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The Official Clash of the Titans 4 Results Thread

Erotic Escort

Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2009
Chu sorry you got punched in the face =[

SlikVic - nice to see you made bail =]

Dark.Pch wtf man? Chill lol, you know you're right so no need to keep the essays going, you were cool when me and Deez played some teams matches with you, I could not bring myself to troll you in person =P Nice Peach, pretty aggressive.

Few more shout outs from EE:

Blackwaltz - man you are too chill, I was joking about Inui and Trevor being the only good members in EC, you got a nice crew and your beard is too pro.

DM - Madd chill, no hate at all from me, hope you feel the same.

Seibrek - too cool, thanks for sleeping with me <3

Hylian - I want my money back XD

Boss/Korn - I only bet against you cause it was the smarter choice with Korns lack of confidence but you pulled it out, nice job boys!

M2K - You remembered me! =D

Lee - Cocky attitude matched that cocky and clueless look you had on your face every time I saw you, funny.

Azen - I know man, you were mad bored with the torny.

Hova - **** you

JC - thanks for driving

Seb - lucky little punk

Yoster - I got yo money *****, get at me!

Alex/Cris - fun rooming with you, see you again this weekend! <3

Malcom, NL, D1(I) - my madd black d00ds

Poyo - You are a cool dude tbh, I hope to see you and your bro at more tornys, no more suicide talk, you are better then that and I mean it my d00d.

Lain - lets smoke some bud next time, I got fired as a manger so its all good now LOL

GDX - its clear we need to team sometime =P

Anyone else good ****, also I want more shout outs f@gs

Commentating was fun, would of liked to do more but there was a lot going on, DK Smash is too good.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Shoutouts to stop all the other chatter....

Eazy: thank you so much for housing me and opening ur house to me and the other smashers. sucks that u had such a competent pool and im pretty sure u will do waaaaaaaay better @ ur next tournament.

Keitaro: thanks so much for driving me to the tournament and eazys house from new brunswick. its always a fun car trip with u and congrats on how u did in teams pool.

Sugarshiek: mad fun playing u @ eazys and u were fun to hang out with @ the tournament. u didnt do 2 bad for ur first tournament.

Jash: good job getting every1 to c that ur tink is a good as i have been preaching about lol. also u were mad funny and cool to hang out with while we were waiting for our matches.

NL: thanks for teaming and we played well. funny dude as usual...altho oddly we didnt play much @ all this tournament. TS all day

D1: TS all day! good job reppin the bird and u were mad funny @ eazys house.

Sneak: that TSA hoodie was mad exclusive and TS is defintely gonna have to look into that. mad funny dude and ur def getting alot better.

Dmbrandon: thanks for all the meta friendlies altho i literally played ZERO metaknights this entire tourney and i got 33rd...so thats quite a few matches. funny dude as usual and it was hilarious to c all those ppl behind us as if it was a tournament set. also thanks for getting my psp back...that literally made the weekend and even if this tournament went amazing...the psp would have been more meaningful.

Doom: I love you...u know this. good stuff against me n randall in teams...u are defintely improving.

Lee Martin: Nice try getting diem to mention kansas...there was about a 0% chance lol. u were hilarious and good matches in our set.. ive come to the conclusion sonic vs lucario may be a no-go lol.

Tristan win: good stuff in our set and ive never seen the chain used like that with shiek. u were also mad funny when we were outside waiting to get into chibos.

Anther: Pika vs sonic was absolutely insane. I hope u keep trying to play sonic and the matches were amazing. ur pika is great and i had alot of fun playing against u.

Lain: Ur just funny....and that deserves a shoutout. didnt get to play u in singles but ur DDD was legit in teams...an aggressive ddd which was a refreshing sight.

Ally: we need to play CF vs sonic...ur a cool dude. c u at gametable. great job @ ur placing.

M2k: ur lucky we didnt get that mushroomy kingdom rematch...i def had the advantadge that time around. loooooool. great job @ 1st.

Spam: good stuff man. i kno u were probably bored to death in the MK dittos but u pulled them all out. ur wario was really good and ill have to talk 2 u about the matchup cause i have alot of problems vs snake. it genuinely sucks what happended to u against ally.

