally three-stocked a good number while using Kirby, who's a character the boards agree is at a bad disadvantage...!", but everytime something comes up that reminds me why I even considered changing to pro-ban, I look for info that might help anyone else see it from my point of view (like Tekken4's lifespan and what caused its death) and come back to try and phaze some people.

Even if they don't change to "pro-ban" acknowledging that Brawl is in a similar situation that Tekken4 suffered would be enough for me... Which is why at the start of my thread I specified that I'm not attempting to start any "ban MK" debates, and that it was merely an informative read made to inform people. Heh, and look at what the thread has brought so far (my thread was the first in the recent series of MK debates so I guess I can take some blame for the whole debate thing reviving).

MK being banned in the end or not isn't as bad as people like RDK though. He might know how to debate, but he sure as hell doesn't know how to present his debates in a way it won't piss people off and blind them with rage.
haha yeah i've been 3 stocked hard with kirby too thats why i went pro - ban for a minute XD MK matchup is mad hard with kirby yeah i think alot of these common arguements i see should be sticky'd

ITT, we ignore the fact that player's are human.
Not pros :D


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2009
lol pro-ban scrub

In blueeeee.
(Referring to where you inserted blue in my post)

If ADHD's opinion trumps everyone then what is the point of this thread? I guess because you agree with him that makes whatever you have to say gospel too right? I can't take you seriously


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
If ADHD's opinion trumps everyone then what is the point of this thread? I guess because you agree with him that makes whatever you have to say gospel too right? I can't take you seriously
ADHD is Jesus. He will lead us to salvation and rectify the sinful plague casted from Metaknight.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Hey I tried to teach you but 5 minutes wasn't enough ;P
thanks alot tho! i got home and practiced that stuff. i couldnt see that much it was useful when you were teaching me then but now i see the awesomeness!! thanks again!
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