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The Official Clash of the Titans 4 Results Thread


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
So many people to shoutout...

ZeldaMasterTimmy: !!! finally met you! xD good friendlies man hope we can meet up again sometime!

Jash: it was nice to meet you man

djnintendo: too good man. mad fun seeing you at these things. bowser challenge was amazing.

ninjalink: thanks so much for your advice and the practice man :)

shadow: <3

fatal: scary set man. i enjoyed it alot *farts* :laugh:

candy: thanks for the advice with wolf/snake man. i'll try to get to md/va sometime

Lain: Amazing set! Sorry I screwed up in the end. No johns though you won it.

Santi: Same goes to you man. Toon link is scary @_@

Kage: Ganon is sexy! It was nice to meet you.

Ally: Thank you so much for the advice you gave, and I hope we can actually get some friendlies in this time, it was nice to meet you.

Niko: we didn't talk much, but doom likes you so i like you :)

reflex: thanks for the advice with wario man. it was awesome meeting you. hope i can see you again sometime.

anther: your pika in both games is so nice

samurai panda: amazing commentary man. thanks for calming the masses xD

hax: too good man. our falcon dittos are so amazing and fun. best falcon right hurr

gotm: i can't believe you have a problem with captain falcon :laugh:

xzax: no one was mad at you man, dont be so hard on yourself

vex: it was cool chillin with you guys at that pizza place :) gj beating NL ;) xD

best for last..

ksizzle: words can't describe how proud i am of you. in such a short time you went from being a random to someone who beats huge name players. don't quit or lose hope. m2k is the best in the world, you should have no shame in losing to him. i'm proud of you man. i'll be at your house in the summer so you can train me this time :)


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
ChiboSempai said:
Inui - For housing such an insane amount of people and offering your help throughout the tournament.
Sorry I blew up after teams. I hope you understand that Norfair can't be legal.

Inui - your hotel was nice :) i might go back there again sometimes lol
You're always welcome here.

omegablackmage said:
33: Inui - good matches, very close. how'd you place lower than me? you knocked me out 2nd round! see you soon
Snakeee always beats me, lol. It was close, but he got me. I then lost a super close set to Judge, who ended up getting 7th. He was really impressive. I'm not ashamed about how low I placed because of the people I played.

KirinBlaze said:
Inui/Izumi - It was nice meeting the two of you and I'd like to thank both of you for driving us to and from the venue both days and to the train station earlier today. Fun 2v2 friendlies at the end too. lol
Get at my Ike, Ganondorf, and Game and Watch! :laugh:

ksizl4life said:
33: Inui - ah my other idol XD i kno u dont liek singles but do it for me? XD
You know I'm capable of 1st at hard tournaments even in singles! I got it next time!

Rocann said:
33: Inui - Fun to hang out with. We'll get our MM someday.
Sorry we didn't get to do it. I wasn't in the mood to play on Sunday.

Kaiber Kop said:
33: Inui-You lost to my wifi buddy but its all good because you still did well even if you could have done better. Thanks for the housing and well done with taking care of the states.
Beating a warmed up and camping Diddy Kong with Marth when it's your first match of the day...isn't going to happen, lol. My bad.

judge! said:
inui- clooooooooooooose *** matches
Good stuff beating my Snake in that close set! You impressed me and it makes me feel better about the loss that you got 7th in the end.

Punishment Divine said:
Inui - Thanks for housing us, you're chill as always.
Too bad so few people agree. :bee:

Mew2King said:
Even though you don't like Inui, I think you should let him help you next time if he offers it.

Rocann said:
wow, chibo, if that's true, that's effed... I mean I understand if you just have to lessen the amount of people in the room, but like diem has always been cool to all of us and helped me when I needed it and even though you two might not like each other, he still would've given everything he had to help the tournament if you asked, and that's more than a lot of people would do. use discretion when you get "power" instead of just being silly with it

Chibo also charged Doom's girlfriend the full venue fee. He was a real jerk a lot. I hope he's not like that in the future.

JCeasar said:
33: Inui - Thanks for the housing.
Come back soon!

ithrowthings said:
Inui - Thx for hoteling and sorry it took so long. I actually took off work early on Friday and we still didn't make it in there till really late.
It honestly was pretty annoying that you guys showed up so late, but it didn't work out too badly in the end. You're welcome to come again.

