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[VIC] 3 Stock'd ~ Melbourne 2010 ~ Nope


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
Time was not an issue at all. The issue, was that we had only 3/4 setups brought, 2 of which were brought by Vermy and I. There is more than enough time to run both doubles and singles, when there are enough consoles brought. Seriously, we had enough TVs to double that. This is what happens when people don't step up and bring equipment to help out.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
I wish i could have gone, because my parents had practically made me waste a day at home for no reason since dad didn't want to do anything for his birthday...

-.- rage

Well yeah, people bring more setups. Just think of it as if you bring more Consoles, the more friendlies you get lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2009
Cupboard under the stairs
Doubles are a prelude, or 'warm-up' for singles. Naturally you'd have singles first if time was short, but nobody knew that until it was too late.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Except for me, Doubles just ends up making me tired because I'm staring at a screen for like 3-4 hours, so by the time it gets to singles I get a lot lazier when I play.

That's probably just me though.

(Plus I don't remember singles running out of time whenever I was there, so I guess it's never really been much of an issue anyway)


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo

We had 4 consoles, 2 of which were brought by Vermy and I.

You guys are ****.

You guys are so ****, that if Atlas did a **** with Scoot's neckbeard and Shaya's ego, you'd be ****ter than that.

Are you guys okay with being that ****?


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
condog, that was unnecessary.

im also gonna put it out there that i waited for over an hour on matches for both games because people werent around, or werent playing the games they were suppose to be playing (setups were available). just putting it out there.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
Everyone needs to learn to start contributing more to help provide more equipment, helping tournaments run efficiently =/. It's not that hard hard to pack your wii into your bag and bring it along =(. I remember back at n2c, me conor and ledge were the only ones who'd actually bother bringing consoles while everyone just expected others to bring gear along.

So yeah, isn't much to ask =S you want to get more out of a tournament with friendlies or w/e, then bringing consoles is essential.

Well I can see his point attila, he really does depend on the scene to put their bit in too.. Providing a console isnt difficult, everyone is just lazy about it ><


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Shoutouts (I think I'll copy what I've seen others do before and group people XD)

My opponents

Abhi: Lawl wth, I 3-stock you in a friendly, then when we played in tournament, it was like close and shiz xD. GGs.

Shaya: Major improvement from me compared to last year :p. GGs, was good to play you again, have been wanting to do so for awhile to be honest.

Bryan: Lol @ Tibs coaching you, was making me quite mad actually, couldn't concentrate well while he was next to you whispering >_>. Oh well, I still won anyway :p.

Nicks: I was so lucky in the 1st game, cape saved the day! ^_^. That 2nd match was ridiculous though, I don't blame you for getting mad. Please don't hate me. :(

Earl: I had that 2nd match, I HAD ITTTTTTTTT :(. God I wish I hadn't SD'd. I could have wonnnnnnnnnn, ajidjdhodh :psycho:.

Umm, others I guess... :lick:

Tom the Zombie: Lmao, couldn't quite recognize you when I saw you walk in to be honest, then you came up to me to eat my brain and then I realized it was you! :bee:

Vermy: Teams was bleh, but you winning the xbox was pretty cool, You hugged the crap out of that thing. :chuckle:

Splice: Fun friendlies, lol @ me trying to play other characters.
Tourney would have been better if they were more wiis/gamecubes to be set up on the T.Vs that weren't used. Some people need to start bringing their wiis/gamecubes, It isn't hard.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2009
Melbourne, Australia

We had 4 consoles, 2 of which were brought by Vermy and I.

You guys are ****.

You guys are so ****, that if Atlas did a **** with Scoot's neckbeard and Shaya's ego, you'd be ****ter than that.

Are you guys okay with being that ****?
Holy crap conor. O_O

But still, 4 consoles, we can do A LOT better than that. Step it up guys.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Conor, the tournament was delayed anyway because it was decided to wait for people attending a Zombie Dance in the city, I mean we had such terribly low attendance anyway that the low set up count was still manageable.

When people are waiting for matches, they need to confront the people they are supposed to play unless they are obviously in a tournament game, so that shouldn't be that much of a problem, 'Tila.

I'll do shoutouts too Viva. That's what people should be doing instead of lecturing the scene, it's probably off putting to new comers, which we sort of need at the moment. Tournament didn't need more set ups to run fine anyway, bad time management on the day was what killed it.

People I Played:

Condog: I sure did need Jigglypuff to beat you first match. Couldn't have won without Jigglypuff. Definitely need a Jigglypuff next to my used mains list, couldn't have won without her, no sir!