Neo: ur hilarious and good stuff in teams @ the tourney. i hope me giving u the "elite tactics" at eazy's taught u how to fight sonic a bit better. I felt like u were learning how to deal with some of the things and thats amazing.

Boss: good stuff in pools sonic vs mario. very close stuff we should play that more its alot of fun.

Dire: great matches in pools. im learning G&W vs sonic alot more thanks to you and its great to learn a matchup that tough.

Knightmare: it was great to see you again and ill be @ gametable in 2 weeks.

Camalange aka Killa Cam aka Cammy: good stuff man. u need to learn the meta matchup tho. sonic really is one of the best bets against the character and i hope watching me vs diem helped a bit. other than that tho the sonic dittos were actually somewhat fun and ur sonic is quite legit.

ITT: we had some issues on the boards but u were actually a cool dude in person. i hope u can get the more technical sonic stuff down as it will help ur fakeouts and conditioning opponents alot more.

Blue: great seeing u again man. it sucks u had such a crazy pool. good sonic dittos as usual. ur different playstyle is interesting to see because it helps me mix up my own stuff.

Kai: fun seeing u again as usual. i saved the matchup advice against eazy just cause well...i think he actually learned it since he lost money because of it. ur sonic is good man havent seen the diddy yet tho.

Le_Thien: u are an amazingly cool dude and our bracket matches were mad fun. i still think it was mad hot that i threw a banana at u and u Z grabbed it and threw it back @ me that quick. that moment alone was amazing and besides randall ur the best diddy ive ever played. we should play sonic vs diddy because i can show u mad stuff on the matchup besides the 3rd party aim convo lol.

All my jersey ppl: it was great seeing u guys. u r mad fun to talk to.

All my NY ppl: u guys are the funniest region and alot of the greatest moments playing the game come from jus being around NY.

All my Long Island ppl: i didnt expect u guys to show but it was amazing seeing u.

All out of region ppl: u guys are great for making the trip. i think i heard anther say he made somethin like a 12 hour drive.

edit: Wow i forgot slikvik?? amazing stuff slikvik....we need to get our warios out here so ppl can c were quite legit! and ur GW is beast.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
He probably (I should say possibly since I dont wanna bet on likelihood) would have shut up had you just manned up and said you ****ed up big time on the rule set and the enforcement on bull**** tactics and apologized for it instead of your typical bull**** bravado and attempting to save face.
I doubt it


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Shouts time.

Chibo - Despite everything, the tournament was still fun. Thanks for housing all of us at your place.

Kornnnn - Yeah, you really should always ban Japes against falco...stage is too good for him.

The-Truth - I play Hylian's G&W at like every tourny I go to, lol. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Omegablackmage - Haha, thanks again for getting me into pools, there wouldn't be words to describe my frustration if I flew to Philly and then didn't get to play in singles.

Pierce - Sorry we didn't do so hot in teams =/

Kage - ****, those matches were bad :( Haven't been beat that bad in a reeeally long time. We need to play again sometime so I can make up for it.

NEO - No roy dittos...:cry:

Jash - Good to see you're still reppin the little link :) I just can't do that whole low tier thing again though, 'specially not in this game.

Rogue Pit - Blaaargh, I need to start practicing laser stuff again T_T Good ****.

Anther - I thought i was gonna get you after i got you up to like 160% the first stock without getting hit much, but then you just never got close to me again :( Too good sir.

Ambrose - Uuuugh, I hate ICs >.< Lol @ the safe room on norfair saving me when my shield broke.

Dojo/Infinity/Leee - Good **** on the placings, guys.
Your Falco was fun to play against. I was ready to get the **** camped out of me on FD, was an interesting (and slightly aggrivating) style to play against. Hopefully we get a chance to play again at some point.

I also figure I should mention you're the only white Falco player I've ever seen, lol


May 12, 2008
Switch FC

MalcolmM/Blue/ITT - It was awesome meeting all these Sonics (lol at the Sonic Ditto TV XD) and play all of you. I learned a lot of different ways in playing him, and just reminds me of how unique a character he is, even if he does suck :p Blue, I admire how well you can punish spotdodges/rolls so well and camp landing points with Fsmash...it's incredible. MalcolmM, your Sonic is insane. It has a perfect blend of speed, spontaneity, and mindgames 0_0 It was great meeting you after talking on the boards. ITT, we've met before XD Blue Blur was a bust...Sonic + Sonic = Terrible team combo, lol. 2 supporters means no killing. It was fun though, glad we could meet again.

