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The Official Illinois / Wisconsin Brawl Power Rankings Thread! *NEW UPDATE (1-22-12)*


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
We could just change the title...then everything would be A-OK.

In other news, I like the pretty colors in the OP. Very appealing to the eyes. :D
The Official Illinois Brawl Power Rankings and Religious Debate! (Updated: 2-03-10)



"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Let it be known that I DID NOT START THIS DEBATE lol.

Anyways, you keep talking about people who wrote down their experiences with Jesus. However, it's well-known among Biblical scholars that the New Testament was written several generations after Jesus' death. You're right; I don't know for sure who Jesus was (if he even existed). I just don't think it's relevant to anything whatsoever. Biblical scholars greatly exaggerated the impact of "early christians" such as Saul. Most people didn't even know what "Christianity" was until Constantine adopted it. To them, "Christians" were just Jews who had slightly different beliefs. And I'm sure I don't have to explain how much the Jews were persecuted back then.

Also, you clearly don't know anything about evolution. Evolution itself is an observable, inarguable FACT. You can actually look back and see that organisms evolved.

However, the current THEORY of evolution is able to be debated. Some valid points may be made about the inadequacies of the most currently accepted theory of HOW evolution happened.

Trying to argue that evolution didn't take place is like arguing that an apple won't fall to the ground if you drop it. We have a theory for evolution, and we have a theory for gravity. Both of which are very well established. The current theory of evolution doesn't say that the world came about by one very lucky coincidence. Life as we know it came about by a myriad of tiny mutations. If you just looked at one organism, it probably wouldn't have any mutations. But when trillions of these organisms come about over hundreds of millions of years, there are countless mutations that shape how future organisms developed. And that's about as simple as I can get. You should take time to actually learn the theory before you dismiss it as "not even worth trying to defend in a debate." Because I don't think a random fundamentalist christian has the authority to dismiss a universally accepted scientific theory.

Anyways, if you want to actually continue this debate, then send me a PM or something. I'm not responding to any more religious debate in this thread.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
This is a very good thread, guys. I appreciate all the time and effort that you all have put into it.

I think you guys have very little understanding about how Peach works, though. I would put money on Nicole beating any of your MKs unless you have Peach experience. It IS a bad matchup, but only if the MK knows what he's doing or is really good.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
You realize metaknight vs. peach is like the easiest matchup for MK ever right?
I wouldn't say it's the EASIEST matchup for him, that might be C. Falcon :crying: But it is about 65:35 for MK, I'd say. As far as Peach's matchups go I wouldn't say Marth is the same MU ratio as MK, Marth and Peach is pretty even IMO. Thanks for the compliments though, Zoze, but you shouldn't put so much stock into the power rankings. It doesn't matter what rank you are, all that matters is how well you do in tournaments.

Anyways, I'm enjoying this discussion, IL definitely has the best power rankings thread.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Appleton, Wisconsin
This is a very good thread, guys. I appreciate all the time and effort that you all have put into it.

I think you guys have very little understanding about how Peach works, though. I would put money on Nicole beating any of your MKs unless you have Peach experience. It IS a bad matchup, but only if the MK knows what he's doing or is really good.
Not that I doubt Nicole being a good Peach, but I will gladly accept any money match against any Peach player.
I do have a little peach practice from playing against JLO once or twice though, and I've heard JLO is supposedly pretty good.
I honestly think that matchup is like 75:25, or maybe 70:30 though.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
I would put money on Nicole beating any of your MKs unless you have Peach experience.
You'd win that money :), she already beat our only two MKs (Rob and Zoze), though there's a couple of MKs in Wisconsin that would give her a lot of trouble.

Anyways, Peach is scary. Personally, if I ever face a Peach that really knows the Wario matchup, (like Praxis) I know for a fact I'd get wrecked.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
No you'd just play extra lame with air dodge on top and pull it off


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
Lol I come home and see that this thread became something crazy XDDDDDDDDDD

Staying on topic, i love peach players who teach MK's a thing or two XDDDD


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
No you'd just play extra lame with air dodge on top and pull it off
not as lame as your Melee playstyle!

doubt I'd pull it off though, Peach can gay the hell out of Wario with aerials and grab releases, even gayer than his usual grab release problems


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Lol I'm glad this didn't degenerate into a religious argument.

