Supplements are a very large part of the lifestyle I want to promote, so I'll try to do a little brief on each the best I can... just so you know, I take a few supplements one of which being Glucosamine & Chondritin which is used for repairing joint structure and elasticity; so I am familiar with taking a bunch of pills each day or more.
Let me get to the truth though. Do you NEED these supplements? They are still a business, and they still like your money; and most supplements are not cheap. There's also a distinction I want to make between earthy/herbal supplements and more basic supplements with a small chemical signature. Anything that's just a root or herb or plant will have a huge signature in any chemistry analysis because of all the organic compounds in it. Other supplements, like vitamins or SAMe (S-adenosylmethionin) are much more direct and in my opinion the benefits can be seen and observed much more easily despite all the good claims that come from taking pro-biotics (things with a large organic compound base).
So onto what you're taking exactly...
I'd say scratch the ginseng. There are many kinds and they come in many different varieties. It is something that can help alleviate certain symptoms and perhaps put you in a good mood, BUT, it can also do the adverse. It's a food compound when you get down to it and it's results vary too greatly for me to let you keep taking it... in my opinion, the less you're on the better as long as you're still achieving what you need to.
Supplements are for people severely lacking or in dire need of a certain thing. They shouldn't be taken lightly and that's why they get a bad rap. They're not for any average person who needs a boost, they're for people who are deficient and need help.
SAMe; go for it, continue use. I won't delve into what's it's for. I'll just tell you, perhaps trying half dosage daily. Cut the pill down or find "easy caps" that have smaller quantities. (my personal motto is to take what gets you by)
Ginko is another why for me. I know why people use it, it's a wonderful plant one of the oldest in the world that aren't targeted by disease or pests. But I'm not sure what you'd be using it for, it doesn't have any adverse affects or anything but just don't take too much of it, ginko thins your blood, and plenty of bad things can arise from having thinned blood consistently. My suggestion is to axe this one as well :3
Another question for B12, are you also taking it with folic acid? If not I'm assuming you're taking B12 for more energy. In which case you can certainly continue. But there may be a more permanent and lasting solution to getting more energy that involves proper diet sleep and exercise.
I want to stress I am not a doctor! This is just advice from person to person. Supplements on the whole have not been approved by the FDA and they cannot cure diseases.
^_ ^