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The Official Clash of the Titans 4 Results Thread


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
candy why did you go wolf on me first round? I'm happy you did because someone said something to me along the lines of "if you really think you are good against wolf, play candy's" but I guess you main snake? I'm confused <_<


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
candy why did you go wolf on me first round? I'm happy you did because someone said something to me along the lines of "if you really think you are good against wolf, play candy's" but I guess you main snake? I'm confused <_<
well usually im pretty confident with my wolf against oli....but the oli in MD(pyronic star) plays wayyyyyy diff. then you do....you grab ALOT more....which shreded me into pieces since i was so use to the other play style
i main snake...most ppl just know me for my wolf....but yea...long story short it was a combination of underestimating you, me being an idiot, and you being better than me lol....im really bad at matchups i dont know haha (no johns intended) ^_^


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
candy I must say after the whole out-of-order match and that answer, you are really mature and cool. and I wouldn't say I'm better than you at all.

but yeah evidently P~S and I play pretty differently. I've heard that from a few other people. I'm not really sure what he does. blackwaltz and I play really differently too, although I have had huge success recently in tourney mixing "his" style and my old one to get a lot better


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
the one and only Niko K was commentating on the best match for me of CoT4????
this must be recorded and put on youtube immedietly!!!!!!!
I never knew you were such an admirer of me, <3333 Candy!

When I come to MD/VA I'm going to MM your snake and win btw.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada

too bad it wasn't sunny, but it's actually better like this, that puddle was nasty lookin. Zaf ate a triple angry whopper at burger king before attemping to drink a gallon a milk. I warned him soooo many times, and he was like "no man I'm gonna drink this and have the biggest **** ever! *chugs*". Then after like 15 minutes, he was like "oohh my stomaaaach! AAAARRGGGH! IT FEELS LIKE I'VE BEEN STABBED!". After screaming for a few moments he stated that he wanted to puke, then he puked once. We kept on going and we were like 4 streets away from ally's and he puked again. It was the most disgusting pile of puke I had seen in a while, and you could still see the breaded onions that were in the angry whopper XD.

EDIT: Anyone has open photobuckets with pics of the event that I could look at? :)


Smash Cadet
Jan 13, 2009
Rider University, NJ
Im gonna do my shoutouts here tho I dont have too many, I was so shy during the whole thing lol

Anther-Im glad u and ur sick Pika were in my pool. Its refreshing to see u play someone other than MK/Snake/DDD etc and take him to a high level.

Probrawler-You were fun to play too but I wish u didnt go easy on me =P we gotta MM next time!

Camalange, Pierce7d and the rest of my pool- I had fun playing every one of you despite being ***** by you, GGs

Rykoshet- It was an honor to meet a fellow Ike main and I wish I wasnt so shy so I talked to you more lol. Btw I saw u play and u taught me Ike needs as much technical skill as every other char, not just great timing and mindgames. And I hope u dont hate me too much over the whole RIG thing =(

AlphaZealot- we never did our MM! o well, maybe next time ;) grats on going as far as u did

Chibo- Thanks for making my first tourney a memorable one. Dont let people give you a hard time because it wasnt perfect.

GdDmt- Glad I met u and sorry I brought you down in friendly teams XD

Vash- Thanks for being my friend throughout the entire event and playing me in some friendlies. You got a great Marth as it is and its only gonna get better.

Whoever is recording the live feed-Did you get any matches of me? Im still wondering what you were actually saying about me =P

LAPD-FU! Dont make me break those cuffs XD

Grats to M2K, Ally, Spammer, and everyone who won money at this thing.

Sorry if i forgot anyone =(

edit- I did forget a few ppl

YummyMexican or whatever-Waiting on line with u was fun and I wish i saw u on day 2

Blue- Fantastic Sonic and thanks for giving me that 2 min chat and making me a little more comfortable in the smash community =)

edit 2- I also wanna thank my faithful fans and fanclubs for realizing that having fun is more important than whether you win or lose...yeah, and thanks for the support that I didnt expect. XD


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2008
Im gonna do my shoutouts here tho I dont have too many, I was so shy during the whole thing lol

Anther-Im glad u and ur sick Pika were in my pool. Its refreshing to see u play someone other than MK/Snake/DDD etc and take him to a high level.