I personally feel really good about the Peach matchup using DK. I've never met a Peach that I didn't wreck with DK, though I dislike the Peach vs. Ganon matchup. She's one of the very few characters I'll usually go DK instead of Ganon. I want to fight Nicole's Peach next time I see her and see if I'm as confident about the matchup afterwards :p


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2008
I just thought I'd let you know, Zoze: Kirby beats MK in every Kirby game (that both appear in) in existence, so really, I should be theoretical 1st on the PR due to the simple fact that Kirby>MK. Yeah...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Especially my Melee Kirby!

The past 3-4 pages have been an enlightening read. :D On the Peach topic, I'm pretty confident about the MU, too. I wish I had played Nicole; her Peach looked sick.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
You're right; I don't know for sure who Jesus was (if he even existed).
So this is the big point that I hope people get from reading this. A lot of people think that the Bible has no more merit than the Easter bunny. That it happened 2000 years ago, and we have no idea what really happened. We have no way of proving who wrote the stories, and no way of knowing if they were changed over time.

But this isn't the case. Jesus was in the time of the Romans, and they were extremely smart and there were many historians. We know 100% that Jesus was a real person because he was on the census. Mary and Joesph were also on the census labeled as his parents. Credible non-christian Roman historians wrote the events of Jesus's life. They confirm that "many people claim they saw him doing miracles", that it was upsetting the Roman government, and they he was crucified.

Some historians do debate if he was the Son of God, but no one doubts that Jesus existed, that people who saw him believed he was the Son of God, or that he died by Crucifixion.

However, it's well-known among Biblical scholars that the New Testament was written several generations after Jesus' death.
I don't know where you heard this. It is well-known by history scholars that the Gospels were written around the year 70CE. Look it up yourself. This is even from an Atheist site:


There is little question as to who wrote the gospels too. It can't be 100% proven, but it's pretty close. Saying that someone else wrote them and got everyone to believe them when they apostles were still alive is pretty far fetched. The apostles probably would have said "hey! I didn't write that".

And we do know that the 13 books in the New Testament written by Paul and they are unchanged. The churches that he wrote them to kept them.

And remember that the New Testament isn't even that big of a deal. All the pieces were scattered until about the year 900. And no one really even read the it until the invention of the printing press. Everyone believed in Jesus because of the historical records and testimony.

Biblical scholars greatly exaggerated the impact of "early christians" such as Saul. Most people didn't even know what "Christianity" was until Constantine adopted it.
??? 30 years after Jesus death the Romans were literally burning 1000s of Christians alive in the center of Rome. After Jesus died Christianity exploded. Granted, Constantine help Christianity a lot because they could practice it in the open.

Before Constantine, Christians were stoned. So if I can to you door and was like "I wanna tell you about Jesus!" you would be like "Get the **** out, I don't wanna be stoned!" So it definitely helped it grow. But it was not the reason Christianity was popular.

Also, you clearly don't know anything about evolution. Evolution itself is an observable, inarguable FACT. You can actually look back and see that organisms evolved.

However, the current THEORY of evolution is able to be debated. Some valid points may be made about the inadequacies of the most currently accepted theory of HOW evolution happened.

Trying to argue that evolution didn't take place is like arguing that an apple won't fall to the ground if you drop it.
Now your getting into my area of expertise. I've probably spent 100 hours studying evolution. I've seen 30+ debates on it, and I've given a couple speeches about it.

Do you seriously dismiss Christianity and believe that evolution is the sole reason for all life on Earth? That the Big Bang is the sole reason for all matter and all space?

I know that things evolve. Christianity doesn't have a problem with things evolving over time. No one has any problems with that part of Evolution.

One of the greatest Mathematicians of our time (I wish I could remember his name.. I'll find it soon) who helped prove the existence of Black holes said "The chances of the Big Bang creating all of this order instead of a universe of chaos is 1 times 10^32, and that's not even counting all of the biological factors."

If cells evolve into more and more complex cells... where did the first cell come from? Did you know that Scientist have no idea how that happened? They don't even have any good theories to answer this. As of right now, it is impossible for life to appear from nothing.

I could go into this in quite a bit more detail, like did you know that we have never seen a good mutation? Every mutation we have ever observed is bad. But really I think the first two points are sufficient. You would have to have more faith to believe that the Big Bang and Evolution created everything than you would need to believe in Christianity.

gameandwatch 4 Lyfe

Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
zoze is either an awesome troll or he just picked up a meth habit.

anyway, how is arty first? he sucks. i beat him like 400x with mario
i should be #1
i love jesus
DLA is bad because ganon is bad
i make millions off of this game
quik doesnt even exist anymore so he sucks im the best
i should be #1
there are seven deadly sins and one is PRIDE.... oh ****... oops
i go 50/50 with kirk and zoze because i've never played them
i beat quik in a friendly with kirby one time. quik sucks
why is he ranked higher than me?
i beat ripple by literally spamming tornado
i am ****ing awesome you all suck (**** pride's kickin in again)
<3 jesus