Niko_K said:
Canada is feeling very reluctant to even attend any more US tournaments. Everytime we've come down there has been nothing but fail for the most part.
You've yet to attend something ran by truly amazing TOs. Well, no, that's wrong. The Mages run incredible events, but weather/circumstances gayed them at Cataclysm 4. The event was still amazing regardless. The Kishes, my crew, Alex Strife, and many others run awesome events.

Vex Kasrani said:
33: Inui - lol @ placement
Yup, I am clearly horrible. I hope people don't let me win any more tournaments in the future.

*_Anti_* said:
33: Inui - WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. nice hotel son. ggs in friendlies
You owned me in those friendlies until the last few, lol. You have such a unique style.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I had to play Judge the first round in losers :(.



Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
I was right next to dm/chibo when it happened, Chibo did not curse nor did dm tell him not to curse at him. idk why dm is making that up when there are SOOOOO many legitimate things to criticize Chibo on. What actually happened:

*someone screaming, probably .com saying that if you're out of singles you have to leave*

Then Chibo came to where there was a big crowd(ppl watching dm vs Chibo) and said everyone who is out of singles has to leave. dm said something along the lines of **** that, I paid $10 to watch these matches. Then Chibo said he was going to call security if people didn't leave and dm told him to go call security. Then a few ppl asked dm what happened and he said "Chibo's saying everyone who got kicked out of brackets has to leave and I basically told him to suck our *****."


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I had to play Judge the first round in losers :(.

Screw that guy for losing so early in winners, lol. I am pretty confident that I would have beaten all the people I would have had to beat after him!

He's too freaking good, lol. He was so patient and smart, but not in a gay/boring way. I wasn't annoyed at all during our set and I took the loss pretty well. Michigan is amazing.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2008
Dtilt locking u across the stage
Hey guys, for those of you that don't know me, or don't remember me, i'm Nasty.. i was the blue Lucas main. I would like to start off by saying i had a great time at this tourney, despite not getting out of pools :( i enjoyed playing everyone that i got to. I must say, the MOST fun i had was at Inui's hotel playing smash till 6 in the morning.

To the ppl from the hotel:

Umbra: always fun playing you.. i had a kick *** time getting ***** in melee as well. you are tooo good.

Kruton: you're a real chill guy, thanks for inviting me and the rest of my crew to stay w/ you. can't wait till smash riot II

AIDS: great name.. keep working on that Lucas too man.

HEERO: AMAZING lucas. and i don't say that about a lot of lucas's but d*mn, you got me. i'm glad i got to play another great lucas. i'll give you props and say you have the best lucas in NJ.

JG: i believe that's what you go by, correct me if i'm wrong. great ROB. and lolz at you soul crushing that random MK who thought he could hang w/ us in crews. lol. good ****.

To the ppl in my pool:

NEO: d*mn your marth is tooo good. sick man. Marth against a Lucas is too fun, despite the HUGE disadvantage. i had a lot of fun playing you in friendlies as well

NOJ: Great G&W. decent snake as well. lol at my dtilt dead fish on your MK on the last game of the set. To do that at a tourney of this calibur just made it all worth while.

Pride: sick *** yoshi. i'm not gonna lie, i'm a little upset that i lost on my CP but oh well, no johns.

ithrowthings: your sonic is sooo good. thanks for the shoutout. and yeah, we'll def play at the next tourney we are at.

Turbo Gilman: i believe you were the guy that mained the Dream land characters, if i got your name wrong, i apologize. i'd also like to apologize for ****** your D3.. Lucas is just too good. other than that, you had a sick comeback w/ your kirby FTW and your MK was too much for me to handle. :( gg's though.

Random shout outs:

M2K: congrats on winning yet again. can't wait to see you at the next tourney.

Ally: didn't get to play you but congrats and good sh*t in your mm's on saturday... f*ckin amazing.

Truth: we didn't get to play :( i'll get you at smash riot II.

M@V: same goes for you

Chibo: despite what ppl said, you did what you could for this tourney, and i think most ppl would have cracked under the pressure... i mean come on, who else would have invited 30 ppl back to their place to finish a national tourney? and w/ roommate issues on top of that? i admire you for handling the situations as best you could. good tourney, don't let the negative feedback keep u from being a T.O. in the future.

