alright guys help me figure out this bird:
me vs pp, so i doubt much can be said. My offense is pretty on point, and he really only makes me look completely ******** once (sometime in game 2 i keep rolling trying to back away from his offense, he chases me down super hard.) I know it's hard to give advice on a match vs one of the world's best, but give it a shot. I'm looking more for inherent flaws in my peaches game around neutral, when i have options to gain control but instead let him gain control because i pick the wrong option or don't mix up. (that should show glaringly vs pp, he catches on very quickly)
Me vs Little England. (13 minutes :C) I feel like the main issue here was me losing patience towards the end, which is my fatal flaw. Once again, I don't need to hear "you missed a chaingrab here", i need to hear "this will never work, peach just can't do this here".
Thanks a ton in advance <3, also thanks to DoH for making this matchup make a lot more sense after pools. My problem isn't with the matchup (any more), so I'm looking for advice when it comes to my style being inefficient or me making bad decisions.