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
If cells evolve into more and more complex cells... where did the first cell come from? Did you know that Scientist have no idea how that happened? They don't even have any good theories to answer this. As of right now, it is impossible for life to appear from nothing.
Liposomes form spontaneously. That is, that if there is a concentration of phospholipids in a body of water, they will form a liposome just because they are there. No added stimulation required. And they are in fact similar to the lipid bilayers in cells. Furthermore, other materials could have been trapped inside the liposome during it's formation, possibly creating something similar to a cell?????

jus' sayin'~~~

edit: google search: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis (click protobiont when reading, unless you know what those are)


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
I don't think any Peaches are going so you'll get first for sure
Wrong, I'm planning on going. And just to ruin your statement, I'm going to switch mains back to Peach just for the tourney. SO LOOK OUT ZOZEYPOOF.
Me too! And I'm going to not suck this time >:)

Edit: Btw, Peach doesn't do SO horrible against MK. Her D-tilt outranges everything MK has on the ground, and she is a beast at camping.


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2010
Hey everybody, this is Zoze's girlfriend; I just made an account. :bee:

zoze is either an awesome troll or he just picked up a meth habit.

anyway, how is arty first? he sucks. i beat him like 400x with mario
i should be #1
i love jesus
DLA is bad because ganon is bad
i make millions off of this game
quik doesnt even exist anymore so he sucks im the best
i should be #1
there are seven deadly sins and one is PRIDE.... oh ****... oops
i go 50/50 with kirk and zoze because i've never played them
i beat quik in a friendly with kirby one time. quik sucks
why is he ranked higher than me?
i beat ripple by literally spamming tornado
i am ****ing awesome you all suck (**** pride's kickin in again)
<3 jesus

LOL "I make-a me some mooneys off this game!" Zoze's full of crap XD I'm gonna get a big pile of poop for Valentine's Day because he spends all his money losing smash tournaments :laugh:

And what the butt, he doesn't make money but I know he can read; religious discussion in the Power Rankings thread? XD JESUS WINS POWER RANKING


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Lol I told Zozefup that if he wants to continue the religious debate, then he can send me a PM. It's clear he just wants attention now.

Lol and thanks for saving me time and explaining abiogenesis, Chewyy. He's spent 100+ hours studying evolution, and yet he isn't even aware of something that is taught in freshman biology. GGs


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
I did some Kirk lurking to make sure he was still alive
Lol, just so you don't have to lurk - Kirk is still alive but he's not really going to tournaments. He had a smashfest this weekend so we know he hasn't shunned us :p


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2010
Lol I told Zozefup that if he wants to continue the religious debate, then he can send me a PM. It's clear he just wants attention now.

Lol and thanks for saving me time and explaining abiogenesis, Chewyy. He's spent 100+ hours studying evolution, and yet he isn't even aware of something that is taught in freshman biology. GGs

Is this arrogance really necessary? :( And I figured that wanting to PM the debate when it was getting good and full of yummy information made it clear that you were wanting to just shut it down or not let anyone else see it? Why would you want to keep it private when it's so fun for me to read lol

Edit:: I'm not saying Zozefup ISN'T ever arrogant..he's a pro at saying things that piss people off, so I get where you're coming from DLA lol. But you guys should look at Chewyy...He's getting information in without making me want to punch him in the face lol

"just saying~~~" lol


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2002
chicago, lollinois
I think people should start using more tildes, they're definitely one of the more under appreciated keys. Though I can understand the placement is kind of awkward.


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
Lol I told Zozefup that if he wants to continue the religious debate, then he can send me a PM. It's clear he just wants attention now.

Lol and thanks for saving me time and explaining abiogenesis, Chewyy. He's spent 100+ hours studying evolution, and yet he isn't even aware of something that is taught in freshman biology. GGs
Lol, how'd you know?

edit: ~~~~~~~~


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Is this arrogance really necessary? :( And I figured that wanting to PM the debate when it was getting good and full of yummy information made it clear that you were wanting to just shut it down or not let anyone else see it? Why would you want to keep it private when it's so fun for me to read lol

Edit:: I'm not saying Zozefup ISN'T ever arrogant..he's a pro at saying things that piss people off, so I get where you're coming from DLA lol. But you guys should look at Chewyy...He's getting information in without making me want to punch him in the face lol

"just saying~~~" lol
Because in my experience, most people don't actually LIKE religious debates, especially in a power rankings thread.