Rogue Pit: aggghhhh come at me!! my lucas wants your pit.. haha... good to see you again man.

Sam. Panda: thanks for the great commentary. i also feel bad that you got knocked out of pools the way you did, your john was a legit john, if that is even possible. you seemed liked a great guy, nice meeting you.

AndyG: nice talking to you and seeing you again.. hope to see you again at another tourney.

Inui: thanks for housing!

I'm sure there are ppl i missed, for instance, that guy from the hotel that mained peach/pit/diddy who wanted to spoon with me. haha, sorry. it was nice meeting you though.

Lastly, i read every last word of every last post up till now and let me just say... Dark Peach is a whiny little b*tch.

"Lucas for god tier"



Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
JG: i believe that's what you go by, correct me if i'm wrong. great ROB. and lolz at you soul crushing that random MK who thought he could hang w/ us in crews. lol. good ****.

that was me

i got bored, decided to try out brawl draft crews at like 2 AM

it was really boring as it was

so then i get to play

and i have to play a really campy rob.

it just made my experience with this game even worse

so i just gave up and went downstairs to play lain, king ace, niko k, and ambrose/go to bed because it was late. it was a lot better than putting time into out camping a campy rob, and ****** 3 lucas's. sorry.

whats funny is my falcon 3 stocked a few of the people who were in that room later on at the venue. good stuff "crew".

edit: wtf is soul crushing


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
This may be a little bit off topic but did anybody see any GOOD samus mains there? I was just curious cause i didnt see any in the bracket results.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
To those who won and/or did better than they hoped, good shiz, and keep it up and keep getting better for next time, when hopefully ill be there.

For all those who for whatever reason didnt place high enough, No Johns


The only valid thing to say after a match, is he was better at the time and he outplayed me, I need to get better.

No crap about stages, no crap about planking or being timed out, no crap about what you did before or after the tourney, no garbage about what should have happened.
No Johns.

Just admit that you got beat, that you are going to get better and move on.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
This may be a little bit off topic but did anybody see any GOOD samus mains there? I was just curious cause i didnt see any in the bracket results.
I had a very good one in my pool.
Our set went to game three and was supperrrr close.

We only had 5 people in our pool so he wasn't able to make it out :/


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
To those who won and/or did better than they hoped, good shiz, and keep it up and keep getting better for next time, when hopefully ill be there.

For all those who for whatever reason didnt place high enough, No Johns


The only valid thing to say after a match, is he was better at the time and he outplayed me, I need to get better.

No crap about stages, no crap about planking or being timed out, no crap about what you did before or after the tourney, no garbage about what should have happened.
No Johns.

Just admit that you got beat, that you are going to get better and move on.
I know that being forced to miss out on so much sleep and food, as well as being disqualified in Teams, wasn't good for my morale and energy, and the same goes for people who had similar situations.

How the hell am I supposed to convince myself that getting DQ'd in Teams is something I'm just supposed to accept?

Give me a break. A -lot- of ridiculous stuff happened at this tournament.

As for the late Singles, yeah, it was a crock of ****, but everyone had to deal with it, so it's not a legitimate excuse.

It's still ridiculous that everyone had to deal with it, but at least it was everyone instead of select people.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Chibo also charged Doom's girlfriend the full venue fee. He was a real jerk a lot. I hope he's not like that in the future.
I can understand why some people would think this is wrong, but it says right in the first post, everyone is charged the venue fee regardless, so I'm just sticking by it. She's mad cool, I've talked to her a lot, but just because she's a girl I can't let her break the rule. Especially when I know she plays smash and could have been playing friendlies and stuff. She even went on to enter singles. I don't see why I was being a jerk by following rules that we're in place for a while.

Also, I'm glad spammer saw what really happened so someone else is on my side about the chibo v dm thing lol.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
to help start a riot? no
why dont ppl realize that if things didnt get out of hand everything woulda gotten done quicker and the plug wouldnt have been pulled on chu v ally?