Probrawler-You were fun to play too but I wish u didnt go easy on me =P we gotta MM next time!

Camalange, Pierce7d and the rest of my pool- I had fun playing every one of you despite being ***** by you, GGs

Rykoshet- It was an honor to meet a fellow Ike main and I wish I wasnt so shy so I talked to you more lol. Btw I saw u play and u taught me Ike needs as much technical skill as every other char, not just great timing and mindgames. And I hope u dont hate me too much over the whole RIG thing =(

AlphaZealot- we never did our MM! o well, maybe next time ;) grats on going as far as u did

Chibo- Thanks for making my first tourney a memorable one. Dont let people give you a hard time because it wasnt perfect.

GdDmt- Glad I met u and sorry I brought you down in friendly teams XD

Vash- Thanks for being my friend throughout the entire event and playing me in some friendlies. You got a great Marth as it is and its only gonna get better.

Whoever is recording the live feed-Did you get any matches of me? Im still wondering what you were actually saying about me =P

LAPD-FU! Dont make me break those cuffs XD

Grats to M2K, Ally, Spammer, and everyone who won money at this thing.

Sorry if i forgot anyone =(

edit- I did forget a few ppl

YummyMexican or whatever-Waiting on line with u was fun and I wish i saw u on day 2

Blue- Fantastic Sonic and thanks for giving me that 2 min chat and making me a little more comfortable in the smash community =)
omfg, are you Random Ike Guy?!!1111?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
should hopefully be done singles pools data in tio this afternoon (its the only thing left to be done in the tio file) and more vids tonight.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
what by who? that's the most outlandish thing I've ever heard
By a large amount of people actually <_< ninjalink did at one point, dunno if he still does, he used it to get atomsk off of olimar at chu's biweekly.

Edit - Fuggles: Nah no worries, I just have a very uh... disparaging sense of humor. I still have a decent way to go, as im starting to get into easily read patterns.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
By a large amount of people actually <_< ninjalink did at one point, dunno if he still does, he used it to get atomsk off of olimar at chu's biweekly.

I was under the impression that Wolf's Neutral-B was a pain for Olimar in general. I don't have experience in the matchup, though.

Care to elaborate, AndyG?


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
First of all, it's not hard to get through GUN GUN GUN FSMASH or whatever. If I grab you (which I promise you is impossible to keep from happening as Wolf, no matter what you think) I will combo you to like 50% at LEAST. Wolf is too easy. There's the percent lead, try and camp me now.

The only thing Wolf does that's actually scary in the least is that stupid looking bair spam, but I have 4 options off the top of my head I can think of to beat that.

Online, the matchup is stupid. I hate it. Offline, Wolf is one of my favorites to fight just because I've put over 80% on them in like 5 seconds from grab combos, and then they don't know what to do because they can't camp me anymore.

His edgeguarding isn't that good and his recovery is mediocre and predictable. <3 Wolf


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah people may think it is a little late for shoutouts but I've had a **** busy week comingback form cot4. For all that don't know me I'm the canadian guy who mains Wario.

I had a **** load of fun at this tourney, there were soooo many cool people, too many good matches, and just too many good times. the skill level I saw was really impressive, and just from this weekend playing you guys I got a **** load better. Hopefully I will be able to come again to another american tourney.


Ambrose: I can't thank you enough for the opportunity given, I had too much fun. I now there were others who deserved the spot more but I think I did well enough to fill it. Thanks for all the practice leading to this and congrats placing decent in this huge tourny, although many know you could have done a **** load better.

Niko K: Too cool to be around, I don't dickride you homie, you just make me laugh too much and you knoww at you are saying. Had a lot of fun talking with you, hopefully there will be more opportunities in the future. Maybe Nate can join us? Overall travelling with you is great, will look forward to more in the future.

KingAce: **** man, dammit!! You could have, nevermind, not could have, SHOULD HAVE done better. Yes Chibo ****ed you over but we both know you have the skill to have beaten whoever you were up against. But like I mentioned to Ambrose, this crushing defeat will only make you better for next time. Looking forward to seeing you play like you should. And thanks for all the practice. And now to getting along in travels...