And I'm not arrogant... it's just that I'm right, he's wrong, and he needs to deal with it ~~~


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2010
Because in my experience, most people don't actually LIKE religious debates, especially in a power rankings thread.

And I'm not arrogant... it's just that I'm right, he's wrong, and he needs to deal with it ~~~

Lawl. :lick:


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
thats it I'm done with brawl. thought I'd have fun playing some ladder matches as PT but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo...................

I had to get timed out 3 games IN A ROW! against different people!!!!!!!!!

I'm winning as PT (which shouldn't happen anyways) they get a hit and circle camp. can't catch up since its online

brawl is by far the ****tiest game I have ever played. back to melee where I can lose like a man


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
Wisconsin's Heart, Chicago
1. i dont play mk anymore
2. i dont play brawl anymore
3. brawl is dieing because people are sick of watching m2k time out ally :| that was basicly my lose of enjoyment for the game.
4. samus is still fun


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
He's spent 100+ hours studying evolution, and yet he isn't even aware of something that is taught in freshman biology. GGs
The arguments I'm using are not mine. I'm not a history scholar with a PhD. I am not the leading Biologist in the field of evolution. In my free time I watch youtube debates over Christianity. In fact, I steal all of my arguments from experts in the field.

So my knowledge is limited to a biology class in high school, youtube debates, debates on campus, and talking to professors on campus. However, the arguments I use are legit; they are the same arguments that experts have made.

Liposomes form spontaneously. That is, that if there is a concentration of phospholipids in a body of water, they will form a liposome just because they are there. No added stimulation required. And they are in fact similar to the lipid bilayers in cells. Furthermore, other materials could have been trapped inside the liposome during it's formation, possibly creating something similar to a cell?????

jus' sayin'~~~

edit: google search: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis (click protobiont when reading, unless you know what those are)
the beginning of this video is kind of lame.. but whatever.

What I mean when I say there are no "good" theories about the origins of the first cell, I do not mean that there are no theories. There are TONS of theories, and a lot of them are really cool. The problems is saying "because of these theories, I believe that all life was made without God."

I can't disprove the idea that life could be created from non-living things. But as of right now, science has little more than ideas of how it might have happened. They don't even know if it could happen yet. So dismissing religion because of these theories is a leap of faith.

This topic is very important for atheists. They need to find a way for life to come into existence without God, but this topic isn't a very big deal to Christians. Even if life could come about naturally, that doesn't prove there is no God.

And atheists still have to deal with the chances of everything happening at random. Ask any atheists professor what the odds of everything being created from the big bang is; they will all say that "if it is even possible, then the odds are extremely low".

It's hard to disprove a lot of the theories on the first cells. Most of them are still just in the theory craft stage. If it's possible to make a cell from non living matter, then lets set up some experiments and try to make it happen. All the experiments to date are very far from proving that it's possible to make anything even close to a cell though.

Lol I told Zozefup that if he wants to continue the religious debate, then he can send me a PM. It's clear he just wants attention now.
This is a topic that I'm pretty serious about. Actually, this is the most important thing in my life. I spend a large portion of my time in Church, reading the Bible, and praying. I've literally seen miracles happen in person. It has radically changed my life for the better in every way.

I would talk about Jesus any chance I get because I seriously believe in this stuff. I talked to lain about it the entire 6 hours to Iowa and all the way back lol. I chose to respond in the forums because I wanted to openly discuss it. Maybe it could help others believe in Jesus too, or at least understand some rational behind it.

Further, there is no reason for me to discuss it with you privately lol. No matter how solid my arguments are, there are always counter arguments, and you would never change your mind. The only way you would change your mind is if you went to church and seriously started searching for God.

The Bible says "Seek and you shall find." So an easy way to know if the Bible is true is to go to church and ask God to prove his existence to you. I've seen the most hardcore atheist come to church, go to the altar, and hit the ground in tears like a ton of bricks. The whole "getting saved" experience people talk about is nuts when it happens. It's definitely the most memorable time of time life.

Because in my experience, most people don't actually LIKE religious debates, especially in a power rankings thread.
Really? I do some street preaching (like twice) and just walking up to people and asking them what they think about Jesus. I've never had anyone not want to talk about it. Most people love giving you their opinion about Jesus lol.

People generally don't like be involved in arguments and having their beliefs questioned, but people like hearing arguments and sharing what they think. And if they don't want to read these, then it's pretty easy to skip over anyway.

But yeah, Jesus is a pretty awesome dude :). This will probably be my last post unless more stuff comes up.
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