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Yup, so everyone could just go home and say "gee, that was a great tourney, I wonder who's gonna win? well, we'll find out in 5-8 hours"

Come on man.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Yup, so everyone could just go home and say "gee, that was a great tourney, I wonder who's gonna win? well, we'll find out in 5-8 hours"

Come on man.
This is exactly what I did. And for everyone that complains, I wonder why I've never seen any similar mass complaints at any of the tournaments where the top players split the pot?


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
i was told that all live stream matches were recorded

hopefully the "riot" gets up soon.
People want to see what really happened.
Aslo the long dangerous journey where us gamers were classified as an "angry mob" needs to be uploaded as well :)
too good


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
niko. get ***** in team friendlies
We definitely got ***** in teams friendlies by you and Dazwa. I actually had no clue that ZSS was dazwa until like 3rd round, his name was backwards. He tricked me into thinking he was a random player and then was ****. Mindgamed the hell out of me.

Doom and I then proceeded to give Malcom and NL an amazingly hard time in doubles xD.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
lol I had to leave before that happened.

Santi when are you and texas coming back down??

I didn't get to play you :(
Ohh mann I don't think I will be headed back up there for a long long time. I'm not sure about the rest of TX though.

You guys should come down for WHOBO for sure :D


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
[Xyro asking about samus.]

I had a very good one in my pool.
Our set went to game three and was supperrrr close.

We only had 5 people in our pool so he wasn't able to make it out :/
That must've been Chester01.
JG..... gentworth?? or something like that

Chest made it out of pools.... just got boned in the brackets :(
I didn't play many games in the tournament. I would have gone samus if I had to play HRnut, but I didn't get to. :lick: and the samus player was J.G. Wentworth (J.G1°).


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
I'm just saying haha :D Idk what I was thinking. I was out of it just saying stupid ****.

Infinity, I'm giving you a lone shoutout because you deserve one :)

I really appreciate the backup you gave me at Clash. You were always in my corner rooting for me and giving me props when I did something. I really appreciate it and it helped me feel like I was back home/It was different being on east coast because there was regional rivalries and not many smashers were wanting a texas TL to beat someone in their crew, So when I heard you cheering in the backround I felt more comfortable and I didn't hear the other guys who were wanting me to get 3 stocked again or something like that ha. Also the help you have me after a lost a match was awesome. You cooled me down and made me less nervous. Discussing counterpicks with you was SO important. I can't telll you how helpful it was to be able to talk to you and figure out which stage would help me the best and why other stages weren't the right choice. Thank you thank you thank you :) <3


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
This may be a little bit off topic but did anybody see any GOOD samus mains there? I was just curious cause i didnt see any in the bracket results.
Rhyme from Northern NJ is pretty sick with Samus. J.G. Wentworth mains R.O.B. and Samus and he's been getting better.

da K.I.D. said:
For all those who for whatever reason didnt place high enough, No Johns


The only valid thing to say after a match, is he was better at the time and he outplayed me, I need to get better.

No crap about stages, no crap about planking or being timed out, no crap about what you did before or after the tourney, no garbage about what should have happened.
No Johns.

Just admit that you got beat, that you are going to get better and move on.
This is stupid.

It's intelligent to move on from losses, but just saying "no johns" and ignoring why you lost is idiotic. Also, people can lose entirely based on luck, and it's quite acceptable to be upset about that.

F for FataL said:
You can all thank me for beating judge round 2 winners. :)
lol, I guess he learned to be more patient when he got to my Snake later on. Good stuff beating him.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
All livestream matches were recorded? Sweet, there's a friendly I had against Candy that I want to see again. I'm the red Diddy vs his Snake.

And I forgot to thank Inui for letting us stay in his hotel. It was very comfortable and I really appreciate it.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2004
Queens, N.Y.
Shoutout to Inui for doing that hotel deal, though I thought it was kind of out-of-bounds to just walk into the room with the master key instead of knocking.

Shoutout to NEO for being one of the only smashers I said it'd be cool to see there.

All I have to say is that with everything that happened, Chibo deserved every bit of it, simply because you have to have been absolutely ******** to think you can run a tourney by yourself period, even if it just had 80 people.


Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
I'd like to see my teams match with k9 against candy and kadaj, I think we did well. But yeah, there have to be dozens, maybe over a hundred of videos if all the livestream ones were recorded, so I guess we should be patient.
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