M@V - Nice meeting you again, this time being a part of the crew. It's a shame none of our crew made it out of pools >_> Nice matches against Ally by the way XD

Truth - It was awesome to meet more people from the crew since I just joined. Thanks for watching so many of my matches! I wish I could've played you/seen you play :/

Anther - It's a shame we never finished our Sonic ditto, LOL I had a great time playing you, even if I didn't make it out of pools, I was satisfied. Your Pika is way too good, but I somehow managed to keep up (for most of it XD). So much fun! But if you're ever at another tourney I attend, we must finish our Sonic ditto, lol

Riddler - Random mains are cool :p Too bad I owned your T.Link majorly with Lucas XD Too good. Keep learning more characters man, you suck with such basic characters! lol

@All the Yoshis...Pride, King Ace, etc. - I never knew Yoshi could **** so hard T_T
I feel though we have a common goal, trying to rise above the rest with a low tier character :D

If I come up with more shoutouts, I'll edit this post. I was dissapointed in the way it was run, but I still had a really good time.


CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
im working on the tio file to get pools data in it. it should hopefully be done tonight

i did apolagize when i talked to dark peach about it the first time. since it was be judges discretion and there were no judges there and the match was over, there really was nothing i could do about it unfortunately. i know it sucks and i understand, it's happened to a lot of us, but there are just some things out of our control. one of the first things i said was, "seriously, i'm really sorry but there is nothing i can do about it at this point"

il admit that later on i was being a little more snippy about it pretty much dismissing about it, but that was only because after giving my ruling on it and trying to talk calmly with drk pch that the whole planking thing is the only thing i heard about for the next half hour and it was getting pretty annoying having all of drk pch's friends come up to me questioning what happened and with my explaination on it. im sorry but when running a tourney this big, i simply dont have time to discuss the same problem (even after my ruling) with so many people for that amount of time.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
I think his problem with it is that your ruling was honestly stupid. Either designate someone as a judge for pools so we dont get situations where "if I didnt see it, it didnt happen" or from now on make sure every wii is loaded with homebrew and at the very least the replay code so people can save these things

I can empathize with being frustrated at the beating of a dead horse, I suppose.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Uhg this is getting annoying, can we please not have the results thread stay as a Drk. Pch johning thread? That's all the last 10 pages or so have been. I'm with OBM when he said he's just skipping any red or orange posts at this point.

In all honesty, if after x amount of seconds where you found Orion's tactics unfair, you should have paused the game, come find me or someone like .com, and have us watch the rest of the match.

What happened however doesn't seem terrible. You had 7 freicken minutes of "true" fighting, and if you still couldn't kill each off in that time, then perhaps camping the time limit has to happen in the end. Stuff like that happens in Brawl. Try playing a chain grabbable character against a DDD on Castle Siege spending all that time avoiding getting grab. I'll admit than in a tourney the weekend before this I forgot to ban Siege against a player who played DDD and the match ended up running out of time in 8 minutes. I didn't try to run out the timer the whole time per say, but I had to avoid getting grabbed and instantly loosing a stock on most parts of the stage. When it turns out there was only 30 seconds left and I was in the advantage percent wise, and we were both at killing percents, I had no choice but to fly around in the air since ROB is so cool :)
Is what I did wrong? No. Perhaps cp'ing a stage where a DDD can easily death combo a character out of a grab with little difficulty is a dirtier tactic. Did I john? No. I stepped it up.

If you knew in the situation that Peach would have nothing on a MK there, then you were completely open to switch characters. What do you think characters like a DK have to do when up against a DDD? Find a counterpick. Some matchups are just too hard.

And you can't even completely john about the stage when up until that you point you said yourself you had no problems and was winning up until then. If you are truly better as you said, then you should have won on the neutral, since with 3rd match being Norfair, that means you lost match 1.

