Hi guys,
Please pass this one to anyone you think I've missed.
I've been intending to get this organised for a while but it's been pretty busy over the holiday break, so hopefully the timing is still good for everyone.
We're coming into 2011 very soon and need to start planning what CW as a group is going to do in the coming year. This calls for our Annual General Meeting and this one has a few major things to discuss.
I'd like to hold this meeting in the next couple of weeks (early January) as I'll be in Russia for 3 weeks from the 27th. So if people could please email me with their availability between the 1st and the 16th, even if it's just a vague idea so I can set a date. I imagine a weekend might be the best option.
I'd love for all of the current committee and long term community veterans to be there if possible, but I'll understand if that's not possible or viable for you.
I'm also specifically hoping that the Shadowloo guys can attend as not only would I like to get them more involved in CW in general, but we still need to actually implement the partnership of Shadowloo and Couch Warriors, especially with our online presence, and now is the perfect time to do that while our forums are dead. I think a merger along the lines of the way Team Spooky and IPlayWinner have joined forces would be fantastic, but I'll leave that discussion to the actual AGM.
We also need to elect a new committee for 2011, and of course anyone is welcome to run for those positions and get involved in whatever way they can.
We need to organise all of our bookings for the new year, the convent as well as our BAM venue.
And this of course will all be affected by the general state of the community in the coming year, with Rame and CAO both moving overseas we have a lot to work out for those communities and even things to work out for the currently arcade centric Street Fighter and Blazblue communities.
There are of course many important things to go through, so with our end of year celebrations over we need to get back into it.
2011 is going to be a big year I can feel it, and it's time to get moving.
Please get back to me ASAP and we'll work out a time and location to meet. (Will most likely be in the city)