Percon: Man, I've never had the opportunity before to talk to you and get to know you. You are soo awesome! Kick *** man! Travelling and talking to you was freaking great. Sorry for the noise sat night, yes we are jerks, lol. Can't wait to play you next tourney and hopefully talk to you again, I should have known, if your brother is so cool so must you be.

Zafmobile: I don't know what it is, probably cause I think you guys would think I'm random to approach you guys, but I never talk to you guys although I hear you are all cool. next time next time...lol. But seriously I am really really looking forward to playing chester and zaf! I do not have the intention to slip out of the competition. GTA

Gonzo: One of the coolest people I met on my trip, you are really a nice and cool guy, along with a kickass kirby. Good talks and friendlies (teams) and I hope to meet you again if I go to another american tourney.

Rafa: Yeeaa son, represent spicks! (or colombians), cool to see a lot of spanish peole at this. Especially if they have a sexy Ganon that ***** Hylian's G&W, LOL. Good ****, good times, good friendlies. I gots AIM now son give me your screen name.

Cashmooney: You were really awesome to hang out with, couldn't ask for a better roommate. Sucks we lost contact with you sunday night, but it seems it worked out better for both of us. Hope you keep playing brawl. Oh and btw, next time? COOKIE CANCEL! i also gotta hustle you the money ($12.50 for hotel) whenever I see you, hope you move to Toronto son

Candy: Another spanish homeboy. Good **** man, you really are good, dayum. Entertaining matches and yes you got first seed! Dammit, you got it over a Canadian. It's all good. Hopefully we can play more offline next time we meet. Cool guy, awesome jokes.

Kyoshi: Yea yea son!! Another awesome roommate, none of that **** losing to PTs right? And the next day you didn't, good ****, sucks you didn't make it out of pools. Good friendlies and good times.

Judge: LOLOLO, man under the table, how the **** did we not even notice for the longest time?! Another awesome roommate, the whole room was crazy. You have a sick MK, wish I got to play it. Congrats on that sexy placing. better come up to Canada again soon!

Anther: Yeah man, I'm going to get you when I play, you ain't never heard of Gi son! LOL, sick pikachu, good friendlies. but next time I'm not looking for sandbags, I'll MM you (but I'm cheap so like $2). You better come to Canada, don't be lazy!

Lain: Your ICs make me **** all the time, but although you're sexy and hilarious, Ambrose is still #1 (canada fanboyism, lol). Good **** playing man, I know I'll never beat you but ****! At kleast a game off is good enough. you're seriously an awesome guy, don't know what you got man, you gots that ****ing social aura, like another Niko. hope to see you in Montreal, I'll definitely still be **** talking, get *****!

NoJ: didn't talk to you much this time but dman man when you told me you didn;t make it out of pools, thatw as ****ed! I hope you got that $1 off of Hylian, you are definitely still the best G&W, so start ****ing people up.

Wes: DAAYYUMM, this man here is tooo funny. From the moment when playing casuals and **** talking everyone in my room to the tourney when we both had to suffer that gaaayy *** DDD and MK, was just too many jokes. You need to commentate man, people new to the scene like myself have to experience the jokes. Sexy Samus btw, and next time I hope we play. Remember, there comes the time when you gotta counter the *****, you just gotta do it, lolol

Dude who rocks back and forth: Forgot your name, good kirby, good friendlies. But let me just say something, after you used my controller you ****ed it up. It seems fine now but for like three days pressing down on the control stick was a *****. So here's some advice, you don't want to play with broken controllers then don't break them. Other than that, I can see you doing really well in the future.

Diem: Another man full of jokes, those doubles friendlies were too fun, I had to keep coming back. "See ya LATER" Too good. You play a different yet great MK, nice to see someone with a different touch to their ****. next time I see you, MMs just for jokes. **** talking all dai!

