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The Official Clash of the Titans 4 Results Thread


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Buy locks. T.O. holds all the keys. Find a way to fix the Wii on the table, somehow. Or you could just mod your Wii aesthetically, that way you're sure it won't get jacked.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
ChiboSempai said:
If when running a national tourney I shouldn't be...
... making any money
... playing any friendlies
... not entering singles or doubles
... not sitting down for even 1 minute to watch a match over 2 days

What is the point of running tourneys? Seriously... someone please tell me.
For the community, to bring a bunch of friends and competitors together. I didn't go to this, but I run quite a few tournaments myself. Most the time I'll enter or play a friendly if it's on a smaller scale, but once it gets to the national level a TOs responsibility is run a tournament.

I have never seen any profit from the 30 or so tournaments I've run. 3 of them have been on a regional/national Taking money is just wrong in my book, if it's cash you're interested in being a TO might not be you're best bet. The aftermath of OC3 is a perfect example of what goes on when a TO is completely focused on running the tournament.

I dunno, but if you have to ask why do it, you probably shouldn't be in the business of TOing. I don't at all mean this as a personal attack, but running tournaments has always just been fun for me. I enjoy gathering a ton of players, seeing OOS players, and just helping people out. By the way there's nothing wrong with watching a matches unless the tournament needs to be catered to. However I firmly stick by everything else, on a national scale you shouldn't enter, profit, or play friendlies. Playing in the tournament impedes your ability to run everything, friendlies hold up the tournament, and taking money is dirty.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
chibo if I had 300 people show up, here's my list of things to do.

1. **** my pants

2. drop out of the tournament period
3. get 10 well known tournament hosts and have them help me
4. rush pools like crazy. like 1 hour tops
5. skip seeding completely
6. get random heads to enforce the stall ban for me. say warn them once if they keep doing it tell me and they're out. done
7. call off crews and low tiers
8. find a back-up venue asap after brackets are made, make someone else announce matches.
This guy's got his priorities straight. <3


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
modding your wii wont change that its been stolen and thats 200+ worth of a garbage system
Modding your Wii prevents it from being stolen under wary eyes. If you knew Chu had a red Wii and saw someone else slip it in his backpack, you'd know what he's up to. Then again, nobody would even try something this risky, which is also a +.

Agreed on garbage system.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Shout outs to come later :)

I have too many ha, and I don't want to forget anyone.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Well, I finally have some time to shoutout my shouts, so here we go.

1: Mew2King-One of these days, I will take a stock off of you.
2: Ally-I really wanted to chat with you, but it was nice seeing you in person.
3: Spammer-I enjoyed are matches.....somewhat, but I didn't do as bad as everyone thought I would.....right?
5: NinjaLink-Bowser Challenge
7: ChuDat-In that team friendly I fought against you, I didn't even know that you were the Kirby ****** me the entire time. But, that Forward Smash kill made everything feel MUCH better.
9: Infinity-The second MK I lost to, but VERY nice job finishing so high. One more win would've got you some cash though.
9: VexKasrani-COuldn't help but notice I didn't get a shoutout. Seriously, though, thanks for the support.
13: OmegaBlackMage-****.....we never got our Random Money Match...
13: Jash-Toon Link at 220+ damage?
17: Reflex-I just gotta say, you look a LOT like my friend Mike. That is all.
17: AndyG-This surprises me. No losing to 2nd and 3rd johns.
25: Atomsk-I don't know what you said, but I gotta thank you for whatever you did to get M2K to play for real. I wouldn't be here otherwise.
25: Rogue Pit-****, good stuff, son.
33: TUSM-I am so f*cking proud of you. I mean, really. Good ****.
33: Xzax-Since my name is higher, I did better than you.
33: D1-Next time, we'll play a set withOUT someone screaming in the background, and we'll see what happens.
49: Deez-Enjoyed our matches, and I'm glad I left an impression.
49: Blackanese-Nice meeting you, dude, and if you were a bit closer to where I live, I'd hang with you any day of the week.
65: Pride-Yoshi.....is not.......low tier........
65: ChiboSempai-Despite the delays, I had a **** good time. So much Smash crammed into one weekend? Too good.
65: Rush-I want a Diddy ditto, just for the hell of it.
65: UltimoDragon-Good seeing you again, big guy.
65: Truth-Yeah, son.