For everyone complaining about my choice of stages, Norfair and Japes were the only two in question. I had tested both stages by using them in my biweeklies since October and never had a single problem with them. I then went and checked other high profile tourneys to see what stages they allow, and huge tourneys coming up like WHOBO are also using Norfair and Japes. Not to mention they are also on the SBR rules, so I still stand by my decision with allowing them at CoT4. Will they be banned in the future? Possibly. For CoT4 though, no.

Reflex is awesome :)
You are a dunce. also I have a question for you. Who the hell was I gonna go to if I was to call a judge. after I explained what happen everyone kept saying "Go to chibo, he is the won calling the shots" Thats what they were telling me. And what was you doing? playing ****ing tourny matches. So who the hell i ad to go too. Also I had witness and did not even bother to hear them out as to what happened. And sided with people who did not see ****.

And please enough about that one min BS for the love of god. its your blind eyes against 7-10 people who saw the ****ing match.

And I am so sorry but I am not gonna have what people do or characters in general force me to play a damm video game the way I want too. For that I rather not touch this stupid game cause the answer to all problems is meta and planking with meta.

all you cared about was yourself and your damm rep, now after this tourny, that **** is crushed. you keep making all these excuses for the BS you refuse to take care off. And just just with me, other **** too. you failed. you made this a waste of ****ing time and money. and after this you still wanna keep japes and nofair alive. lets see how many people you gonna have go to your BS tournaments again.

And you not fidning a problem with those 2 stages? Everyone please pay attention to this one ok? I'll even change my font for this one.

chibo was this a meta on these 2 stages. or a camping falco on japes? how did you over come this? I really wanna know with meta on nofair. Did you get planked like me and the others did? If you give me the answers from the heavens on this one, I'll let it all go, as well as everyone else in this matter now to you, as to what happen with me and orion may not mean **** cause I am a nobody of a player. So lets get to people like NinjaLink you got plank.

So lets hear it chibo, how did you test these stages to a point it was playable and safe?



Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
it's a stupid ambiguous rule to begin with, and unless you have a certified and trustworthy (by both players) judge to watch every match, unenforceable


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
So lets hear it chibo, how did you test these stages to a point it was playable and safe?
Whenever I watch Chibo play, I make a point of saying "Hey look, there he is on the edge again!" He camps pretty hard with ROB himself.

That said, over a full two days later, is this still worth it?


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Dark.Pch it was only in the last 60 seconds. Pretty smart on his end I'd say.
thank you..<3

Oh, and no one 2-0 me in my pool besides the_spammer, the 2 metas I lost to I got one win off. and everyone else I Beat them 2-0. I'm gonna be practicing and beasting even more andget ready for tournies. Thats it now, from this crappy tournament, it is a done deal. **** these high tiers Peach is where it is at."
you took a match off my falco where you got a bomb omb and a beam sword kill. you never beat my meta xD

- Chibo can kick rocks.
at least be angry at chibo for a good reason XDDDDDD


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I bought a box of fireworks on the trip home from this tournament, and I tested a couple just now.

I'm determined to have fun on Valentine's Day. I couldn't find a specialty fireworks shop here that is open all year.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Because melee would never have this many people attend
consider how many idiots, *******, and scrubs are at a brawl tourney compared to a melee tourney

thus, the tourney is 9 billion times better, and harder. you can't just come to a melee tourney randomly, not do teams, and place top 3 in your pool, putting you in a bracket which gives you a chance at 50+ dollars. not for melee at least.

edit: there actual was two mentally handicapped kids at this. I don't remember seeing that at a melee tourney before....

one of them was trying to be M2K, and was rocking back and forth for no reason.

the other was some kid.




Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
u see kai? this is what happens when people dont pik up mk. the lose stuff and john about being planked XD


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
you took a match off my falco where you got a bomb omb and a beam sword kill. you never beat my meta xD

at least be angry at chibo for a good reason XDDDDDD
You went meta game one and three, thus I will call you a meta player for this one position.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2007
Cosmo Canyon
consider how many idiots, *******, and scrubs are at a brawl tourney compared to a melee tourney

thus, the tourney is 9 billion times better, and harder. you can't just come to a melee tourney randomly, not do teams, and place top 3 in your pool, putting you in a bracket which gives you a chance at 50+ dollars. not for melee at least.

edit: there actual was two mentally handicapped kids at this. I don't remember seeing that at a melee tourney before....

one of them was trying to be M2K, and was rocking back and forth for no reason.

the other was some kid.


i thought he was talking about the fact that it was not finished in time and the johning.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
u see kai? this is what happens when people dont pik up mk. the lose stuff and john about being planked XD
True, but believe me when I say this in regards to what happened to you against m2k. YOU are too good to pick up mk and abuse him. You simply don't need him

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I also played Vex, he is like one of the top players in PA and I beat him. that was also recorded.