Amaterasu: I hate playing you :'( You're so mean! You let me win by a whole stock or two everytime we play, and then you just combo me for two matches, one of which was on a stage that flips upside down at innappropriate times. :(

Jei: Man, I can't believe I didn't camp more against your Fox with Jiggs! What fail Jiggs play! Aggressive! Pity that your Fox was not the **** to my GaW. It used to be... Against Pit I landed two buckets! bahaha!

Attila: No Windmill for You! No FD as starter makes me very happy against Snake ^__^ I hope this is the start of an enjoyable win lose tournament rivalry. :)

Tibs: Totally was gonna wipe the floor with you using Jigglypuff... now we have to wait til neeeext tournament, d'aww!


Earl: I was very close to getting to play you this tournament! It's been a long time. Was good to have a few brief chats with you, but we have to play each other some more. I'll try to have a meet some time for you.

Nicks: I only vaguely remember talking to you, but it was a pretty happy time.

Haydino: CRAB BATTLES! YEAH! Thanks for covering for Joey with the humor and comedic happenings. I had fun :)

Alfa: CRAB BATTLES! YEAH! I was really happy to see you at a tournament again! Good stuff!

Abhi: CRAB BATTLES! YEAH! Glad you are still coming to the tournaments.

Afropony: Too bad you didn't receive more money :( Thanks for having me over and all :) We are doubles pro's!

C~Dog: I give the tournament 0 out of 5 stars and a frowny face.

Vermy: Raffle Xbox huzzah! AwesomeSauces! :):)

Timic: Melee was fun til you counterpicked Corneria. I want it banned. NOW. :p GG's. Awesome Blanka shirt btw

Ledge: Dude I thought you'd have Attila after you got **** at MK like 3 weeks ago. Snake is easier than MK anyway though so no fuss. :p P.S Get worse at wc3 please scrub

Sam: I hope that your untimely entry into the tournament scene does not put you off with the whole "not finishing the tournament" ^^; Please come back again. :)

Dekar: DEKAAAAAAAARRRRRRR. :) I got ***** in Melee. :(

Redact: You need to write a strategy guide book on how to win smash. Amazing tactics...

Viva: Fun friendlies. Do you, study the Jigglypuff match up by any chance *shifty eyes*

Surgi: Yeah and stuff! Wooo!

Zombies: =D YAY ZOMBIES!

Cao: Dave you are awesome. You do not need a shoutout because you know this. Pretend everytime I post there is a shoutout for you, and it is positive. That should convey the accurate feelings <3

Shaya: Those Dthrow into 9 combos are something I always try in Brawl and I know it doesnt work. When it worked in Brawl+ I was surprised. I sort of felt bad though... I was happy to see you at the tournament. You were cool :)

Attila: Wow rub it in to tibs face at the dinner table why dontchya? :p

Everyone at the dinner table: Fun times :D


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2009
Abhi: Lol, our matches were lol. I'm terrible at doubles, I'm sorry, but it did make a fun combination.

CTV: Great to see new people. Sorry I didn't talk much. However, I could tell that you were a genuine person. We have to get a few friendlies next time, ok?

Tibs: Diddy dittos is so eww. It's fun when you got the momentum, but frustrating when your opponent has it. Too bad most of the time, my opponent's Diddy (which always happens to be you) has the momentum. The effects can be devestating (e.g. match 3). Also, thanks for the advice against Earl, but during that match, I was just too drained to even use it. I'll still remember it though =D

Shaya: I was meant to put this in the Melee thread, but I forgot. Thanks for the Melee friendles. I realised why Marth wasn't falling over after the shine. Someone (I assume intentionally) set the damage ratio to 0.9. Kudos for not believing it was NTSC. Shows that you really know your stuff, unlike me =P

Vermy: Wow. Sooo lucky.

Earl: Top bloke, as always.

Nicks: Yay Melee! Thanks for the friendlies. Keep at it, and you'll be winning doubles with Earl in both Melee and Brawl.

Afropony: Catching coins is srs bns.

Splice: You don't seem so hyped up anymore. Makes me sad. I think.

Dean: I was plotting your downfall, when I realised that you were not present at the tournament. Foiled once again!


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rexy is gonna be a champ and drop it for SSFIV. <3

There will be house meets at mine for SSFIV. As long as I am a Brawl TO, I'll play Brawl. Not taking it seriously though, as most of you can see by my apathetic performance on Saturday. Brawl is broken. I want to be able to play as my favourite character and not get told "don't play _____, they suck against high tiers". At least SSFIV is balanced.

And yeah, get your act together guys. Wiis. Bring them. Or I will hit you in the oesophagus if you don't. POW! Right to the windpipe. You guys managed to piss off Conor and make him rage post. Takes a lot to do that.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
My ego is so large that on the second day God said, where is the light?

wtf post by condog though lol.

