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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
ZHEN. good **** quitting your job, I read your posts but haven't seen many responses. It seems like you are getting a raaaaaw ****ing deal I'm surprised you toughed it out this long (I hope the pay was good). You deserve better and can definitely get it! Just be extroverted and look everywhere!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2009
Massena, NY
ZHEN. good **** quitting your job, I read your posts but haven't seen many responses. It seems like you are getting a raaaaaw ****ing deal I'm surprised you toughed it out this long (I hope the pay was good). You deserve better and can definitely get it! Just be extroverted and look everywhere!
Heh, the pay was 8 an hour, which was what I started at back in March of last year. I spoke to my supervisor tonight, put in my one week notice, and as of Monday the 16th, I'm no longer employed to my current company. I've done what I could, and I'm pushing out this last week, because it ends my two week pay period, so I get another full paycheck to help hold me over, then it's new job time. Already got stuff lined up, well planned, it's just filling out applications now. Also, Mana, since I'mma have some time, we HAVE to work out some sorta thing where I can visit for a day or two and just Melee it up dude. We'll talk more on it later on.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
so. just in case you didnt hear. snakeee and inui were our last team in doubles and they were knocked out, by rain and brood. the japanese mk and olimar.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY

snakeee defeated junebug to take first in his pool
san defeated everyone to take first as well

neil narrowly lost to will 2-1 and took second pool seed
Dr. G took a game off of cables DK, but wasnt able to take the set, tho he did place either 2nd or 3rd, getting to the next round of pools.

moss was 4th seed missing getting out of pools by 1 game

sharky was not able to make it out of pools either

tommy green shirt was decimated by RAIN, narrowly got 2-0d by dark peach but based on the rest of his matches, he still has a small chance to get out of pools.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2008
Wow nice, good job everyone. Any word on 1337-0 & Mako?
I got *****. I had no idea what to do against Jband (I didn't realize he was so good, I barely touched him [btw Luigi?, he has guaranteed Up-Bs on Ness? news to me...].
Meep never Fox'd me, he went IC's both of our matches. I ALMOST got a match off him 2nd game (I PKT2'd both his Climbers killing them, then failed to F-throw gay him on Delfino) CGs were never an issue since he kept messing up (or I air broke, that happened a lot O_O).
Chaos Marth went Marth first game (double-blind) and I beat him. Then CP'd me as MK on Brinstar which I LOST (Really angry about that) then beat me on whatever I cp'd (tired, can't remember, kinda funny I could only beat his Marth lol).
Nuke was tougher than expected, Diddys took me by surprise overall. I managed to pull out a 2-1, but it was wayyy too close for me to be happy.
Woodman was on his last legs by the time he fought me. I beat his Jiggs, then he switched to Sheik and I beat him. He wasn't tough, but he made I LOT of mistakes that I don't think he would've made under different circumstances.

Mako's pool didn't go very well from what I heard. Traitor prolly didn't pick Ness anyway (j/k Mako :p)

I'm not pleased, but I wasn't a total loss. The only matches I really felt good about were my friendlies with SSR (Peach main btw) and .Com. I read SSR a lot and baited Toads for PSImag heals, and .Com and I had a "just for practice" set that lasted 15mins with each match being really close (he ended up 2-1'ing me).

I wanted to read the people in my pool but I just couldn't keep up with them. I'm really not as far along as I thought I was. I need to put in way more practice, I truly don't think I should've been eliminated (Jband I didn't stand a chance (awesome dude, though), but I def. could've taken Meep and Chaos who, btw, are truly kind and respectable members of the Smash community).

Still, No johns. I'll work, get better, win some smaller stuff before I take on another big one.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Cmarth beat me in pools at apex 1 so im not surprised. I think he might have gotten out of second pools as well.

jb andrew plays luigi?

remember kid, we play bad characters, so we have to work twice as hard and play much better than people who play characters like ICs and mk to achieve the same things. I know im looking at 2011 shaky right now. so you just gotta keep at it and get there.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
Cortland, New York
how have things been going on the melee side?

1337-Zero said:
Mako's pool didn't go very well from what I heard. Traitor prolly didn't pick Ness anyway
If I had gone Ness (and played a bit smarter) I might have taken Keitaro to game 3 at least. I think I used Ness both matches vs PatG as well.

Overall I got 4th in pools getting 2-0'ed by Keitaro, PatG, and EEvisu.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
lol we have a ton of people that barely don't make it out of pools for the first round at nationals/internationals. Just a little bit harder work and we could have more NYS rep in the second round of pools! :D


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2008
Cmarth beat me in pools at apex 1 so im not surprised. I think he might have gotten out of second pools as well.

jb andrew plays luigi?

remember kid, we play bad characters, so we have to work twice as hard and play much better than people who play characters like ICs and mk to achieve the same things. I know im looking at 2011 shaky right now. so you just gotta keep at it and get there.
Oh yeah, and his Luigi was crazy too. Half of his kills on me were UpBs >_<. I kinda felt confident since I'd beat SSR's Luigi pretty good, but JBand was def. not the same case. (It was funny, 'cuz he air dodges when landing after EVERY JUMP. I didn't think he was that good because of that since I used to do that, but I'll never think that again).