In a friendly at about 5am lol and I have I played bad johns, no medication for 2 days which is one of the reasons I fawked around against ninjalink lol.

But yes your peach is good, but maybe you should look into finding a secondary, you know, for gay stages or whatever lol.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
In a friendly at about 5am lol and I have I played bad johns, no medication for 2 days which is one of the reasons I fawked around against ninjalink lol.

But yes your peach is good, but maybe you should look into finding a secondary, you know, for gay stages or whatever lol.
I did not sleep for 2 days straight. and was in a nervous reck when my bus to N.Y left with my stuff on it and was standed in chinatown. Thank god alex gave me money for the cab ride before I left to the station and went to chibos. that was the most scariest nite I ever had. I got no sleep and still did my thing when I played people at the tourny. so as people like to say to me, No johns.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2007
Cosmo Canyon
i didnt eat for a whole week

i lost my job

my turtle passed away

im behind on rent

my wii broke

my girlfriend weighs 1000 pounds

oh well no johns


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
True, but believe me when I say this in regards to what happened to you against m2k. YOU are too good to pick up mk and abuse him. You simply don't need him
but mk is cute...and he looks at me with those cute eyes..and then he helps me beat seibrik =)

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I did not sleep for 2 days straight. and was in a nervous reck when my bus to N.Y left with my stuff on it and was standed in chinatown. Thank god alex gave me money for the cab ride before I left to the station and went to chibos. that was the most scariest nite I ever had. I got no sleep and still did my thing when I played people at the tourny. so as people like to say to me, No johns.

I'm pretty sure it being a friendly is good enough to say I wasn't trying my hardest? but whatever dude. and running the timer for 60 seconds is not horrible, u had 7 other minutes to fight. Dude, you know I have nothing against you and already said I love your peach please don't get angry at me or anything lol.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Cash Mooney's johns

chibo making the tourney late by 6 hours actually caused me to lose my plane

i fell down a flight of stairs at the airport. and I mean a big flight of stairs. like those stairs that don't end

i have a broken arm now because i was rushing to figure out my flight stuff and fell down the stairs

Thats a really big hospital bill

But some insensitive ******* will quote this by saying no johns though


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
You are a dunce. also I have a question for you. Who the hell was I gonna go to if I was to call a judge. after I explained what happen everyone kept saying "Go to chibo, he is the won calling the shots" Thats what they were telling me. And what was you doing? playing ****ing tourny matches. So who the hell i ad to go too. Also I had witness and did not even bother to hear them out as to what happened. And sided with people who did not see ****.

I said this scrictly because I was not the final call on the match, and the match had already ended. You had over a minute to thiink logically enough to ocme to the table and let me, or someone else there no what was going on. In which case we could have came over, wacthed the match and THEN made a decision. Don't say a minute isn't long enough, because you have to react fast in a match to do well. No johns. You said "everyone drop it" earlier, all we're waiting on is you.

I mean no disrespect in my posts. I give everyone a chance to see if their cool or not, and there aern't ANY smashers I dislike. But please if we could just move past this that would be very much appreciated.
This is the cot4 results thread, not Drk. Pch is upset thread.

Also if people could think logically, stop saying chibo was being lazy, how the hell could that be possible when he was in the middle of running a **** near 300 person tournament.

chibo making the tourney late by 6 hours actually caused me to lose my plane

i fell down a flight of stairs at the airport. and I mean a big flight of stairs. like those stairs that don't end

i have a broken arm now because i was rushing to figure out my flight stuff and fell down the stairs

Thats a really big hospital bill

But some insensitive ******* will quote this by saying no johns though
Don't know who the insensitive ******* is but i'm really soory about that, and I hop everything works itself out.
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