Also splice! Lol I wasnt too upset about tech chase to 9 (well not bruised forever; WAIT SCRATCH THAT, **** THAT IM SCARRED FOR LIFE -> Dramatic effect increased HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needs more of this :D), was a fun set :D Didnt get to play you in vegular blawlz though :(

Yeah viva you have improved quite a bit! You always went for that down throw to pivot grab at low percents though! And you always did retreating air dodged so I knew to always keep dashing forward. Enjoyed the set though :) Swords are 2g !_!


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Yeah viva you have improved quite a bit! You always went for that down throw to pivot grab at low percents though! And you always did retreating air dodged so I knew to always keep dashing forward. Enjoyed the set though :) Swords are 2g !_!

*Takes note*

But yeah, I need to mix stuff up. Thanks Shaya. :bee:


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
@sam and cvt: it was a double elimination tournament. that means you lose twice before you're out. but you guys left after one loss...

@shaya: i am king of duelist pro and theres nothing you can do about it.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ahh good work conner, that was indeed a post worthy of my praise.

anyways, his point stands get your **** together guys, from all accounts it was a super **** tourney thanks to the communtiy, which makes conner and vermy look like bad to's and hurts their rep.

also, I'd like to point out that melbourne is not the closest most tight knit group as was suggested, that'd be act, by a looooong shot.

anyways, certain other TO's who were in attendance, and who's names start with j, should have been helping out instead of telliing conner what to do and then going and playing friendlys.

either way, the wii's were the issue, look at it like this guys, do you have a wii? yes? bring it no matter what, there arnt really any excuses other then it isnt working.
I've brought a wii to every tourney I've ever been to except my very first one. (I even brought my wii to america)


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
didnt tell connor to do anything other than seed doubles and to get brawl tvs switched back.
But hey, I didnt go oos to run a tournament... for ONCE. I was going to help run melee, but Dekar said he had it covered. Connor pretty much told me to back off multiple times during the day anyway.

So I dont know whos the one talking crap here; you or Connor, Luke. But Im just going to assume its you because you are just that dumb of a troll ALL the time.

And yes attila is duelist pro king :( god ****it.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I guess playing friendlys during a tourney is ok as long as its not at your tourneys then?
cool, glad we sorted that out
I wish that one day, maybe, I could be as perfect as you shaya, it must be really awesome to never make a mistake in your life ever.

duelist pro is bad.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2009
Cupboard under the stairs
I'd bring a wii if mine wasn't so temperamental (I'll bring it next time if you don't mind the possibility of it freezing during a match).

Abhi: Lol, our matches were lol. I'm terrible at doubles, I'm sorry, but it did make a fun combination.
Oh god we were horrible. I'm so sorry.

I dunno, doubles makes me panic, and when I panic I just kinda spam upsmash and PK2.

Abhi: CRAB BATTLES! YEAH! Glad you are still coming to the tournaments.
Thanks, and Alfa was ridiculously good at those.

Stupid Zelda.

Abhi: Lawl wth, I 3-stock you in a friendly, then when we played in tournament, it was like close and shiz xD. GGs.
Rofl I don't even remember friendly-ing you, but I wouldn't be surprised at that result either way.

I really hate playing defensive and stuff with Lucas because I get really bored and just end up zoning out, but I'm too stupid to do anything else which is my current excuse for losing.

I'll beat you with Lucas eventually e.e


Haydino (I think that's your name, the other GnW main anyway): Was really fun friendlying you. Kind of weird how I did better against your GnW with Lucas than with MK lul. But yeah, lots of fun.

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
anyways, certain other TO's who were in attendance, and who's names start with j, should have been helping out instead of telliing conner what to do and then going and playing friendlys.
Hey man, leave me out of this. I quit being a TO...

also I'm joking I know who you meant.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Most of my friendlies other than in the morning were brawl+, Luke (I only did like 2 otherwise).
Those brawl+ friendlies included those against conor. The tourney only had two brawl tvs for most of the day. I also assumed we had the venue until midnight, not 10pm.

Stop being perfectly dumb luke.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
so you threaten to dq people that have friendlys at your tourneys shaya but you can have friendlys at other peoples tourneys as long as you only break the rules a few times.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Ahuh, stop manipulating the situation in a way you would like to.
You were not even there.

1. I played 1 friendly with attila before the singles brackets came out.
2. I played another friendly with attila before he played with ledge, it didnt even go for more than a stock. This was with both of us knowing ledge was meant to play attila and we were waiting for ledge to come back.

Stop trying so hard luke.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
breaking the rules is breaking the rules, no matter how you try to justify it
your the one manipulating


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Ahuh, stop manipulating the situation in a way you would like to.
You were not even there.
Playing friendlies isnt against the rules (at my tournaments) either, but holding up the bracket is something I would DQ people for if they are consistantly doing it.
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