Other shoutouts

Vist-My controller feels SO right. $1 well spent.
Alex-Nice seeing you in person. When do I get to see my picture?
Squall-Next time, stick around, you'll never know what might happen.

I think that's it. I just hope that people look past the constant bickering to notice this.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
more pre shoutoutz before i do all of em

mo props to swr. ksiz did awesome this tourney, and gunblade really surprised me. your a bunch of rly cool smashers. didnt get to talk to/play jg this time around

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
doubles pools are done and entered into tio. singles should be done tomorrow and then the tio file will be uploaded. a couple more vids have also been added to the op


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
super smash brothers



Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
lmao jaden you just called cash mooney amazing lmfaooooo cash mooney i love u dw its an insider :D


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
how da *** do u remember this lmao!!! u still took my virginity in brawl. go back to heaven God!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Hey Hey M2K do you remember the stocks and percents from our match at viridian city?!


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
1. **** my pants
2. drop out of the tournament period
3. get 10 well known tournament hosts and have them help me
4. rush pools like crazy. like 1 hour tops
5. skip seeding completely
6. get random heads to enforce the stall ban for me. say warn them once if they keep doing it tell me and they're out. done
7. call off crews and low tiers
8. find a back-up venue asap after brackets are made, make someone else announce matches.
4. rush pools like crazy. like 1 hour tops


Do math.

Pools with 7/8 people in it will have roughly 25-30 sets be played depending on if anyone is DQ'd for no shows or whatever. Assume, conservatively, that it is 25 sets. Average set, conservatively takes 10 minutes on average (again, this is BEST CASE, chances are the average is closer to 15 minutes). 25 X 10 = 250 minutes = 4 hours and 10 minutes per pool using 1 tv. There were 32 pools. There were less than 32 set ups. This means that each pool at best will take about 4 hours to complete, probably closer to 5-6 hours, and then since at COT4 there were about 27-28 set ups, that there would still be about 4 pools that would have to be completed after the initial 4-5 hour period.

5. Skip seeding?

Did you not already read some of the *****ing about seeding? And you don't want any to occur?

There are things that could have been done better and at some point I will make a post about everything, but honestly there are a lot of people posting that simply do NOT understand the logistics of running a tournament.

I would also like to point out that teams pools should have been completed much faster and that the slow completion of teams pools was more on the fault of the players than Chibo. My pool, with me/others making everyone play their matches quickly, was done in LESS THAN 2 HOURS. 2 TV's, 6 teams, less than 2 hours. 2 of those teams even had to borrow controllers from other teams in the pool causing some small delays. We still finished in under two hours. Some pools took 4 (four!) hours to finish. This is inexcusable and the fault lies on the people in those pools being overall inefficient with their pool management.

Finally, the tournament actually ran decently well on Sunday but was mainly still in trouble because of what happened on Saturday.

Some of your suggestions are not completely off base (like finishing pools in under an hour, which is laughable with the logistics of COT4), like finding a back up venue, but others are completely naive.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Hylian, next tournament I see you at we're going to have another $20mm. I'll get better for it xDD.

Deleted member

when you promise a tournament and too many people show up, you have to make sacrifices to make it work.

so people will ***** about seedings and people being pushy. but it will still get done. you could have also done 2 sets of pools and saved a lot of time given the amount of set-ups.

edit: also don't play full sets just do 2 matches rather than 3 and pick advances by best ratio. also when everyone in the pool is at the set-up the matches don't take nearly as long. most of the time for sets is actually organization, not playing the matches themselves.
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