Anti: To you as well, awesome doubles friendlies. I thought we were just good as a team but then I hear you are some pro *** DDD, so looks like you are just too good. And ****, 14! That's ****ed, too young, hopefully you can still travel for futre events, you got a crazy DDD

Reflex: Man, you are too cool. Thanks for all the advice, and sorry for bugging you like all the time. You seriously are a nice guy, most pros really wouldn't want to give their time to people but you were not hesitant at all, you even agreed to watching two of my matches so you can help me out. Seriously, I got waaay better just from your advice and playing casuals remembering that advice. Hope to see yuo **** in the future.

AndyG: Didn't talk to you, but I just have to say, your Olimar is soooo good. Finally I see an Olimar to make me proud of secondarying him. I try to play him differently but when I saw your Olimar, it is the style I've been trying to replicate in my head. You own, happy to see a great olimar.

Korn: Close matches in our set. I had the fart ready in both matches to win it. Unfortunately in both matches, your fsmash went first. Good **** man, at least I know I did pretty well considering it was you i lost to. Next time though, I will get you, I know I could. MM maybe? We'll see. Come to Canada soon ***

GDX: **** son, that diddy is ****! You are too good, I'm surprised you didn't do well in singles. And man, you didn't even know but you did, G&W right now is the bane of my smash life. I cannot do anything against him. I really thought you were still going to go Diddy on Brinstar, what a secret weapon, you didn't ven use him once before that, lol. Next time homeboy, next time.

Tristan_Win (**** man, how did I forget your name): Change your last name to Win, you have to! LOL. You are seriously one cool dude, good talks man, that Sheik of yours is ****. It is an awesome surprise, I bet a lot of people were not expecting it. I wish I got to play you in friendlies, but whatever, maybe next time.

Matt (homie who mains random): One of my favourite people to meet on this trip. You are one cynical and sarcastice *******, but you're hilarious. Sexy way to main random, you actually know how to use them. Gooood talks man, and I hope everything works out. PM me your AIM homeboy, maybe we'll actually play some brawl? Doubt it, you are such a hater, lol.

Inui: Your hotel was sick, I had almost as much fun at the hotel as in the tournament. I hear rumours that you want to host a tourney at the hotel, I really hope so, it would be sex.

Boss: **** man, your bros. are TOO GOOD. You're a funny and nice guy, hopefully I'll be able to play you again. Add me on AIM as well or I'll kill you next time I see you.

Atomsk: You are sexy

Alright homeboys, long *** post, but I still know I forgot people. I really hope I'll have another opportunity like this, I am now really considering the smashbus.

Add me on AIM: Wifi Gichan
" " MSN: Kane_4life1@hotmail.com


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
AndyG ***** wolfs =[

In the earlier metagame wolf ***** olimar with blaster spam. When olimar would try and spam back his pikmin would attach to wolf but would be immediately be killed by the bayonet on his gun. Then you could **** olimar when he had no more pikmins. You could also instantly lose them by shining.
I don't think Wolf counters Olimar now >_>

And thanks for letting me hold onto my $2, AndyG. 20's are hard to break ><


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
First of all, it's not hard to get through GUN GUN GUN FSMASH or whatever. If I grab you (which I promise you is impossible to keep from happening as Wolf, no matter what you think) I will combo you to like 50% at LEAST. Wolf is too easy. There's the percent lead, try and camp me now.

His edgeguarding isn't that good and his recovery is mediocre and predictable. <3 Wolf
Well, it has nothing to do with his normally-spammable Smashes; I was just under the impression that smart use of the gun is really hard to deal with. I mean, he has the horizontal aerial speed of, like, Wario, so he can run when there are platforms to do that with.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
i figured down throw had a big part in in too, cus that makes it really hard for oli to recover.

i also thought that that was why he was a such good match against link


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Reflex: Man, you are too cool. Thanks for all the advice, and sorry for bugging you like all the time. You seriously are a nice guy, most pros really wouldn't want to give their time to people but you were not hesitant at all, you even agreed to watching two of my matches so you can help me out. Seriously, I got waaay better just from your advice and playing casuals remembering that advice. Hope to see you **** in the future.
Heh, thanks. I like seeing people that want to improve, and if they believe that I can help, I'm more than happy to. Glad to hear that my advice helped you.

GSC rival is too good, Reflex.
He really is. It makes me yearn for a GSC remake, like they did for Red/Blue.
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