Thanks Goggles, I just gotta try really hard to win at Cura's fests or at least learn read what people are doing most of the time.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
Oh yea lol, I forgot. It's my birthday so I'm 16.

I forgot my own Birthday. :S

Edit: loooool, 666th post. Not posting again for rest of today. This is my silliest post ever.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Oh yeah, and his Luigi was crazy too. Half of his kills on me were UpBs >_<. I kinda felt confident since I'd beat SSR's Luigi pretty good, but JBand was def. not the same case. (It was funny, 'cuz he air dodges when landing after EVERY JUMP. I didn't think he was that good because of that since I used to do that, but I'll never think that again).

Thanks Goggles, I just gotta try really hard to win at Cura's fests or at least learn read what people are doing most of the time.
Good Job leet i had u getting third in pools but > guess u came up a little short but you will get it next time . I really did have u beating chaos marth ill train u more when you come next time. I hope you had > good time though
Oh yea lol, I forgot. It's my birthday so I'm 16.

I forgot my own Birthday. :S

Edit: loooool, 666th post. Not posting again for rest of today. This is my silliest post ever.
happy birthday

updates that i have from apex are this.
Pikapika got second in pool 1 losing to will really close set . But he did not make it out of pool 2 losing to minty shugo and fino

san gets first in his pool1 but takes second in Pool 2 losing to lee martin

snakeee makes it out of pool 1 and pool 2 beating june in pool 2

Dr g makes it out of pool 1 and barely makes it out of pool 2 beating jerm 2-1

moss leet sharky and mako don't make it out of pool 1

Pikapika and bardull / san and dr g make it out of doubles pools but get last in bracket ·
snakeee and inui make it out of pools and get 9Th in bracket·
good luck to our remaining upstate players


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2009
Albany/Troy NY
I was really hyped about my first pool tho. I think I could have made it cause' I was beastin' over wifi yesterday x_x

Also, 1337-0, I'll deff play you more :3

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
snakeee beat june in pool one got 3rd in pool 2. losing to coney (mdva ddd) and kingkong (canadian bowser wtf?)

but san, snakeee and dr.g (wtf really?) are in bracket.

and next time we all go to a national, yall need to let me make the teams cause you guys suck balls at picking your own partners.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
I can. Goggles u suck at teams. Badly. If anyones giving advice for teams it's me. Also bracket update

Round 1. Drg vs lain. And San vs doom

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. dont get a big head because you can play metaknight and get carried by san in teams.

2. san lost first round.
3. dr.g lost as well


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
1. Uve teamed with San Neil and even done money matches with dr g and still can't win. While I've won money matches with Neil snakeee sharky acton beta and ive won tournaments with snakeee san and asylum. And I won more doubles than u have singles and doubles combined. So get at me. And if San can carry me how come he can't carry you? Looks like im the lighter backpack.

Edit. And I've won a tournament here with omr

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
so youre saying you can team with sharky and beat me and a partner of my choice in a money match?

cus thats what It sounds like youre saying.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
I've actually like never seen Cura play doubles almost at all, so I really can't say anything there, but I wouldn't say goggles is trash at teams once a match starts. He's pretty good at managing conflict since he can get around and change the flow up pretty fast on those zippy feet.

Also, 1337, weegee does have unblockable B+UP followup on ness, yeah. It's only close to unblockable on many characters, but ness bounces high enough from a solid jab1 hit. Also, regarding airdodging at the ground, weegee has a lot of really amazing buffer opportunities if you land that way, so it can be great mindgames. Nothing is more confusing than a weak hit nair to an almost instantaneous chop-kill. Get at me more at events this year, you'll learn the weegee matchup and I'll learn how to deal with ness, who stomps all over my DK anywho.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
San is the only one from upstate left in bracket he is playing razor now and has won game one

Edit San wins and will either play chu logic or gnes


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2009
Albany/Troy NY
Rain just lost to Lee martin.

Edit: Shado vs. Rain. Winner gets into top 8.

Edit: San won first game of San vs. Gnes

Edit: San just won against Gnes.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2009
Albany/Troy NY
Rain won against Shado first game.

Brood vs. Lee martin is soon.

Rain won against Shado, VERY tight matches.

People are worried about lee losing to Brood, even though Brood said in the interview, he HATES Lucario, It's his worse MU.

Lain made it to top 8.

San lost to Atomsk


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
1. Uve teamed with San Neil and even done money matches with dr g and still can't win. While I've won money matches with Neil snakeee sharky acton beta and ive won tournaments with snakeee san and asylum. And I won more doubles than u have singles and doubles combined. So get at me. And if San can carry me how come he can't carry you? Looks like im the lighter backpack.

Edit. And I've won a tournament here with omr
JamesG + Fran > OMR + Cura...jk

Matt needs to do doubles with me....gotta get dat Anubis strategy down.
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